In which Istans return to Sudee to aid with the rebuilding of porcine pens

Jun 19, 2007 19:34

Nolee, Nalaieth, Jazra, Liaoth, V'lano, Caitlyn, Riaceth, Tegara, Alexiel, Sephie, npc Assom, npc Chaumreth, npc F'rgen, npc Avom, npc Essie, npc holders, piggies, cothold, event, sudee cothold,

Special thanks to V'lano for playing npc's Assom, Avom, and Essie.

Ista - Sudee Hold, Rebuilding(#4841RJ)
The fire tower and drum heights bear burn-scars at their bases, but the stonework has remained strong. No sigil flags wave from the towers as identification, but it is clearly Sudee, a medium-sized cothold beholden to Rocky Hold. Once surrounded on three sides by the Istan jungle, a particularly nasty Threadfall has destroyed much of the green canopy along the northern wall. The rest has been cut back away from the courtyard's foundation, and the greenery across the yard itself is properly singed away.

The main entrance to the freestanding stone cothold is up a few uneven steps, its grandeur fading under constant use and hallmarked by a path of darkness and singe across the courtyard where hungry thread eliminated all organic matter. One corner of the courtyard contains a makeshift reconstructed awning with refreshments. Sounds of work-in-progress abound, and the scent of roasting porcines with root vegetables already fills the air.

The sties just beyond the main gates where the cothold's primary revenue, the porcine grounds, were located has been cleaned and prepped for their return, the few remaining dozens or porcines kept in a nearby stone shed, protected from the wiles of the weather. Rows of latticed fencing and piles of stone to become the pen's walls await the many hands who come to help.

The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. Tonight, there is a light, sprinkling rain and the air hardly moves more than a whisper.

Welcome! First, a quick recap: Sudee was hit by a monster threadfall not too long ago. Just before that, Istan wings had warned the cotholders to clear greenery and to stock flamethrowers, but there was some disagreement because the weyr hadn't helped them with upkeep efforts. So today's a making-nice mission. Our plan is to start mid-way into the raising of the rock wall construction that is the porcine pens and to restock them, and then fade off-camera for a nice modest meal. ^^

The sun is hot over Sudee cothold on this summer afternoon, the welcoming drizzle of rain a comfort to already sweat-damp workers. Grunting noises nearby come from the dozens of porcines shipped via dragonback-harness-and-basket from the weyr and beyond, soon to restock the pens but for now tethered clear of the work areas. Some folk are winding harnesses and reconnecting the travel baskets to the dragons, a few are enjoying a rest break, and others are adding stones to the wall, where lines of rock gradually increase in height as Istans aid in the reconstruction efforts. Slowly the new porcine pens are beginning to take shape.

Nalaieth's bulk provides a little shade to some of the workers, one of which is Nolee, who is doing more forehead-mopping and rock-inspecting than actual working.

Jazra is shoving carts of rocks around, aided by her Liaoth. The jade green and her rider work tirelessly, despite the heat. A waterskin is hanging from Jazra's hip for when she needs it. And she pauses frequently. "Think of this as a drill Liaoth. We're going to get stronger. You'll spring higher when we take off, and you'll have slimmer chest and stomach muscles."

Assom, the Holder's better nephew - so the riders of Ista might consider him, anyway - and his cousin Essie work near Nolee, the lad's back bent to the task of loading out heavy stones from a barrow his cousin holds the handles of in her hands. "I should go get something for you men to drink," Essie notes in a placid, absent tone, keeping the barrow tilted for Assom to heave rocks from while he ignores her. "And, uh, for the dragonriders." Some number of whom, including nearby Nolee, are of course not men. Essie blinks pleasantly, sweat dripping from her brows into her lashes.

Caitlyn has been told by the Healers to lay off of any super strenuous lifting for a few more days, and so the bluerider works with those dealing with the harnesses, moving amongst the dragons to settle them properly into place and check that all is secure. Though Cait is diligent and quiet of appearance, her mind works overtime beneath her calm mask.

Riacethcomes sweeping in, her wings providing a cooling draft to the workers there. Tegara slides from her neck and surveys the situation. Ooh, building a rock wall -- this should be interesting. She heads over to Nolee, who seems to be 'supervising' things as she usually does. "Hey Nolee," and she sketches the quickest of salutes. "Where d'ya need another hand," then she notices the dragons working just as hard as their riders, "or paw?"

Nolee stretches, her hand going to her lower back while she leans back and tries not to lose her balance. The piles of rocks seem endless, and Nolee watches Jazra and Liaoth working, pausing to check out her own not-so-impressive arm muscles with a frown. The suggestion of a beverage perks her interest, and she's just about to invite herself to one from Essie when Tegara approaches. "Another hand? Jays, on any of the rocks? The barrows seem endless."

Jazra looks up. "I can help build Nolee, if you'd like. If we have too many rocks to build with." She says mildly. "It gives Liaoth a chance to rest." She adds.

Alexiel, despite her small stature is busy loading rocks into carts, at least those she can lift anyway, and attempting some that she can't. Despite being unused to so much manual labor, she still seems quite content to be helping and throws herself into the work rather enthusiastically.

Calm masks are not uncommon at Sudee today, and more than just dragonriders wear them. Bald, muscular Avom, whose limited fame is for having caused Caitlyn those healerly limitations she's currently laboring under, crouches low at the corner of the pen being finished with a tray full of wet mortar and a trowel. Where his brother, cousin and the other help of both hold and Weyr have previously stacked rocks, Avom cements them into place, using the thumb of his off hand to smooth mortar into place. Not quite as careful as bricklaying, this work, for holes are welcome; that the rocks should stand up to a boar shoving against them is the only concern of the mortarer. The only concern, for now, to which he allows himself to lay hands.

Tegara peers curiously in Avom's direction and goes over to check his work. Looks straight enough, even though she doesn't see a level line anywhere. "Least it ain't drystone," she mumbles, looking for a place where her Minecraft-bred skills can be best put to use. A new pen is being started next to the one Avom is finishing up on, so she goes to the pile and starts sorting through the stones, picking out those that would best fit together.

A short, muttered, cut-off cuss is Caitlyn's way of dealing with a harness buckle that whaps her across the knuckles when an overstressed strap snaps and backfires on her. That careful mask is shattered for a few moments, the woman's sweaty, oily features dark and scowling as she holds her fist and hops around a little. Turning away from a few others who don't know to leave well-enough alone when they inquire if she's okay, the Wingleader mutters more soft curses, and undoes the ruined harness from the brown dragon with jerky hands.

Nolee looks around, mostly lost when turned to for directions, particularly in this place, where tensions are as thick in the air as the humidity when the breeze stills. "Jays, Liaoth's, you two are working wonders over there." Nalaieth whuffs agreement, fans a wing slowly to cool the workers. Nolee's gaze shifts to the holder's nephews, uncertain who should be making the assignments, and she laughs lightly, deliberately, almost absently adding a few rocks to the stack, missing Caitlyn's black cloud of ire. "Wonder how many porcines we'll be able to fit in these?"

"The Weyr," murmurs Avom, lifting his head and a hand to shield his eyes so that for a moment he squints up at Tegara rather than down at the stones he's been fixing in place, "was so kind as to ensure we'd have the right rock for the job. You seen the flagstone in the courtyard yet?" For all that he's social, pleasant enough to the greenrider as she starts off to pick her own stones from the pile, the Sudee lad seems ever on the edge of sour. He watches Tegara for a while, then turns back to his mortar, finishing up the heap of stones that make up the strong corner of the pen.

Chaumreth chuffs and readjusts in place, the grizzled blue dragon malcontent with the dragging of the straps and the ill-feeling fit of his harness. His rider, the tall, lean F'rgen, notices Caitlyn's mishap but doesn't comment on it, instead pursing his lips and watching, just watching, Avom and Tegara.

"I wish I could stand around just waving a fan all day," muses Essie while Assom continues to set rocks from the barrow the girl holds. Her eyes are on Nalaeith, naturally wistful and distant. "Or a wing, I guess," she amends after some slow thought, inspiring from her cousin a huff of good-naturedly long-suffering sigh. "Hopefully more than we have just now, weyrwoman," Assom chips in for Nolee's question, taking the last rock of his cousin's barrow's supply to stack atop the other stones in the fenceline.

Alexiel looks up as Nalaeith's wing moves to fan the workers, delighting in the cool breeze it provides. She lifts another stone and grunts, this one a bit heavier than the previous few. Her body bent under the weight, the young woman moves over to the cart she's currently working on and carefully drops the stone into it. Intent on her work, she mostly listens to the conversations flittering about, waiting for something to catch her interest and inspire a comment of her own.

Caitlyn slowly gets her anger back under control, never a happy one when in pain, anyway. Soon enough, that calm mask is back in place, and she's patting the brown before her, who croons a little concern at the bruises growing upon the woman's knuckles. "I'm okay, Caedanth, thanks for the worry," she murmurs to her charge, giving the dragon a small smile. The bluerider misses F'rgen's quick look - good for him - then gestures for another replacement harness to be brought up. In the meantime, she wanders over to Kintryth, who's resting some from hauling and digging, giving him a hug around his nose, then listening to his thoughts.

Jazra grins to her green. "Go take five Liaoth. I'll do more here." The greenrider turns to help Nolee. "Nolee, haven't gotten to talk to you in longer than I'd like. But yes, I'll work till I drop. Liaoth'll follow me into it too if I have to." Jazra grins. "I wasn't even sure I was going to make it. She'll probably get proddy soon. But Liaoth can only get stronger if we keep working, driling, fighting and flying. Working together on a project like this only makes our bond stronger, because we're both putting our all into it, and neither one is asking the other to work without her."

"Jays," Nolee breathes at the end of Jazra's words. "Please don't work until you drop." She adopts a stage-whisper, though far too loud to be subtle. "That's all we need, with these people, is a dragon to collapse and give them more to be upset about. Have some water, if you need it? Her, she'd give you some." A worried face, even as Nalaieth chuffs a breath of hot air over her wing and down at Essie. "And if Liaoth's, you know, like that? Don't go after the porcines. I'd be in soooo much trouble. Ooh, I know! That girl," a point to Alexiel, "she's a healer. Maybe she could give you something to stave -it- off. If she needs it."

Tegara works away at setting the base stones, stopping every so often to check the alignment before slapping on the mortar, using no more than is necessary. "Jus' makin' best use of what's here, sir," she replies to Avom's comment. "I'm Minecraft-bred, my da a master mason and quarry boss. I have a good idea as ta what I'm doin'." The next layer goes on, carefully cemented in place as she continually checks the alignment.

"Ooh," complains Essie, turning her face away, eyes squinching shut against hot dragon breath. "Assom, I'm going to go get us something to drink. If you need another load you just get Avom to do it." She sets down the barrow, letting the handles fall loose from her hands, which she then wipes on her skirt. Assom murmurs something unconcerned and puts up a hand from his crouched position to be sure the wall will stay firm, testing the stones, head tipped... listening to the stones? Or maybe just to Nolee; his eyes corner on her, sidelong, an innocent observer if a curious one.

Alexiel glances up from the smaller stone she's about to drop into the cart at the mention of a healer and blinks in confusion. Is someone talking to her? Sounded like Nolee, so she looks in the goldrider's direction to see if anything is needed of her. "Something I can help with, Nolee?"

Caitlyn quirks her head at Kintryth's voiceless words, turning her head to the old blue Chaumreth. The woman stands, then striding slowly over to him, to murmur something and begin working on adjusting his ill-fitting harness somemore. Since it's her job here, and all. "How's that?" she mutters up to the blue ater working on a few buckles and straps some.

"Making best use is all we can ever do." Avom heaves out these words in a resigned sigh like he's reciting the most boring of adages, then shoves up to his feet, taking his trough of mortar and trowel along with on his way over toward Tegara herself, to better continue conversation beside -her- project rather than his own finished one. He dumps his trowel into the tray and slides the free hand over his smooth head, pushing off beads of sweat down the back; they trail slowly down his sunburned neck. "Does the Weyr send so many women riders because the men are on watch for Thread, or - ?" He doesn't mean - maybe he doesn't mean - to sound snippy.

Chaumreth stretches his head downward toward Caitlyn as she approaches, his muzzle cracked and graying and rubbing against her if she's still enough to permit it. "He's seen a few go down in the 'Falls around him," F'rgen comments, his words casual but for Caitlyn's ears even as he disentangles another stuck harness. "He's not been himself of late." More quietly is his query, "How're you holding up, Wingleader?"

Jazra shakes her head at Nolee. "I'm fine now Nolee, but she hasn't had a flight in awhile, do me a favor, if I start acting like a ditz while I'm working, hit me?" She jokes. "And I have water thank you." She pats the water skin. "Its also an expression."

Nolee watches Essie go for a drink, her volume raised to request, "A little extra, if you'd be so kind? My companions," a sweeping gesture, "um, look thirsty." A plaintive face, made more worrisome by Liaoth's potential 'condition.' "Healer girl!" She's pleased by Alexiel's noticing her mention, and waves the other closer. "Liaoth's thinks her time might be nearing. If she acts foolish, she said to hit her. Will you help me keep a watch out? We'd just be in heaps of boiling numbweed if a -flight- happened here, especially now." Nearby, the porcines start milling and grunting louder, as if worried.

Caitlyn gives a lopsided smile up to the old blue when he rubs it against her, reaching up to give it a good rubbing back. "Yer a good ol' man," she comments up to the older dragon, then arching a brow over at F'rgen while the woman works over the blue's other straps - taking time to make certain they fit comfortably. A soft sigh, and she comments, "I bet both of you have. I don't know if the Weyr's older pairs are happy or sad to see Thread back, even if it is rogue." A few strap and buckle adjustments, and Cait shrugs broad shoulders expressively. "Well enough. You?"

Tegara shakes her head. "Th' Weyr sends out so many women riders 'cause thare are a lot a women riders at the Weyr." Simple -- this is just a representative sample of the rider population. The greenrider goes back to work, placing one stone /precisely/ where it needs to go to make the best wall. As her stone pile dwindles, she calls to her dragon, "Hey Ria, can ya' get some more buildin' stone?" The befuddled green surveys the scene and rumbles when she finds something she thinks is suitable. "Yeah, that one's good." The green sits for a moment - she has no harness and no easy way to transport the stone. So she opens her massive jaws and takes the barrow in her mouth, to delicately set down next to her lifemate. "Thanks, girl," she says without skipping a beat.

"Oh, of course, weyrwoman." That's Essie, on her way toward the courtyard and the hold proper beyond; she stops in the middle ofthe area where the dragons landed, where the porcines are now tethered, and turns in a slow circle, skirts swishing around her bare ankles. "Um, is there something wrong with the hogs? Maybe they just want their homes done soon. I'll bring them water," the holder's daughter decides, and starts off again.

"Glad to feel like there's a use again," F'rgen admits to Caitlyn, stepping closer to the pile with yet another too-worn set of harness straps, "though not so pleased to see it tearing up our pairs once more. Be easier if we could map it." He regards the Hold, the new flagstone, the teamwork. "Pulls us together, it does." Chaumreth nuzzles Caitlyn again, his own form of comforting her even as her ministrations comfort him. "He says that's better."

Sephie comes back from helping some other holders and she hurries over towards Nolee and the others to try and find what to do next. "Now what?" She asks, looking rather worn. "What should I do now?"

Alexiel weaves her way through workers and equipment at Nolee's request, a brow raising at the goldrider's worries. "Mmm, yeah, it wouldn't do well at all to have a flight here. I'll keep on eye on both rider and dragon." The girl, tired from her work, flops down on the ground next to where Nolee is, there had mention of drinks and Alexiel seems like she could use one.

Caitlyn makes certain all is well, then nodding almost absently at F'rgen, the woman now grinning up at Chaumreth, giving his greyed muzzle some pats and scritches. "That's how most of the others I've spoken to feel, too..." she murmurs to both rider and dragon, then nodding almost reluctantly. "Yeah, that it does. Shaffit, I hope Thread goes away as fast as it came." A smile up at the blue. "You're welcome, tough stuff."

"Mm," murmurs Assom, who then gets to his feet. He brushes his hands on his trousers much the same as Essie did, though with an uncommon and lanky grace, then shoves back his hair from his eyes and wipes sweat from his temples. As presentable as he's going to get he starts slowly toward Alexiel, Nolee and Jazra, brows raised in politely inquisitive manner. He even has a smile prepared for the women from Ista Weyr. "My cousin's bringing drinks, but I think as soon as we've finished the last pen we should break for dinner. Will you all," including Jazra, at whom Assom manages a quick but perhaps pointed look, "be able to join us?"

"Are there." Avom's brows draw, his expression briefly either puzzled or disapproving; the difference is hard to scope. "I," he begins, then is interrupted wholly by the need to wide-eye at Riaceth's barrow-carrying approach. The young bald holder backs up several steps, as though he might suspect the green of possibly planning to flatten him beneath her burden, and only after there's a good distance between man and dragon does he catch up to his speaking again. "I suppose some of the holds might be inclined to let their daughters go to search more than their boys." A glance after the way Essie went is, maybe, more telling than it should be.

Jazra nods and straightens, offering a bow. "I'd be honored Assom. For now, lets finish this job so you can go back to normalicy again." She starts going again. If her tone is stiff, her manners are amiable and her eyes friendly.

Nolee waves cheerily to Essie, licking her dried lips and frowning at the damage to her manicure. "Oh good," Nolee breathes, a sigh of relief and gratitude to Alexiel. Sephie's approach has her considering, "Maybe she," a gesture to the Healer, "Could use some help? Weren't you bringing rocks?" Watching Riaceth carry the barrow, she giggles. "Seems like we always need more." The fence lines are raising in height, and soon they'll be tall enough to hold the waiting herd tethered nearby, something she notes just as a dinner invite arrives. "We might," is tentative, eyeing Jazra, "and we bring some fruits from the weyr to share." A gesture to where Caitlyn stands near the porcines, and a few fruit baskets are gathered.

Tegara is completely immersed in her stonework -- it has been a long time since she last did this and she finds that she is truly enjoying what was once an onerous chore. The wall is going up slowly but evenly thanks to her demanding precision. To Avom's question she just shrugs. "Half th' dragons that hatch are greens, an' greens jus' bond better with girls." She doesn't seem to notice the sweat trickling down her brow or the hot sun beatind down on her back -- or the fact that she's getting just a bit dry right about now.

"Oh, of course Weyrwoman." Sephie says as she turns towards the Healer and she nods, "Where should I bring them?" She asks, rubbing her hands together as she wiggles her fingers. "I'll do what I can." The young woman is quite thin looking. "SO, where to?"

Chaumreth sits himself down and hunkers forward, the journey and the effort tuckering him out pretty well, though he's still an active fighter. His easy delight in the other bluerider brings a smile to the usually serious F'rgen's face. "Faranth, I'd agree with that." He surveys the construction, stretching out a leg that was struck by a mis-aimed sack of firestone, then nods to Caitlyn. "I'd say things are going smoothly enough here. Think it speaks well of you that you were able to make it. They know the weyr's sacrificing for them. Does wonders for relations."

Alexiel turns her attention to Sephie and she smiles to the younger woman. "I actually just finished filling that cart over there and I believe," she pauses to glance around, "that they're working on a new section over there." Alex points in the direction of where Tegara and Avom are. "They may need some more stones there, shortly."

Assom seems to 'get' Jazra's amiable stiffness; he casts her a brief, wry sort of grin, like he knows more than he should, then returns his attention to the weyrwoman. "We'd be honored, weyrwoman. And I did wonder about the baskets." A brief pause, thoughtful; then the better-topped of the two nephews dares for Nolee a quick wink, and he turns to busy himself with the rest of the work waiting to be done: more rocks to stack on the pen Tegara's working on, and his brother to keep an eye on, just in case.

Nolee nods as Sephie and Alex form a plan, and even smiles at Assom's wink, then ohs as it reminds her of something. "Please, compliments of Ista." She excuses herself from the pile of stones where she'd been standing and the company there, instead approaching Nalaieth. She climbs the dragon's side with relative ease, rifling about in a pack and withdrawing a cloth-wrapped bundle, then carefully slipping back toward the ground and managing not to twist ankles on stones, meandering toward Tegara's workspace and trying to get the greenrider's quiet attention for some whispering.

Sephie ohs and nods at Alexiel before she turns her eyes towards Tegara and Avom. "Alright." She says to Alexiel and then hurries over to Avom and Tegs. "What should I do?" She asks, giving each a winning and eager smile. "I want to help as much as I can."

"Greens? I thought there was a particular sort of - " Avom's then aware of his brother's approach and looks down at his trough, mortar and trowel. He's been standing here not working, just talking to the greenrider, long enough that apparently it could qualify as unseemly, and in a hurry the historically snarly young man walks a few feet down the fenceline of the last pen to be built and crouches, putting down his trough so he can begin mortaring here out of Tegara's way, but not quite out of her earshot. "Pigs ain't going to even know what a good pen they got," he notes, by way of awkward flattery of the rider's work - then up at Sephie, "Watch for my cousin? If you see her, she'll... probably need help with the drinks."

Caitlyn actually cracks a real grin for the first time, enjoying Chaumreth's attentions nearly as much as he enjoys hers. "You rest, tough stuff. It's time, anyway." A few more scritches, and she moves towards F'rgen - wiping the slick of sweat and oil from her face with a forearm. "Mhm, smoothly enough." A rough grunt is her answer to the other bluerider for saying that, and she bobs her dark head, murmuring, "You've all done well today, too. We've all earned some good food and rest, just like our blues." A jerk of her thumb at Kintryth, who's eyes are now mostly lidded, and Cait smirks.

You whisper "Riaceth's? I got a question for you. They seem to think pretty good of you, do you wanna give 'em a present we brought, from Ista? I can slip it to you and after we finish, you could give it." to Tegara.

Chaumreth's settling into a good rest, lolled by Caitlyn's attention and her soothing words. F'rgen shifts his weight, finding a posture more comfortable, leans a little closer to Caitlyn to quietly say, "He appreciates that. I don't reach up as high's I used, and he says you scratch better." A smirk, good-humored, shared with the relaxing Kintryth. "And them as well, for the work. Smells like our roasts are about ready. Ought to go well with the fruits. 'T'll do us well to share a meal."

Caitlyn smiles almost warmly at F'rgen, nodding first at Chaumreth, then Kintryth. Get most dragons involved, and Cait's heart softens pretty quickly. "I'm glad I could give him some pleasure. Maybe you should tell him to crouch lower when you scritch?" A cirl of her lips into a teasing smirk, and she nods to her fellow rider. "I could eat my fair of 'lizards right now, I'm so hungry." A quick look around to make certain none of the four are near, and she offers her arm to the older man.

Essie will, indeed, need help with the drinks. She emerges from the recently-repaired courtyard gates with a tray bearing pitchers of water and citrusade, her arm stretched beneath it to hold it steady as she walks; in the other hand she has a wide pail full of sloshing water, which she works less hard to keep from jostling. She's donned an apron and its big pockets are all full of stacked glasses. She pads along toward the pigs again, there to put down the pail, but the tray on her other arm is only barely balanced.

F'rgen muses, "Cept he doesn't crouch as well's he used, either." He accepts the younger woman's offer with a chuckle, a raspy sound not too often heard from him. "If they'd be still long enough, I might join you. We could set out the fruit on that table over there, I suppose? Looks like some of the holdfolk are bringing the dishware." He shades his eyes to better see the awning area in one corner of the courtyard. "Mealtime can't be too long to follow. I hope."

Hurrying over to Essie's side, Sephie reaches out to hold her hands out to Essie. "Here, put whatever you need in my arms, so that way you can settle yourself." She says, giggling a bit at the girl's dilema.

Alexiel rises to her feet, glancing around to take stock of the situation and see where she can be of assitance next. Everyone seems to be slowing down for dinner, so she heads in the direction of the two blueriders. "'Ello Cait, sir," she addresses Caitlyn and the older bluerider.

Caitlyn grins at F'rgen, looking over her shoulder at the two dozing blues, then back towards their destination. "You ought to laugh more, man," she wryly observes. "Anything that gets the food into my mouth faster..." She walks both of them over to the awning, content in the slower pace, for once.

Tegara has been wrapped in her work and almost misses the junior's words. "You say somethin', Nolee?" she asks as her brain finally registers the remark. She rises, abandoning her work for the nonce to visit the goldrider. "A pressie, eh? I think I could manage that." And she looks about innocenntly, suddenly realizing how hot and dry she is. "Ah good -- drinks."

"Oh. Oh, thank you." Essie looks helplessly at her tray and the pitcher, struggling obviously to come up with a solution aside from 'just hand it over.' "Maybe you could take one of the pitchers and I'll take the other," she supposes, "Then I can set down the pail and - it'll be better. I have glasses." In her pockets. "And Mother said I should invite the riders in, um, and you too of course, all the weyr folk, and everyone. For dinner. In about fifteen." Flustered, the holder's daughter tries to win Sephie with a smile instead of any further words.

Nolee whispers more loudly this time, snippets audible including "gift" and "courtyard", "firemumble" and "weavers," along with, "grouchy one and the other one." As Tegara agrees, Nolee shifts her bundle, walking with the girl over to the arriving water. "Ooh, mmm." The beverage break is much appreciated, and Nolee sets to joining whatever queue might exist, trying to pass the package to Tegara whenever it seems the other has an open hand. "G'won, you can give it. To them." Nodnod.

Caitlyn notices Alex, and grins at her. "Heya, gal. Fancy seeing you here. No injuries, yet, thank Faranth."

Once Tegara's departed the last pen, Assom moves over toward his brother to stack rocks, oh-so-casually, there. The men work in silence for a few minutes, but soon come to talking about greenriders, women, and the possible risks of the combination of the two being present here at Sudee hold, today.

"Of course Essie." Sephie's hands come out as she takes the pitcher and holds it in one of her hands before she reaches out for the other. "Go ahead and sit the pail down so you can rest your arms for the moment" She offers as she gives the woman another smile. "I'm Sephie."

Bluerider F'rgen nods to Alexiel, releasing Caitlyn's arm and patting it in appreciation. "Evening to you as well. Sounds like they're breaking up out there; mind giving a hand with the fruit from our baskets up to the table? Not that we're raring for mealtime--er, or perhaps we might be. Fellow gets hungry watching everyone else work like that."

Tegara takes her place in line and manages to sidle up next to Nolee. "You got it?" she stagewhispers and discreetly reaches over for the handoff, doing her best to look nonchalant. She picks up a glass of citrusade with a smile. "Thankee, ma'am -- much obliged," then proceed to drain it in one long pull.

Alexiel nods to Caitlyn with a grin. "That's good, because I'm here to build pens and not tend to dragons. I don't want to see any injuries." She casts a glance back in the direction of the dozing blues before turning her attention back to her riders. "Speaking of that, I do hope all of the dragons are doing alright? None of them getting too hot or straining anything, I hope?" At mention of helping with the fruit, she flashes the older bluerider a smile and nods. "I'd be happy to lend a hand," and not just because she's hungry as well.

Nolee nodnods, not so discreet herself but doing her best, smiling widely all the while. "Ooh, that looks delicious." Patiently, or aiming for patiently, Nolee waits for some refreshments, not-so-subtly winking at Tegara in true Nolee-fashion to encourage her to do something with that odd-shaped bundle.

Caitlyn smiles at F'rgen as he pats her arm, then saying to Alexiel, "Well, the more the merrier. Or, at least, the faster the work goes." The woman moves off to where the citrusade is, pouring a couple of glasses for the other bluerider and the Dragonhealer, then returning to their sides, offering them to each.

F'rgen steps closer to the table, resting his weight in one hand that seems to casually lean on said table, taking weight off of his stiff leg. "Looks like even the hardest working of them's taking a rest when needed." A gesture to Liaoth, Riaceth, and the sleepy boys. "Mighty grateful for that, ma'ams, mighty grateful. Though I ought to be waiting on you, Wingleader, I'll not turn that down."

"Oh, the drinks - " Assom, looking over his shoulder, notices Essie and immediately's on his feet again, but in a moment he grins and shoves his hands in his pockets, shaking his head while his brother rises, too. "She has help. I knew she'd carry all that in one trip." Avom grunts his own less fond disapproval of their cousin's capacity, and both men leave the last pen to be finished after dinner so as to come join the weyrfolk and the other hands from the hold in refreshment before the meal, heading toward the slowly gathering knot of other people.

Essie obediently sets down the pail, then tucks the tray under her arm and walks along behind Sephie. "Weyrwoman, I'm supposed to tell you they're almost ready," she remembers along the way, then casts Sephie an apologetic little smile. Behind her, hogs strain at their tethers, only a couple of them able to actually reach the pail thoughtlessly placed by the holder's daughter.

Alexiel accepts the offered drink with much thanks, "Thanks Cait, the drink is much appreciated right about now." She raises the cup to the two riders before taking a long drought. At that point, her attention turns to idly listening to the chatter around her again.

Tegara looks at the awkwardly wrapped package as if she had just seen it for the first time -- which she has. Now? she mouths to the goldrider, showing a similar level of discretion. She wanders half-aimlessly until she gets to the borderline-irate holder Avom and his brother Assom. "Excuse me sirs," she says gently. "The Weyr has a li'l somethin' we'd like ta give you," and she presents the bundle in her outstretched arms.

"Essie wait." Sephie offers as she points to the pail. "Is that for them, or for us?" Sephie giggles before she turns back to the riders and holds her pitchers up. "Drinks!" She says, beaming as she looks around. "Who wants some?"

Nolee nods to Essie, a little excitement in her restless step-stepping back and forth, then she nods to Tegara even more enthusiastically, hoping their gift is well-received. "We'll be along in just a moment, and are grateful for the invite, but wanted to extend this token to Sudee." As the package is handed over, she nods to Sephie, laughing at the piggies helping themselves. "I'm too excited just yet. Maybe I'll wait up for dinner."

Caitlyn chuckles at F'rgen. "Oh, you'll have enough chances later on," she teasingly warns him, then nodding to Alex. "Welcome. And now I'm grabbing a glass for myself..." And she soon enough finds out the pitcher is drained, the woman frowning softly, then calling out to Essie, "I would appreciate a glass, please!" The woman then turns to look at Tegara's presentation.

F'rgen as well turns his attention toward the pen-construction area, sipping at the citrusade with relish even as he observes the passing of an item from Tegara to the brothers, Avom and Assom, his expression still mirthful because of Caitlyn's comments.

The item: a bundle, containing a new flag emblazoned with the Sudee hold insignia and freshly brought from the weavers, to be flown at their fireheights since their last one was lost to Thread.

Llany walks in from the bath wearing her riding hear, whe wander over to where Nolee seems to be supervising the endevor.

Assom and Avom turn as one to blink at Tegara, one man brown-haired and amiable about his confusion, the other bald and suspicious - but it's grumpy Avom's hands that come out first, mistrustingly, offering to take the bundle from the greenrider's hands. Assom warms up the moment with a grin: "What've we here? The weyr's done all right by us since - then, seems to me it's more -our- place to be bringing gifts to -you-." For this kindness of words he earns a glare sidelong from Avom, but then both young men are busy with unfolding the bundle. In a moment they realize it'll take both of their hands to unfold it properly, and soon Sudee hold's heirs apparent are standing feet apart from each other, a new flag emblazoned with the hold's insignia fresh from the weavers stretched between them, ready to be taken up to the fireheights to replace their old one lost to Thread.

"Our gift from the Weyr to you, to replace the one you lost to Thread," Teagara says graciously. She's just a greenrider, but she sticks her neck out and adds, "This is a promise -- we will not let this happen again." Whew -- that was going out on a limb -- one with a saw at the other end....

Nolee whispers to Llany as she approaches, "Lookit, they got a new flag. It's fresh from the weavers. See that bright color? The sweepriders'll be able to see it, even through the jungle." A moment's pause, then a soft, "I hope they like it." Then her expression pales at Tegara's words. "Oops," is very, very quiet. "I hope we can live up to that." More loudly but not too much comes, "Can we celebrate yet?"

Caitlyn nods quietly as they holders unfurl the new flag, thinking it a fit 'present' for them - something useful to aid both them and dragonriders. If she feels anything else, it's held quiet behind her calm, even features - which soon enough disappear behind the glass of citrusade she graciously accepts from Essie.

"As long as the weyr's riders are -fast- as they are kind," mutters Avom, but Assom cuts off his brother by starting to fold the flag up so they can put it away for safekeeping until it's time to hang it. "Thank you," the better brother smiles, all eyes for the flag and the riders who delivered it. "We have faith in our weyr."

Alexiel nods approvingly at the gift that the brothers have just unwrapped. It's quite pretty and a very thoughtful gift. "That's rather nice craftsmanship, don't you think," she comments idly to the two riders.

Essie beams at her cousins, since they're getting on so well with the riders. She hands off that glass to Caitlyn and another to one of the holdfolk suffering from heat and sweat and parchedness, then blinks around a bit blankly. "Doesn't anyone else want any drinks? We should probably go inside. -I'm- hungry." Therefore everyone else should be, too.

Llany whispers back to Nolee with a smile on her face, "It's wonderful Nolee. It's so wonderful to see this place being rebuilt, I was beginning to think that my parting memory of Ista would be of seeing this place devestated."

Caitlyn heard that. ANd though she has no memory of the scuffle that injured her those many long months ago, she lives with the aftereffects. The bluerider scowls darkly at Avom, then turns to quietly walk away after she finishes her glass of citrusade, suddenly not hungry in present company anymore. The strides slowly off to Kintryth, the blue languidly lifting lids partway, to croon softly at his rider as she leans against him.

F'rgen concurs, a polite applause around his beverage cup for Alexiel's words, then another rasped laugh for Essie's. Dinnertime called, he turns to invite Caitlyn to dine with him, only to find her departing. A slow shake of his head, and his hunger trumps his momentarily-personable streak, so he steps slowly off toward the promise of the meal.

Nolee cheers, a broad throaty sound coming from a parched throat that breaks off partway through. Llany's given a momentarily startled look--did she say 'parting memory'? But Nolee doesn't dwell on that long, as there's more gladhanding and good behavior expected ahead. Oh, and don't forget, a well-deserved meal. Brightly, she follows Essie. "Indeed! Thank you to Sudee for your hospitality. We'll indeed to our best for you, and ask your best in exchange. And now, to celebrate our efforts."

Nalaieth> Llany smiles, "Music anyone?"

Nalaieth> Noticing that everyone appears to be heading in for a well deserved meal, Alexiel follows after the crowd. The Harper's words momentarily distract her thoughts from the offered meal as she calls out to Llany, "Can't think of anything else that would make this a better end to a day than some good music."

Nalaieth> Llany smiles and pulls out her recorder from an engloated belt pouch, it's wood richly polished and shining bright. After she raises it to her lips a sweet, light, airy tone issues forth. If one would close ones eyes it might bring forth images of butterflies danceing on the breeze.

Nalaieth> Alexiel watches Llany as she plays, in between stuffing her face of course. Manual labor always makes one hungry and she was certainly no exception. In fact, most everyone appears to be enjoying the meal with a bit more gusto than usual and who could blame them?

Nalaieth> Jozell is smiling as he sits next to Tegara, eatting along with her. "Well this was good work." He chuckles as he takes another bite of his pork that is on his plate.

Nalaieth> Tegara digs into her meal with good appetite. "Th' reward at th' end of th' day," and she slices away a rib with her beltknife, gnawing at it like some starved canine.

Nalaieth> Alexielglances over to Jozell and Tegara. "And a fitting reward if I do say so myself," she addes before tearing into a rib of her own, which she quickly washes down with a sip of juice. "How did you two fare today?"

Nalaieth> Jozell shrugs. "Alot like my normal day's work at the wyer. I am a stablehand."

Nalaieth> Llany wanders around the small holding cavern her tune carries on and also rambels first it sounds like something the listener might remember but just before it dawns on what it is it's already changed into something else.

Nalaieth> Tegara grabs a cloth to wipe her fingers -- ribs are notoriously messy. "I was busy rememberin' how t' build a stone wall. An' earnin' respect an' offerin' gifts on behalf a' th' Weyr. Nothin' outta th' ordinary," and she grabs for yet another glass of citrusade.

Nalaieth> Jozell chuckles lightly as he eats himself. "The music is nice." He grins as he listens to Llany playing.

Nalaieth> Alexiel nods her head to Jozell, "That's true, I suppose this wasn't too out of the ordinary for you." She chuckles at Tegara's account of the day. "Nope, nothing out of the oridinary for you though. All in all, I think today was a good day. We got a lot of work done." Her attention seems to be split between the conversation and the music as she occaisionally tilts her head one way or the other to better hear Llany. "Oi," she calls out to the Harper, "Make sure you don't play all night Llany, you deserve a good meal too."

Nalaieth> Llany ends the tune with a slow diminish before she smiles, "It takes practice and dedication. Same as any craft. But thanks, I've been riding most of the day I could use a hot meal."

Nalaieth> Alexiel makes room for the Harper at the table. "Wonderful job, Llany. I think life would be rather boring without Harpers to provide us with good music when it's called for."

Nalaieth> Llany smiles, "Thanks Alex, I love performing for an appricative audiance."

sudee cothold, caitlyn, npc chaumreth, npc essie, npc assom, nolee, sephie, jazra, event, alexiel, npc f'rgen, v'lano, cothold, npc holders, nalaieth, piggies, riaceth, npc avom, llany, tegara, liaoth

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