In which Threadfall and relaxation are discussed while the dragons play pounce

Mar 30, 2007 23:16

Nolee, C'len, Vildaeth, Nalaieth, Caitlyn, Kintryth, Naurimeth, Kamia, H'rel, Noteniath, thread

Nalaieth> Vildaeth senses that Nalaieth extends tendrils of welcome, clustered pillows of sienna-hued smoke.

Ista Beach> In the air overhead, Nalaieth soars out of the bowl proper, and out over the corrals.

You fly to the widest part of the beach and land.

Ista Weyr Beach: North(#522RJMs)

Sunset at the beach: as the cool wind blows in from over the waters, the sallow sun slips below the wave-tossed sea that fades from green to black. The light of Rukbat washes the beach, the forests to your south, and the great black rock of the Weyr behind you in crimson light. The stars climb up over the Weyr and the plateau to your east, rising above the mist cast by the dancing waterfall that glows in a million firey rainbows. The black sands of the beach stretch for kilometres to the north and south, following the shoreline of the plateau. Below the pastel beauty of the blue-green sunset sky to the west, the dark smudges of the Ista Isles float on the sea, like the coils of some mythical monster.

The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and sweltering temperatures. This morning, clouds interrupt the sky and the air hardly moves more than a whisper.
To the northwest, a bridge arches over the stream. To the south, the beaches continue to where long docks stretch far into the bay.

>> In the air overhead, Vildaeth soars out of the bowl proper, and out over the corrals.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Vildaeth's thoughts swirl bright blue, cooled with the rain of High Reaches' spring, settling into the welcome as into the sands of the beach.

Sunset hasn't seemed to halt the playtime activity of some of the weyr's younger denizens: in fact, Nolee seems to have been made child-transporter, with the help of Nalaieth, and a gaggle of younger folk slip down from the golden dragon's side, a nanny following. The pair set about distributing a small collection of baskets, shovels, cups, and other sand-play implements, while Nolee, frowning, keeps a watch on that unpredictable sky, and is able to hail new arrivals with some cheer.

There's a moment's spray of sand as Vildaeth backwings neatly onto the beach, the activity of the littles causing him to tuck his wings in close to avoid any collision. C'len slides down the bronze's side, landing with a soft sigh in the sand, then drawing in a breath of the warm, humid air. He grins as a few of the kids skirt around the new impediment, standing back as a few pass before making his way in Nala and Nolee's direction, calling out a greeting.

Kintryth wings down to the sands a few dragonlengths from the hubbub, giving both dam and sire a light warble of greetings, azure gaze watching the children curiously. Once Caitlyn dismounts, the blue shuffles delicately around the humans, waiting for them to be safely settled before he extends neck and head in a touch of noses for Vildaeth, then Nalaieth. Cait simply settles for a wave and a grin to the people around her, pacing closer.

Naurimeth comes down with a graceful backwing, landing a bit away from the other dragons, and curling her wings up into her back, looking around with a soft rummbling sound to her rider.

Nolee's eager to see C'len, especially once she realizes it's him. "C'len!" she hollers, indicating his special place in the world as one whose name she even remembers. Her arms are extended for a hug that'll arrive unless he skirts it, though she tempers it's enthusiasm a little bit as others arrive. Nalaieth bugles warning, protecting the closer littles with a spread of her wings and some poultry-noises warding them under her wings as Vildaeth settles, then she warbles brassily, this time in greeting first to the visitor, then to the familiar Istan dragons as well.

C'len returns Nolee's hug, before turning to wave to Caitlyn as the bluerider arrives. Meanwhile, Vildaeth has migrated to the waters, as a defense against the warmth of the air. The bronze stretches that long tail out, to curl around and teasingly splash one of the children that has made his way into the water as well. C'len's largely oblivious to the bronze's activities, "How have things beenhere at Ista?"

Caitlyn gives light laughter when she overhears Nolee actually using someone's proper name, shuffling around the sea of young humanity, carefully avoiding them as she draws nearer. The woman's dawdling, it seems, likely trying to give Nolee and C'len a breath of a moment to greet each other properly before she storms the party. A look up as Nala's huge wings spread protectively, and the bluerider grins at the maternal impulses of the gold. Kintryth seems torn between water and sand, swinging a head to look out at Vildaeth, then back to Nala. Decision suddenly made, he trundles over to the queen, giving her a light bump on her shoulder with his chin, then simply standing and waiting.

Kamia slides from her lifemate's neck with a thump as she hits the ground. She carefully straightens her blouse out, and shakes out her pants to fluff them out. Then she finally notices the fact there are salute worthy people around, and quickly pulls one out of ingrained habit. She lets out a bit of a sigh, and pulls herself up to her full height for a moment and then leans againist Nauri for a moment, stroking her neck reassuringly.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth pitterpatters offhandedly, << The sand is warm and damp today, nice for the hide, especially if you itch. It's a good day to rest and sun. >>

Nolee steps back to regard the Reachian Wingleader intently, looking him up and down as if for damage sustained in rogue threadfalls or other dangerous Wingleadery duties. "Ugh," is her summary. "Same as others. Our citron crop is strong, though, as are the denderberries. They don't mind the extra ash pilings--I think it helps." She rattles on, then pauses, laughing at Vildaeth's splashing and at Nala, nudging Kintryth back a little more forcefully, before the goldrider returns Kamia's salute, and extends one to Caitlyn as well. "Easy, rider! No emergency here. Yet."

Nalaieth> Kintryth senses that Nalaieth blows at the raindrops fiercely, masking them in a thick wind that dissapates the sienna smoke tendrils. Playful amber tones encourage, << I itch. Here. >> The nudging follows. << Mine does not oil as often as she should. The water will make it more dry, more itchy. Go, swim with Vildaeth. I suspect he can catch you. >>

Nalaieth> Vildaeth senses that Nalaieth envelops gingerly in a fine sienna mist, soft droplets coalescing, teasing, inviting. << Swim with Kintryth. He is elusive, your offspring. I wonder if you can catch him in our cooling waves, or if he can outswim you. >>

For a moment, C'len looks as if he might be insulted--until he realizes the expression of disgust is not for him, but rather for the current state of Pern. "It's been busy, all this drilling. Maybe I could take some citron back home?" The thoughts jump from one, to the other, "It'd be nice to have some in the morning. We're going to repair and restock some of the caves and shelters near the Weyr, since they're needed once more." C'len's expression sours slightly, "I never thought I'd be sorry to see it warm up at 'Reaches, but the cold does take care of some of the Thread for us." Out in the water, Vildaeth sinks down, waves washing over his hide, wings spreading testingly to examine the water's buoyancy.

Caitlyn also gives a gentle wave to Kamia, shaking her head a little. "No salutes needed unless we're drilling, have Threadfall, or are in formal curcumstances. Relax, Kamia." A smirk for Nolee's salute when she's near, and Cait just shrugs, then tosses off a pretty informal one of her own to the goldrider. "Saluting on the beach. What's Ista coming to?" she mumbles with wry humor. "Hey, C'len, it's good to see you back down here again. Hope we're not barging in on your personal time."
Kintryth, in the meantime, is using his chin to give Nalaieth hide a good scrubbing scratch where she itches, the blue's tail lifted, wiggling around a little in the air.

Kamia slumps down into the sand now that the formalities are done, her dragon following with a thump that raises sand. She closes her eyes, and curls up againist the green's forearm, taking a few breaths of the beach air.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth continues to shower smoke with light rain droplets, << Is *that* it, there? >> indicating the itching. << I remember Zelieth's scratching at her belly when she was with egg. Caitlyn says Zelieth's rider's belly itched abominably. >>

Nolee tips her head, delighted at C'len's idea, and she claps her hands together in delight. "My, it's good to see you! I'll have some readied for you. Jays, that sounds like a wonderful idea. I've been working on spreading your idea--that the riders all carry firestone, just in case it's needed. What I need to do is make sure the Wingleaders hear--" a big wave to Caitlyn, here, realizing she's one of them. "So they can encourage it, too. Just in case." Louder, she adds to Kamia, "I don't mind it. Formality's a good thing in these times--is she all right? Jays, girl, have you eaten?" The nanny hurries over with some cookies, just in case.

Nalaieth> Kintryth senses that Nalaieth settles down into the sand, complacent enough in hues of pale pink. << A little higher, >> she encourages. << Zelieth's had eggs? >> Confusion in mild misty lavendar, settling into mischievous sunset pink. << Then see if Vildaeth can catch you. He's already there, in the water, waiting. >>

Nalaieth> Naurimeth senses that Nalaieth gently approaches, veiled in a sienna-smoke mist. << Is yours well? Or fatigued from the events of the day? >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Vildaeth demures, << It is hard to swim in the sand. >> Whatever he was testing in the water, it seems to have passed, the smug tone in is voice indicating that he would be ready for any challenge.

Dragon> Naurimeth bespoke Nalaieth with pulls away just a bit, distant... << Not sick.. I don't think.. tired, worried about things. >>

"Our last fall was over the Weyr, so it was easier to deal with than one elsewhere--" C'len says, as if he is suddenly some expert on the subject, having flown fall a total of two whole times. "Teonath's clutch hatched--just 14, though," he admits, trying to cover the disappointment with a grin. "Perhaps the next clutch will be bigger?" The rider reaches out to idly tug the dangling end of Nolee's belt, if she doesn't move away, as if attracted to the shininess of the beads that edge it. He grins to Caitlyn, looking up, "Good to see you, too. Up to no good, I'm sure?"

Nalaieth> Naurimeth senses that Nalaieth is delicate, swirls in misty ambers encouraging the young green, << We will rise to the threat of Thread, young one. Do not fear -- yours will be chosen for a wing soon. >> Hesitation, then more gentle encouragement, << Or is it something else that troubles you? >>

Caitlyn nods quickly to Nolee's wave, stepping up the last ten feet to her and the bronzerider, pointing to the small sack of firestone cinched to his fighting harness. "We've been on sweeps nearby. I'm working on the older pairs to change their ways, Noles, but it isn't necessarily easy." The bluerider's eyes serruptitiously slip to Kamia and Naurimeth, then out to Vildaeth, in the surf. Then back to C'len. "Well, fourteen isn't bad fr an Interval, right? I mean, the dragon's clutches are likely tied to the Red Star's return, right?" A sudden shift of Cait's eyes away, to the Sand Bar, and then they flick back to the Reachian man. "Mrph, maybe." Kintryth continues to keep buff-scrubbing his dam's hide wherever she indicates, adding the occasional chuff.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Naurimeth pouts just a bit... almost moping, a but of blue tinting her normal color. << She keeps it inside... says it's nothing... I don't know what to do if she thinks I can't help.. >>

Kamia blushes the cookies away with a polite mumble about an upset stomach and fresh air, keeping her head down, snuggling closer to Nari, who is also a bit protective, and lets out a slight rummble, though she doesn't move.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth swings to klah and whiskey in one breath, the aire of shanties and taverns touching his tones. << I cannot get my straps wet, since we have one more short sweep to do tonight. Yes, she had one young one, but mine says it died. >> There's a pause, as if testing something belatedly. << You need me to keep Vildaeth company? >>

Nolee nods, bovinishly brown eyes wide with admiration for the tried Threadfall-fighting rider. "Jays, it sounds terrifying. We've only had a few, fortunately, and most over water." Her voice trembles, but strengthens as Caitlyn gestures to the 'stone with Kintryth. "I'm glad to hear it. The charts are fair well useless." A shrug, then a frown to the nanny as she shakes her head that Kamia's not interested. "Must be getting to some more than others. I've had days I've been afraid to go out, I admit." C'len gets a playful smile for the belt-tugs, and she steps a little closer just as Nala stretches her neck for Kintryth to scratch the best spot. "Ooh! I missed the hatching. Hm, we should be getting more again...shouldn't we?"

Nalaieth> Naurimeth senses that Nalaieth hangs back, not prying but encouraging in small amber droplets. << Perhaps she is afraid of something? She will not want to disappoint you with fear. Or perhaps she is ill? Mine gets ill sometimes. Sometimes from fear. >>

Nalaieth> Kintryth senses that Nalaieth rustles, enjoying the attentions but chagrined at her challenge's setup being rebuffed. << I am content. I merely thought perhaps he could prove a better seeker for your stealth than I beneath the waves. >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Naurimeth edges a bit closer to Nala.. letting her own color drift a bit closer to normal. << You think so? I mean.. what does she have to worry about? She has me now. Nothing could hurt us when we work together... right? >> She questions, almost timidly.

C'len nods in approval, as Caitlyn indicates the sack of 'stone. Light brown eyes cloud briefly, before clearing with a twist of a grin as Nolee eases closer. Vildaeth, in the water, has moved out far enough that he has largely sunk into the water, his pointed snout, glowing eyes, and pearlized headknobs the only parts of him to be seen. "If it's an Interval, why's there all this sharding thread?" C'len asks, more plaintive than frustrated, as though complaining about it might suddenly make the problem vanish. The rider decides to find a seat in the sand, heedless of how it might get into the tops of his boots: they can be emptied later. "It's nice to have a bit of rest, though. We can't just drill all the time, right?" Right?

Nalaieth> Vildaeth senses that Nalaieth smatters a thin ring of amber droplets, a shaking of her head casting a spray about. << I had hoped he would provide a trial for you, that Kintryth, as he is fast beneath the waves. >> Pouting? Perhaps in roseate shades of thickening mist. << But he must ride the sweep again, and should not wet his harnesses. >> Brightening, she wonders, << What did you seek, in the waves? >>

Nalaieth> Naurimeth senses that Nalaieth extends a gracious and cheerful welcome to the younger green. << You are correct! Together you are stronger than alone. Remind her and perhaps she will trust you again as she should. >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Naurimeth wiggles up into the warm welcome, bathing in it a bit. << I can try >>

Nalaieth> Naurimeth senses that Nalaieth is all roseate mists of encouragement.

Caitlyn sighs in personal frustration, nodding to C'len, allowing her legs to artfully buckle beneath her, flopping down on the sand in a sit. "I don't know anymore. There's no Red Star, but there *was* that comet thingie. I think the Starsmiths are likely gonna' tell us *that* brought it back, when they get around to it." Dark and dismal? Not Caitlyn. A deep sigh, and she murmurs to Nolee and the man, "Shards I *hope* not." Kintryth finally leaves off his hide-scritching, slowly waddling towards the waters. Soon enough, the blue is settling in the sands oddly - foreparts stretched out to be near Nalaieth, his long tail and haunches slewed out behind - that tail into the water a good ways. Twitching like a fish.

Kamia drapes herself over Nari's foreleg lazily, hanging there. Getting sand in her hair probaly. The green nudging her a bit with her muzzle. It takes a few tries, but finally she kicks off her boots and slips to her feet, heading towards the others. Naurimeth takes the oppurtunity to stalk Kint's tail, poking it with a foreclaw softly, to see if she is welcome too.

Nolee nods to C'len's plaintive words, agreeing wholeheartedly, then is tugged along by her belt-leash (why did no one think of this sooner?) as the Reachian rider sits, so she sits nearby, unable to stifle a low giggle. Nanny brings over a little dish of children's crackers, a round teething-shape designed to prevent choking thought the cookie-cracker is sweet enough. "D'you think it did?" she wonders, head tilted in confusion, patting the sand nearby to welcome Kamia. "I remember seeing some --calm-mets? through the scope. They were beautiful! Not at all like Threads." Nala stretches out nearby, nosing playfully at Naurimeth and Kintryth, then crawling close enough to sip, then fountain a jet of water upward and toward those glowy Vildaeth eyes beyond.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth slithers in like sea fog, almost always there, but invading the shore when least expected. << Naurimeth will likely rise soon, and her rider hasn't taken care of her situation as Sulizath's told her to. >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Vildaeth's touch is watery-cool, soothing. << It is different from ours, this water, >> he relates, though he does not attempt to explain how, interrupted by a spurt of water sent his direction.

Nalaieth> Kintryth senses that Nalaieth startles into pebbles of amber, thickening into crisp droplets and thundering heavily through the dense shoreline fog lines. Small bright rays, warmer, melt throught the fog as lighthouse beacons, seeking comprehension. << Ahh. >> Pondering on this, then, << As Sulizath's told her? What did she tell? >>

Nalaieth> Vildaeth senses that Nalaieth burbles in gleeful amber effervescence, << Different how? Its crispness? Vastness? >> Images of the pure white of mountain snow, the dingy white of bowl-trodden snow, then of the puddled mass of snow's melted remains, << It does not come from this? >>

An almost guilty look creeps across C'len's features, his fingers letting the belt-tip fall from his hand, having forgotten he was holding it. The visitor studies the tray of cookies with a little curiosity, but doesn't yet reach for one. "I never did see that thing," the bronzerider remarks with a shrug, "but heard a lot of reports of it. Vildaeth doesn't duck the spurt of water sent his direction, instead lidding his eyes and calmly allowing it to splash over him: ducking would only result in water in his face, anyway. The dragon suddenly lifts his muscled bulk out of the water, then sinks back into it quick enough that a large splash flows toward the shore--enough that some of the people close to it might get wet, if it's not blocked by the dragons at the water's edge.

"I don't know. Maybe," Caitlyn shrugs at Nolee, splaying on her back, hands behind her head. "I just wish the sharding stuff could be calculated somehow, so that we could know when it was going to be before it fell. Yeah, I was comet-watching up at Fort quite a bit before..." A sudden soft bite of her lower lip, eyelids drooping as she slows her breathing a little. Her eyes bring her the sight of Nala's water jetting of Vildaeth, and the woman suddenly grins, settling her facial features back into more normal lines. It stays there at Kint's tail wriggling, the blue's camoflauge hide blending it well into the waters, even as Nala and Naurimeth stalk it. Wiggle-flop.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth again pitterpatters, but more like a true downpour, this time. << Oh, Sulizath's told *all* the Weyrlings that their rider's should make certain to sleep with another human before their first mating Flights to make it easier on them. But Naurimeth's had found no one but Noteniath's to her liking, and Noteniath's is Caitlyn's, so.. >> So.

A round of young people approach, having found the courage to do so, and the ringleader snatches a handful of cookies from the tray just as Nolee braves one and offers another to sheepish C'len, then the cherubs prance off, followed by Nanny scolding noises, then utter panicked delight in shreiks as a dragon-sized wave breaks. "Do it again!" one young voice squeals. Nolee tucks her toes up, but otherwise doesn't evade as her bottom is soaked, laughing instead as the wave's ripples creep up the shore. "But so far, we can't predict it. It's as varied as...that wave." She tries to get an idea, reaching out to help steady Kamia as she speaks. "Can't we make some guesses about what a wave'll do? Like how big, how far inland? Can we do that for the new Thread too?"

Nalaieth> I bespoke Kintryth with << Has she been told it matters little which kind she chooses? >>

Nalaieth> Kintryth senses that Nalaieth gradually supplies fuzzy images, those of a blurred Nolee of earlier days touching faces with M'yr, C'len, Caitlyn. << Either kind? >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth rasps back wry humor to those images, supplying others, of a slightly fuzzy Kamia with disgust on her features, Caitlyn with impatience, H'rel's touched by a little sadness. << Oh, of course she has. But Naurimeth's doesn't like other females. And it seems most other males aren't up to snuff enough. Feh. >>

Kintryth continues to wriggle, twitch, flop his tail tips about for the continued enjoyment of Nalaieth and Naurimeth, his hind end close to the water, foreparts up on the beach.

C'len's bum is soaked by the wave as well, the rider casting a look of faux-annoyance over his shoulder at the bronze who has settled carefully back into the water, low enough that it's hard to make out his shape. The color of his hide, though, cannot be camouflaged by the water. Vil's rider accepts the cookie, nibbling its edges before making an agreeable noise and popping the rest of the cookie into his mouth to finish as one mouthful. "I'm sure they'll figure something out," he offers, ever the optimist.

Caitlyn lets her legs be innundated by Vildaeth's wave, barely even noticing as her head turns towards Nolee, C'len. "I just don't know, shaffit. Wish I could feel so positive," she mutters over to the Reachian' bronzerider. Cait leans more towards pessemism, if you hadn't noticed already. Which is partially cleared from her features yet again when Noteniath and H'rel arrive, the woman leaning up partially to wave at the brownpair.

Kamia is distracted enough to curl up in the water soaked sand, her eyes closing, pondering a warm sand bed nap. Nauimeth Belly flops in the general direction of a certin blue's tail, not just in an attempt to catch it, put in an attempt to send water to push Vil further away.

Noteniath settles to the sand with a smooth backwing, the brown letting out his usual low rumble of greetings to the dragons and riders assembled below as his rider unstraps and hops down to the sand, starting quietly toward the assembled group.

Nolee gnaws on the cookie, content to fake-teethe at it and scrape little bits off of one edge a little at a time. "Jays, I hope so. Not knowing's the worst thing ever. Hm...these are not as good as adult cookies," she tempers, shrugging and waving to the brownrider. "But better than wet pants." A little late for that, though Nalaieth is more bemused by Vildaeth's soakings than some of the others. She takes advantage of the distraction to slap a large, leonine amber gold paw down on Kintryth's tail just as Naurimeth too strikes, if he's not quite fast enough: one of them might get 'im?

Kamia moves to her feet, shiving a slight bit, and heads for her boots, Nari waddling up after her as she realises that she wants to head home. There's another salute, then those two are up and away.

Kintryth's tail tip is double-caught? Green and gold both manage to get their paws on it, which causes the blue to emit a small croak of surprise, arching head and neck over and back - upside down - to peer at the two. A chuff for the departing greenpair, then an inverted warble to Noteniath, and he once more settles his head and neck to forepaws.

The swirl of water from Naurimeth does not quite make it out to Vildaeth, slowed by the gaggle of children splashing about in the water. C'len just snorts softly at the dragon's antics, before grinning to Nolee, almost apologetic regarding Vil's behavior. While the blue and gold are distracted with each other, the dragon sneaks in closer, though sneaking is challenging given his size. He pauses in his movement: maybe they won't notice him being closer. C'len's fingers sneak as well, easier given their size, to collect another cookie. "We don't have any control over it, Caitlyn," the wingleader's voice comes softly. "Or at least, not that we know of. So we just have to deal with it as it comes." Come what may--

Caitlyn bobs a distracted head to Kamia's salute, sighing softly as the greenpair leave, her eyes for the approaching brownrider, now. "Hello H'rel." But C'len's voice distracts her from any other greeting, the bluerider peering over at him. A rough snort. "Tell me another one, C'len. Shaffit, I *don't* like not being in control of something this important." Control freak? Cait? Nah. Her gaze slides back towards her weyrmate again, maybe a little guiltily.

H'rel flashes a wave of his hand toward Caitlyn, watching Kamia and Naurimeth depart with a mix of curious and relieved expressions warring for control of his features. "Good evening, all." the man nods to everyone present, before his brow furrows at Caitlyn's remark to C'len, stopping at the edge of the small crowd. "I hope I'm not intruding on anything.." he starts.

Nalaieth croons huskily in triumph as she they successfully trap and surprise Kintryth, continuing her self-satisfied little preening song for quite some time, oblivious to Vil's approach, much to the amusement of a few of the weyrchildren building sandholds nearby. Meanwhile, Nolee reaches out to pat C'len reassuringly on the shoulder, if he's still for it, then to gesture H'rel to sit and join. "None of us like it, of that I'm sure. What we need is a solution. But--it's also good to play some. We've all been under a great deal of stress. And worry." How wonderful life is?

C'len starts off, "Two greenriders walk into a bar.." but breaks off with a lift of his brows and a grin, not finishing the joke. The visiting bronze in the water slinks forward, his long neck stretching out to lightly touch Nala then Kint with his pointed snout, if they don't move first. Surprise! His rider, meanwhile, shifts in the sand, as if that might help dry the seat of his pants. "Evening," he greets H'rel, before nodding to Nolee. "Good to take a break, even in times of trouble." He's just a regular greeting card this evening, it seems.

"Of course not," Cait replies to H'rel with only the smallest touch of asperity, nodding at Nolee's words to the brownrider. "Come and relax for a few moments. We certainly have lots of free time, these days." Yes, the sarcasm is evident, but not directed at anyone. A rough snort of humor for Nalaieth's croons of triumph over Kintryth, the woman then chortling softly when Vildaeth tags both gold and blue successfully. Cait is a creature of extremes, to be sure, this time from pessemistic irony to gleeful indulgence. Kintryth's sudden bugle at the nosetouch from his sire is emited not only on the airwaves, but rather directly towards Nalaieth.

Noteniath peers toward the playing dragons with a slow whirl in his eyes as the older brown settles to the sand, curling into a ball far enough from the water so as not to get his hide covered in wet sand. His rider's not much more at ease at first, starting to step over toward Caitlyn with a brief moment of an awkward look. "Thank you." he remarks quietly, moving to crouch down on the sand, "All the free time we wish these days, if your free time can be had between drills and preparation for more drills." a faint grin shows.

Nolee casts a worried glance toward that betrayer, the sky, before just about hopping out of her skin as Nalaieth is surprised by Vildaeth. "Jays," she hollers at the dragons. "You just about made me wet my--" she breaks off, remembering they're already soaked from Vil's incoming wave, and waves her hand at them while Nala's song ceases in a bugled honk. "Evening," is her more cordial hallo for H'rel. "You have free time?" is surprised, the girl not getting the sarcasm. Then, for H'rel's benefit, "Don't mind us. We're just...being feudal. Or futile. Or food-al. One of those. There's cookies, but they're for littles just growing teeth. Want one?"

Dragon> Nalaieth extends a smooth glassy amber, a bewildered ire. << You should've seen him! I am not to blame! >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth slithers, creeps humbly, fog burning under sun's rays. << If you'd not startled me before, I might have! >>

Dragon> Ire turns to bemused mirth, a rash of burbling chuckles that melt the amber into warm puddles. << I am amazed you were surprised. I shall praise his slyness. >>

Nalaieth> Vildaeth senses that Nalaieth extends gentle ripples of amber amusement. << You startled him. Well done! >> To say nothing of herself.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth responds with salty grumblings. << I am not easily surprised. >>

Dragon> Nalaieth does not manage words: only delighted images, a bubbling amber pond with each bursting bubble containing a bell tinkle of laughter.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Kintryth huffs softly, fading into the backdrop of a blue sky, melding into one with it.

Vildaeth slips back a bit, looking around as if innocence incarnate. The loudness of Kint's bugle causes him to duck his head, trying to avoid the sound but failing to do so. "Hopefully soon we'll go back to having free time," the visitor remarks, his hand moving toward the cookies but finding Nolee's hand near the tray instead. "Have you had any time for Smithing?" He asks of Caitlyn, remembering the pendant gifted by the bluerider. C'len stretches his legs out in front of him, the more to cover his whole outfit in sand.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Vildaeth admits, << He is loud, our Kintryth, >> but his tone of voice is patently smug, colored in shades of contented green.

Caitlyn just reaches out to H'rel (after she's done ducking the effects of that pair of dragon sounds), and *tugs* him down to warm, *dry* sand next to her, giving the man an expression of triumph. "Sit, not crouch. Crouches are *not* relaxing, ultimately." And to Shells with dignity, for now. Nolee gets a large eyeroll for her astute observation, along with a stuck out tongue, but her gaze roves over to C'len, a small grin settled on her face now. She noticed the hand-touching. "Precious little since I took over Dawnsflame, and almost none since Thread. Damn the stuff," she grumbles. "Been just finishing up odds and ends projects from Turns past. Trading them with others in exchange for mending a sofa I want, and a couple other things." Out beyond the humans, Kintryth finally settles back down after seeming to glare at Vildaeth, but his slightly lashing tail gives note to the fact he's on guard, now. The blue warbles to Noteniath, as if to say, 'Join us.'

There's a muted thump and shifting of sand as the brownrider is tugged to his backside by Caitlyn's grasp, "Sitting on this is going to.." H'rel starts before silencing himself at Caitlyn's words, "Right, crouching is not relaxing." the man merely blinks a bit, before a look between Nolee and C'len, "It's good to see people able to relax, that I'll admit, even if I find it difficult myself." he admits to the two riders. Noteniath swivels his head on the sand, the brown's wedge of a snout peering at the three other dragons and the rather peculiar antics.

Nolee ducks her head against her knees to shield her ears until the noise has ceased, frowns at Kintryth, and starts to shake her head, pausing as her hand is found by C'len. There's a brief moment of smugness that fades into an affectionate smile for the bronzerider as she holds, then squeezes his hand, occuring while H'rel's being pulled sandward. "I do, too," Nolee admits, warily looking skyward, then shaking off the encroaching fear. "Sharing the work's a great idea. Especially if others specialize in that kind of work," she agrees, finding some cheer even as Nala rocks back and forth, sedately proud...of both the loud blue and his stealthy sire.

Having had enough sneakiness--and enough water--the 'Reachian dragon makes his way out of the water, attempting to shake some of it from his hide before settling into the sand so as to not turn into a mud-covered dragon. C'len seems unconcerned with the loudness, perhaps used to noisiness for some reason. "The only way to get a break these days is to get 'scored," the rider comments mildly, "and then you have to stay in the smelly infirmary. And be in pain." Not the best of ideas for securing a vacation, in any case.

"I wonder if Kint got his sneakiness from him," Caitlyn wonders out loud as she peers at all the dragons farther down the beach, pointing to the bronze, then lifting her butt a little to shift hip-to-hip with the brownrider. "I like barter, mostly, except when I need marks for a gather or something. Speaking of which, I noticed most of the Halls and Holds putting off their festivities after all this," and she waves a hand up at the sky, "started." Sigh. "Oh jays, I forgot. H'rel, this is C'len, and that's his Vildaeth. Don't know if you remember, but Vil's Kint's sire. C'len, this is H'rel, and that quiet lump of brown is his Noteniath. They were our assistant Weyrlingmasters. And now we're a nice, big, extended family." Snort. "Oh great. I'll make certain to have Kint veer me into a strand, next time," she comments wryly to C'len.

Kintryth inner-lids his eyes at the bronze shakes off his excess water, paw shifting over his upper muzzle in a rather human-like gesture. That tail tip finally stops its twitching, but still cautiously curls up around his haunches. No one's getting *me* again. No sir.

"I did indeed recall." H'rel says with a small nod to Caitlyn, the man reaching to give her a quick hug about the waist with one arm before relaxing it again, "I'm not sure if I would have made any sort of impression, given the rather distinct circumstances of that particular time he'd spent at Ista." He grins a little to C'len, "And I've never been particularly nota..." he pauses midsentence, glancing toward Caitlyn as he realizes he's likely going to get pinched for that comment. "It's a pleasure to meet you, C'len. And to see you as well, Nolee." he adds over toward the lifemate of Kintryth's clutchdam.

Nolee's grip on C'len's hand tightens, the goldrider not finding his suggestion particularly amusing. "You better not," she warns, as though her words could control the direction of the new Thread's unpredictable falling. "I'm heaps of fond of you, and infirmaries smell way too terrible to come visit you there." Then another frown. "And you better not either," is to Caitlyn, Nolee's frown deepening. She tries to shake it off by mumbling something about duties to all the relevant parties and somesuch, but mostly grumbles, though she cheers up enough to smile a hallo for Noteniath's rider. "And you. Talk some sense into her, will you?"

"I can't make any promises, but Vil's good at ducking," C'len says to Nolee and, though it may not soothe all the fears, at least he's being honest about it. The rider grins for H'rel, nodding to him, then Caitlyn as well. "The infirmaries do stink. You'd think the Healers could figure out a way to fix that." All problems are fixable, right? C'len's hand lingers near Nolee's, though the other snags another cookie. Not necessarily because it's all that tasty, but it's something to do. "Speaking of a lack of free time... I should probably head back. Do you think I could get some of the fresh citron from you?" The question's directed to Nolee with a turn of his head toward the goldrider.

Caitlyn was indeed reaching out with fingers towards H'rel, but instead drops them, nodding and grinning widely to him instead. She responds to his squeeze with one of her own around his side, keeping the arm there, grinning and shaking her head at Nolee, then murmuring in a mock sheepish tone, "No way I'd put myself purposely in line to get scored. Way too painful. Aww..." she suddenly adds as C'len speaks up, ready to leave. "Well, we should get our butts back up to Reaches sometime soon to visit you, since you came down here. Seems only fair, and it's less muggy up there, too."

"Trust me." H'rel remarks as he raises his left arm to the small crowd, "A scoring's no way to get time away from duty, let me reassure you all of _that_." And from the tone of the man's voice, it's likely he's got far more than the one scar that's so plainly visible on his forearm. "I wish you fair skies and a good flight home." he offers C'len, the man finally looking as though he's starting to relax - just in time, apparently, for people to be calling it an evening.

Nolee's hand remains suspiciously near C'len's until she stands up and tries to shake the sand-muddy water from her pants, which mostly succeeds in a splash-about for those nearby, now at face level! "Glad to hear it," she seriously notes to Caitlyn, then a pleased nod to H'rel for the added reinforcement. "Jays, I could do that. Evening, Kintryth's, Noteniath's." Nalaieth hesitates as she's summoned, then croons lowly at Noteniath and Kintryth before heading toward Nolee, who mounts up. "If you'll follow, I'll arrange. I could send some juice as well--I think there were extra barrels, and it keeps well in the cold."

C'len stands as well, waving to Caitlyn then H'rel. "Clear skies," he offers to the pair of them, before making his way over to Vildaeth so that he can follow Nolee to secure citrons, and juice, for the colder weyr. "Maybe next time I can bring some ice," C'len grins. The rider waves once more, before climbing onto Vil's back.

Caitlyn spits the shaken off sand away from her face, staring up at Nolee, who likely doesn't even notice. "Watch it!" she calls out, sighing when the goldrider departs towards Nala. Grump. "Yeah, later, Nolee, C'len. Safe trip back home to you," she adds for the bronzerider."Ooh! Ice, yes!" The bluerider hugs H'rel close to her side as she watches both pairs head back towards the Weyr-proper.

H'rel brushes sand from his legs as he waves to both departing pairs, before looking over toward the rather content looking Caitlyn with a wry smile as he leans in and murmurs into her ear, "... tried ... too stuffy ... shards." he says with a weak little smile.

Indeed, Nolee fails to notice the havoc she's left behind, and soon, she and Nalaieth, and their guests, are off on their merry little errand.

vildaeth, caitlyn, nalaieth, c'len, h'rel, naurimeth, kamia, nolee, thread, kintryth, noteniath

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