Of sulking and cravings; in which responsibility and Fortian celebrations are discussed

Jul 08, 2007 22:43

Nolee, Noemie, Sephie, Kamia, M'yr, V'lano, Jascela, Charis, Caitlyn, Aion

Ista Weyr: Docks and South Beach(#2557RJs)
The black sand stretches for kilometers to each side of these long docks, curving from the south to the southeast as the plateau's gentle slope curves towards the forests. These docks are obviously brand new and recently expanded, stretching far into the harbour. Metal rings adorn the wood at regular intervals, providing places for ships to berth, and several smaller sets of docks jut out from the main. Beside the docks to the northwest the beachside tavern rests, offering more places for sailors to dock and seek refreshment. Sunset drenches red, glorious light over everything, and what the black sand absorbs, the sea makes up for, in a million dazzling reflections of fire from the blue, rolling surface. The sky shades to a flaming red to the horizon, where it meets the sea in a bright line unbroken except for the distant dark smudges that rise out of the sea far to the west and southwest: these are the beautiful Ista Isles.

The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. Tonight, there is a light, sprinkling rain and the air hardly moves more than a whisper.

Two sets of recent footprints, one human, one draconic, make a long trail down the black sand of the beach. The draconic ones end somewhere near the water's edge, the human's making a trail to one of the docks. And at the end of each trail, the owner can be found-- Naijath splashing in the sea, Noemie watching the green from a perch on the end of the dock. She absentmindedly dangles her legs off the edge, seeming a bit lost in her own mind, but content.

Winding down the path toward the docks comes Nolee, tear tracks cleaned off her face but her nose at least a little puffy still. Intent steps carry her along the bumpy dock as though one of her hide-out points of refuge were along here somewhere, and hm...there's someone sitting there. She hesitates, then strides forward anyway, taking up a seat a few dock-pegs down and immediately tugging off her sandals and seeking the water with her toes. Then she notices that the other is familiar, and she offers a tired wave. "Hallo, Naijath's! You tell Soldreth's you're having his littles yet?" Alas, not quite right, she is.

Noemie doesn't seem to mind the intrusion on her quiet dock, and as Nolee finds her own seat she scrambles to her feet, going to join the goldrider. "Hello! No, because I--" she pauses as she notes the slight after-a-cry look on Nolee's face, but as she settles herself cross-legged on the dock near her, decides to pretend not to, for the moment. "I'm not having /M'yr's/ little." Best clear that up, before rumors start!

Nolee sniffles once, a good loud sound designed to chase away all further hints that the sniffles ever were. "Jays, you're not?" This gives Nolee pause, and as Noemie sits down, she eyes the greenrider's midsection thoughtfully. "I guess you don't look much like you're having a little anyway. Maybe like you had too much pie." Her ample hips are patted, comfortable enough. "I always look like that, even if I didn't have any pie at all." Her feet kick at the water, comfort found there and in the other woman's company.

Noemie gives her head a shake. "Not /his/. R'layns-- Talurith's. Shards! Do you really think I ate too much pie?" The girl pretends to be insulted, looking down at her stomach. "Since I sure didn't look like this a couple of months ago. Or did I?" A mock-worried look, but she's comfortable enough with her body, in and out of pregnancy, that she knows she /has/ gained a bit of roundness.

"His?" Nolee repeats. The confusion's doing well to distract her from whatever was aimed to be pushed out of her mind when she came down her, so she even smiles a slight smile for Noemie's statements. "Jays, no," she's hasty to add. "Not too much pie at all! Just, um, the right amount. Of pie." Nolee looks down at her toes instead, trying not to stare at Noemie's midsection though the goldrider can't help but cast sidelong glances that way. "Does he know yet?" she whispers. "Talurith's?"

Noemie pats her stomach protectively. "Well, then. Good!" A broad smile to the goldrider-- this is what happens whenever you get her talking about her growing child. "And yes, he was the first to know. Unfortunately, once again, Nai and Tal did the telling." Somewhere out in the water, a green tail makes an amused splash. "Those dragons just can't keep things to themselves."

Wanding around down to the docks in just a fit of boredom, Sephie is trying to keep up with the sweltering heat. "This is sooo hot." She offers, gasping a bit more as she approaches both Noemie and Nolee, grinning when she notices them. "Hey!"

Nolee's sitting on the end of the dock with Noemie, her feet dangling in the water, sandals at her side. Her face is a little puffy, nose a little red, but that's getting only noticible if one looks very closely. "He was the first? How'd you manage that? Jays, I'd want to be the first. Not the sire." Her head shakes in amazement. "Ohh, they told you. Listen, Naijath's? I know a way to, you know, between? If you didn't want Kintryth's any angrier." A frustrated sigh. "She's been on a rampage lately." She hushes as Sephie approaches, falling quiet and scuffing at the water.

"Well, the first to know besides me-- and Naijath," Noemie explains. There's a wave in Sephie's direction as the girl approaches, but a slightly hurt look falls over her face as her former mentor suggests... alternate strategies. "I couldn't," she says finally. "It's lucky enough that, with all the betweening I've been doing lately, it managed to happen, right? I couldn't do it on /purpose/. I thought about that, the first time I became pregnant, and just couldn't bring myself to. I'll take Caity's wrath!" She pats a place near her on the dock, inviting the haircutter to take a seat near the two riders.

"Hello you two." Sephie says before she moves up to the pair and moves to sit down next to Noemie. "What's this?" She wonders, tilting her head to the side. "Couldn't do what? And know about what?" She asks, looking over at Nolee. "Hello Nolee" She waves to the Goldrider.

A small giggle escapes at Noemie's confession. "Jays, that'd be a handy trick, just the same. Though it's easier for me, not knowing. Then I don't feel guilty." This last comes brightly, then her face falls at Noemie's hurt look. "Ooh, I didn't mean that, if you wanted some? I just know I never would." She shakes her head. "Not me. I'd take anything else. Well. Almost anything." Her chin tips up, proudly, for a moment, then falls again, and she mumbles a polite hello Sephie's direction. "S'up to her to say," she gestures to Noemie. "Specially if you haven't told you know who yet."

"Well, she actually has told me before. The first two times. This time, I kind of knew." Noemie can't help but brag slightly about her dragon's ability. "Sephie, remember the time I was asking you whether you thought it'd be selfish if I had another little? Well, I'm being selfish." She wrinkles her nose slightly. "I do feel bad, being grounded when I'm needed."

Sephie almost pounces Noemie as she beams. "Really? That's so good! I'm so proud. Congrats!" She giggles, looking over at Nolee. "Did you hear? She's going to be a mommy again!" She says excitedly. "That's so great!"

"Two times!" Nolee's brown eyes widen, startled. "Jays, I forget who has had how many littles by now." She shakes her head. "I can't imagine having to get up early to take care of someone else's dirties for years and years -- those two tending Nala before she could were just awfully long." She shudders, then nods slowly. "If I could do something to get out of it, sometimes, I would. It's scary. Except, not that."

Kamia slides from Nari's neck very carefully, streaching out and rubbing her lower back a bit, looking for some fisherman to barter with. She looks around for a moment to see what's going on.

Noemie giggles. "And /that's/ why I found nannies to help tend them, and fostered them. Although mostly it was because I was so... /sharding/ young. Well, I still am, really." A heavy sigh comes from the girl, though. "I admit I have thought more about *betweening* at the right moment more than I'd ever considered it before. But I just don't think I could." She notices Kamia's dragon-back arrival, and waves cheerfully to the other greenrider, switching back easily to her happy demeanor after a mere moment of seriousness.

"Oh no, I'll help you." Sephie says, "Remember my promise Noemie?" She asks, nodding her head at Noemie. "I'll help." She looks over and waves at Kamia before she looks to Nolee. "What about you Nolee, waht's going on?"

"It's really easy," coaches Nolee. "A few extra seconds and then you don't have to worry at all. And it saves the work on the nannies." A shrug. "To each their own, I suppose. I heard someone say that once. I hope it means what I think it means." A youth passes by with strips of salted, smoked fish for barter, and she takes a hunk of it on credit, popping a piece in her mouth then offering bits of it to her companions. "Ooh, this. It's going on! This is just in season, and smoked. It's delicious."

Kamia heads on over, giving a faint smile to Noemie as she hugs herself a bit. She's definately pensive, especially as she eyes the fish. She doesn't seem to want any of that. "Seen anyone with fresh spiderclaws?"

Noemie takes a piece of Nolee's fish and pops it in her mouth. "Mmm, that is delic--Oh! Kamia, did you say spiderclaws?" She's forgotten her manners, having only half-eaten the fish as she talks. "No, I haven't, but... yum." Back to Nolee-- "To each their own... you know, I think it does." And Sephie gets a smile. "I appreciate it, Seph. That still leaves a long chunk of time that I'm not able to do my job. You know, protect Pern and all that."

"I haven't seen any." Sephie says before she looks over at the others. "Have you two seen any?" She wonders before reaches out and snags a piece of Noemie's fish. "ha!"

Chewing occupies Nolee's time for a few moments, permitting the others a break from her chattiness while she eats a few bits of the smoked fish, only her facial expression moving from rapture at the flavor to headshaking for Kamia's question to a nod for the importance of Noemie's occupation.

Kamia frowns a bit as that reminds her of the Huricane she still needs to face. She looks around nervously. "You haven't seen Caitlyn around.. have you?" No spiderclaws, and she got reminded of the badness to come. She settles on the ground, and kicks off her boots.

Noemie's eyes grow wide. "Caitlyn? No, I haven't seen her-- why, have you!?" She seems ready to jump to her feet and run, and a split second before she actually does, something occurs to her. "Wait. Why are you worried about running into her?" That they might have the same reason doesn't occur to her, but the irony that they're both afraid of their wingleader certainly does.

Nolee, Noemie, and Sephie are seated at the edge of the dock. Nolee's toes dangle in the water, sandals at her side. Her face is a little puffy, nose red, but fading to normal fast. A boy wanders about, bartering bits of a fragrant freshly smoked and salted fish, some of which Nolee's sharing with those nearby. "Unfortunately, yes," is the goldrider's reply to Kamia. "She was in a foul, foul mood. We had...a disagreement." Nodnod.

"I might have every idea. Think about how it might feel when someone calls me 'that Telgari.'" V'lano walks alongside M'yr, stride matched to the younger weyrleader's, a blanket draped over his arm; the two men come along from the north down the shore, past the longer beach and the treed cove beyond. "Not that people say that to me so often anymore. How quickly people forget where we come from in favor of who we are. - Ah, here we are." Squinting, V'lano can make out the shapes of figures down the length of one of the docks; he must have some insider knowledge as to one of their identities, for he points M'yr's attention that way.

Kamia sighs softly. "She's going to kill me.. the healers are grounding me.. she's really going to kill me." She leans on Noemie's shoulder for support. "I think I need someone to go with me so they can protect me from her."

"Another one?" Sephie asks, laughing a bit more as she looks from between Noemie and Kamia as she grins a bit more. "Another one? Everyone seems to be having loads of fun 'round here."

Noemie shakes her head, looking down at Kamia as the other greenrider leans against her.. "Not me! She'll slaughter the both of us right at the same time--- oooh." Suddenly things click in the girl's head. "Spiderclaws. No wonder we both want some spiderclaws." A careful eye looks down towards Kamia's stomach. "Shards. Caitlyn is /not/ going to be happy."

M'yr walks with the assistance of a stick of driftwood, purchased from the secluded beach from where he and V'lano originated. Cradled in his other hand is a bottle of spirits the two men have been sipping on, some remaining but not much. When his boots touch the dock, he hesitates as if stepping on red hot coals, then takes a faltering step. Dark eyes mist yet again, but not from a talk with Soldreth. "How true." he agrees with his Weyrleader friend, then summons his attention to those gathered. "Heya!" is called out in greeting with a wide smile.

"Sorry, but it's not going to be me." Nolee's rather firm on this point, leaving Kamia and Noemie on their own to face the bluerider's wrath, and her statement seems to assure Sephie that no matter how much 'fun's going round, Nolee's not a part of it. The approach of the Weyrleader and his companion cause her to raise her head, shielding her eyes to better see, then waving in a cheerful enough return greeting.

Kamia looks up, and smiles, waving to M'yr, though she settles back into her funk. "Who said it was fun.. my wingleader outright hates it when one of her riders gets grounded... I sort of understand her point.. I mean I tend to not go around the males often and that's part of the reason."

V'lano follows M'yr a half-pace back from the younger man's left shoulder, squinting into the misty sprinkle of light speckling rain or sea-spray or both. His bare feet slap the wood of the dock, sandals left away somewhere else. "Hey, weyrwoman. Riders. Miss." Though he does not trouble to salute any of the women, he does offer out a bit of a wave for them all. "What's not going to be whom?"

Noemie nods at Kamia's words. "I can understand it, too. I feel guilty enough already. Maybe we /should/ go talk to her together. That way at least she gets all of the news at once. Nolee, I wouldn't expect you to, don't worry." She looks over to the pair of approaching Weyrleaders and gives a friendly wave, explaining for V'lano's sake, "Caitlyn's not going to be happy. /Very/ not-happy." She worriedly bites into what's left of her fish, thinking a bit as she chews.

M'yr manages to put aside any personal feelings he has over his visit, clearing the way for a friendly smile to stay attached to him. "I believe we've stepped into a dubious discussion of who's going to be upset with whom and for what?" Not totally understanding the jist of this conversation, he pauses near Nolee, sending her a warm grin then shrugs to V'lano.

Kamia nods in agreement with Noemie repeatedly. She gives V'lano and M'yr the helpless look, despite she's now a rider. She's still wrinkling her nose at the fish. "It might be best.. strength in numbers and all.. I really wanted spider claws.. roasted spider claws with spices.

"They're in a family way, and I'm not gonna soften the news to that Kintryth's," Nolee announces, queen of listless lack of tact. She's still trying to cast off the remnants of a foul mood, though its tendrils hand cloak-like over her shoulders. "I've told you, a few extra seconds between at just the right time, and you avoid this altogether." She smiles indulgently to the women, her voice raising to call a bemused, "Hey, Weyrleaders," back at them. "Have some fish?" The smoked treat is offered up, wiggled tantalizingly M'yr's way, and she even works up a smile.

"Seems to me that's the kind of request you put in with the kitchen," V'lano informs Kamia with a good-natured smile, an aside before turning his attention to first Noemie's answer - which gets a befuddled look - and then Nolee's less tactful, but at least comprehendible, one. It's Noemie the Istan weyrleader looks on then, brows high, mouth thin: "Again?" But he affords her a trace of a smile, a long-suffering ever-patient smile, and shaking his head puts out a hand to welcome their visitor to a prime spot on the dock near the ladies and, more to the point, the fish Nolee's offering as snack.

Kamia frowns a bit at Nolee. "I don't want to take care of it like that though.. we don't know how long these falls will happen, do we really? It might be a personal choice for some riders, but Nari and I don't want to do it." She doesn't mention that Nari only agrees with her to agree with her.

"It would be," Noemie says a bit sadly in response to Nolee, sounding dejected that this is the only real solution to her (and Kamia's) problem. But the idea of spiderclaws seems to cheer her in the moment. "Spiderclaws. /Freshly/ roasted, still all hot. And lots of spices. Maybe we should go fetch some." A look up at the Istan Weyrleader at his single word. "Yes. Again." After all this talk about Wingleaders and *between*, whether that word is cheerful or slightly exasperated can only be judged by each person hearing it.

M'yr notes slowly, "They?", repeating what Nolee said as he leans down to take the snippet of fish she offers him, the staff held at his side by his underarm. Focusing his attention on Kamia and Noemie, he mouths toward V'lano, 'Them?'. Not waiting for a reply, he munches on the fish, listening, then during a pause in the conversation, he gets out to Nolee, "Belated congratulations on Nala's upcoming clutch." His tone is level, sincere.

Kamia smiles up at V'lano, atleast the weyrleader doesn't seem mad at her for it. "I was thinking I could go back to dragon healer classes in the mean time.. it would meake me still useful to my wing in a good way. And yes me M'yr.. " She smirks at him a bit. "I know some people got this idea I just did not like boys, but it happens." She's pretty cheerful now that she's made her opinion clear. "It's been.. umm about two months for me since well.. now about those spider claws..." She waves at the boy with the fish, distractedly.

The smoked and salted fish goes wiggle, Nolee's hand unable to be still. "Should've gotten more of it. Tasty." She licks her lips, then frowns at Kamia. "No, we don't know how long they'll go on. But you accepted the challenge to fly and fight with the weyr, and --" she breaks off, the beach with visitors hardly the place for such a discussion. "Jays, thanks! Though I'm sorry Nalaieth's occupying so much of Jesk--Jek--that brownrider Weyrlingmaster's time. You know how she is, so demanding." A goodnatured shrug, then a bright thought. "Ooh. Wonder if -she- gets cravings for spiderclaws, too."

The Istan 'leader fixes Kamia with a rueful smile. "I recommend you assume that they'll last at least a handful of turns. A little lizard said to me that the streaming star could be in the sky for a while." V'lano's tone is apologetic, though whether this may be due to the fact that his advice is bad news or because his sources are of unreliable make is up for debate. A glance at M'yr and a nod, then a shrug: who else? "Nalaieth? Does she even -eat- spiderclaws?"

Kamia shrugs a bit with a rueful smile of her own. "I want the baby.. and the father wants the baby.. and I still intend to fight as best I can and work for the Weyr. And you can bet Nari still wants to help." She begins to see if she can tempt the fisher boy to do something about her spiderclaw craving.

"Two months for me, as well." Noemie offers in response to Kamia's report. "Maybe dragons have other cravings?" She wonders aloud, after V'lano points out that Nala probably doesn't eat anything so small as a spiderclaw. "Sure is useful that greens don't clutch, isn't it?" Since apparently their riders can't help but doing so.

M'yr sends a brief nod to Kamia and Noemie, attaching his own response to the news with a bright "Congratulations to both of you, then! And Noemie, one of my finest memories is of Soldreth searching you. Remember that?" He's not buying into the texture of this gathering, it seems, remaining of good nature in the midst as the fish is finished. "Thanks." is sent to Nolee without correction of the clutchsire's rider's name, "You're right, it's tasty." V'lano's mention of the streaming star brings the slightest of winces, hardly noticable.

"Actually, I wouldn't mind about now if they -did.- Except that it'd be a nuisance to the queens on the sands - we could use the extra dragonpairs." V'lano shrugs, grinning, head shaking, and spares a quick wink for Noemie's jest. "Oh, Fara - you all do -know- M'yr, right?" A glance particularly for distracted Sephie. "This is Fort's Weyrleader, Soldreth's M'yr." Quieter, an aside to the younger man: "I'm as well-mannered as you ever knew me to be, see."

"It's from the streaming star, then?" Nolee's question to V'lano is almost eager, like he's a font of information denied her. "Someone's sure of it?" Her brown eyes widen, looking skyward for any early afternoon traces of the comet's trail. "Oh, and sure she does. Whole, if she can find them with her nose, and often a mouthful of sand, too." A sigh. "So far, no other ones, except, well, Jesk--the pop? His company." Eyeroll. At the intro, Nolee pops up, offers M'yr her hand, and possibly a hug as well if he's still long enough. "How're things at Fort? I heard you just had graduations!"

Kamia chuckles at M'yr, smiling. "Of course I know M'yr, we met at the first Canidate's dinner I ever attended, he and I had a dance I think, and in the end, when I had a bit to much to drink, he made sure I didn't go overboard." She grins up at him. "Sounds about right? I was such a gawky thing back then."

Whatever her mixed feelings about her pregnancy, the memory of her Search and subsequent Impression of Naijath bring Noemie nothing but joy. "Of /course/ I do!" Is said to M'yr, with a wide smile on her face. "It's one of my fondest memories as well." A slightly bewildered look to her own Weyrleader. "Really, you wouldn't mind dozens of Naijaths in this Weyr?" Said in a tone that says, are you /crazy/?

M'yr grasps Nolee's hand in his, drawing her to his chest in a gentle hug. "Good to see you again." he whispers to her confidentially with a downward smile. "Most of our weyrlings have been tapped, we're celebrating with a party in their honor soon. You should stop by. It should be rather interesting." Then to all the others, "You're all welcome to stop by and watch the festivities, of course. And yes, Vel, I know these two." Confirmed with yet another smile and subsequent nod, he releases Nolee partially, a hand on her waist til she should slip away.

"It's - ah - " Right. V'lano lifts a hand to the back of his neck and rubs it there, though it's been many turns since his last sunburn. "There's reason to believe Threadfall out of season's related to that star, yes." -No more questions- burn his eyes at his junior weyrwoman, not that he really expects it to help - but maybe M'yr's hug will take care of that for him. Distraction! The weyrleader turns toward Noemie and laughs, "Well, of course -you- do. And no, not right now, I wouldn't mind at all. A dozen greens would make a third of a wing, the quick third. I'd take it." A beat. Glancing at Kamia, then: "You make him sound - I don't know. Honorable." Another beat, and a grin. "Stop it."

Kamia smiles a bit. "Well he's always been honorable to me! Like a big brother almost. I never had an older brother or anything like that, and he was one of the first people I met when I moved here."

Nolee looks brightly from M'yr to Noemie. "Really? I didn't remember that. I mentored her, so we both got to help. And she turned out all right!" Nolee winks at M'yr, mischief in her brown eyes, smoked fish clenched in one palm, her fuss of a mood brighter already, comfortable with their friendly closeness. "Really? I had such a nice time at the dance, I might try to do that. Thank you for the invitation." Distraction seems to suffice, for the moment, while she laughs for a clutch of greens and an honorable M'yr, both. "Gives us the inspiration to hold a party of our own, I think. Of course, you'd be invited, since you're still like family to us here."

Noemie looks up at the embracing pair, the bronzerider who Searched her and the goldrider who mentored her. "I turned out okay, did I? Well, that's a relief!" Her eyes dance with amusement as she laughs a bit. "I'd sure be proud to see the children of my dragon, but given the way that she preens and dotes over /my/ littles, I don't know if I could handle her, brooding over a clutch of eggs!" More laughter, then, "Oh, a party! That's a wonderful idea."

Kamia shrugs. "Nari would never make a good clutch mother. To flightly. I have to fight to keep her attention. It's like she's always searching for the next shiny adventure. Even when she has had a flight, she's usually bored quickly and moving on before the other dragon can do anything about it"

M'yr is close enough to attempt a launch of an elbow toward his Istan Weyrleader friend, sending him a mock-glare. "I /am/ honorable!" is his quick comeback then a laugh. "Sometimes." Then to the group, he adds, "It'll be in the northeast bowl at Fort if you can make it. There's...." a pause for emphasis, "been a lot of construction going on just for this event. So... be sure to stop by if you can."

"That must be a new trend," laughs V'lano, taking the elbow in the arm and backing off in case there's going to be another like it launched after. He backs off a little after that, folding his arms loosely over his chest; he is content for a moment, it seems, to merely preside over the edge of the gathering and watch on from the sidelines.

Nolee laughs more easily now, bemused at the idea of flighty Naurimeth or flirty Naijath as a clutch mother. "Nalaieth's bad enough. At least she remembers they're there, and does what she should do tend them." A beat. "Or, gets the clutchfather to." A quiet giggle, proud of her Nalaieth on some level. "Construction? Did something fall in, like that time in the cavern? Or is this a good construction and not because something broke?"

"Naijath's always looking for the next shiny object, too," Noemie says, "But the color of that shiny object is usually bronze, brown, or blue." More laughter, then her curiosity is sparked as to what's happening at Fort as well. "Yes, what sort of construction?"

M'yr's dark eyes turn reflective at the mention of the cave-in in the lower cavern. "Shards! I had almost forgotten about that, Nolee!" He sighs, quiets for the moment then lets the memory go. "Nothing fell, just having," a pause, "some items built for the party." Smiling mysteriously to Noemie, Kamia and then down to Nolee, he winks. "You'll just need to come see, right?" Watchful eyes note V'lano's position, just in case.

Kamia smiles a bit at him. "If I have the time M'yr, seeing as I'd have to fly straight or take a boat. I should get over and talk to Zi'ya sometime though."

V'lano's eyes, when M'yr looks upon him, are rolling skyward. "Mysteeeeerious," observes the Istan weyrleader, good-naturedly long-suffering.

While M'yr's busy watching for an elbow from V'lano, Nolee casually tickles him in the side, then waits to see if it has any effect. "Things here have been steady, at least, no volcanic movement like before, so no more awful cave-ins," she reassures, at his solemn expression. For V'lano's comment, she laughs, and nods. "I'll try. I'd have to get it on my slateboard or I'd forget. And it depends if Nala can go then, or if I'm here with her, same's the girls."

Noemie laughs. "Well, I'll have to fly straight as well, of course," she says, "But I admit now I'm curious to know just what's been built." An eyebrow is lifted in Kamia's direction. "Talk to Zi'ya? Is that... um, the father?" Curiosity is now directed in a totally new direction.

Kamia lokos over at Noemie and nods a bit, hugging her stomach. "Yeah, his flew Nari.. he has someone else, but he's still not upset about the baby and wants to help with it."

M'yr mouths 'Zi'ya' with a puzzled expression sent to the speaker, then eyes flicker to the Istan weyrleader as if it were his fault. He's just about to come up with a clever excuse to blame him when the tickles hit. "Hey!!" he blurts out, set into a mire of laughter as he wiggles to get free. Huh. Yes, this'll work. Still with his arm around her, he lifts her up to sit on his hip, a teasing expression more like a nyanya given to the Junior. "V'lano, do you have any rope?" is asked with a grin sent to the other women.

V'lano has nothing to say about Zi'ya - just a twitch of brows as M'yr gets a hit of his own medicine from Nolee. "Well, I -might- be able to find something. These docks, you know, there might be some rope somewhere. But you know how I get lost aboard ships..." The Istan weyrleader casts the Fortian one a wink. "You'll all excuse me, I'm sure. Kamia, Noemie, congratulations." A nod and a smile if a strained one to each of the pregnant women, and a little salute for his junior, and then V'lano's headed off toward shore.

Kamia chuckles up at M'yr's expression. "I thought you would of known, I mean his dragon was practiacally gloating when he left here. What happens in flights, right?"

Nolee tilts her head, fascinated by this discourse about the possible identity of the father, and caught unawares when she's hefted up into the air and balanced against M'yr's hip. Her toes wiggle, not quite touching the ground, and she laughs brightly. "Stays in flights!" she hollers, mirthful. "Only if you tie tight! And promise to fly high! Jays, even in one of those baskets you guys made, that'd be even better!" So distracted is Nolee that she misses the Weyrleader's departure; alas.

Jascela heads toward the group of people just as V'lano departs. She smiles and nods to her Weyrleader as she passes him.

"Well, that's weyrlife for you, I suppose," Noemie says to Kamia. Her words are half cut-off by her suddenly noticing M'yr's kidnapping of Nolee and her own subsequent giggles. In between laughter, she manages to say, "Good evening, Weyrleader, and thank you." And because of her own distraction, she probably missed the strained undertone to his smile, and a genuine one is flashed in his direction as he departs.

Kamia grins up at M'yr and Nolee. "It's to bad Fort had to kidnap you from us M'yr. We miss you here, as you can see."

M'yr leaves Nolee there while he watches V'lano take his leave, turning back to his companions. "It's been good to be back, if not for a while, you know? If it weren't for your weyrleader and delivering his Istan peppers to P'ter? Well.. life may have been different."

Kamia smiles some more. "You know, you two are very sweet together. Always have been.. I miss Tannim." She sighs a bit and leans on Noemie again.

An earnest nod comes from Nolee, even as she wiggles a little bit just to make M'yr have to hold on tightly. "Things can change in an instant, what with dragons, that I've learned for sure." She leans her head up, smiling at M'yr. "We've known each other since before we were Weyrlings. It's lucky to have a good friend, even though he lives over there now. I imagine he's doing good things for them. Always did for us." Her tone is complimentary, even in the third person discussion of the man who is right there. "Look at what peppers can do!"

"Isn't life odd like that?" Noemie observes. "All the little things that could have made everything different. I think we all have those moments." An arm is wrapped around the girl's pregnant-Dawnsflame-greenrider twin as she's leaned against, and the other is lifted in a wave to Jascela as she'd noted approaching.

Jascela flashes the two Greenriders a bright grin and waves to them, then to the others. "Good evening everyone."

M'yr clamps against his 'captive' to ward off the wiggles, noting, "We took care of each other for many turns, and yes, it's very nice to have a good friend. I have to admit it's awfully good to come back to Ista, even if it's for a visit." All that said, he releases his tight grasp of her, allowing her to slip gently back to the ground. Free now, he shifts the bottle V'lano gave him to his other hand, still maintaining the staff. "So how is the food here? Still excellent?"

Kamia grins. "I just sent someone off the find us some spiced spider claw!" She grins up at him. "Noemie and I are having cravings for it."

Noemie nods. "Why spiderclaws though, hmm?" She wonders. "Why isn't it... say, roasted tubers?" Her head tilts contemplatively. "Maybe next month, it will be. Mm, tubers, those are good, too."

Kamia is pretty distracted, chating about food with Noemie. "Roasted tubers with butter.." She groans a bit. "When is that kid getting back?"

Nolee stills as she's clamped into place, a giggle still on her lips as the group visits near the edge of the dock. "Visit often! It's a wonderful place for a short vacation, just a between-hop from your home over there." Ever the tour-guide, she's quick to nod, slipping apart from M'yr and flashing him a bright smile. "Still fabulous! Mmm, especially the spider claws. With citron and some meltys? Very good. Tubers can be too, but seafood, so much better."

Caitlyn arrives with Aion, the woman's hand tucked neatly into his proffered arm as the two descend from the plateau's path down to the beach, then the dock area. Yes, the reckoning is nigh, greenriders - but Cait's polished smile leaves nothing of the inner turmoil roiling within to be seen. As she approaches, all are smiled to, even Nolee - but it's only M'yr who gets a heartfelt one.

Noemie spies the approaching pair, and both of them are flashed a winning, cheerful smile. But just like she almost did when she /thought/ Caitlyn was coming, she scrambles to her feet suddenly, giving an awkward and unusual salute. "Good evening, wingleader!" She knows what's coming, all right.

Jascela eyes Noemie and Kaimi both, grinning amusedly at them both. "Cravings, eh? How're you both feeling tonight other than the cravings?"

Kamia blinks herself as she suddenly loses her leaning post, and scrambles to her feet, also salute as well. She has to bite her lower lip as well.

M'yr actively situates himself on the edge of the group, among the first to spot Cait's entrance with Aion, a bright wave sent to the Istan wingleader. Of course that's preliminary to Kamia and Noemie's jump, and secondary to a wave sent to Jascela. "Hmm." he mutters, backing up a pace or two just in case there might be flying debris.

Nolee stiffens as Caitlyn approaches, though her expression doesn't betray a flinch, and she's all propriety, nodding a welcome to all the recent arrivals. "Good evening," she hails. "Of course you remember Kintryth's, Soldreth's," are the abridged introductions. "Tansith's," a nod to Jascela, "And this...?" a pause for Aion to insert an introduction as well. "We were ruminating about Istan delicacies." Ahh, the marvels of formality.

A picture of impracticality, Aion keeps his hair far longer than most men would prefer. Falling to his mid-back, the length of ash blond hair is nearly as impressive as any youth's. However, very little is ever done with it. Most of the time it's simply slung back into a runner tail, held by a leather thong. The front is cut in such a manner as to appear rakish, partially obscuring cerulean blue eyes. His face is rare to be considered unsightly, pointed and chiseled. Standing at five foot ten inches, he's not the sort that would be considered imposing.
Wearing fairly simple clothing for the locale of Ista, he usually wears a slightly overlarge tunic that is tucked into a pair of light linen slacks. Airy and light, and usually colored pale beige or light browns, he doesn't wear much for adornments. Lithe and slender, his clothes are a little roomy to give him the presentation of someone a little larger than he actually is. His knot betrays that he's a Journeyman Healer from the hall, and he looks like he's in his mid twenties.

Aion releases Caitlyn's arm so she can better greet the others here, or - at least, that's what most would probably think he was doing. He blinks a couple times as Nolee doesn't appear to recognize him, even though it's definitely the second time they've met. "Journeyman Healer Aion." He offers anyways, since some of the others aren't familiar with him.

Caitlyn remains as calm as she can, on the outside, tossing both greenriders a smart salute back, the woman's smile slowly turning into a smirk. M'yr gets a pleased glint of her brown eyes as well as a large wave, and Jascela also receives a smaller wave. She seems to ignore the other blueie's words about cravings, if she overheard them at all. And Nolee, yes, even she gets a smirked smile, and a level nod of the Wingleader's head, as if not much ever happened. "Hello all," the bluerider drawls out in a darkly pleased manner, then focusing her dark gaze on the two greenriders standing before her. If she notices Aion's slight 'leavetaking,' the short woman gives no sign - her back straightening from its relaxed position to one of something more firm, ready.

Kamia shudders and moves closer to Noemie for umm.. emotional support, yes, that is it. Even on the sand, Nari is perking up to watch the dock herself. "Hello ma'am, Healer." She is difinately looking scared and perhaps a bit green, not just in the dragon.

Noemie observes her Wingleader's greetings with a careful formality, and her own bright blue eyes flash in a near challenge before they turn to regard Aion as well. She, too, makes a step closer to her fellow greenrider, but it's a move in solidarity more than support, her posture straight, looking ready for anything after taking a moment for composure after her initial salute.

Kintryth backwings to a landing only a little farther up the beach, warbling to the other dragons gathered. Slowly, he paces over towards the humans, then lazily flopping down onto the warm sands - stretching long neck and head out towards the group in order to get a better view.

M'yr levels a nice, well, stare at the two wingriders in their wingleader's presence, the very slightest of twitches shown as he measures the situation. "Ut oh." he mutters to Nolee, raising one brow at the upcoming predicament. Clearing his throat, he asks her, "So I hope Nala is feeling well?"

Nolee's very casual, finding the crushed bits of a smoked fish in her palm and popping them into her mouth, chewing to fill the silence, fascinated by the Healer's expression, and puzzling at him -- does he look familiar, that impractical blonde hair? M'yr's question draws her focus, however, and she nods, complacently, pleased enough to converse on cheery subjects with him. "She is. She's enjoyed Jesk--Kesji--that brown's tours of under the lake, and other places at Fort that are all pretty. And Soldreth?"

Despite the tense back-and-forth the green's receiving from her rider as Noemie braces herself for Caitlyn, Naijath croons toward Kintryth as he alights on the beach. She heads back to shore from the water where she'd been splashing and swimming this whole while. It's not that she wants to be closer to her clutchbrother, no! It's so she can show her rider some support, of course.

Charis slides down off Qeteth, brushing back some hair from her eyes, a smile on her face as she looks around at the people gathered on the docks. She squints her eyes, possibly looking for a familiar face, sighing softly she makes her way to the serving tables. Qeteth lets out a croon of greeting to those around him

Caitlyn plants her sandaled feet a little widely, almost appearing to rock from heels to toes a bit as she surveys her two greenriders. It seems as though, maybe Kamia and Noemie might get off lightly for a moment, especially as another dragonpair from far away arrive. But Cait isn't in a terribly forgiving mood, and she sets in without hesitation. "Aion tells me you're both pregnant." Immediately, her smile is gone, the ruse unable to be kept up any longer, at least right now. "He also implies you're both keeping the babes, and says you're both to be transferred to the Queen's Wing for the duration." A small pause, and she leans in, muttering darkly to her two wingmates - though her words carry further on the watered-air near the ocean. "How damned *selfish* can you both get?!"

Jascela is just standing quietly nerby, just watching the others nearby curiously and tugging at one of her huge ear-hoops. She smiles at Charis and nods a greeting before glancing over at Caitlyn and the Greenriders.

Kamia flinches as she starts to get chewed out, looking down at her feet. She's not arguing, not answering, and in general she's just keeping quiet rather then to irritate her more.

M'yr repeats back to Nolee, "Tour? Of Fort? That was very kind of him." Sable eyes dart from person to person in the group before going on, "Sol's as stubborn as usual. No changes there. He's been a little anxious about this last batch of new riders. Some of them have him concerned, but not me."

Nolee turns fully toward M'yr, brightly taking up a new conversation. "So, I hear I'm to have two new wingmates flying in Twilight for at least a turn. Jays, that'll be nice. It's a pretty shifting group, really, and we could use the solidity of two experienced fliers." A nod, pleasant, to Jascela, and to their visitor "You've flown with us before. Rather light on the drills, but then, we have to be." Louder, she hails, "Welcome! Duties from Ista's queens."

Charis nods her head politely to Jascela as she walks closer to Caitlyn, canting her head a bit when the bits of words hit her ears, furrowing her brows in interest. The rider glances about, letting her gray eyes find Kamia, not saying anything though from what she hears

Noemie looks sidelong at her fellow, silent greenrider, and takes this as her cue to be the one to speak out loud. "Selfish enough to shirk our abilities to Weyr and Pern," she says. "Selfish enough to think only for ourselves. And /sentimental/ enough to know that we'd regret doing what everyone seems to think is the right thing to do." She owns up to it, all of it, throwing it out in the open herself so that Caitlyn can't throw it in her face. All others seem to not exist at the moment, and rude as it may be, no notice is given to the new visitor.

Kamia looks up at Noemie with a faint smile as she stands up for them both, smiling at her wingmate. "It's not selfish to want children Caitlyn, even if you yourself don't want that choice yourself... I intend to make good use of my time so that when I rejoin the wing, I'll bring something new with me other then the baby. I didn't ask to get pregnant, but I would hate myself if I let go of it."

Aion isn't offering his opinion one way or the other for the time being, and since Caitlyn is no longer close to him, he simply clasps his hands behind his back and watches as the events unfold. He just watches the others, even the interactions with those that aren't involved in the little situation that's unfolding.

Caitlyn seems to utterly ignore the going's on of those around her, focusing her wrath on Noemie and Kamia, honing it to a knife-edge when the more experienced greenrider speaks up for both of them. "Did I say you could speak, greenriders?!" she barks loudly, golden-brown eyes flashing dangerously, Cait's frown slowly altering to something darker. "You'll have your turn to speak your piece, after I've had MINE." The words are spoken in clipped tones full of both heat and cold, the bluerider glowering dangerously to both. She continues in somewhat more modified tones, "Your ultimate duty is to Ista, and Pern! You know damned well how badly we need every pair right now, and yet you baldfacedly *choose* to indulge yourselves, and leave the rest of us to try and make up the burden." A finger stabs out at both of then, then turns like a weathervane onto Noemie. "*Especially* you. You've had other babes, and I've never begrudged you the time to keep them. And this one's not even from a Flight!" A glower back at Kamia. "I could almost forgive *you* for being too young and foolish to know better, but you've had the same training as others!"

Nalaieth> I bespoke Kintryth with << Mine commands, >> The words are intent, beads of amber dripping down a rocky surface, imposing, << Yours to recall her position, her location, her influence. There are visitors present. >>

M'yr has to chuckle softly to Nolee's proclamation of the two new wingmates. "It seems like a definite advantage to me!" Winking at her, he rotates to view the rest of those gathered, then his eyes glaze over. Offering Nolee an apologetic smile, then the rest of the group, he mentions, "It seems like Sol's not happy anymore to take care of matters while I indulge myself with old friends. I.." he pauses, "should get going before I'm left here with no transport home."

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth pitter-patters back in his so-easy manner, << She will take them farther up the beach, now. >> Soft laughter seems to hang between you both for a moment, then he fades away like mist.

Kamia sighs and wraps her arms around her belly protectively. She was always sentimental, it was a well known fact on her. She waits for Cait to finish her ranting, her eyes glassing over a bit as she does,

"They'll iron out, I'm sure. Soldreth himself gave his weyrleader worry as well." Nolee winks at M'yr for that. The goldrider hesitates uncertainly as M'yr seems uncomfortable, then takes a few steps away from Dawnslight's wingleader and her two greenriders, her steps and her intent to direct the others in the small gathering down the docks a bit more, further from the more personal conversation nearby. "If you must go, of course. Our duties go with you. Oh, look. There's one of our ships returning home. I'll wager we'll have fresh shellfish this evening, if I recognize the flag."

Noemie's icy blue eyes flash, cold as the Reaches. Her mouth tightens into a thin line as she listens, unflinching. Then, finally, she says softly, "/Now/ may I say my piece?" Still, all others and all else has evaporated as attention's on her Wingleader, on regaining composure, on making it seem, in a careful performance, that she's not close to tears.

Caitlyn suddenly jerks her thumb at Noemie and Kamia, signalling them further up the beach, the woman stomping off from the main group.

Charis blinks a few times, not sure she wants to be in the middle of the fighting, instead heads back over to her blue and leaps up strapping herself in tightly

Nolee's eyes flash briefly, betraying future ire at the Wingleader's behavior driving away their dockside visitors. Gathering her shoes, she slips them on, and curtsies to the remaining folk politely. "I'm afraid I too could use a bit of fresh air. If you'll excuse me?" Without waiting further, she heads for the beach, gulps of air sucked in as she goes.

Gob> Kamia still stays close to Noemie, she clearly doesn't want to follow her, but she does start to slowly head in that direction.

Gob> Noemie follows as well, her footsteps terse as her words and demeanor.

[Nolee leaves scene; continued below via +watch puppet]


Gob> Caitlyn is not as heartless as she seems now, in no way, shape or form. But she's also dedicated, and a harsh taskmistress when provoked - and now is one of those times. Once she and the greenriders have gotten out of ear-range of any others, the woman lets loose with both barrels again. "No, you may NOT, greenrider! I don't want to hear excuses, I want to hear why you didn't have the fortitude to tell me before the Journeyman did?! Did you think it could lessen or alter my reactions to put it off?!" And suddenly Cait speaks more evenly, piercing both greenriders' gazes with her own. "It might have...if you'd have tried to sell me your viewpoints right at the start." Steel again flashes in her tones. "But now you've done it. Gone behind my back and skulked around. Her hands close into fists, one suddenly showing the bruising and deep wounds upon its knuckles. "And now what am I to do without two nearly indespensible pairs from our team - when Thread falls again? What's Dawnsflame, V'lano, Ista's people to do?"

Gob> Kamia just keeps her head down, listening to her rant, still hugging herself protectively, and really, she looks about ready to cry.

Gob> Noemie's mouth opens, words ready on her tongue, much to say in response to all that Caitlyn's saying to her and Kamia. But she shuts it again, waiting for the right moment, if there actually is such a thing in this one-sided ranting. She's near tears as well, but hiding it as carefully as she can.

Gob> Caitlyn simply stands there before both women, looking into their eyes with not only anger and steel, but some strange hurt looming behind those other emotions - as well as some tired chagrin. turning her back on the pair suddenly, she flicks the words out as her head shakes a few times. "Speak, Noemie. But I warn you, don't insult me. I've no patience for it today."

Gob> Aion figures he's seen enough for the time being, and rather than interrupt what the three are talking about - he just starts meandering down the beach back towards the weyr. The dispersal of the others has led to his own, but.. there's only so much time that he finds the sandy shores interesting to look at.

Gob> Kamia sniffles a bit before she gets it under control, and lets Noemie do the talking, still hugging herself.

Gob> Actually speaking will make it harder to hold back the tears, but she does so anyway, boldly, with a twinge of surprise in her words that she's actually speaking them. "I have no insults," she begins. "I respect you as a rider, as my Wingleader. I think you skilled at what you do and understand why you're speaking to us now." Her words are careful, not of flattery, merely by way of explanation. "What I have to say is this-- with the all the exertion of riding, of all the time spent *between*, I figured it next to impossible for me to get pregnant right now. So yes, I wasn't as careful as I should have been. And yes, I do have two littles already. And each time, I was close to losing my girls *between* out of duty to Pern. And every time I remember this, and see them, it nearly kills me." She's said all of this without pausing for breath, her Harper-trained lungs proving their endurance. Finally, she pauses to take a deep breath, and it's now that tears fall from her eyes, though her voice remains steady. "And the reason that I haven't told you yet is because, for all of that, I've been more torn this time around about keeping my child than I ever have been. Because I was waiting until I'd decided for sure. And I still haven't. There's every chance that tomorrow, there'll be no--" Now her voice cracks, pitching upward as she really begins to cry. "-- reason for me to be in the Queen's wing."

Gob> Caitlyn doesn't flinch at Noemie's words, her back still stiff, manner still unbending. And she's glad that no one can see her turned away face, the sudden twitch of guilt that rolls over her mobile features - the dropping of her eyes to black sands below foot. Gathering herself together again, the bluerider nods a few times when the older greenrider is finished, then speaking to Kamia. "Your turn, Kamia."

Gob> Kamia reaches out for her wingmate, to hug the crying girl, looking at Caitlyn as if to say "See why I was late telling you" She sniffles a bit more though. "I don't have a weyrmate, I never expected to get pregnant, I have no intent to take one... the father is happy with me keeping the baby and if a flight gives me the chance to have one.. I don't know how to say no to it... this could be the only chance I have and I don't want to loose it.. I'm sorry Aion had to tell you, but I knew you would be mad, and Noemie and I were trying to help each other build up the courage to tell you"

Gob> Noemie wraps one arm around Kamia, a light hug, but she collapses upon herself at that moment, legs folding underneath her and face falling into her cupped hands as she begins to really sob. Not from Caitlyn's tirade, not really, but from the weight of the situation, the amount that she's torn, from being such a carefree girl suddenly so burdened. From somewhere down the beach, a green dragon croons worriedly.

Gob> Caitlyn steadies herself when another rush of ire overcomes her at Kamia's words, then woman then dropping her head between her shoulderblades, sighing wearily - losing most of her anger to emotional exhaustion. When she finally turns around, the other two women are greeted by only tired features, bleak eyes. "Noemie...I'm not..." And when Noe collapses, Cait has to lock her knees to not go down on her own and comfort her friend...perhaps friend no longer after this. Kintryth croons back to both Naijath and Naurimeth, getting up to waddle over between the two of them and touch noses. Caitlyn looks out over at the dragons to keep her head together, unable to bear looking at the two women right now. "I'm not cruel, you both know that. But I want...stability for Dawnsflame. I have to depend on all of you to keep my back - each others' - when we fly." A deep, shaking sigh escapes her lungs. "I'm not ogre enough to try and order your babes away from either of you...not that I could. But please...please consider the repercussions of your actions before you allow this to happen again." Her uninjured hand lifts to a temple, trying to rub away the headache that's begun there. "If this...keeps happening, I might have to ask V'lano to have you reassigned to the Queen's Wing. I... Dawnsflame just cannot take having its riders cycling in and out so often." Feeling a little like a heel, Caitlyn turns back to both women, her face bleak, but quiet. "Go back to your weyrs. Rest. Even I know a pregnant woman needs her rest."

Gob> Kamia luckily she can go down, infact has to go down to her knees to stay with Noemie and not drop her, stroking her hair soothingly, it's enough to cause her to stop sniffling as she takes care of someone else. Nari herself seems confused and upset, she doesn't get the humans at all, and she nuzzles Kint for reassurance that she doesn't need to go protect her human, since her human doesn't want her too.

Gob> Kintryth keeps up his tenor croon to the greens, rubbing a cheek on their necks to express his concern and to assert that, yes, all is truly alright. His reassurance is strong and steady, his tones full of confidence.

Gob> As Caitlyn kneels to comfort her, Noemie looks up thankfully at her friend-- for a split second, her friend again, her clutchmate, not so much her wingleader. "I'm still-- torn--" comes between a sob or two. "I'm not-- sure-- for all that I've been saying-- I am. When I /do/ know-- I'll tell you, Caity." The back of one hand wipes away tears. "I understand, and I'm not going to hold it against you. You're just doing what's right for the wing." There's still a bit of pain in her words, but honesty, also. Down the beach, Naijath nuzzles the blue back, for perhaps the first time in her life, no flirty undertones to the motion, just seeking reassurance, seeking the comfort of her fellow dragons.

Gob> Caitlyn nods to Noemie and Kamia, the woman slowly stepping over to the pair, trying to lift both greenriders up in her strong arms to stand again. "I know, Noemie. More than you might guess..." She too finally gives in a little bit, stroking her clutchsib's hair once, giving a weak, crooked half-smile to Kamia. "Now go home...go rest, or whatever makes you feel better. I think all of our dragons will be having our presences in thier couches tonight." She passes a hand over her suddenly pained features, and drops arms from the others, hitching off towards Kintryth. "Fair skies..." she mumbles very softly, soon climbing aboard her blue's back, to direct him skyward.

v'lano, caitlyn, charis, nolee, m'yr, kamia, noemie, sephie, aion, jascela

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