Weyrmeet: Events, Plots, and Plans for Thread's Return, 3-5-07

Mar 05, 2007 18:26

Weyrmeet, 3-5-07: Return of Thread Ideas
Logfile from Nolee's point of view

You say "Hi everyone, and thank you for coming on out for our Weyrmeet. :) (Spreads rampant oreo cookies and other tasty things)."
Caitlyn snags a few, plus a cherry Coke.
Griere steals Caitlyn's cherry Coke.
Caitlyn says "Hey!"
Jazra sings along to "Baby its you" and counts backwards through Bleach's bount arc.
Amira avoids the tasty things. You never know what they are. <.< >.>

You say "The primary purpose of this OOC meeting is to brainstorm and make some plans for rp events and mini-plot arcs we'd like to see happen at and around Ista, particularly as related to the return of Threadfall, though other ideas are welcome, too. First I'll recap what we know so far, then share some ideas, then solicit your thoughts, woo!"

Nolee sniffs. Escargot is a delicacy. ^^
Caitlyn blehs.

You say "If you'd like more information about Thread's return, please check out the wizmeet logs with links available at game connect. Also, check out +bbread/general 67 for important info about the date and manner selected for the crazy first fall."

Jazra wants to do at least one lizard clutch in the coming months. And I know. I might not be able to make all of it. My mom's coming for the weekend, its the 10th right? But yes, one clutch up at Fort to commemorate the loss of Stargate SG1, and another one downhere meant to be just flat out zany.
Amira says "Zany is fuuuun!"

Nolee thanks ya for your ideas, Jazra--it's awesome to have things already coming to mind. I'm gonna share what we have so far, too, then hopefully we'll have a chance to hear new ones from everyone. :)
Griere pats Jazra.

You say "Second, a hearty thanks to those who have submitted ideas to the Ista bb! I'll summarize here for convenience:

*It might be neat to be 'surprised' during a fake threadfall drill by the real stuff.

*Weyrling involvement somehow: either one of them spots an incoming fall or someone is lost to the menace.

*Ista misses their first chance at fighting Thread because the watchrider who was assigned to location X wasn't at post (for whatever reason). Leading edge either comes in over sea (to give Ista time to correct its screwup) or over land (giving us burrows and RP with whoever we didn't protect). Who was watchrider? Why was he/she not at post?

*Rider hears from Y weyr that Thread's returned. Reports back to Ista: scoffing. It takes a few days for the info to percolate down that Thread has really returned.

*RP of an actual 'fall."

Caitlyn enjoys the thought of all of those.
Jazra votes for the fake fall interrupted by real stuff idea.

You say "Yeah! Those ones sound like they could give peope a 'personal' touch to help develop their characters, too. :) Ohh, here are some more:

*Opportunities for healer rp: broken bones, burns, scrapes as people fumble with firestone (riders and ground folks alike).

*Thread is mistaken for volcano activity since one plagued Ista a while back. Potential exploration sweeps over volcano area.

*Gear-making party! Groundcrews and riders are so unused to actually fighting thread that they are short on time to maintain gear and supplies, so we have a leathers-sewing party or a strapmaking party or a leather-stretching, animal-skinning etc activity to help folks stay caught up."

You say "While the wizards have some guidelines that direct our rp to an extent, we can certainly brainstorm some things we might like to play or be involved in. What would you like to see, rp, lead, or be a part of (either from the lists above, or something you toss out of your own creation!) ?"

V'lano says "Any guidelines for these things - i.e. plots vs. events, Thread-related or otherwise? :)"

Caitlyn is thinking of having a bit of the first Ista bit of fall whacking the BeastCraft - or nearby. Can you see Shimshon raving on the riders?! ;)
Jazra hasn't ICly met Shimshon.
Cynara says "You're lucky *ducks*"
Caitlyn snarks.

Nolee thinks we're collecting any ideas people might like to see or be a part of at Ista, though we have the unique opportunity to connect things to Thread so we might have more things in that category? Though I don't think it's a restriction or anything! :)

Amira wonders when the weyrling graduation is, because we /could/ interrupt the NPCs at the end with a 'fall.

You say "As for plots vs. events, events are usually shorter, one to two evening sessions that just about anyone can join or participate in somehow, and a plot tends to be a little bit longer and more complicated, often spread out over multiple sessions and with complications unfolding throughout. Which is pursued is really up to the people leading each and those participating, I'd think? :)"

Caitlyn rubs hands together wickedly. This is gonna cause so much chaos... WHee!
Jazra loves two things above all else, besides zaniness, angst and chaos.
Nolee nodnods belatedly, Shim's mean! ^^ But fun to rp with, hee.

Amira scampers off to eat dinner. I'll be back later. :D

Caitlyn can also see tons more sweeps and watches set up - and the potential for more RP between Weyrs as those things overlap territories. Everyone's gonna have paranoid eyes in the back of their heads.

Jazra wants to see her jade flower bloom with flame and kick some serious thread.
Amira goes home.
Amira hops down into Myrienth's Couch.
Amira has left.

Nolee nodnods, maybe coordinating something with another Weyr might be fun, like a duo-sweep or something? Or rp about whose responsibility the overlap is, etc.

Caitlyn nodders.

Nolee nudges, what sounds like fun? Any of those ideas make idea-flies flutter about? Anything else brewing? Please toss things out, we'll add 'em to our list of potential chaos!

Jazra thinks. "One detail that should be added when thread starts to fall, firelizards go /insane/ when there's a threadfall on the way. Look at Piemur's queen, Farli."
Jazra so terrified firelizards.

Cynara nods. Yes. Firelizards would try and warn us.

Jazra hmmms... flamethrower lessons to the Holders? That could be a cooperative one.

V'lano imagines people with lizards can play that, yep. "Do Holders actually use flamethrowers? From the ground? We also have so few of them as PCs. Alas. ;)"

Jazra nods and points to Dragonseye.

Cynara says "Holds have ground crews who are sent out to try and stop grounded thread before it burrows, with flamethrowers and agenothree sprayers, yes."

Jazra says "The smithcraft were giving a flamethower tutorial to Fort's groundcrewmen."

V'lano says "I might like to see some politicking among the wings. It depends, of course, on you people playing in them, but as we have a lot of riders who have no experience with Thread, what with Thread falling it strikes me that people who have experience - older characters - may wish to try to get more of their peers into the leadership positions."

Caitlyn likes that idea, Vel.
V'lano says "At the very least, some complaints against us whippersnappers - Vel, Caitlyn, Balinne, Gus, etc. - in charge are in order. ;)"
Nolee wails. We're doomed! :)

Jazra would be more than happy to fly as Cait's second if somebody asks her to, then be called a whippersnapper and snap something really sharp back at them.

Jazra says "Not a whip but a verbal equivalent."

Nolee notes we want to do things that folks are interested in coming to rp at and in being involved in. :) I could lead a strapmaking or leather-stretching/skinning/supplies replenishing type event. Anyone else see something they'd like to be a part of, have a hand in organizing?

Caitlyn says "You know there's going to be things like collisions and such - as well as foolish risks taken by really young people. This'll have more of an impact in personal RP, though - I think."

Jazra could lead a hunt to get more hides. Does the TP room do southern continent?

Caitlyn says "Ideas for short or extended RP/plots revolving around new Threadfall."

Balinne says "Oooooo!"
Trace says "Ohh, gotcha. Hrm..."

Jazra again offers to hold a hunt to get more leather. Animals and their uses...
Feline-Rider's leathers, but rare and real fancy
Wherry fur- riders leathers and boots, used for the lining
Wher-hide- used for the outward shell of the riding jacket

V'lano says "Jazra, hang on a mo so new people can offer ideas too. Yours is out there. ;)"
Nolee thinks it could work, though.
Caitlyn says "Ayup."

Balinne says "I would really, really like to see something involving the Holds around Ista, either Ista Hold, or the minor holds. Anything from Holders deciding this is some sort of Weyr Hoax to keep their tithes, or panic - refugees taking over Ista?"

Nolee pages Tzivya as well, catchup. :)
Caitlyn says "Very good idea, Bali."
Tzivya ohhs and likes that.
Jazra has to drop.

Trace says "Are we talking just the first fall here, or the time after?"

Tzivya says "And orphans being dropped at the weyr in the hopes that maybe as dragonriders they would have soemthing of a life with the rest of their family dead in the time before a pattern to the Falls is worked out."

Caitlyn pulls at her lip. Yeah, could be.
Balinne says "Oo, what about panic in the wings? Considering the newest batches of dragonriders were told they'd never fly Fall in their lifetime, there are bound to be some very upset, panicked dragonriders."

Tzivya s heavily in the mass carnage camp. ;)

Caitlyn says "Absolutely, Bali."

Nolee does give a quick note that the wizards would need to approve any plots involving destruction to a Hold, or someone like a Lord Holder or any of their family members, that sort of thing, but we still have heaps of freedom outside of straight-up destruction. :)

Balinne says "I'd love to get a few scenes in with NPC holders, either as sweepriders, or pre/after-fall check-in type people."

Caitlyn suggested a fuming Beastcrafthall, Bali. ;)
You say "That sounds cool! Are you interested in NPCing any of folks like that, or is anyone else?"

Tzivya says "There can also be agenothree shortages, as they wouldn't be producing as much of it in an interval as they would in a pass, and the methods for making it are not that fast."

Tzivya would be willing to do one-off NPC scenes. :)
Balinne is definitely interested in NPCing, as well as playing Bali in, obviously, a dragonrider position.

Tzivya recommends a sort-of buy-in system. Agree to be an NPC, and you get to RP with someone else's NPC. ;)

Griere says "These are all fabulous ideas! :D If there's something in particular that you're eager to sink your teeth into, work through and put into action, please lets us know so that we can coordinate what's going on when and who's doing what and stuff. ;)"

Trace says "Okay, my ideas right quick before I have to run. For first fall, I'd think it'd be more fun if Ista was hit without warning, but also more deadly. We have many weyrlings who will be just turning full riders and assigned to wings, and the wings themselves will be unused to actually having to fight Thread. Mass panic, likely many losses, with very little actual flaming of thread. This opens up the area to ground crews who will be very very busy, and will unfortunately lead to many casulties. This can have fallout on the Weyr for not being ready, or not. Over the next few weeks training is tripled to fight thread, gear brought up to date/maintained (as mentioned earlier), and a whole lot of busy bodies trying to make things work. Only after a month or more will things be up to par and properly able to fight, meaning that the times Thread falls before that it will still be a mess, if not as much a mess as the first one."

Trace says "And with that, I bid you adieu. No matter what you guys decide it'll be fun :)"

Tzivya would love to see soem PC deaths, but that is a lot harder to arrange. O:)
V'lano nods to Griere. "The main purpose here is to identify ideas -you personally- might like to lead! While it's good to hear all ideas, those which you personally want to run have the greatest chance of success - so you'll want to consider what YOU want to RUN so we can focus on that. :)"

Balinne is all for leading a few NPC-hold + dragonrider scenes :)

Trace says "If there's any ground crew type scenes I can help run those, and in fact would enjoy doing it, even if I'd have to have an NPC to do it since Trace can't really lead that :P Ground crew stuff would be a lot of fun for me to run."

Trace says "Okay, I'm outtie. :P You guys have fun."

Caitlyn says "Later, Trace. :)"

Balinne says "I can't really think up any long-running type plots, but I'd definitely love to arrange a few scenes at Holds. Maybe even a few pre-Thread, for the players to have fun and toy with the before/after attitudes of both riders and holders."

V'lano says "So we have a few people up for doing NPC-rider scenes to create some Holder interaction. I can do that sort of thing too, to some degree. Maybe we can start a thread on the forum so we know who all has volunteered! :) Anyone have anything else they'd like to lead?"

Nolee grins at Bali, that'd be really cool. Like pre-shell-shock, and post, particularly for the younguns.

Balinne nodnods! As well as... the holder's are likely to be much more welcoming of dragonriders to their Hold after having saved their butts from Thread, vs a "before" scene, in which the Holders are a bit snarky at those thieving, lazy dragonriders.

Caitlyn takes this chance to poke at people. I really need a couple (or more) judges to pull off the FL beauty contest portion of my Wing-thing this Friday. ;)

Griere says "So... of all the cool things that have been tossed out? Does anything stand out to anyone as something they might like to run with? :D"

Balinne is running all over the place with her Hold idea ;)
Griere says "Sweet!"
V'lano snickers.
Caitlyn says "Wherry woman. ;)"
Balinne nips Cait.
Caitlyn says "Ouch!"
Caitlyn finds herself most interested in larger, longer plots. Muaha.

Nolee ohse, if anyone's interested in putting an event together, it's really not as tough or scary as it sounds. Ista has an awesome guide at http://www.istaweyr.com/roleplay/eventguide.shtml and a helpful tinyplot guide at http://www.istaweyr.com/roleplay/tpguide.shtml

Griere says "Coolies. ;) Anyone who thinks they'd like to take on an event or plot, just drop us a +mail and let us know what you have in mind. :D"

Balinne bounces.
Caitlyn skips!

You say "So far, we have a ton of great ideas and a few we're going to start with. Nolee will do some sort of leatherworking or resupply event, Balinne and possibly Tzivya are going with the hold interaction politics, Caity's hosting a wing event involving beautiful firelizards, Jazra might do something connected to a leather and hunting expedition to the Southern Continent. Anything else? :)"

V'lano has something! ;)
V'lano types.
Nolee yay! Go for it, Weyrleader-type!
Caitlyn listens to Vel, while tossing popcorn at him.

Caitlyn says "Think of it - the last perfect day for a party at the beach before...*cues music* dun-Dun-DUUUUN!"

V'lano says "As you know if you've been reading like, any of the game's bbs, the wizards will be hitting us with Threadfall on Saturday the 10th at around 3 pm Eastern time. Now, I have no idea - and no one else does either, as far as I know - if Ista's coverage is even -implicated- in their plan, but if it is we'll want to be here so we can get the 'omghelphelphelp' reports from sweepsriders and go cover it."

V'lano says "If it does not implicate Ista's coverage, well, we can go help out whatever sister Weyr's territory is getting hammered. ;)"

Madge says "Definitely."

Balinne sniffles, and will be in the middle of work when Thread falls.

Caitlyn HOOrahs Vel!

V'lano says "This is nothing like the Threadfalls I've run and been involved in before, so I'm honestly not even sure how to prepare to get us all going. ;) But if anyone would like to help me put some plans together, I welcome you to page me when you see me around so we can chat - and if you just have ideas, please feel free to +mail 'em. :)"

Tzivya thinks 3pm is liek 5am for me. But sunday morning, so maybe I can get up early, or pull an all nighter
Caitlyn ouchies.

Madge says "How do we put out there that we're cool with being hurt?"

Balinne says "I would like to know: how do the Weyrlings/WLM staff handle the "call to arms" so to speak. Do they all go and fight? Do the Weyrlings just run resupply? Do they all stay back at the Weyr because they're not ready?"

Tzivya says "Ohh, good question, cause, umm, yes."

V'lano says "Typically, Madge, you look for a chance to RP getting hurt - an emit that works for that, or else you make one up and RP it. ;) Please, however, run it by the WLM first because, er, and also by myself and Griere. ;)"

Tzivya says "Oh! I think each Weyrling should have to decide, more or less on tehir own, the right path to take. ;)"

Caitlyn cackles. Poor Vel's gonna ICly be pooping stacks.

V'lano says "As for weyrlings: Fadra will ICly make that call for you. ;)"

Balinne says "The idea is that an injury may ICly hold you back from graduation."

V'lano says "OOCly, it may be a matter of who's available and who's not - but ICly, your WLM and AWLMs will order weyrlings into the sky, or to stay on the ground, as they see fit."

V'lano says "And yes, injury could delay your progress."
Tzivya says "Well, that could be debated, Bali, since there will probably be a shortage of able riders after the first fall. :)"
V'lano says "Not really, Tzivya."

Balinne will make sure to poke at Fadra, cause I'd like to know what she's going to do. It'd suck if I said one thing, and it turned out to not be true.
V'lano says "Because if you are so injured you can't learn along with the rest of the weyrlings, you will be delayed."
V'lano says "That's... sort of cause and effect."
V'lano says "A minor boo-boo is no big. :P"
Tzivya says "Well, true. :)"

V'lano says "Anything else for tonight? :)"
Balinne says "Yea. What's a good IC excuse for not rushing to the first Threadfall? Or should I just say she was there ICly, even if I wasn't."
V'lano says "Two good reasons, plus a third for Balinne specifically:"
Balinne was just going to say some Weyrling kept her back.

V'lano says "First, any rider might not go because the whole Weyr won't need to turn out for a 'trickle,' as S'rist is calling it. Vel will pick and choose and set up the wings as he sees fit (and gosh, a bunch of online PCs will be included!)"

Balinne grins.

V'lano says "Second, if Thread is falling in multiple locations, you could be fighting in an off-camera location at the time."

V'lano says "Third, weyrlings. ;)"

Noemie has arrived.
Fadra has arrived.

Balinne is going idle for dinner real quick.
Nolee thinks that actually covers most of it? We want to thank everyone for coming, asking questions, sharing your ideas, and helping us drum up fun planz for Ista. As V'lano and Griere said, if you think of anything else you'd like to coordinate as a plot or event, please drop us a mail so we can schedule and help you with the planning phases. Also: there will be a log up very soon, as in, in just a few minutes, so our most excellent newcomers can join in the plotting as well. :)
Fadra is always late. It's my destiny.

Noemie sighs. I tried :)
Jascela has arrived.

Balinne noogies Noemie.
Madge vamoofs.
Madge goes home.
Madge has left.
Noemie says "Stop that!"
Balinne beams.
Noemie pokes Bali in the tummy.
Nolee summarizes for the new folks, just so you have ideas list.
Balinne lifts aside the curtain to step out through the narrow archway.
Balinne has left.
Tzivya fleeee
Tzivya goes home.
Tzivya has left.
Jascela scares everyone off?

You say "So far, we have a ton of great ideas and a few we're going to start with. Nolee will do some sort of leatherworking or resupply event, Balinne and possibly Tzivya are going with the hold interaction politics, Caity's hosting a wing event involving beautiful firelizards, Jazra might do something connected to a leather and hunting expedition to the Southern Continent. V'lano welcomes folks who'd like to be involved in the start of Threadfall wherever that might be, on Mar 10 around 3 pm ET as the wizards have announced, to +mail him. :)"

You say "And that's the short version of a recap, log up soon! :)"

weyrmeet, meeting, threadfall, ooc

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