OOC Pre-Hatching Meeting, January 21, 2007

Jan 22, 2007 18:16

Ista Weyr Pre-Hatching Information Meeting
January 21, 2007

Logfile from Nolee's point of view.

Ista_CQ> Griere has arrived.
Ista_CQ> Griere flips the OOC light on and all. Hello lovelies. :)

V'lano has arrived.

Kaelana says "Lovelies? You can't mean us?"

Niklo says "That sounds like something the villain would say..."

V'lano pssts to Griere. "Better hold back the 'and your little dogs too' part."

Griere pouts. ;)

Niklo doesn't have dogs!

V'lano has, in the past, provided rental stand-in dogs...

Griere says "So! I want to take a quick moment to thank you guys, not just for coming out tonight (though thank you for that too,) but for joining us and doing the whole candidate thing here. :D"

Niklo says "It's been fun, so thank you guys! ^^"

Griere says "We've got a lot of info to give you tonight and chances are, if you have a question, the answer is in there somewhere. I'll give you some spots to ask stuff and if we get to the end and you still have questions, you can fire away. :)"

Griere says "The hatching will be at 6pm ET on Sunday, January 28th. I know that this may not be an ideal time for some folks and I do apologize. If you do think that you'll be able to make it for at least -part- of the hatching, like if you can come for the beginning but have to leave, or if you will be showing up late, +mail Vel and me and let us know. :)"

Griere says "That brings me to puppeteers. Whether you can make the hatching or not I strongly recommend having a puppeteer lined up because you never know what will happen. We cannot impress your character if he or she is not connected."
Griere says "There are a couple of things you should +mail your puppeteer. 1. The password that you'll be using the night of the hatching. 2. A copy of your robe desc. 3. A few generic hopping, shuffling, 'oh look at that lovely hatchling' poses. 4. A pose for if you impress. 5. A pose for if you do not."

Fadra has reconnected.
Fadra has partially disconnected.
Fadra has reconnected.
Fadra has partially disconnected.
Fadra swats the pants off her connection.
Griere sits on Fadra and her pantsless connection. ;)
Niklo ews.
V'lano films. ;)
Kaelana blinks.

Kaelana wonders, Question time yet?

Griere says "If you can't find someone you trust to be your puppeteer, +mail V'lano and me with the info I mentioned and we'll find someone for you. Be aware, we generally don't know who will have the lucky job of puppetting candidates until the day of the hatching. If you send us the info, don't worry, we'll take care of it. ;)"
Griere says "Kaelana, have a question about puppeteers? :D"

Kaelana says "Nope. Already have 1 in mind."

Griere says "We're all good on puppeteers then? :)"

Griere takes that as a yep. ;)

V'lano grins.

Griere says "Please be here by 6:30pm ET. We'll be checking robes and giving you some last minute reminders and stuff. The robe should be a plain white sack with holes for your head and arms. No decoration, no colored stitching, no lacey hems. The robe should fall between mid-thigh and knee. Anything shorter is inappropriate, longer would be dangerous on the sands. (Remember, we want the candidates to be able to run screaming from lethal dragon claws, mwahahahah!) *cough*"

Kaelana indeeds.

Griere says "Make that 5:30, even. ;)"

Fadra models her robe, which is covered in sequins.

Griere says "Long hair must be tied back, that goes for guys as well as girls. You'll be wearing sandals; the sands are still hot enough for all sorts of hopping and dancing. The desc doesn't have to be anything spectacular. In all truth, "Sally is wearing a plain white candidate robe and a pair of sandals. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail" is just fine. Before we let you onto the sands, we'll be glancing at you to make sure that you've got your robe on and that it fits those requirements."

Kaelana says "well that answered Q #1."

Griere grins. I'm just chock-full of answers. ;)

Griere says "Wait, Gri, did you say 'lethal dragon claws'? Ista does enjoy a good mauling. If you are interested in being bloodied on the sands, +mail Vel and me and let us know just how badly you want to be injured. Depending on what sort of reponses we get, we might just pick a few folks to be hurt and/or we might lessen the degree of the injury, but you will not be more beat up than you ask to be. ;)"

Niklo yays! Ooo, blood! I love blood!

Kaelana says "would: Me and very, be detailed enough?"

V'lano may have snuck blood into the drinks. Or not. Not sure... XD
Niklo turns into a bats and flies away.

V'lano says "More detail would be splendid, Kaelana. ;)"

Griere makes monster fingers. ;) We might need a little more detail than that, Kaelana. Your definition of very might not match with ours and we wouldn't want to put anyone into a situation they're not comfortable with. :)

Kaelana says "Probably my very is higher then your very, so I'll keep taht in mind."
erm. That*

V'lano says "Fab."

Griere says "Hatchings are crazy, spammy, tense events but there are a few things you can do to make it easier on yourself and easier on the SC (who're running around like headless chickens behind the scenes. ;)"

You say "Bok bok bok"

Griere says "First, you can +quiet your knots. '+quiet/isw on' will essentially turn off the knot so you can no longer hear it or speak on it. '+quiet/isw off' turns it back on again. We recommend halting yourself (@set me=halt) and either dropping all your objects (lizards and knicknacks aren't allowed on the sands anyway) or setting yourself opaque (@set me=opaque). Halt will keep things like your adesc from triggering and opaque will prevent people from seeing what you're carrying. You can also set your idle message to let people know that you're being spammed and you might not be able to answer their pages right away. Please don't use pagelocking."

Griere says "Some clients will let you highlight words in different colors. If you highlight your name, you'll be less likely to miss it when someone's posing to you. If anyone needs help changing these settings on their clients, I can help with MushClient and plenty of folks can help with SimpleMu. If you're using another client, we can try to find someone to help you. :)"

Kaelana knows SimpleMU

Griere says "Any questions on that stuff? :)"

Fadra can help with both!

Niklo's good! I've got MUSHclient. ;)

Griere says "So, you're wearing your robe, you've dropped all your objects, highlighted your name, +quieted your knots and set your idle message, it's time to step out onto the sands. You can all just go at once, we don't need you to file in any sort of orderly way. As long as you all get from point A to point B, we're happy. When you get onto the sands, don't worry about bowing to the Aerianth and Volath. We'll have a group emit for that. After the group emit is done you can start your hot-footed hoppings. :)"

Griere says "This is where we get to the 'things you can do to make it easier on the SC'. I don't like to tell folks how to RP, but there are three little things you can do that make a -ton- of difference for us. 1. Please don't emit. We want your beautiful shining name right at the front of the line where we can find it without hunting. 2. Please keep your poses short. Four lines is fine, ten lines is not so fine. 3. Pose just once per egg/hatchling pose. There will be plenty. ;)"

V'lano can't imagine managing to pose once for every single hatchling/egg pose. XD
Fadra makes that her goal.
V'lano hides from Fadra.
Niklo usually gets lost in spam. >.<
Amira has connected.

V'lano says "Hey Amira! Welcome to meeting in progress."

Griere says "If you impress, please say your dragon's name aloud in your pose. It makes the people watching happy and it signals to us that, well, all the messages went through alright. ;) At that point a member of the WLM team will escort you off the sands."

Amira says "I didn't miss all of it! Woohoo!"

V'lano says "We'll be posting a log, so you can catch up, too. :)"

Griere says "Now the poses will be flying, eggs bouncing around, dragons impressing left and right. In the midst of all this noise and excitement, I remind you that, in the end, it doesn't really matter what happens at the hatching. Your character is what you make of it. Just because the hatching is over doesn't mean things are going to stop happening and we would like nothing better than for everyone to stay here and play with us. :) V'lano and I will be available if anyone wants to talk about the outcome of the hatching."

Griere says "And... I think that's everything I have to tell you guys. :D"
Amira says "My timing isn't too good, is it?"
V'lano says "It's lovely. You get to ask questions if you want!"
Griere says "No worries. We've got a log and it'll be up in no time. ;)"
Fadra snuggles Amira.
Kaelana says "The joys of logs eh?"

V'lano says "We now open the floor for questions. (shock!)"

Fadra falls through the floor.
Amira says "That's what they're there. :)"

Niklo says "Question!"
Griere says "Let's have it, Niklo. :)"

Kaelana says "Ok #1. Personally I have no problem wih writing descs(As in writing up a short robe desc), but some peoeple probably do. Is it absolutely set in stone that everyone needs a robe desc? As far as I know, most people don't go looking at each candidate to see their robe, considering they can just menion it in pose."

Niklo says "Are you allowed to ask for two things: some sort of injury that you can continue to stand with, or, should you not impress, could you ask to get mauled enough that you need to be taken from the sands?"

V'lano says "It's pretty common here for even the people in the sands to check your desc. Heavens knows why, but it's probably for the best if you do write a quickie desc. ;)"
V'lano er, in the sTands.

Griere says "Re: robes. Yep. It doesn't need to be much of a desc, but you have to have one. ;)"

Kaelana says "Oh, and second Niklo's Question."

Caitlyn has arrived.

Fadra says "Tardy, tardy."

Griere says "Re: maulings. You can be as specific as you want! We might not be able to meet all of your requests, but we do our best. And if we have a person slotted to impress, we tend to leave them capable of doing so. :D"

Caitlyn muAHAHAHA!

Caitlyn points to her own forehead to show some possible outcomes of maulings.

Fadra flicks Cait's forehead.
Niklo grins at Caitlyn and nodnods. Righto.

Kaelana wonders, "What about deaths on the sands?"

V'lano nods gravely. Kint ate her brain.
Caitlyn says "Too late. All healed. *flicks Fadra's nose* ;)"

Griere says "We aren't in the habit of killing anyone on the sands, but if its something a candidate would like to discuss with us, they are welcome to do so. :)"

Amira eyes Kaelana. What are you planning?

Nolee ohs, catches up, re: descs. Nolee will be checkin' descs, possibly with Fadra's help? Pre-hatching. If you'd like to send it to me or us in advance, we could approve it via +mail. Then we'll peek on hatching day to be sure you've donned it before the dragons start to hummmmmm.

Fadra will help check descs, while the candidates oggle thier could-be weyrlingmaster. Muah-ha-ha-ha.

Caitlyn GLEES.

Niklo ohs, Nolee? So we need to write it up before the hatching and have it approved before that day?

Fadra doesn't think you /have/ to, but it would probably save you frantic rewriting if something's wrong.

Caitlyn belatedly punt Vel for that previous comment.

Nolee nodnods, what Fadra said. And as Vel and Griere mentioned, it doesn't have to be much or fancy. :)

Niklo says "Okay, cool beans."
Caitlyn flips through her descs. Oh, I still have my Candi robe. Whoa.
Fadra has hers too, thanks to the handy dandy outfit code.
Caitlyn says "Ayup. :)"

Griere grins! Any more questions for us?

Amira says "Cait is a packrat. Or she's weird. Or both. :)"
V'lano ow, punted.
Caitlyn says "A little of both. ;) Noles and Bali are the freakish packrats. ;D"
Caitlyn looks to fadra for the ruling on Vel...
Nolee yays for packratting! Ahem.

Niklo says "I'm all good, Griere. ^^"

Fadra says "GOOOOOOOOOAL."
Caitlyn WOOOOT! WootWOOTWOOT! *ahem*
V'lano is not ball. ;_;

Kaelana says "What do I do if I know I'll probably miss a -part- of the hatching, but have no idea what part? Because The hatching goes right into dinnertime for me(which varies alot.)"

V'lano says "Have a puppeteer handy if at all possible who could take over - maybe logged on as another char so you could page 'em."

Griere says "If you have to leave unexpectedly during the hatching, just page Vel and me, so we know. We'd recommend coordinating with your puppeteer, too."

Griere says "What Vel said. ;)"
V'lano says "If you aren't gone for long - 15m or less, I'd say - I bet you could page me or Griere and check, and it could be okay to idle. People do sometimes have to like, go to the little roleplayer's room and stuff. XD"

V'lano hee.

Nolee recommends having a backup puppeteer even if you know you can make the hatching, too, just in case your network fails, or your isp has an issue, or a tree falls on the lines that provide power to your access point, etc. :)

Fadra notes. You never know when the computer will explode. Or a bus will drive through your dining room.

Kaelana oks. I'll just have to ask the guy. Thanks.

Caitlyn says "Or an eagle with smash through your window, and crash into your compy."

Griere says "So, are we all good? :) Any more questions cropping up? :D"

V'lano notes for those just arriving that a log will be posted, too. ;)

Kaelana is good. For now. Duh duh duhhh.

Tannim grins and thanks V'lano.
Caitlyn thanks Vel by slipping Volath a green behind Griere's and Aerianth's backs. ;)
V'lano flail. All good for Volath, what about ME?
Fadra slips...Griere to V'lano?
Griere baps V'lano. Lovingly of course.

Griere says "And, I believe that's it for the meeting! I'll have the log up in a few. :D"

pre-hatch, candidates, prehatch, pre-hatching meeting, meeting, ooc

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