Descs of dragon chasers in Nala's flight. :)

Jul 02, 2007 19:38

Loketh, Sareith, Talurith, Jaireth, Maxeoth, Sulizath, Gryth, Jekzith, Nalaieth
Nalaieth> Nalaieth(#9449OQaeps$)
Nalaieth> Above all else, the tawny young queen is comfortable in her own skin. The warm yellow-gold of raw sienna lends a velvety feel to the clean lines of her body that might otherwise seem too compact, too cold. When her narrow muzzle is lowered, or her wings furled, it creases in rippling folds that she's gradually grown into as much as her paws and tail. Those large paws also steady her, though, while ingenuous eyes enlighten her, and flexible joints help her twist and turn in seemingly boneless curves. Along the sinewy bases of her wings, a darker, smoky gold spirals upward, gradually diffusing into a diaphanous haze across their expansive sails; however, a few dark cinder-spots mar her neckridges, and yet another marks one solid, shapely flank. Not that such personal, physical things seem to concern her, for she's all eyes for the wide, wide world.
Nalaieth is now 8 Turns, 7 months, and 3 days old and roughly 39.9 meters long, with a wingspan of 66.23 meters.

Sareith of Telgar
Nalaieth> This huge dragon is made up of sooty shadow and fire in the form of brilliant molten bronze. Hot metal spills across his hide from the top of his head to the tip of his tail; dripping down thin sides, haunches and long neck. His eyes are wide set and large in his narrow face, shadowed under sloped eyeridges. Broad shoulders and long limbs cool into a deep mellow hue, his toes and talons fogging with dark, ashy black. The same black darkens his otherwise transparent wingsails and sturdy bronzed wingbones, his wingspan impressive, nearly the size of many queens. Like his sire, there is an obvious potential for strength in his every movement - and an unshakeable confidence in every step.
Sareith is 2 Turns, 3 months, and 8 days old and 37.50 meters long. He is 15.90 meters tall at the shoulder and has a wingspan of 60.00 meters.

Talurith of Ista
Nalaieth> A large dragon, there is something about this bronze that portends greatness, despite his size. Perhaps it is the sturdy, mud-hued paws that outsize the rest of him; perhaps it is the substantial build of his stocky barrel chest; perhaps it is the muddy spatters of brown that speckle his gold-green hide. Those glossy colors shine over the wide reach of hardy wingspars and speckled sails, as if fresh-dipped in the river, then grow muted and murky around the curve of his lean belly. Water droplets seem to sparkle on his neckridges, trailing the length of his spine until they fade away into the pale tip of his tail. Curved headknobs and gleaming, narrow-set eyes are more understatement than omen. Most likely, that sense of distinction has to do with his confident carriage and the way he holds his head, as if a crooked smile might appear on his pointed maw to lend him an air of self-conscious celebrity and youthful charisma.
Talurith is 5 Turns, 8 months, and 4 days old and 38.00 meters long. He is 16.11 meters tall at the shoulder and has a wingspan of 60.80 meters.

Loketh of Fort
Has anyone ever seen a more dazzling bronze hide as the one that this dragon sports?! Beginning at the tip of his blanched almond nose, climbing up his head to swirl over regal headknobs then descending to his strong shoulderblades, a rich coppery bronze coloration dominates his hide-scape. Prominent, wide set eyes seem to exude a sense of accomplishment or perhaps determination.
A wide girth provides a placeholder for a daring chest that glints when the sun's rays toy with the deep patina. Enduring wings persist in the identical coppered-bronze shade, built for a knife-edge balance between speed and endurance. Long legs dip to the ground, their glistening color only varying slightly at the juncture of ebony talons and legs, becoming a burly wood shade to merge with the blackness. His flank joins haunches that promise strength and power, thinning into a lanky tail, built to strongly whip at the Fortian air, sending him into full flight toward his journey beyond.
Loketh is 38.00 meters long. He is 16.11 meters tall at the shoulder and has a wingspan of 60.80 meters. Loketh is 1 Turns, 7 months, and 9 days old.

The craggy profile is an ocherous brown, the color of freshly-turned earth spilling over a brawny torso in barrows of shade. Burly and bold of figure, his limbs are less elegant than resilient, form following function in this incarnation. The steeply angled shoulders deepen into loam, broad as a mountain range, while infrequent patches of rocky granite cap the jagged ridgeline of his neck. Russet fire spills backwards from the bluntly wedged head, rugged features limned in a ruddy profusion before being shadowed by earthen shades. The tilt of neck is roughly shaped, no fine elongation but a surplus of muscled strength blending into the sinewy shoulders and the gauche bulk of a sedimentary barrel. The wide span of his wings is a panorama of specks and flecks, an aggregate of gravels and oaks that are rimmed by foothills of musculature at their powerful base. The hindquarters are a proud amalgam of bald-faced granite and swarthy lager, the rich brown hue seeping in a good-natured spill over the rock-like dimensions of his haunches. Flinty talons tip the end of blunt limbs, their axe-like curve a hazardous beauty of blue-gray color. He is a rough-hewn shape from weathered muzzle to harshly delineated tailtip.
The straps that sling across Sulizath's neck and around his underside are far from perfect in their making. The leather is soft and faded from use again and again, though somehow the straps have held for yet another turn of safe flying on a still growing dragon. Perhaps once black, now the straps have a distinctly faded and tempered brown as thier hue -- one that all but disappears against the stony profile of the dragon wearing them.
At 11 Turns, 1 months, and 4 days old, Sulizath is about 30.20 meters long. He is 12.80 meters tall at the shoulder and has a wingspan of 48.32 meters..

Burnished veining spreads across tarnished wingsails, turning them lighter and brighter than the weathered bronzen hide stretching across the rest of this dragonet's solid frame. Well muscled, but without the added bulk which would make him truly muscle bound, he retains much of the maneuverability that escapes many dragons of his size. Even in the midst of youthful awkwardness, he moves with the fluid power and predatory grace of a developing hunter's stalk. An overabundance of confidence manifested in the edgy quality he possesses whether still, or moving with the explosive energy that matches his apparent temper. His chiseled features give him a strong face that is none the less expressive, perhaps helped by the indented places along his muzzle, eye ridges and head knobs that are more polished in hue, adding a certain depth to his image. A mantle of darkness spreads from streaks of mahogany, reaching down from the neck ridges that line the upper curve of his neck to stain his shoulders, with a dorsal strip darkening also the length of his spine to the restless tip of his whip thin tail. Close inspection showing scattered glints of brightness across the remainder of his irrevocably muddied hide.

At 2 Turns, 8 months, and 8 days, Jaireth is approximately 36.3 meters in length and 24 meters to his wing shoulders, with a wingspan of 60 meters.

This young dragon is rather angular in structure, vert neat and precise in his movements. His movements on land and in the air have a grace to them normally not attributed to a dragon. His hide could be described as brown, as average a shade as possible. This average-huedness is both an advantage and a disadvantage as he blends well into others, but can't really stand out. Despite this, he has a cheerful set to his features, an optimistic kind of self-assurance that could help him win any day. There is a cone of silent ease that covers this young brown from crown to heel, one that communicates the kind of friendly trust many would be happy to spend a lifetime with.

Particularly lustrous hide characterizes this long, well-proportioned bronze. Even in tone, his color has the rich, tawny depths of a feline's mane, but there's no mistaking the metallic gleam that eases over every smooth curve. A powerful barrel chest supports slightly outsized wings, thin sails darkening into a more traditional bronze patina. A broad forehead and intelligent eyes, set at just the right angle in his skull along with a narrow, aristocratic muzzle complete the image of a handsome, authoritative male. He carries himself with a regal awareness of his stature and status, graceful and deliberate, showing the magnificence of his solid physique to good advantage. He is 37.80 meters long. He is 16.03 meters tall at the shoulder and has a wingspan of 60.48 meters. and 1 Turns, 10 months, and 12 days old.

Nalaieth> Lean musculature, loose and mobile characterizes this curious-looking brown dragon. Bright interest reflects aquamarine in the multi-faceted wide set eyes that are surrounded by a heavily creamed klah mask, the hue especially pale next to the dark cap of loam that tucks around his headknobs, reappearing below as if the tip of his muzzle were likewise interred in the earthy shade. Trailing down his neckridges only to tunnel beneath and behind the sprawl of fanned out wings of luminous maple is a drab swathe of weather-beaten teak. But while said dull coloration dominates his underbelly, it is brought up short at the elbow and knee joints where the bright fawn hue of caramelized sugar coats downward, punctuated by ebon claws. Trailing behind, a slender tail snakes out in a mellowed cider that darkens only at the very tip where the spade matches the near-black of talons. Though certainly not handsome in a traditional sense, the lively play of colors splaying out across his hide is eye-catching, a unique if startling combination, as individual a treasure as the brown on which they are displayed.

maxeoth, sareith, talurith, gryth, nalaieth, jekzith, loketh, sulizath, jaireth

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