OOC Color Q&A Meeting, Jan 17, 2007

Jan 17, 2007 18:05

Color Info Meeting, Q&A

Logfile from Nolee's pov.

Griere passes around the chips and salsa.
Tolemic has arrived.
Amira peeks out of her press. "Cookies? Gum? Cocoa?" She crawls out of her press.

Tolemic found it, yay!

You say "Welcome, everyone, and thank you for coming to this OOC Color Q&A meeting! We hope by now you've had a chance to check out the spiffy color blurb website at http://www.istaweyr.com/search/colors.shtml where a few Istan riders have had the opportunity to tell you about why their color, and personality of dragon, is the absolute bestest, and to describe the challenges that might come with playing that color."

Tolemic also cries horribly from the pain inflicted by Fadra. Then shushes.
Fadra has arrived.

You say "Here at Ista, we do our best to match people up with dragon personalities they'd like to RP, to provide opportunities and inspirations for interaction with your own characters and with other players. You may have noticed a shiny new survey in your +mail boxes this morning; that's because we'd like you to +mail us with your deep thoughts regarding dragon personalities that we can use as a resource should we be creating such a personality for you."

Caitlyn giggles stentoriously. "Deeeep Thouuuughts." *shushes self*

You say "But first, we've invited you here this evening to offer you the opportunity to ask us, and our riders, any questions you may have thought of about riding a dragon here at Ista, or about any of the colors in specific. We here at Ista looove questions, so who'd like to be the first to jump in with one?"

Tzivya tries to think of one. ^.^
Tolemic says "Do you want us to just shout them out, or should we page someone in particular?"
V'lano says "Shout!"
Tolemic asked first question, go me~!
Niklo golf-claps for Tolemic!
Tzivya says "That totally shouldn't count."

Tolemic says "'Kay, second question. If I tell you I'm blue first, brown second, am I going to get my first choice? Or should I be ready to get anything I put down as OK-to-Impress-to-me?"

Tzivya says "ohh, good one. :)"

Griere says "Good Q. Alrighty, so it depends on a couple of things. First off, we try very very hard to give our impressees their first choices. This is a lot easier when that first choice is chromatic and harder when it's metallic. It also depend on the number attached. If we see Blue: 5 and Brown:3, we might think that you're not really all that in to brown. If we see Blue: 5 and Brown: 4, that might be different. But basically, if we choose to impress you and your first choice is chromatic, we almost always give that first choice."

Caitlyn grins at Griere. I must've made it awful for you guys, then.

Niklo says "Spinoff of Tolemic's question, if you wanted the folks in charge to pick what they thought would go best for your character, would you still indicate what order you yourself would prefer, or would you just list them all in equal preference?"

Caitlyn grins widely at Niklo.
Tzivya looks for her five sided die. ;)
Caitlyn points up at your question. :)
Fadra snickers. Good stuff.
Niklo's obsessed with "getting the full experience" and all that! So sue me. ;)
Caitlyn says "Nah, you don't have enough Marks. ;D"
Tzivya dubs NIklo a Sue.
Niklo sticks her tongue out at Tziv.
Tolemic doesn't wanna see the bronze who'd Impress to Niklo.

Griere says "If you have a preference, we cannot beg you enough that you share it with us. If you honestly have no preference at all, you can list all colors evenly or just tell us that you have no preference. However, to be entirely honest, we are not the best qualified to choose what color is most suited to your character. We can pick something we think you'd like, or a color that the weyr needs, but unfortunately, we don't have the intimate knowledge of every candidate that would really allow us to pick the right color for everyone. So, if anyone does decide that they don't have preferences, please keep that in mind."

Fadra pulls out roses to seek intimate knowledge.
Caitlyn says "Yep, we be NOT mindreaders, so please TELL us. :D"
Tzivya swoons at Fadra
Niklo salutes. Yessim!

Tolemic notes: if you think you have no preference, do a quick check with your char. Could you see them on a blue? Green? Brown? Metallic? If there's even a twinge of 'um', then don't mark that as high as the others. <- voice of experience.

Kaelana suggests, "http://members.lycos.co.uk/pern/colourpicker.php" I just made it five seconds ago ^^

Niklo laughs. Very nice, Kae. ^^

Griere says "If anyone is having trouble sorting out their preferences, you can certainly talk to anyone on the search co and we can help you feel out what it is that you want. :)"

Fadra laughs. Mine totally said "BROWN".

Tzivya got bronze. :)
Madge too. XD
Niklo giggles!
Fadra has bronze stalkers?
Madge slinks.
Kaelana says "There's your 5 sided die XD"
Tzivya stalks. Rawr. :)
Kamia has connected.
Tolemic oohs. Yeah, I've done that in the past. Talked to Search Co to get a better handle on particular colors for a char.
Caitlyn HIDES.
V'lano hunts around for more questions? ;)
V'lano says "Specific color questions are welcome here, too. ;)"
Caitlyn says "Absolutely. *re-hides*"
Tolemic says "WHY FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHY??"
Kamia says "Ack. I'm late!"
Fadra wonders what the policy is on having two dragons to the same character. Sully is having some trouble winning flights and thinks he doesn't mind sharing me for a girl.
You say "42."
V'lano noogies Fadra. Asked and answered!
Caitlyn laughs, clouts Fadra.
Fadra is so abused.

Caitlyn notes Kintryth want Aerianth and Nala to slow down, so he can sire a clutch, please.

Tzivya @switch [random(5)]=0,@pemit me=Gold!,1,@pemit me=Bronze!,2,@pemit me=Brown!,3,@pemit me=Blue!,4,@pemit me=Green!
Tzivya ahems. =)
Griere secretly lends Aerianth to Fadra. Shee. ;)

Tolemic says "OK, I have to ask. Is there a possibility of a gold egg, or is there no gold egg thank you please move along? (Why -yes-, there might be something you need to know about Mic, why do you ask?)"
Nolee sneaks in a welcome, Kamia. Don't worry; there'll be a log of the meeting. Feel free to add any questions you might have about specific dragon colors, responsibilities, what the rp is like for those riders, anything you can think of. :)

Tolemic attempts to look innocent.
Griere says "We have an egg that is possibly gold. :D"
Fadra sidles up to Tolemic and hands him a rose. If you're really a girl, how bout yous and mees goes to my weyr?
Caitlyn says "B.S., "mic."
Tzivya eyes 'Mic warily. Grrr. :)
Griere says "That's all I'll give ya. :D"
Tolemic says "Spiffy, Griere. I know the etiquette of not deciding until the very last minute. ;)"
Caitlyn flicks 'mic on the nose.
Tolemic can't, Fadra! I done did already got in trouble and I can't do it again or I'll be shipped off. :(
Kamia hides from all mentions of Golds.
Fadra won't tell.
Tzivya says "Can greens lay eggs yet? Cause then they'd be, like, perfect. =)"
Caitlyn REALLY hides, now.
Caitlyn says "Nooo! No Zelieth eggies!"
Kamia says "lol"

Amira says "That's what the cops say when they're under cover, Mic. Don't believe it!]"
Tzivya says "Awww. But Zel'd make awesome omelettes!@"
Fadra snerks. Law & Order: Pern.

Niklo has a kinda stupid question, but I'm curious... "Do browns ever win gold flights?"
Fadra nods. Yep.
Tolemic says "You betcha."
Tzivya says "Yupyup."
V'lano says "Yep. It's noted on the colors page. :)"
Kaelana says "Seems to happen often enough."
Caitlyn says "Yep, I won one elseMU ages ago."
Niklo nodnods. "Right, but the question is... if the brown's rider is female, what happens there?"
Tzivya says "Kinky things we don't talk abotu, and eggs. :)"
Nolee notes the restriction is that browns aren't able to sire gold eggs or become Weyrleader in more than an acting or temp sense. :)
Fadra hasn't seen a brown win a Sr. flight, but hey, there's a first time for everything.
Griere says "Browns don't win leadership flight, but they can and do win Jr flights."

Nolee has a question! What if I've already turned in my final app and I do some deep soul searching and I change my mind about the colors I've put on my app?

Tolemic checks. Brown Ulrath caught Telgar's last hatching.
Tolemic baps Fadra onna nose. Bad brownrider! No!
Fadra eep eep eeps, tucks her tail and hides behind Griere.
Tzivya kicks Tolemic. No hitting Fadra.
Caitlyn grins, films in HD.

Niklo says "Aren't gold riders s'posed to be the completely straight females, like bronze the straight males?"
Kamia giggles
Niklo feels dumb askin' this stuff, but it's been hurting my mind. ^^()
Tzivya says "That varies from game to game, Nik. NC has traditionally not dictated sexuality by color."
Tzivya says "However, some places very stridently do."
Niklo says "Aah, okay."
Kamia says "Cannonly, by the books, yes. But not always. And in the mush here is not as sex based."
Tolemic says "I b'live on NC golds and bronzes /tend/ straight. It does, though, depend on game."
You say "PernMUSH interprets that particular daub of canon very loosely. No particular sexual preference is presumed of any rider, yep, to allow for more freedom in RP and personal comfort level. ^^"
Tzivya is aware of at least two other lesbian goldriders in NC history, and plenty of gay bronzers. :)
V'lano nods to Nolee. "Regardless, however, of sexual orientation - when dragons mate the riders follow. One might wrinkle one's nose later, but that's life. ;)"
Kaelana has disconnected.
Niklo says "Okay, thanks for answering that, guys! Been reading the books lately, so I've got that in my head."
Tzivya says "And fun RP. ^.^"
Tolemic makes y'all answer Nolee's earlier question. )
Kamia just hides IC at the bare mention of flights.

V'lano backs up and eyes Nolee's q. ;)
Kamia says "What question was that?"
V'lano says "Nolee, toss it out again?;)"
Nolee has a question! What if I've already turned in my final app and I do some deep soul searching and I change my mind about the colors I've put on my app? (re)

Caitlyn says "What depends on same-sex riders fetting together in mating flights is simply what you decide to make of it afterwards."
Caitlyn says "Err, getting"

V'lano says "Thanks, Nolee! We will gladly take your new color preferences up until 24 hours before the hatching begins. We will, in fact, even take them after that - but in those last 24 hours we can't always guarantee we'll be able to do anything about those prefs. So try to do your soul-searching at least 24 hours before hatching time! ;)"

Kaelana has connected.

Tolemic says "The same goes, I assume, if I decide that I just can't stand you people and want to go SO? (Because Fadra skeers me, doncha know.)"

V'lano says "Yes."

Tolemic eats the rose. Moo.
V'lano takes the rose. La~!
V'lano or not.
Tolemic says "Ow, hey! Give that back! I was eating it!"
Tzivya says "Careful. When you spurn Fadra she gets /really/ cranky. Trust me."
Fadra ews at Vel. You reached in a Candidate's mouth. You don't know where that's been.

Caitlyn waves her hand! "If I decide to Impress a green, and I get her...and she's in a Flight, can my rider be with anyone else besides the winner's rider?
V'lano was a candidate once. I have a pretty good idea.
Kamia crawls under her cot and hides.
Tolemic knows just where his mouth's been, alas. So does Trace, and so does Morgan. :(
Caitlyn snAAaRK1
Tzivya doesn't .want. to know, kthx. :)

Kamia says "lol. Did you guys have fun with your poo flinging?"
Amira runs and hides. You're too weird! I'll just read the log. ;)
Caitlyn says "Heck, yeah!"
Amira has disconnected.
Tolemic bathed. O:)

You say "Well, Caity! Thanks for your question. :) Outside of flights, you can 'be' with anyone you choose. But when two dragons mate, so do their riders. Whether you decide to rp any of that, or fade to black, or pick up in the exciting aftermath oh noes! is up to you and the other player. :)"

Tzivya says "I think Caitlyn meant, can you use a stand-in? I know that this was considered OK at other weyrs in the past, though personally I've always found it sketchy."
Caitlyn nods at Tziv.
Tolemic says "Oh! I noticed that all the other colors got many people to cheer for them, but poor golds and greens only got one. How do you stand the rampant sexism? :("
Caitlyn again flicks 'mic. ;p
Tolemic says "Ow. (More seriously - are you looking for greens, or what?)"

Tolemic says "Ow. (More seriously - are you looking for greens, or what?)"
Tzivyacheered for greens! I think. People won't cheer for gold cause there's a view that admitting you like golds or are going for a gold is gauche and is not done. Gold candidates tend to hide that they are pretty stridently to avoid any impression that they feel any surety that they will Impress her. :)

Griere says "Honestly, rule-wise, you can do whatever you want. Your character, your flight. But having your character pick the winner sort of negates the whole point of the flight, so it's not really something that people do often, or somethign that is ever encouraged. However, it's not impossible or against any specific rule that I know of to have a stand-in."

Caitlyn says "Thanks Noles, Griere. ::)"

V'lano notes we are, indeed, thrilled to have greenriders - the more the better (ducks Griere's likely hand) and the only reason we're short cheer-squad for them is because we just happen to be short cheer-squad. ;)
Kamia loves the greens and golds, just not really sure she could handle the work of the golds.
Caitlyn makes a mutant smiley.
Tzivya is a huge fan of greens, my favourite colour by far. ^.^
Caitlyn points at the invisible Balinne. SHORT-cheer squad. ;)
Nolee thinks we've probably covered most of the shouted-out colors or rider type questions, offers a last call before we wrap things up? :)
Tolemic's noticed a sort of pendulum for greens. Either they make up 2/3 of your PCs, or there's one lone one.
Fadra thinks Ista has the most browns I've ever seen. And female-rider browns. Forget about it. We're everywhere.
Tzivya says "Yeah, Ista has a lovely malerider population all around. Need more blues, but. :)"
Caitlyn preens. Blues, and at times greens, are rarer here. ;)
Fadra says "Ista's just a hardy bunch."
Tolemic amends: 2/3ds of your PC impressions, or there's only one. Not riders are large. Made sense in my -head-.

You say "If there are no other questions, we'd like to thank you for your participation in tonight's meeting. Remember your final apps are due by Thursday evening game time, which is coming soon. And if you think of any other questions, feel free to contact any member of searchCo and we'd be happy to chat with you. :)"

Kamia thinks that's because most of the PCs on here are Female.
Tzivya says "hear, hear, Kamia."
Niklo hates these meetings! Just when y'think you have it figured out what you like best... they all sound good. ;_;
Tzivya has nothing to ask. :)

Madge says "Thank /you/."
Madge goes home.
Madge has left.

Nolee closes the log, and bamfs. Back to rp, yay!

color, q&a, meeting, color info, ooc

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