OOC Colors Meeting Q & A Aug 12, 2007

Aug 12, 2007 18:22

Griere, Nolee, Seliene, Caitlyn, Chantha, Rooklen, Izarit, Nelyo

Logfile from Nolee's pov. :)

Griere passes around some chocolates. I try win friends with candy, yes. XD
Nelyo nibbles. Mmmmmmmmmm chocolates
Nolee gets things agoin, woo, spreads out beanbags and punch to go with the cookies. :)
Seliene perks up. Dark chocolate, perhaps?
Caitlyn pouts. I want Chinese.

Tegara snicker. "Chocolate will get you everywhere." *snags some pieces*

You say "Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming to this OOC Color Q&A meeting! We hope by now you've had a chance to check out the spiffy color blurb website at http://www.istaweyr.com/search/colors.shtml where a few Istan riders have had the opportunity to tell you about why their color, and personality of dragon, is the absolute bestest, and to describe the challenges that might come with playing that color."

Griere says "It's magical 'whatever you want it to be' chocolate. Here, chinese flavored chocolate for Caitlyn. *zips lips now*"

Caitlyn peers, tries a piece. Mmmm, egg roll!

Chantha sneaks in. I am certainly not late, noooooo.
Caitlyn pages all the new arrivals Nolee's first blurb :)
Rooklen just coughs.

You say "Here at Ista, we do our best to match people up with dragon personalities they'd like to RP, to provide opportunities and inspirations for interaction with your own characters and with other players. After this meeting, you'll be given information about how to access a shiny survey that is also your final application. That's because we'd like to know your deep thoughts regarding dragon personalities that we can use as a resource should we be creating such a personality for you."

Caitlyn says "And now...Deep Thoughts.."

You say "But first, we've invited you here this evening to offer you the opportunity to ask us, and our riders, any questions you may have thought of about riding a dragon here at Ista, or about any of the colors in specific. Please page Nolee to be added to the question queue, and I'll nudge folks via page in the order requests are received to ask their questions aloud. :) Riders of various colors--that'd be Caitlyn and Tegara, if there's a question about riding your color specifically at Ista that you would like to address, please let me know via page and we'll call up your expertise. We here at Ista looove questions, so who'd like to be the first to jump in with one?"

Caitlyn woos! Gotcha.

Nelyo was considering a green as a possibility for Nelyo and had a couple questions about greens. For one thing what is the sexual orientation of a male greenrider? From the books it would seem that all male greenriders are homosexual or bisexual

V'lano can help too, when my mouth isn't all full of cookies. ;)

You say "PernMUSH interprets that particular daub of canon, that all male green and blueriders are homosexual and bisexual, and bronze and goldriders are heterosexual, very loosely. No particular sexual preference is presumed of any rider, to allow for more freedom in RP and personal comfort level. ^^"
You say "Also, thanks for starting us off, Nelyo! Huzzah for a very good question. :)"

Caitlyn says "Yep. I've seen a few bisexual bronzeriders on NC, here and there."

Rooklen says "That is part of what I wanted to ask, but I was hoping T'mic might be here for another piece to the greenriding male puzzle."
Seliene says "T'mic is a classification all to himself, I think."
Caitlyn chuckles. "Mic is...Mic.
Chantha grins. Or the famous J'lyn--I've been reading logs.

Rooklen says "I have never had an alt on green - male or otherwise. I was wondering hope people respond to them in RP, putting the character in a hard to break from box at all or what have you."

Nolee woos, yay for rp fun and options. :) Ohh, that's a good point, too, that if someone isn't here at the meeting, and you've a question for them, most folks are happy to talk about their dragons or the colors they play, and you could probably nab him with your q too, if you want his particular pov, and he'd be tickled. :)

Rooklen smiles and nods.
You say "Tegara has some thoughts on that one, too. Tegs? :)"

Tegara says "And I remember a male greenrider up at Telgar who was quite straight -- female weyrmate and two kids. It's just a matter of what I call 'situational homosexuality.'"

V'lano says "As for whether male greenriders, or any other riders, are pigeonholed in terms of percieved sexuality - I would say no, not really; there have been cases, of course, where everyone's pretty sure they know that Butch Brownrider B'ob is straight, or that Girly Greenrider G'hem is not, but in general I would say that characters who do not act as if they're a walking stereotype are not treated like them, and that by and large most characters are far more dimensional than that (yay!). The culture played on NC is pretty open-minded even ICly. ;)"

Seliene says "I think you'd run into that with female greenriders, as well, considering how many female blue and brownriders there are..."

Chantha will follow up a bit on Nelyo's question. Are greenriders required to play proddiness to any degree? I mean, I can see where it could be fun, and an IC excuse to RP wackiness. :) But if I rode green, Chantha would not *have* to wear wild outfits or be flirty or mean or whatever, right?

Nolee thinks Griere and Tegara will field this one, at least for starters. :)

Tegara looks to the senior with a questioning expression.

Griere says "It is entirely up to the player how they want to handle they way proddiness will affect their greenrider. Generally, though, it's not going to turn a character entirely upside down. It could make a character feel a little flirtier, or grouchier or mellowed out or, um, caffeinated, or craving certain foods, attracted to certain colors, feel like wearing something a little more revealing or covering up, having headaches, just about any little change that might be fun to play. Personally, I think of it sort of like PMS. XD It's just a chance, as you said, Chantha, to try something different. :)"

Tegara says "There are riders here who play up the crazy aspect of proddiness *cough* Jazra *cough*, but you don't have to -- nor do you even have to have an on-camera flight. My first ic flight was a few months ago, when Riaceth was ten. She's not one of those dragons who gets crazy, and gets her rider crazy in the process -- she just goes up and Tegara becommes Super Slut for the duration. Then it's back to normal. So you can play it up however you see fit for your character and your dragon."

Tegara awwws and snugs -- and Ria hugs Kint.

Nolee nodnods. We don't have anything like a proddy code or anything to make your dragon have a certain cycle; it's just assumed that it happens, and it's up to you if you ever want to play to any of it or not. :)

V'lano says "Tegara brings up a good point in that how the flight itself affects a character can be different than proddiness. In general, I think proddiness is best characterised as something like a mood imbalance, possibly with some physical features, possibly not. How you play that is open to interpretation."

Nelyo was wondering about brownriders too, especially as that's my first choice. Since there's a chance they might come to hold high office in the Weyr...not a lot of a chance but a chance...are there any OOC requirements to having a brown? Be at the Weyr a certain amount of time or have to be on a certain number of hours a week?

Chantha nods, okay. Thanks. :) *adds notes to the 'green' column*

Fadra hugs her brown and has a decent office, thankyouverymuch.
Griere puts fresh flowers in Fadra's office. And a coffee pot.
Caitlyn read that as 'flesh flowers' Uht-oh, more undead.
Tegara laughs. "Is that anything like a corpse flower?"
Chantha says "Zombies for Fadra? How...um...nice."
Fadra's a queen of the night, zombies are like having a few cats. :)
Rooklen gawks at Caitln's reading and shifts away.
Caitlyn shifty-eyes.
Nolee laughs. :)

Griere says "The only color that comes with an OOC obligation is gold. Otherwise, it's up to the player and what they want to do and where their strengths lie. Ista's had bronzes, browns, blues and greens fill all of the positions at one time or another. There's no real weight given to the color of the dragon when it comes to that stuff."

Nelyo ah's. "Thank you."
Caitlyn looks embarrassed, then flexes, then shuts up.
Griere says "We also don't really have much in the way of 'high offices'. Everyone is pretty valuable to our way of thinking. ;)"
Chantha starts another column of notes--'plan of weyr domination'.

You say "Naturally, when it comes time to fill those positions, most weyrs are looking for someone active and creative and involved, but those roles can come from any color rider. :)"

Alexiel can't really think of any questions.

Nolee has a few questions, mwah ha ha, that have appeared before at color meetings and thusly might be helpful. :) Q: What if I can't decide what color?

Rooklen says "I don't think I have any good questions, nope."

You say "Answer: A: If anyone is having trouble sorting out their preferences, you can certainly talk to anyone on the search co and we can help you feel out what it is that you want. Also, imagine your character riding each of the color dragons available to you; do any of them make your nose wrinkle in a way that says noooo? If so, avoid that option. Do any of them bring up a flurry of RP ideas and make your heart go fluttery? If so, include that option, and rank it high on your list. :)"

You say"Q: If I tell the Search Co that I'm blue first, brown second, am I going to get my first choice, or should I be ready to get anything I put down as OK-to-Impress-to-me?

Griere says "Ooh ooh! I know the answer to that one. XD We want all of our impressees to be happy with their dragon, so we try to impress them to their first choice of color whenever possible. :)"

Chantha would be equally happy with either of my color choices, but I imagine there could be wangst if someone got a second-choice color that deep down, they didn't really want.

Nelyo says "But what if I'd be perfectly happy with either my first or second choice and it doesn't matter to me?"

V'lano says "Then put them down as equal choices! We allow for that. Just be sure you reeeeeally have no preference. ;)"

Nelyo is sure he doesn't

Nolee yays, first choices are the best! This is a lot easier when that first choice is chromatic and harder when it's metallic. But basically, if we choose to impress you and your first choice is chromatic, we almost always give that first choice. Hee, and thanks Vel and Gri. :)

Griere notes, btw, that you should -want- to impress your second choice. ;)
Griere says "If you don't want to impress a color, you don't have to list it. ;)"
Fadra nodnods. That's why there's so many numbers. :)
V'lano says "Or else don't provide one. Yeah. ;)"

You say "Chantha has a question, yay! :)"

Chantha asks real quick--are there any colors that the Weyr needs at the moment, and will that affect the colors/number of hatchlings? Like if we need browns, but most people want blues or greens?

Rooklen nods. "I wanted to know that as well."

Nolee wavies to Gnome, welcome.
Noemie waves and apologizes for coming so late!

Griere says "Generally, we vote to impress, then we look at the color choices of those people and give them their first choice when we can, or if they don't have a clear preference, we give them the color that we think suits them best or that they'd have the most fun playing. If all things are still equal after we eyeball that, that's the only time we really bother to look at the numbers we have. We're more interested in giving folks a dragon they'll enjoy than filling out a particular rank."

Chantha smiles, thank you. I've got to run, and will catch up through the magic of logging. 'Night!

V'lano waves! :)

Nolee laughs and is glad we could get that one in there before she had to go. And has another question. Yep, I'm a question machine! What if I've already turned in my final app and I do some deep soul searching and I change my mind about the colors I've put on my app?

V'lano has this one! "Then you impress a Tickle Me Elmo. NO NO no wait... Griere said I can't answer that. XD Um. We will gladly take your new color prefs until 24 hours before the hatching begins. We will even take them after that, right up until the eggs crack, but if they're not 24 hours in advance we can't promise we'll be able to do anything about them. xD So try to do your soul-searching at least a day in advance! ;)

Griere nodnods. If you suddenly realize that you've changed your mind, tell us asap. XD

Fadra tries to tape everyone to the game.
Nolee woos, thanks again for those answers. :) Does anyone else have any questions, or riders, wanna make any comments or offer any extra cheering for your colors?

Caitlyn gahs. Comquest prob?
Noemie gets out her stapler.
V'lano says "Comcast, but apparently!"
Caitlyn dohs. I knew that
Tegara gets out the super-heavy-duty aerospace contact cement.

Noemie doesn't have much to say except, greenies rock!
Griere says yay gold! *ahem*
V'lano snickers.
Fadra says "Browns have better camoflauge."
Tegara says "Greens rule!"
Noemie says "Not in the jungle!"
Griere is actually a big green fan, herself. ;) My fav color.
Fadra points at a leopard. Ahem. They're /brown/.
Noemie says "And spotted..."
Griere hearts brown too. Now I can't decide. XD
Tegara points to any number of Amazonian parrots -- green, green, green....
Fadra says "Shades of brown and sort of yellowy. And they have to /hunt/. Sully can just...you know...sit there. And watch prey lean against him in exhaustion, or perch on his nose."
Noemie does also like playing brown. But greens are just a blast to play. Especially hers, but you know, I'm biased. :)
V'lano is rather fond of blues myself. Not that Volath cares. ;)
Tegara's next rider character is going to ride blue. 'Nuff said.

Nolee woohoos! There's something fun about every color, and our blurbs this time on the website do a pretty awesome job of telling about each rider's experience with that color. But as we brought up earlier, feel absolutely free to snag any of Ista's riders and ask them about their color; we luff to cheerlead. :)

Fadra says "Sans pompomps and skimpy skirts. 'Cept Vel, he does the skirt. >.>"

Nolee haha, skirts indeed! If there are no other questions, we'd like to thank you for your participation in tonight's meeting. You'll find information up now about your final apps (+bbread/isw-hatch 16). Final apps are due by midnight on Thursday, August 16th, which is coming soon. If you do not turn in your final application, we may not be able to impress you. And if you think of any other questions, feel free to contact any member of searchCo and we'd be happy to chat with you. :)

Noemie loves to talk about riding green! Feel free to ask away if you have any questions :) I admit, I've still never ridden a blue, should put that on the 'to do' list. Impress Blue.

Caitlyn says "Kintryth, Kintryth! He's our man! If he can't do it, no-one can!"

Griere says "August 16! August 16!"

V'lano says "Thursday Thursday! Monster trucks!"

Griere is doing that whole repeating thing (like Head On!). August 16!

Nelyo says "is that Hatching day?"
Caitlyn groans.
Fadra edges away from Griere and Vel. They've been around each other too long.
Seliene nearly suffers heart failure then re-reads

V'lano says "It's the day your apps are due. ;) Check out +bbread/isw-hatch 16!"

Tegara thwaps. No, silly -- it's when the apps are due.
Fadra snerks.
Rooklen grins.
Nelyo is soundly thwapped
Rooklen says "Thank you for the info and question answering!"
Rooklen says "Time for thinking. Lots of it."
V'lano says "Thank you all for coming. ;)"

You say "That is the day the apps are due. :) The hatching will be at least a week or more after that, during our hatching windowy thing. :) Aaand with that, we leave you to your regular RP. Thanks again!"

Fadra flutters back to her weyr to eat some oatmeals.

Griere says "Thanks guys! August 16! :D"

candidates, color meeting, meeting, color q&a, ooc

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