Infelice's Eggs: Firelizard Hatching! part 2

Aug 02, 2007 19:50

Viridian Aurantifolia Egg rocks, and then lists heavily, rather like a drunken sailor at The Sandbar. The tapping sound from within graduates quickly into a cadence of harsher raps, sending multiple fractures cascading all over the neon shell.

Alexiel looks up every now and then to watch for the little lizards and to glance in the direction of excited exclamations, likely those who's impressed or someone congratulating another. In the meantime, she continues to shell and drop meat into the pile while placing the shells out of the way.

Nelyo cocks his head at Tegara's words. "I'll just have to do that now won't I? If I can feed a babe at all hours I can feed a firelizard at all hours."

Caitlyn hears that familiar voice, and makes a frown of her expression. But she shakes it off, quietly watching the little scene of life going on before her.

Even holding up his 'lizard so he can squint closer at the foraging creature in his palms, R'us is not quite out of touch enough not to overhear and understand what's happening around him. His eyes unfocus from the near distance and search out into the mist for Neylo, to whom he only said 'Hey' earlier, and to whom he now says, "Can you make out its color? I think this one's blue, but he's so dark."

Kamia laughs outright at Aion. "Well you atleast got it out of the way.. Noes and I were to busy working ourselves up over it. Doesn't mean I wont find time to tug on your hair later though. You know, you can't get away with alot when you're having a baby."

"If you say so, ma'am," is the trader's innocuous reply to Jazra, as Izzy flashes that grin at the greenrider and then looks back, just in time to giggle at Rooklen's reaction. Playing it up, she flutters her lashes at him, plainly enjoying his expression. "What, you didn't know that?" she asks him, as innocent as can be.

Viridian Aurantifolia Egg suddenly lurches again, toppling over the edge of its mound, to careen into the fog - which clings stubbornly to the ground. A quick roll, and the fractures all over the egg crumble, leaving an Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling sprawled in the sand.

Rounded and sensual describes the build of this moderate-sized hatchling, it's body balanced between length and height. Wide, prominent neck ridges sweep back, as do obtrusive headknobs, giving a slightly more rakish aire to what might easily be termed a 'softie.'

Opulent Nucipersica Egg overcomes its hesitation, again jiggling - this time with more vigor. A sudden spin seems to try and blend outer shell with inner contents, as the young one within gyres about. A deep heave, a small crack, and the egg quiets momentarily.

Jazra glances into the mist. "There's one more out there. I don't know what color." She wiggles her meat anew. "Ready Rooklen?" She squints, and peers, but Schiffer's chirp assures her its there before she continues to hum.

Aion shrugs his shoulders a little, "Better tug on it while you can, I'm thinking of getting it chopped off." He says, and shifts to try and get a better look at R'us' hatchling. It doesn't get him far though, he scrunches his nose and looks back at the next hatchling.

Duvell peers at the Viridian egg as it bursts open to reveal the Ebony hatchling. He does not grab instantly for the food in his lap but rather looks at it quizically, twisting his head from one side to the other as though he were getting a sense of it.

Nelyo looks up at R'us' words. "It's so blasted hard to see in this fog. I think it's a green?" he guesses. He turns to Ryta. "Can you tell what colour my firelizard is?"

Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling pulls itself up from its sprawl with much enthusiasm, flapping sand-coated wings, peering quickly around at all the fingers, food. Ooh, that smells GOOD! Getting feet under it fully, the grainy young one strides boldly forth.

Kamia shakes her head repeatedly. "You're not allowed to cut it off. I say so." She grins a bit, and holds out her meat to the newest little sprawling cutie. "AWww.. I don't think NAurimeth was ever this clumbsy...

Rooklen skulks, shifting his stance and grumbling something in audible. A shifted gaze falls on Izzy in time to gain him the eyelash flutter. The shy man goes red, thankfully it shouldn't be too visible in the fog, though. "Hmph," he notes, sticking his meat out and wiggling for all he is worth. "Erm, here we go, little...little, erm," he coaxes pathetically. He focuses fervently on the silhouette of the Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling.

Opulent Nucipersica Egg seems to vibrate urgently, sand shivering about it in a fine, powdery cloud. Just as the shell splits nearly in half, a wisp of fog obscures the contents - until a Coy Charcoal Crumble Hatchling staggers forth from clinging sands.

Frisky, yet somewhat restrained, the personality of this hatchling also shows in its aerobatic build. Strong haunches and a deep chest piece well with a lean girth and ruddering tail, and long slender wings seem to promise great agility.

Chantha can hear what's going on around the hatching's perpheries, even if she can't see it. "Izzy, if you keep scaring Rook, he'll run off before the Hatching, and you'll be blamed for losing a Candidate. Plus, you won't get to tease him any more, which'd be a shame." She can be brave when half-hidden by fog, it seems. The movements get her attention again, and she wastes a moment offering meat to the shaking egg before she realizes what she's doing and switches her attentions to the Ebony hatchling.

Ryta looks over at Nelyo, distraction away from the new hatchling at his question. She peers at the firelizard and blinks. "Um..It's really hard." she squints as the fog obscures her vision of anything more than a shadowy silhouette of the creature. She turns her head slightly to look at the Ebony hatchling, a smile on her lips. Her hand doesn't move from it's outstretched state, meat hanging from her fingers.

Nolee squeals as the dark one tumbles around. "Ooh, look! I think it's a tunnelsnake! What if it got in there and ate them all? What if it's a tunnelsnake egg hatching? Can you impress them?" She takes a tiny bit of meat from a bowl, fascinated by the process, and rather than holding it out, lobs it, hopefully over people's heads--Izzy's head?--toward the foggy sandmound.

R'us lets out a rough, sandy laugh. "Think they got us switched, fellow," he tells Neylo across the gathering, with little attention enough for much besides the conversation of who has what sort of 'lizard and whether the creature in his hands is able enough to eat what's cupped there. The significance of the very, very distant croon of the green that he _does_ have, Lindith's little greeting from up on the cliff to a familiar shape alighting below, is lost on R'us for now.

Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling goes SPLAT! back into the sands again as a rear foot gets tangled with a front one. Not one to let such a small hurdle keep it down, the babe jerks upright again with a bright warble, making haphazard progress towards first one wriggling gobbet, then another.

M'yr leans far to the side, against taut straps, as Sol winds his way down to the Istan beach. He's peering through the density, hardly able to see in front of him. Good thing Sol's spotting, for if the Weyrleader had to, they'd surely collide. Easing downward, Sol lands, warbling to the assembled group. "Hey there!" he calls out, "Fort's duties to Ista and her gorgeous Queens!" When his dragon lands, he hops off, ambling toward the group. "Oh shards! A tunnelsnake?" he calls to Nolee with a grin.

Coy Charcoal Crumble Hatchling is wobbley, no doubt, and almost shy - ducking head and neck behind one half of its shell, red eyes peering over the curve. Can you see me? I see you. Wings fan lightly then tuck primly to it's grainy back, tail curled meekly to its haunches.

Seliene spies a wandering hatchling ocming out of the fog nearby and instinctively seems to jerk her hand back, hiding precious fingertips. A momentary swirl in the fog is created by the landing of a large bronze dragon nearby and she looks up immediately at the greeting of a Fortian rider. "Who is that? I can't see him in the fog."

Kamia laughs up at M'yr happily, leaning her meat in to dangle it closer to the sparpwer, and to the charcoal, and oh she's confused, and she just dangles her meat haphazardly in case any of them want it.

"I'm just bravening--bravening?--just making him /braver/, so he can, y'know, withstand the hatching? Yeah," Izarit throws out an excuse to Chantha that even she knows is feeble. "Anyway, I made him blush again." Smug, that, but at least she's satisfied enough to finally get down to business: raising her arm and wiggling the meat in earnest, at least for the time being.

Jazra grins at the two hatchlings. But then she hears a voice. "M'yr? M'yr sir good to see you!!!!" She calls, more excited than she'd shown in what had to be half a turn. "come on little 'un." She calls to the two hatchlings. "Which e'r of you wants some food from me first." The bold one gets a chuckle, but the coy one gets a croon from both her and Schiffer, the green peering her normally stolid stare at first one, then the other."

Chantha's comment gains her a snort from Rooklen as well. He fidgets in place, wiggling the meat again at Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling before turning and trying to get a better look at Coy Charcoal Crumble Hatchling. "Can't see a thing. How do we know who we should wiggle at?" he mutters.

Tegara has decided on the 'breadcrumb path,' or in this case, fish path, to get a lizard. If not, then some hatchling is going to get a very good meal in short order. On hearing two voices she looks up to see the vague forms of Nolee and the Fortian Weyrleader M'yr, Soldreth's bulk looming in the background. "Hey there," she waves.

Aion wiggles the meat at the pair of hatchlings bumbling about on the sand, and answers Kamia with a rather irked sounding, "I can do whatever I like." He doesn't seem too serious about it though. He remains sitting and lets the others boggle over the newly arrived rider.

Ryta tilts her head curiously at the quickly hatching firelizards, glancing at one silhouette to another. Her fingers wiggle the piece of meat slightly, attempting to coax a hatchling towards. She's really paying attention to which one at this point. There's too many to keep track of.

Duvell holds out a small chunk of the spiderclaw meat to the Ebony hatchling. Much as others are doing, he moves it back and forth to grab it's attention, but he's not being overly eager - half his senses are still wheeling at his recent change in life-path. A soft, half-mew escapes his lips, however restrained he might be, as he's heard several of the wild lizards make such calls to their young. It can't hurt.

Only when a couple of the Istans call out his Weyrleader's name does R'us look up, realization brief in his brown eyes - then he ducks his head again and makes like the invisible, just one more of so many muddied silhouettes crouched in the fog, offering meat to 'lizards impressed or not impressed quite yet.

Nelyo looks back up to R'us. "Perhaps they do, sir." In the fog he cannot see the shoulder-knot so he is careful to be respectful of possible dragonriders. "Perhaps they do. I think I like this little one. The last time I ever saw anything this hungry was my newly-birthed youngest brother."

Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling finds it hard to choose what morsel is the best, and so considers the fingers attached to them. OhoOOO! Pink and promising! Giving a loud shrill, the hatchling bolts over to Kamia, whose delectable finger gets a small nip for looking so tasty! Bleh, that's not it!, the little one's eyes seem to imply, and it finally tucks into the correct meat, so haphazardly dangled, with boundless enthusiasm.

Extroverted Ebony Rasping Hatchling stumbles towards Kamia.

Caitlyn calls out to the familiar voice in the fog, "Hey M'yr! Nice to hear you! C"mon and join us...ALL of us!" There's quite a bit of irony in her light alto.

Coy Charcoal Crumble Hatchling coos at all the attention, slowly lured forth by the smell of meat, the need for sustenance. The young one strikes a delightful pose suddenly - dropping to its haunches, neck arched, chin touching its chest, eyelids slightly drooped. I'm kinda cute, aren't I?

Jazra wiggles meat out towards the Coy hatchling. "Come on there... come on out and let me see your face." She calls gently towards it. "Oh... oh you're the cutest thing! Here... I got something for you?" She offers. "See? Meat..." wiggle wiggle...

Alexiel glances up every now and then to get a glimpse of Duvell through the fog and to look to try and see where the hatchlings might be. She's not making any effort to wave food at the firelizard hatchlings, instead she continues with her shelling, tossing the shells into a pile on one side and the spiderclaw meat into a pile on the other where the rest of the bowls of meat are.

M'yr sends a wave to the forms nearby, edging slowly forward so as not to disturb anyone - or step on a foot or.. worse! Settling down near a bowl of meat, he holds out a chunk to.. the fog. Or at least that's what it looks like. "Hmm. Nice weather for a hatching? Where are you, Cait? Can't see a thing...."

Chantha looks away from the wandering hatchling shadows just long enough to ensure that the descending dragon isn't going to land on her. "Ista's duties to Fort, sir!" There's a Candidate Coordinator around here somewhere, she'll be sure to be polite. She turns back in time to see Kamia win the Ebony's attention. "Your baby'll have a friend!" she calls to the greenrider. Now back to the hatching at hand. "You bitty *flirt*. Come on, little one, come here and try this meat."

Seliene is distracted from the bronzerider but the disgustingly cute firelizard making doe eyes at everyone. "Oh, for Faranth's had to go and hatch a cute one..." She looks down at the meat in her hand, makes a face and holds it out just slightly, palm up.

Duvell takes a deep look towards the Charcoal hatchling as if to say, 'Well look at you...' Spiderclaw meat, still mostly damp from the shell, is wriggled back and forth like the flicking tail of a fish on the tip of his finger.

Kamia lets out a yelp as she is bitten, and quickly takes a peice of meat in her other hand to offer the little lizard, so she can suck in the one that got bit to sooth. "Oooo you silly little thing.."

Tegara adds a wiggling fingerling to her fishy path, focusing on the charcoal-looking hatchling, but is not so intent as to not notice familiar voices. "Here Duvell -- catch!" and a good-sized chunk of fish sailing through the fog in his general direction.

Jazra laughs. "Neither can I! Sir M'yr! How's the big knot doin ya? I haven't seen you around since I was a candidate!" She says ecstatically, not really looking at her hand or meat bowl. "Fort nice to you?"

Nolee can't possibly mistake that voice, even in the thickest of fog. "M'yr!" she hails, joining the others who are welcoming their former Istan, her former classmate. "This way, follow my voice! Look, there might be eggs in there. Under the fog." Brilliant as usual, she directs him toward the meat. "You just hold it out, and they might take it. They're good for warnings, too. We sent some to smaller cotholds." Eager nodding.

"I'm too close to the nest. DOn't worry, just fraternize!" Cait calls out to the bronzer.

Silver Vine Egg gives a soft rustle, the fibrous-seeming nature of its shell appearing to meld it to its bed of fog-wrapped sand. A quiet shudder is joined by the sounds of faint tapping from within.

Rooklen looks over his shoulder for the incoming Weyrleader but gives up after a moment and goes back to wiggling the meat in his hand, screwing up his face in concentration.

Wiggle wiggle. A couple of minutes of this, and with only fog-shapes to reward her efforts, and Izarit can't maintain any sort of silence. "So... This is interesting. I have this horrible fear I'll end up with an ugly one by mistake. Buyer's remorse, and all that, although after all, we traders have a rule about truth in advertising," she remarks, and then stops. "All right, we don't worry so much about that," is her concession. "That's... well, the buyer's responsibility to check. Anyway. C'mon, silly hatchlings."

Coy Charcoal Crumble Hatchling is forced on by all that enticing food around it, never coming too close to all those huge hands, while trying to make up its mind. A quick gaze up even farther, then the little one creels. Oh, look at *that* face! It seems kind, right? Enchanted, the wee one strikes out on a sideways path, finally nudging tentatively up to Seliene. Her fingers get a cautious nuzzle, tiny teeth then taking what she offers.

Duvell is partially oblivious and half-blind in the fog. He hears his name and glances up -just- as the fish smacks him in the chest. "Uh...thanks!" He accepts the new meat and offers it out in his other hand. Yep, he's two-fisted firelizard baiting. Extreme two-fisted firelizard baiting at that.

Coy Charcoal Crumble Hatchling stumbles towards Seliene.

The piece of meat in Ryta's hand is just as enticing as any other. Soft croons escape her lips, barely audible above all the chatter that's going on about. Wiggle. Her expression remains calm, but almost eager at the same time as she watches the eggs wobble and crack to reveal another hatchling.

M'yr calls out into the din, "Doing well, thanks!" And he definitely knows that voice who sends a few directions, "Heya, Nolee, and I think there might be, at least I'm wiggling just in case." He grins, then does the wiggle thing with the meat. "Was that a crack!?"

Aion drops the meat on the sand for a moment to cover his mouth when he starts coughing, a few moments later regaining composure and tossing the sand covered piece in the bowl - but off to the side, and reaches for another piece. "What colour's that one, Kamia?"

Silver Vine Egg clings protectively to the life within, which taps slow and steady, a small hole appearing in the top of the shell. A 'thumb' talon appears through another hole above that, and then the egg rolls over violently onto it. A frustrated gurgle can be heard from within as sand rains down inside the egg.

Seliene almost withdraws her hand as the little shy one comes stumbling forward. Her eyes widen, first in alarm, then in delight as she realizes what just happened. She laughs, sounding suspiciously like a giggle as she lifts the little one into her hands. "My, are a lovely shade of blue, aren't you? Welcome to the world, small one."

Kamia whimpers just a bit. "I'm not sure, but he sure as heck just bit me"

"Seliene! You got one! A blue? Blues are pretty," announces Izarit abruptly, noting the little hatchling passing her by in favor of the girl sitting next to her. She half-turns to watch that scene. "Okay, tell me how you did it, all right? Wiggle to the left, back and forth... Method to the madness, what?" She tilts her head, watching, and pausing her 'lizard-attracting movements for the moment.

Violaceous Drupe Egg teeters to the left a little on its mound of black sand, as if investigating something. The persistant fog seems to cling to it's shell, leaving behind gentle trickles of moisture.

Seliene pulls the little blue in close, marvelling at his small body as she continues to feed it. "I...I just held out my hand and he came to me!"

Tegara looks over at Seliene and smiles. "Hey there -- congrats on your...." and she squints hard into the mist, "er, hatchling." She then returns to the Meat Wiggling Dance, guarenteed to charm a some color or other hatchling into your hands.

Alexiel is calm as can be, a smile on her face as she listens to the chatter of everyone gathered. She's still a shellin' them spiderclaws for people to wiggle at hatchlings.

Jazra nods to M'yr, not like he can see it. "I heard a crack yes M'yr sir." Jazra confirms and concentrates on the meat in her hand, wiggling it carefully for anything that may have come out.

Having a moment of doubt, Rooklen drops his meat back in the bowl and then selects a different piece. Approving of this one, he offers this one back out, reaching with a freckled arm and wiggling it. But wait, who is he wiggling if for? Rook looks this way and that through the fog.

Violaceous Drupe Egg now totters to the right, unsure of which direction to choose. Hmm, let's get this down right. Teeter - totter, rock - wiggle, and there is a sudden startle - the little life within struggling to punch its way out.

Nolee decides to take another route this time, putting her fingers into another squishy dish and leaaaaning over a few of the weyrchildren who are clustering impatiently with their own meat-a-wiggle. "Are they hungry? Did they get your fingers? Is there a tunnelsnake?" babbles the woman, busily on the lookout for Caitlyn lest she come too close.

Riaceth has been acting just a bit strangely, watching the hatching with uncommon intrest, and the potential impressies with even more interest -- especially one....

Nelyo watches as his little hatchling finally slows down and stops. He lets the little firelizard stretch out on his lower arm, tail wrapped about the upper arm as an anchor. "I am going to go settle this little one on my cot and then I am going to see about getting something to eat for an early lunch. I am quite hungry." He looks to Ryta. "Good luck, Ryta."

M'yr rocks back on his haunches, his arm stretching out to where the biggest swirl of fog seems to be, surely there's something. "Maybe we'll catch a foglet?" he grins to those sitting to his left. Flip, flop.

Silver Vine Egg wastes no more time with these paltry bits of destruction. A shrill squeal, and one hind leg kicks a larger hole in the shell, plunging into black sands. The egg actually stands up on that one planted leg, thumb talon ripping at the shell, to finally split it asunder. One half of the shell covers Aggressive Atramentous Abrasion Hatchling, and it rolls up from concealment with a piercing squall.

This robust hatchling is of athletic build, all muscle and sinew from streamlined muzzle to lashing, long tail. Despite its legginess, those strong haunches promise ample power, and a somewhat deeper chest offers a decent amount of stamina. Slightly close-spaced eyes seem to bug a little from under shelf-like eyeridges.

Ryta looks about it, meat wriggling in her hand every now and then. "Ah, thank you. I suppose I'll see you later then." she replies to Nelyo with a smile. "And congrats again." Her eyes are then distracted once more at the sound of more cracking and another hatchling! Wiggle wiggle. Come on now...

"Well, that helps," sniffs the trader, but cheerfully enough, as she accompanies the words to Seliene with a smile. "He's cute, anyway--congrats." Izarit, belatedly, realizes she's stopping again, and her off-and-on motions to attract one to herself resume, even though she's not really watching her hands. "This gets tiring after a while," she complains, with an exaggerated sigh.

"Yes M'yr sir," echoes someone in the fog, after Jazra's own intonation, a little bemused mockery. The voice is rusty and quiet and smiling, if a little sour.

Violaceous Drupe Egg decides see-sawing isn't producing the proper results. The plum-colored sphere gives a massive convulsion, and with a loud crack, the shell pops its top...while rolling over sideways. Unceremoniously dumped into sand, and rolled over by its own former home, Somber Sable Scuffed Hatchling pulls free, giving a deep sigh at the indignaties of the world.

Rangy is what one thinks of when first viewing this hatchling, perhaps even stringy. Utter whipcord leanness and stretched limbs, the little one barely seems to have enough flesh over itself to hide the bone structure within. Starkley knurled headknobs jut out, as do sharp neckridges - this 'lizard all angles and streamlined gauntness.

Kamia mutters at her fire lizard, trying to dust him free of sand and look at him, still sucking on her bitten finger as she does. "I think he might be a brown" She says as she squints and feeds him more.

Chantha smiles towards Seliene, murmuring congratulations. Her jaw is getting a mulish set that suggests mild growing frustration. She peers fiercely at the remaining eggs of the clutch and at the stirrings that show where the Aggressive hatchling is getting itself together and where the Sable looks out at the world, and flaps the meat like a banner. Her near neighbors may be in danger of a stray splatter. "You don't want to waste time, do you? Come on over here and get to eating."

Jazra offers her wiggling food in the direction of the new hatchling. "Come on there fellow. You look really sharp there. I'm just as sharp as you and I have food. See? Or can you?" She glares in the direction of the mockery, and holds out food in both hands, one for each hatchling that's currently wandering around. "keeeem on..." She wiggles carefully.

Seliene smiles, rubbing the little blue's belly as he seems finally sated. The shy one emits a soft little burp before snuggling down in Seliene's hands for a well-deserved nap. "Thanks. I have to think up a name, now. I've never had a firelizard before."

Duvell almost draws back from the piercing squall of the Atramentous Hatchling, its sound crawling up one side of his spine and racing down the other. "Hey now...'nuff of that." He offers the fish meat in one hand and the spiderclaw tail meat in the other. "How about some of this?" he offers one, "or this...?" he offers the other with a bit of a swish and a wiggle. "Come on... food is better than squalling like that."

Aggressive Atramentous Abrasion Hatchling hisses loudly over its shoulder at that danged piece of shell sticking to it's flank, then turning a baleful stare out at all those noisy, waggling things around it. 'I'm miffed and I'm hungry, and you'll pay if you get in my way!' that red glare seems to promise.

Rooklen sits quietly, eyes shifting now and then to the many unfamiliar people that seem to be building up over time. Noting movement again, Rooklen shifts a little forward and bobs the meat around, he squints out at theAggressive Atramentous Abrasion Hatchling and cants his head curiously. Then, he catches sight of the next one Somber Sable Scuffed Hatchling. "It looks a little thin," he notes, voice sounding worried.

Somber Sable Scuffed Hatchling just lays there on its belly for a long moment, red eyes whirling up at all the faces and waggling meat. Is it even worth it? For a long moment, it doesn't seem to be...and then the painful growling of an empty stomach convinces the hatchling to slowly rise, and stumble around.

Alexiel looks up at the sound of more eggs cracking open and hears Duvell's comment. She can't help but chuckle lightly as she settles back, taking a break from the shelling to watch and listen.

Aion blinks at the aggressive hatchling, and seems reluctant to even hold out the meat towards it. Not so much because it sounds like it'll bite him, but more because it seems more like a 'snake. He knits his brows, and glances at Kamia's sand covered hatchling. "Hard to tell underneath all that dark sand what color anything is. Especially when it's sticking to it."

Jazra shudders at the Abrasion hatchling and turns her meat in the /other/ direction. "Come on little guy." She tells the sable hatchling. "Don't worry Rooklen. Its perfectly fine." MOre wiggling in the scuffed hatchling's direction. "Come on little guy. You want some food?"

Ryta blinks at the new hatchlings, but she's smiles all around as she continues to attempt coaxing this one or other toward her. More wiggling ensues. "Come on... here's something to fill your little stomach..." she coos. "I've got plenty more.

Tegara looks up, prompted by her dragon, her eyes lighting on Seliene. She stops her fish-flopping for a moment and rises. "Seliene, could I talk with you a moment?" Her air has become serious, almost formal.

Nolee watches the lazy? Woeful? Firelizard with big, round eyes. "Here little thing. You waaaant to eaaat." The meat is dangling, wiggled, then she makes an eew noise as some spatters down her arm and gets on her blouse.

M'yr bends over two small wisps of smokyness seeming to be the best candidates for food. "I can't see you very well, but I know you're out there so time to eat?" he calls in a festive tone then hmms. "You don't think they want something different, do you?"

Aggressive Atramentous Abrasion Hatchling levels its carmine gaze far up at those huge humans wriggling much sustenance, and tries running towards the first few in its sight, only to fall to it's belly again. Jerking upright, the beastie gives a loud hiss of displeasure, then stomps off.

"Who was it... Oh, me and Fayre," says Izarit then, nodding after a moment of thought to recall a previous discussion. "We were discussing stuff like the dragons naming themselves and what we'd have named ourselves when we were babies. Anyway, I don't suppose the firelizards will do that for themselves. Oh, well. I suppose you can't have everything, really." As Rooklen speaks up again, the girl casts another askance look at him, biting back a grin at his concern.

Somber Sable Scuffed Hatchling doesn't really look long at anything, its head drooping, wings almost dragging at its sides. But it 'suffers' in silence, plodding this way and that, without rhyme or reason, sniffing once in awhile at one offer of sustenance or another.

Seliene looks up, quite distracted by the little blue in her hands, as she hears her name. She blinks, peering through the fog and finding Tegara regarding her. Nodding, she carefully stands, wiping her hands on the sand before she rises and keeping the little blue close to her heart as she heads carefully over the beach toward the greenrider.

Rooklen nods and rolls his shoulders in an easy shrug. "Oh, okay," he concedes. Concentrating again, the redhead offers out the meat to the wandering wraiths of fog. "Erm, here you go little fella," he tries again, cringing at the coo of his own voice.

Jazra looks caught off guard by the agression in the other hatchling and renews her efforts on the Scuffed one. "Come on little guy... food is good. Food is very good. You want food. I have food." Wiggle waggle. Another look at the agressive hatchling. "I don't like the look on him. I really don't. He looks like a bully."

It is well and truly a belated thing when R'us gets to his full height, stretching with one hand - that which held the meat he's now fed the little hatchling curling up tight in the palm of his other - wiping against the hip of his trousers to clean it. "You could have warned me again," he murmurs to no one nearby, and picks his way away from the crowd seeking firelizards into the thicker fog where M'yr is posted. "Weyrleader," he says, "sir," by way of greeting, stoic-standing in the thick mist with a squint through the fog for the proceedings. "Watch your fingers."

Duvell remembers something from earlier. The seedpods that Caitlyn's Blue blew all over him. He knows that the wild ones eat the pulpy pod so he withdraws a bit of a pod left in his satchel and quickly slices it into gulp-sized bits. These he leaves scattered in a small mix before him and picks up the meat once more. "Ok, let's try this again. So whatcha looking for here little ones? Leave the pink things. -Leave- the pink things. Pink mine." He wiggles and jiggles the fleshy bits in his fingers in hopes that one of them will be drawn towards him.

Kamia chuckles. "Agressive isn't bad.. it could be good depending on how you train him.. a good guard for thread Iwould think.

Aggressive Atramentous Abrasion Hatchling has had it with this searching crud! A flurry of limbs and eyes, and it vaults forward this time, hurling its form at the pile of seedpods at the feet of, then at the hand of Duvell, whose fingers are pricked by sharp fore-talons grasping them, so it can nab that meat all for its own.

Aggressive Atramentous Abrasion Hatchling stumbles towards Duvell.

M'yr startles at the familiar voice, close to losing his balance to one knee. "R'us? That's you, right? You've had one of these littles call you theirs?" Trying a squint, he peers toward the rider just as another hatchling finds a home.

Aion sighs a little at the rather aggressive one. "I couldn't have one so temperamental.. Well, I wouldn't /want/ one like that." He says, and seems quite relieved when it ends up going towards Duvell instead of himself.

Curiosity draws Izarit's eyes from Seliene to Tegara, as the trader frowns slightly to see the other girl pulled away so suddenly. Her wiggling thence on is interspersed with sly looks over at the pair, even as she continues paying nominal attention to anything crawling toward her offering to the clutch.

Jazra rolls her eyes. "Man, that's what I call assertive!" She rolls her eyes. "Come on little guy, you can do it. Just a little further." She offers to the scuffed hatchling. "Come on."

Ryta's are darting all over the place as people are Impressing firelizards here and there. She's still crouching nearby, /attempting/ to get one of those little ones near enough to her and get the meat. Fingers are holding the meat delicately, a small wiggle and arms outstretched so as not to get any of the raw meat juices on her clothing.. That wouldn't be good.

Chantha moves her hand away from the charge of the Aggressive hatchling on sheer instinct. Hard to offer meat in a welcoming fashion when there are red-glowing eyes involved. "Good luck with that one," she tells Duvell seriously, her hand already starting to wriggle the meat again for the Sober hatchling's benefit. See, now that the big loud one is out of the way, it can assert itself!

Cerise Capuli Egg spins on its axis just as its neighbor erupts all over it - coating part of its delicious surface with unappealing egg goo even as it rolls to a new position. This doesn't stop the sphere from shaking and lurching about, then slowly relaxing into a more restrained set of wiggles.

"No, sir. It's P'ter." This should be high humor, but the greenrider only a few months back from Southern delivers the joke with absolutely no crack of smile, eyes on the fog which obscures the clutch. "I've... a firelizard, yes." The confession comes slowly, after all chance of deniability is discarded as impossible. "Will this be your first, sir?" That the bronzerider will collect one is apparently not something to be questioned.

Somber Sable Scuffed Hatchling just can't take this pedestrian existance. Something, someone has to be able to make it better, right? Right? With a soft wail, the little one tosses it's head up finally - to collapse at the hand of Aion, looking up beseechingly at the wiggling food just before it. Feed me?

Kamia snickers a bit to herself as Aion gets the depressed fire lizard. "Hey Aion, perfect life mate for you there?"

Alexiel returns to her shelling, looking up every now and then. The fog thins just a bit as one of the firelizards stumbles towards Duvell and the young woman grins, noticing the aggressiveness of the particular shadowy form and she silently wishes the young man good luck.

Cerise Capuli Egg cannot be stopped, nosiree! Its previous dive and roll only served to aid the young one inside with its attempts to exit - a deep pair of cracks furrowing the deep red surface like zigzags of crossed lightning. Rock...and roll are the keywords, and it does just that.

Duvell tries to keep the pink bits, his fingers, out of the mouth of the aggressive abrasion hatchling. It consumes first the fish and then the spiderclaw and even some of the seed pod pulp beforeo crawling up onto his lap. "Um... wow. I guess I've been claimed." He says with excited confusion. Trying to push his way up from the seated stance without jarring the small bundle of personality too badly, he cradles it with his forearm and moves away from the clutch and back towards Alexiel.

Hesperid Pome Egg gives a cursory, languid wobble, as if carefully testing something. A couple of sudden jerks almost send it hopping off its mound, but it manages to stay put, for now.

M'yr laughs at the reference to P'ter, angling himself so he can keep going with the meat wiggling and talk at the same time, if not briefly. "Not a one, I have to admit, R'us. I'm not sure if that's good or bad." Grinning, he attempts a clap with a hand against his arm as another impression takes place.

Nolee laughs at the somber fellow is tended by the healer, her head tilting curiously and causing her to drop the meat into the fray. Some help she is. Trying again, she goes to locate a bowl, trips on her own feet, spends a moment in the sand, laughs, then rises and finally finds some spares to be shared, returning to the wiggling fray.

Tegara beckons the young woman over to stand near Riaceth, who is eying the young woman intently. "Seliene, Riaceth here has told me that you might well Impress something quite a bit bigger. What say you to becoming a Candidate and standing for Nalaieth's clutch that is now hardening on the sands."

Hesperid Pome Egg doesn't roll like some of the others. No, it defies its shape by pretty much staying in one place, and trembling - the shell seeming to expand and contract in time with the breathing of its occupant.

Cerise Capuli Egg suddenly has two pairs of legs? Yes, those are sandy paws and haunches suddenly sticking out of the partially fractured shell, the little one within scrabbling unsteadily to them. Abruptly, the bizarre, upright egg's top also explodes in a rain of shell pieces, causing the hatchling to pitch back into the swirling fog. A soft churr, and Impassioned Inky Grit Hatchling stumbles forth - the middle of that cerise shell ringing its fore-wings and shoulders like a life raft.

An amalgam of disproportionate extremes, this hatchling might hopefully grow better into its odd body. Spindly, long legs join with a strong, barrel chest - and streamlined haunches lead into a short, thick tail. What its body lacks in balance is made up for, however, in a a proudly arching neck, and a slightly dished, sensitive muzzle - large eyes looking at the world with a joyous wonder.

Jazra is far to intent on the eggs to listen to much else. She carefully holds her meat out in front of her. "Come on here. Come on." She growls softly, determinedly. "I have to leave on a sweep any minute!!" She complains.

Seliene stands in front of Tegara and her expression goes from curious to downright stunned. She looks up at the green eyeing her, mouth slightly open. She clutches the little sleeping blue firelizard closer, almost as if she's afraid she might drop him in shock. Her mouth works until she's finally able to speak, to say something, anything! " want.../me/ Stand?"

Aion purses his lips as the hatchling ends up practically begging to be fed rather than snatching the food for himself. A dramatic sigh is given and he tosses a piece of meat into the maw of the beast that appears to be drained of energy. "Oh, give me a break.." He says, glowering at Kamia for a moment before reaching for another piece of meat for the lizard.

Rooklen, furrowing his brows further bites his lower lip. He looks a little crestfallen for a moment, then turns to mutter something at enemy number one. "I don't think I wiggle well," he tells Izzy. Then, he goes back to practicing his prime wiggle. "Hrm, like this?" he mumbles to himself. Shifting excitedly with the glimpse of another hatchling, he puts more into the meat dance for the Impassioned Inky Grit Hatchling. "Here we go, look at this, eh?" he croons softly, looking around supiciously to see if anyone heard and pursing his lips.

Kamia giggles all that much harder at Aion. "What! It's perfect for you.. what color do you think it is Aion?"

Alexiel motions for the man to take a seat. "Not at all, that's what I'm shelling it for after all. Have a seat and stuff him." She grins up at Duvell. "Congratulations on impressing him."

Chantha is actually distracted from the impressing hatchlings and rolling eggs by something Tegara is saying a short distance away. "Tegara, did you--Seliene, did you just get Searched?" She beams, lighting up the fog, and would clap but for the raw meat in her hands. Instead, she bounces on her toes, grinning and delighted for her friend.

Impassioned Inky Grit Hatchling is stuck, stuck! Get me outta here! Though it struggles to remove its 'life preserver' with stretches, breathing, and wiggles, the shell refuses to budge. And then the scent of meat wafts to it, and the ring of shell becomes less important. Giving a delighted croon, the young one sets out on its first great trek.

Caitlyn looks up throught the pea soup fog as she hears Tegara ask that special question of Seliene, the bluerider grinning.

Ryta watches the Impassioned Hatchling curiously, giggling softly. "Oh dear.. need help with that...? Come on now..." she croons softly, wiggling the meat yet again. Poor thing! She watches as it makes its way out of the nest.

Hesperid Pome Egg seems thrilled with its own progress, and ceases all motion for a moment. The curiosity of the one within won't be withheld, however, and - with a small explosion of shards - the egg disappears into the fog, replaced soon enough by the appearance of Blithe Brunette Gravel Hatchling.

Long, sleek, and chiselled, this hatchling is quite sophisticated in appearance. From aristocratic muzzle, through long back and defined, springy haunches - to graceful,expansive tail - the young one seems made for a balance of speed and endurance. Neck and tail are both proportionate, while a strong jaw gives hints of character.

Jazra reaches out towards the gritted hatchling. "Nice and jarring looking. Cute you know that?" She asks curiously. "I got you some food too. Want some? I'm sure as sharding am not going to eat it. These three might. But me? naw. Come on... you know you're hungry." She inches closer.

Alexiel is grinning right along with Caitlyn as she hears bits and pieces of Tegara and Seliene's conversation. Their little candidate family is growing.

M'yr tosses back over his shoulder, "R'us, did you hear something about an invitation to Stand?" Just then, he's looking at a chunk of shell tossed from a young hatchling. "Is that one coming this way?" Getting on with the wiggling, he leans further forward.

Blithe Brunette Gravel Hatchling is sleek of motion, smooth on its paws as it rises from the sand, tilting an inquisitive head this way and that to peer at all those delicious offerings. All for *me*? Awww. Every move flows, unhurried, as it sallies forth - seeming to eye the sky above, or itself - more than the meat.

Nolee pauses, the meat held above the group of wiggling bodies and crackling shells as the serious question posed just beyond to Seliene is given. Her large brown eyes blink, thoughtful, fascinated, evaluating as she squints through the fog at the woman being asked. "So exciting," is her comment.

Duvell smiles, his face crinkling at the edges of his eyes a bit. "Thanks." He takes a bit of the spiderclaw meat and offers it to the blue which is still picking at anything nearby that could be considered food - including the linen of his tunic. "Hang on...hang on." Once he gobbles down a few more finger-sized bits of the sea-flesh, he starts to walk towards one of the tidal pools on the beach. Knowing that he can barely see much of anything right now and the lizard is probably covered with the slick fluid from its egg, he attempts to wash some of the sand and gick from its wings and body with a few hand-fulls of water; never letting it stray from his cradled arm.

Impassioned Inky Grit Hatchling looks up, up at the meat, the wiggling fingers, the faces - and croons yet again, even though it's hungry. You love me! I love all of you! it seems to radiate, walking around languidly, if a little unstably, in search of that special morsel held by a special someone. Oh, but they're all so hard to refuse!

Jazra wiggles the meat out for the grit hatchling. "Yes, you're such a ceeeute little lizard you know that? So cute!"

Aion nudges a little at the somber hatchling, who.. doesn't seem to mind in the least so long as there's food being dropped in his mouth. "I think it's brown, or.. maybe bronze. I can't tell in this muck, and they always look a little shiny newly hatched." He says with a shrug, scooping it up to get a closer look.

"About as well as I do," Izarit commiserates with Rooklen, her nose wrinkling. "I swear, this meat's going to ruin before something eats it. I wonder how many more there are out there, can you see?" Wiggle wiggle. She half-sits up, as though being any higher off the ground will give her a better look, and then drops back with a hmph.

"There's eggs on the sands here, sir, I expect it happens." Apparently determined to play stodgy to M'yr's socialite, the greenrider turns as if it's obedient to do so, to regard the direction in which there's more fog and invitations to stand for a clutch overheard. "This one's my first," R'us absently notes, almost apologetic, as though his prior question might have been rebuffed.

Tegara nods, smiling. "Yep, Ria an' I are invitin' you to Stand. I wouldn't be askin' you if you weren't invited." Makes perfect sense -- unless you want to pull a particularly cruel joke on someone.

Alexiel watches Duvell disappear into the fog, grinning from ear to ear. Still, she makes no move yet to impress one of the little lizards herself, shelling spiderclaws for people to feed the lizards once it's all done and of course to use to impress.

Ryta lets out a small sigh but resumes her coaxing and wiggling right after. "Oh such adorable looking creatures... so vulnerable at the same time!" she whispers to the hatchlings. "Come on now...I've plenty more~!" she urges this or that one.

Chantha can barely follow the slink of the Brunette hatchling, smooth as it is. "Come on...come on..." She's still stealing glances over her shoulder at Tegara and Seliene, while letting the meat quiver and flap enticingly between her fingers. Too much excitement, not enough eyes. "We're going to rule the Weyr, at this rate," she tells Alexiel in an undertone.

Seliene blinks, looking quite unsure of herself for some bizarre reason. She looks down at the blue in her arms, swallows, then asks, "I can keep him in the barracks, can't I? I don't think I'd want to abandon this little guy on his Turnday..."

Rooklen is concentrating so hard that the tip of his tongue can be seen, happily into what he's doing and unaware that he might be embarrassing himself. "I think I see...two?" he responds to Izzy. With Jazra showing interest in the nearest one, Rook decides to offer his meat out to the other, shaking it soflty in the direction of the Blithe Brunette Gravel Hatchling.

Impassioned Inky Grit Hatchling sniffs at each offering, but something makes it hesitate time and time again. Do I have to choose?! I have so much to give! The young one circulates again, its head craning about, sometimes upside down, to keep all in view. Oh hey! Ohh, there it *is*! That one must love me the most, since that piece of food is so *perfect*! As if in a dream, it sidles up to the distracted Chantha, who is given a loving trill, and then the gift of a wide-opened mouth...along with a doughnut of shell to remove.

Impassioned Inky Grit Hatchling stumbles towards Chantha.

Jazra reaches out, wiggling duel pieces of meat, one in the direction of each hatchling. Either will do. "Come on... come on little cutie.... come on..."

Blithe Brunette Gravel Hatchling pauses a moment to rub a cheek against its shoulder, exposing a little of its hide, and then it is suddenly wreathed in a tendril of fog. Drat. I can't show off like this. Tossing its head farther up on a long neck, red and hungry eyes cast about offhandedly for something that might keep its attention, even as the little one wades through the thick mists.

Kamia starts to hiccup just a bit as she gets her baby settled in on top of her tummy for a little nap, keeping her basket with food in front of her lap, stroking her lizard a bit, still sorely amused at Aion's catch from her chuckles.

Jazra reaches out her pieces of meat for the gravel hatchling as far as she can reach, an inches closer to the nest. "Come on.... come on little one..." She offers, wiggling her meat briskly for the little one's attention.

M'yr manages to see one of the hatchlings, dark eyes open wide as yet another 'lizard hatchling finds a mate. "Cait, there are so many!" he calls out, then begins a slow rocking motion, wiggle, rock rock, wiggle. Maybe that'll catch a hungry eye.
Prickly Bromeliad Egg barely moves at all, as if afraid it might poke itself upon its spikey-looking shell. Shiver...shimmey. That's all it dares to try, right now.

"Two?" says Izzy, head cocked, brows furrowed intently as she sulks in the direction of the hatchlings, meat flouncing in hand. As usual, the display's more for effect than any genuine sort of feeling. "Well... I think somebody said something about getting one, but I don't know if it was one of those you see, and... This sounds so vague. It /is/ vague, actually," concedes the girl. Pause. "Hey, didn't you get searched, too, Rook?" she asks on the heels of that question, the nonsequitur tagged on as she glances sideways at where Tegara pulled Seliene aside, and grins.

Blithe Brunette Gravel Hatchling is enjoying the attention, the bids for it's company, but really - there was only one piece of meat fit for it from the start. Psych! Its easygoing gait sends it on a v-tol line to Ryta, who's offering is examined, and accepted with grace. Mmm.

Blithe Brunette Gravel Hatchling stumbles towards Ryta.

Tegara shakes her head. "Nope, he'll hafta stay with ya. Shards, I did it," and a large, deeply blue firelizard comes sweeping around to land on the greenrider's shoulder. "This guy here, Lazulai, was impressed jus' before the moment I was Searched. An' as you can see, I kept him. So, since I'm also Candidate Coordinator, and I see that several of the Candies are also impressing, there's not a thing wrong with it." In the background a soft chuffing can be heard -- Riaceth expressing her approval.

Jazra looks up at Liaoth's direction and turns to her dragon. "Yeah, I know, time to go. There's another time guys." She calls to Hagaren and Mancha. "Come on fellas! Long road ahead of us!" And to little green Schiffer. "We gotta go, sorry, I know you wanted to see this." Off she goes to Liaoth, and off they go to the skies.

Rook doesn't take his eyes off the fog-laced nest. "Erm, yeah," he says. "Liaoth and Jazra invited me to err, stand today," he admits to Izarit. "Aww, that one, too," he says. "This is like fishing...though you can sorta see the fish and they just won't bite," he mutters.

Chantha twitches her fingers as something brushes them. Then she glances, ready to shy away from whatever it is--only to find the Impassioned Inky hatchling sticking its head into her hand to devour the spiderclaw meat. "Oh--oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see you!--" She gathers it up, flicking away shell fragments and sand patches. "Yeah, I've got more, hang on..." Alex's heap of spiderclaws is promptly raided. Her skinny, dreamy hatchling is hungry. "Okay, so you're male...dark-colored, except for that shiny patch...great Faranth, he's bronze?"

Prickly Bromeliad Egg becomes braver when nothing bad happens, shaking fretfully on its mound, a few large cracks growing upon its curves. The sand seems to make scraping sounds against the rough looking shell, and the life within sounds as if it might feel the abrasive consequences - a muffled 'shreee!' let loose.

Alexielhaving finally shelled at least half the pile of spiderclaws, decides that that's quite enough of that. She settles back again, chuckling as Chantha and her bronze raid the pile of shelled meat beside her.

Seliene ohs, glancing up at Riaceth again as if seeking reassurance. "I see. I'm sorry. I just didn't think about it. I've never Impressed a firelizard before and the last time...yes. I'll Stand. I'd be honored."

Arulent Star Egg defies its appearance, not wanting to be center stage, keeping still while most of the others are twitching. Though Caitlyn has worriedly, repeatedly glanced to it the whole time, Infelice seems unconcerned with its quiescence.

Tegara reaches to clap Ista's newest Candidate on the back.

M'yr's chunk of meat falls with a light plop on the sand before him. "Oops!" he yelps, scrambling to grab another one quickly. "There! See? It was always here!" A big grin comes, the newest red stuff held toward whatever youngling might want it.

Nolee cheers as a new candidate accepts, loosing droplets of meat all over the small group she was nearest. Noting their scowls, she relocates to a safer area around the 5 X 5 walled off section that is Infelice's final nesting place. Only after the acceptance does she remember she's vaguely seeking a firelizard, and she kneels on some rocks and holds out the drippy chunk.

Tegara reaches to clap Ista's newest Candidate on the back. "Wouldya like ta hope on Riaceth an' I can show you your new digs?" It's hard to tell who is beaming more -- the Candidate or the Search Rider.

Prickly Bromeliad Egg decides to brave the peril of all this rough stuff - jumping up, then rolling rapidly off its mound of sand, crashing into its arulent neighbor. The latter is disloged from it's own home of black grains, and the former splits open on impact, a thousand shell pieces quickly obscured by fog as Spastic Shadowy Scratches Hatchling careens forth.

Whatever this hatchling is under it's midnight coating, it is most certainly angular. Even craggy. From massive haunches to burly neck and wide head, it seems this young one is built from coarse-chipped granite. Wide set, huge eyes and a first 'ridge resembling a spike might, however, encourage one to think the young one is perpetually nonplussed.

Izarit remarks, "Jazra? I don't know her. Well, congrats, anyway. Maybe we can get chore duties together." She smirks, and then--"Chantha?" A squint in the direction of that voice reveals little more than she had already seen, but she calls out anyway. "Did you say--?" She doesn't finish what she thought she heard, though, and instead tells Rooklen, "Fishing was boring, the one time I tried. I didn't catch anything. I pushed my little brother in, though. That part was fun."

Seliene smiles, pushing hair out of her face. "I'd love to..." She peers around at the fog and the chaos within. "I think I'm just about done here."

Ryta exclaims as the little firelizard makes for her, but unlike the others, doesn't nip her fingers for the meat. She smiles happily and scoops into her bowl for another piece of meat to give to the little thing. "Oh.. you're a lovely blue, aren't you?" she croons, using her free hand to scratch its eyeridge. The firelizard accepts each piece of meat quite gracefully.

Arulent Star Egg twitches minutely, but repeatedly, proving its mother's instincts are right. The shell is suddenly wracked by vicious heaves, tottering precariously in its home sands, then stilling quickly.

Spastic Shadowy Scratches Hatchling gives a nervous chirrup as it climbs up from its roll, flinching away from not only its clutchmates, but all those frantic fingers. Whirling eyes are a roiled mix of hungry red and alarmed orange as they peer around fretfully.

Chantha would stay, she really would. But she has cooing and naming and cuddling to do. Smiling fit to beat the band, she backs away from the crowd a step at a time, keeping the Inky hatchling coiled in the crook of her hand and arm, still eating away with occasional pauses to stare lambent-eyed up at his human. "See you all back in the barracks. You too, Seliene!"

In the air overhead, Riaceth dives towards the ground.

Arulent Star Egg seems to have its breath back, rocking again with a deep resolve, which sends fissures along the entire shell. One piece of shell is punched free, then another, the egg sac still obscuring what's within. And then there's a sharp talon which splits the slippery thing open, and a small gust of ocean air coats black sand over the hide of the newly emerging Scrutinizing Swarthy Sabulous Hatchling.

The penetrating gaze of this hatchling is the first thing one notices about it - peeling layer after layer of supposition away to get at the facts. Next are the long lines of its entire form, statuesquely lean from muzzle to scourge-like tailtips - and then the whipcord strength of sinewed muscles - roping and flexing upon strong, wiry limbs, proud shoulders, capacious chest.

"Well, I wish you luck, sir." R'us finds the best possible moment to say this and to thus announce his departure from M'yr's immediate vicinity: while the Fortian Weyrleader's busy scrambling for another gobbet of meat. The Fortian greenrider nods a passably respectful nod at the bronzerider and circles the group still waiting on the hatching lizards, moving slowly so as not to trod on feet or critters in the fog, squinting to try to make out the silhouettes of other firelizards than the one he's got cradled in his hand.

Spastic Shadowy Scratches Hatchling has to come out and try sometime, of course. No, not quite. The beastie gives a loud shriek as its faltering steps send it tripping over the egg next door, it's head jerking back and forth to try and size up all the terrible perils around it, then tucking beneath a wing as it cowers. There's meat, it smells good, but it could be terribly dangerous.

Scrutinizing Swarthy Sabulous Hatchling is all eyes (well, and ears and nose) for the world that greets it, its calculating scarlet gaze searching everyone, everything as it stands still. Ahh yes, I *see*. There's pink things wiggling yummy stuff, there's others like me, and roundie things.

M'yr turns to send a wave to R'us when the shriek permeates the air. "Huh??" he mutters, turning quickly back to the fogged area. "What was that?!?"

Ryta is busy feeding the little blue that flaps its wings gently in front of her, a low croon coming from its throat at the scritching. She stops and scoops the firelizard into her arms but continues with her feeding. "Now... I need a name for you..." she murmers as she feeds the hatchling's large appetite.

Rooklen snorts again. "Chores? With you? Oooooh no," he decides already. "Fishing isn't always boring. Especially on the open water and not in a lake," he informs her. Then, shapes are moving and those amber eyes glitter with hope, shifting back to gaze into the fog. He notes one shadowy hatchling and then his mouth oohs. "Look at that one," he points his free hand toward the Scrutinizing Swarthy Sabulous. Looks like it might have a real good build. Must be male, strong and stuff," he states in bias. "The other seems scared," he comments, wiggling though he's finally pulled his tongue back in.

Kamia still seems amused, drinking down her water, her fingers dangling a meat scrap in case her sleepy baby decides to eat more.

Alexiel, seeing that some peope are starting to leave and that the hatching seems to be drawing near to the end decides she might as well pick up some spiderclaw meat and try her hand at the whole impressing thing. So, she grabs up a piece of the meat and dangles it out in front of her.

"Now just what - " Even stolid R'us has to pause and look harder into the fog to try to identify what caused the shriek. Even stolid R'us sounds faintly concerned, slightly worried, to say, "Is one of them hurt?"

Languidly, Izarit twists her rather forlorn, mangled-looking hunk of meat between her fingers, grimacing as some bit of blood or water drips off it. She holds it well away from her nice clothes still. "What's wrong with chores with me?" she asks Rooklen teasingly. "I'd keep you entertained while you worked. It sounds like a very good arrangement to me." Pause. "Especially," she adds dryly on the heels of his latter words, "considering you're the big strong /man/."

Spastic Shadowy Scratches Hatchling is startled by a loud call from one of its clutchmates, which sends it into fearful retreat. As it backs rapidly away from the 'danger,' the little one pitches heels over head, flopping to a sprawl on its back before Izarit who gets a combination squeal and trill as it licks the drippings from its chin. Please don't kill me, or push me in the water, and while you're at it, feed me?

Spastic Shadowy Scratches Hatchling stumbles towards Izarit.

nelyo, caitlyn, ryta, nolee, kamia, seliene, lindith, izarit, jazra, alexiel, duvell, riaceth, m'yr, tegara, rooklen, kintryth, aion, r'us, chantha

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