In which Tzivya is Searched (logfile from Caitlyn)

Jan 08, 2007 00:37

Tzivya Searched!

Ista Weyr Living Cavern(#1100RJMs$)
The cavern is filled with people, rider and nonrider alike for the
evening meal. The reddish glow of the setting sun filters in through
the large bowl entrance to the northwestern wall. Through the
constant movement of drudges to and from the northern side of the
wall, you can see the four large hearths there, each put to the task
of cooking the large Weyr meals. An occasional drudge filters in and
out of the entrance to the Lower Caverns entrance on the western side
of the room. New riders and others are still filtering in through
this entrance as well, leading out to the rest of the lower caverns.
Several huge tapestries, many of them ancient, are hanging on the
stone walls. One particularly glorious one looks to be a study on the
finger rock. You also see several 'places' to sit.

One of the people enjoying the pre-dinner calm of the caverns is
Tzivya. Unusually for her, she is sitting alone at a table near the
serving tables. She has a plate of food in front of her, with a heavy
focus on sweet things and meat, that she is slowly picking over.
Still, she does sport her normal smile, even if there is a tired edge
to it as she greets a passing friend. "Hey there, Illatus! Hard at
work I see?"
Pay no attention to the slightly swaying woman entering the cavern.
Caitlyn's slightly smiling face give easy hint to her relaxed, almost
serene state - tanned features lightly suffused by a red glow.
Suddenlky, a soft giggle escapes her lips, and a nearby, passing
bronzerider gives the short woman an odd, inquiring, but friendly
grin - waving to Cait as he exits.
Illatus smiles at the recognition of a familiar voice, and turns
from his duties to look at Tzivya, resting the plates he holds down
on the table and nodding. "Hard to get out of it at this time of
day," he says, an almost sullen tone to his voice at this admission.
The short lad's eyes flicker to the swaying figure entering the
caverns, "The drunk ones are the most difficult," he mutters quietly
under his breath before returning his attention to Tzivya. "How're
things in the infirmary this evening, Tzivya?" he asks politely.
"Though, please don't go into -too- much detail."
A light laugh at the boy's demenor and commentary escapes Tzivya.
"Yeah, this is the time they really push you, I'd imagine! But the
day was pretty good, nothing but a few sprained ankles and wrists,
not even anything stupid, just work-related accidents." Her gaze
moves to Caitlyn and an amused glint enters her eyes as she waves to
the woman enthusiastically, "Caitlyn, hello! How are you doing
tonight?" Perfect innocence in her tone, as if she couldn't see the
rider's state.
"Heya, Y'aris," Caitlyn pipes up, now grinning like a sun-addled
Harper as she gives the passing man a goodbye wave, then blowing him
a sloppy smooch. The bronzer chuckles deeply, giving Cait a
warding-off wave of his hand. "Nu-UH, bluie. That brownrider mate of
yours will never talk to me again if I make a pass at you! Not that
he talks much, anyway. Later!" And with a wide grin to match Cait's,
he departs. The woman turns back to her current actions, not listing
once, surprisingly - and makes her ambling way over towards... well,
looks like Tzivya is the victim. Giving the Infirmiry aide a hearty
wave, she finally reaches her, and plops down in the seat next to
her. "Oh, c'mon now, Tziv! You can see i'm slightly in my cups...Hee!
Kip sent me here to eat a good dinner, since I had a couple too many
on an empty stomach. Imagine...getting slightly tipsy from 3 drinks.
I'm a sad sack of someone pretending to be a hearty dragonrider!" A
sudden burst of Smithlike laughter from Cait.
Illatus nods, the irritation at that admission showing, "Indeed they
do, they can be pains like that." He frowns, "One of the head cooks
decided to move me off the night shift, so I actually have to do work
in here when there's people around. Makes it all the more difficult
to keep focussed." He grins slightly, and bows his head to the
infirmary aide. "Glad to hear there was nothing to gruesome. Means
there shouldn't be anyone too load on the complaining in the
dormitories tonight, eh?" He looks to the approaching bluerider and
forces himself to smile politely to the woman. "Good evening,
wingsecond," he says softly, bowing slightly with the empty plates in
hand. "Perhaps some klah, or cheese, would fortify you some?" he
Tzivya giggles in amusement at Caitlyn, "Yes, well, we can't all
play in the big games like Fadra and such. Some of us are just meant
to live our lives as lightweights. I won't hold it against you,
though you oughta know better than to drink on an empty stomach!"
Some mild reproach creeps around the amusement, but it is gone
quickly enough as she gives a sympathetic look to Illatus. "Well,
it's good to see you by the light of day, but I will admit it's sad
to see such an accomplished slacker made to do real work. The shame!"
Caitlyn peers up through only slightly hazed eyes at Illatus, not
offended even slightly at the moment by his subtle disapproval.
"Oh...yeah...if you could, please! Klah, and bread, and cheese. An'
some meat and potatoes if you got 'em! if not, i'll get some myself,
though! Thanks, uuhh... uhm..." Cait's voice is louder than usual,
but her demeanor is all smiles and warmth - though she appears
slightly embarrassed by not remembering the young man's name. A
sudden turn to Tzivya, and Cait produces yet another snigger of humor
at Fadra's expense - dark head bobbing in agreement. "Hey, it's the
end of my work day, and I have tomorrow off, so i thought i'd unwind
a lil' differently t'day. I don't drink much, anyway... Hmm. Which
likely is th' reason why I end up like this when I do! Ah well, such
is the life of a hardwokin' wingsecond."
Illatus nods again, sadly this time, "It is a mighty shame, fair
Tzivya, t'be sure," he agrees, grinning slightly at the young woman
and winking to her as he turns to lean against the table. "I still
take my opportunities where I can, though," he confesses - as though
it wasn't obvious. He listens to the wingsecond's order and nods
acceptingly, moving off to fetch the requested items and returning
shortly afterwards with a plate and a mug for the bluerider, handing
it over to her. "They haven't baked the bread for the evening meal
yet, so it may be a bit stale," he warns as he passes the plate,
bowing his head slightly. "I'm Illatus, by the way," he adds, by way
of an introduction.
Tzivya picks up a meatroll from her plate, giving it a large bite.
She doesn't stop talking for something as boring as chewing, though
her words do take on a bit of a muffled tone. "Yeah, I have the same
problem, the last time I drank anything I even ended up sick. Though
I /still/ think that was just nerves, I mean, who wouldn't be nervous
at having the Weyrleader sit down at the table you are drinking at?
Really!" As if it was rude of him to do so. "Illatus, one day we will
get some kind of work ethic in you! You really ought to try to find
something you enjoy doing other than avoiding doing anything!"
"Oh, THANK YOU, Illatus!" Cait fairly crows as he arrives again, and
presents her with the meal - waving off his explanation of the bread
blithely. "Any bread that's not like a rock, or moldy, is good! I
just need real food in my gut...I skipped lunch." Another snicker as
Tzivya comment on the youth's lack of a work ethic, and then Cait
dives into her chow with gusto - managing to cut and stab the meat
properly, somehow - then ingesting with fervor. "Mmm...goodgoodgood!
I'm starving!"
Illatus smiles at Tzivya, "One day, one day," he says, nodding to
her and restraining himself from chuckling. "I'm sure I'll find
something I can do that's of use, just at the moment they need all
the help they can get in the kitchens, and I've been doing it all of
my life, pretty much," the short lad shrugs and then grins
sheepishly. He smiles politely at the wingsecond and bows to her,
accepting the thanks, though frowning slightly at not receiving an
introduction. Evidently he should allready know who she is, it would
Tzivya rolls her eyes at Illatus. "Yeah, yeah, I've heard the
promise before, I'll believe it when I see it! But, still, thanks for
getting Caitlyn food - I would have had to get up if you didn't, or
given her mine. And I like my food!" She looks to the bluerider in
question. "How's Kintryth? I've not seen him in ages! Been a busy tie
in the infirmary, apparently people were pretty randy about ten
months ago, and now we've got a run of birth's coming. Jascela even
finally popped!"
Nah, Cait's simply not cognizent enough of some manners right now to
know she's inadvertently dissed Illatus. Continuing in naievitee, the
bluerider listens quitely to the pair chatting while she continues to
eat - finally slowing down as her first huger pangs are satisfied -
sighing in relief as her latest bite is now washed down with klah. A
large nod and grin are given to Tzivya. "Nah, I could still get my
own food. I rarely get falling down drunk - too embarrassing! This is
as embarrassed as I like to get." A sharp gesture at herself with a
free hand, and she resumes slower eating between talking. "Yeah, I
saw Jas and you guys last night at the clutching - lemme' tell you, I
was stunned to see she'd delivered another! I totally missed her even
being preggers, I think!"
Illatus nods to Tzivya again, and grins, "Just doing my job. See? I
am getting better at working," he says to the young woman, the tone
of his voice suggesting that this amazes him. His expression then
turns rather sheepish as the conversation moves onto topics probably
a little aged for the delicate youth. His cheeks flush slightly and
he begins to fidget with the empty plates, dishes, mugs and cuttlery
on the table by attempting to tidy it up. He smiles at the gesturing
of the bluerider, apparently slightly amused by the antics of the
slightly inebriated.
Tzivya giggles, "I just get sleepy and silly and affectionate when I
drink too much. Well, not /that/ affectionate, cause no thanks, but I
like to lean against someone and sleep. Don't do that often, though.
Falling down drunk, I've never gotten that, what's the appeal? Just
need enough to relax and be silly!" She looks to Illatus and offers a
sweet smile. "Saaaay, are the fresh bubblies ready yet?"
Caitlyn cackles a little as she notices Illatus' discomforture at
the subject of talk, giving him a sly wink, then turning back to
Tzivya. "Nah, don't get *that* affectionate with someone when yer'
drunk - unless they're yer boyfriend r' girlfriend r' weyrmate."
Illatus grins at Tzivya and shrugs, "I'm not sure, to be honest, the
cooks tend to try and keep us 'younger' servers away from the good
stuff until the very last moment, and the bubblies are generally one
of the last things they have us bring out." He eyes Caitlyn as she
cackles and raises an eyebrow for a moment, before hastily lowering
it - not wanting to show what may be taken as a sign of disrespect by
someone of rank. "I've never been drunk," he says slowly, trying to
enter the conversation of the elder women. "Though, now I'm away from
my parents, I should probably try it."
Tzivya makes a face, "It's overrated, Illatus, don't rush into it.
Only been a few times myself, usually when I just am not paying
attention to what'd being given to me down at the Sandbar." She rolls
her eyes, "Always some rider or other who thinks they get get into
your breeches if they just give you enough booze. Which is
flattering, I guess, but some of them try way too hard!" She looks to
Caitlyn and grins, "Ain't got any of those, and don't think I will
any time soon. Don't really have time to worry about those kinds of
things anyway! Always babes needing to be born, and that's much more
interesting than making them!"
Caitlyn misses that look, too happily chowing down again right now,
but murmurs to Illatus' remark, "S'not as grand of a thing most times
as it's made out to be, Illatus. Don't do it to extremes." her smile
fades for a few moment, leaving the woman lost in thought - and then
Cait recovers. "Yeah, like Tziv says. And that's good, Tziv - those
'friends' will snag up your life something fierce!" A saucy wink to
the other woman, likely in reference to Cait's own relationship.
Illatus nods slowly at Tzivya's and Caitlyn's warnings, "I'd
probably just make a fool of myself, which I can do without drinking,
anyway," he says, grinning and looking between the two women. He
gathers up the plates he's been tidying and starts a display of
balancing them on his arms and wrists. "I suppose I should be getting
back to work," he says, bowing slightly to the two women. "It was
nice talking to you. Enjoy your dinners," he adds.
Illatus cautiously pushes through the Kitchen door, careful not to
run into any of the drudges, cooks, and cooks assistants bustling
about in there.
Illatus has left.
Tzivya waves after Illatus with a grin, and turns fully towards
Caitlyn, "I've got lotsa friends! Niklo, Fadra, you, Jascela,
Tegara... And lots of others! They don't take up too much time, not
like your mate seems to." A grin, "How is he, anyway?"
Caitlyn nods to Illatus, giving him a smile as he takes his leave,
sighing in satisfaction as she finishes the last of her meal.
"Unfortunately, H'rel and I don't have much time to see each other as
much as we'd like - my work is tremendous, it seems." A soft, but
deep sigh echos from Cait, her shoulders slumping a little. Seems
she's getting more sober by the moment.
Tzivya wrinkles her nose sympathetically. "Aww, well, I'm sure it
will ease up eventually and you'll have more time? I mean, after all,
it's not like you can't visit each other pretty much any time you
have free time, what with the dragons and all! Still, he's nice,
you're lucky to have him. We should all be so lucky!"
Caitlyn again recovers, nodding to Tzivya, a sparkle back in her
golden-brown eyes. "Yeah, he's a wonderful man. I wasn't looking for
anyone when he fell into my lap... HUH?" A sudden deflection of the
conversation, and Cait's eyes glaze over for a long moment - that
distinct 'dragon talking' look. "Oh shaffit!" she grumbles,
Tzivya gives a light laugh, shaking her head in amusement. "Oh, I
think that's when most people find someone, when they aren't actually
looking!" A wink, "Maybe that's why I so adamantly don't look? Hmm!
This bears considering!" As Caitlyn's attention is drug off to her
dragon, the aide indulges in one of the sweet pastries remaining on
her plate. Jelly filled and messy, her fingers are soon coated in the
dark goo from within the treat.
Caitlyn pushes her way up and away from the table in a single, fluid
move - all seriousness and sobriety - her nearest hand clutching
lightly at Tzivya's shoulder. "Kintryth just announced he
accidentally bumped his tail into a teasing weyrbrat, and the boy's
stunned. Can we get your help?!" Tug tug she goes, trying to pull
Tzivya along. Cait is clearly surprised and deeply worried.
Tzivya blinks, but isn't hard to pull along once the explanation is
given. "Of course! Though if it's serious, a healer would be better,
but I should be able to see if it's that bad!" She moves after the
bluerider, her smile fading into an expression of concern as she
bustles her way towards the bowl with the woman. "Where are they?"
Caitlyn is flustered, trying to tug Tzivya more hurriedly along to
the exit to the Bowl. "He's just outside here...says he has the boy
curled inside his tail to protect him. Kint says he's coughing, but
can't stand up. Drat it! C'mon, Tziv!"

You walk outside, into the bowl.
Ista Weyr Bowl -- Southeast(#900RJMs$)

Clusters of dragons group around the large entrance to the living
cavern. Smaller entrances line up to lead to the lower caverns and
the infirmary. Smoke issues forth from square holes cut into the
mountain high above the living cavern. The bowl extends to the
northwest, and high above, the southernmost points of the spindles
reach for the sky.
The sunset bathes the northeastern side of the bowl in red light.
The wet summer season oppresses the island with high humidity and
sweltering temperatures. As the sun sets, clouds interrupt the sky
and a nice, light breeze carries the scent of sea air.

And here is the blue dragon, yes - peering down worriedly into the
protective curl of his tail tips - eyes whirling a fast yellow. His
great head bobs up and nails both Cait and Tzivya with a riviting
gaze, then bobbing back down to peer at his unfortunate victim.
Caitlyn nods to Tzivya, but her lips are pressed together in a hard
worry line, brow furrowed - making the woman look ten turns older. Is
that a grey hair in all her dark, too? "Yeah...he's likely just
stunned... I hope."
Kintryth warbles loudly to both women, his left forelimb wobbling
slightly - almost like a tic - his neck undulating as if to hurry
them onward. No sight of the boy can be seen within his huge tail.
Tzivya's eyes are only for the patient now as she makes her way
over. "Let me in?" She asks politely of the dragon, as she attempts
to bypass his tail to get to the stunned boy within. "It'll be fine."
She repeats in a soothing tone, as she tries to get a glimpse of what
happened. "Just let me in to help him, and everythign will be good!"
Caitlyn begins tugging at the worried blue's nearst tail ridge,
joining Tzivya in her soothing of Kintryth. "S'okay, Kint - t'was
just an accident. He'll be fine, and so will you - REALLY. Just let
us *get IN*, will you?!" Clearly Cait is getting a slight touch
annoyed with her lifemate's over-protective manner - gazing up into
his eyes with a certain insistance. "Slowly uncoil that tail, you."
And, with a small whistle of worry, Kintryth does do as his rider
orders, parting the coil slightly to allow a human within... the
opening facing his prodigious body, leaving no easy sight of anyone.
Head hits, for all Tzivya's nonchlance and reassurance, are a cause
for worry and the moment there is space given she is darting through
the gap to try to get to the injured party. "Thank you!" She manages
to call out to the dragon and his rider as she tries to ascertain the
situation within.
Within those rainwater coils lies not a hurt child, but a small boy
who crouches down, giggling madly, now. "Gotcha!" he squeaks out to
Tzivya, jumping out from Kintryth's tail, clapping and laughing.
"That's was a FUN game, Kintryth!" he calls out to the blue, then
running off across the Bowl helter skelter...
...Which all too conveniently leaves Tzivya within those blue
coils, now. And said coils close instantly closer around the girl,
trapping her within. Not restictive or too close, but just enough to
completely prevent her from escaping.
And with a squeak, Tzivya is trapped within the circle of a blue
tail. "Umm?" She asks, in a slightly confused voice as the boy she
was meant to be helping departs laughing. "Caitlyn? Not that I mind,
he's a very handsome dragon, but... Wasn't there supposed to be an
injury here?" She asks, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Or can I
at least know the rules of the game I have been caught up in?"
Caitlyn is at even more of a loss than Tzivya - who is now
Kintryth-embraced. "Kintryth! What the shaffing Shards are you
*doing*?!" Cait bellows up to her green-eyed lifemate - who rumbles a
soft answer back to the woman. After a few moments, Cait calls out
grumpily to Tzivya, "He says the boy is son to a Healer here, and
wanted to play with him - play an injury. So Kintryth let him inside
his tail coil..." Cait's face scrunches up, perplexed along with
irked, as she tries to puzzle it out. "And then the boy was on his
back, stiff, and Kint was confused at the suddenness of it - and he
called us. He never has had a human play his illness so well... " And
now the bluerider's lips press into a line again, oggling her dragon
disapprovingly. "THAT'S no excuse!" she calls up to Kintryth.
Giggling can be heard from within the prison of the blue's tail.
Tzivya, at least, has managed to find some humor in the situation and
is laughing. "Oh, I /see/. Well, I'll be sure to find that boy later
and give him a good talking to, scaring us like that! Is this a game
he plays often, pretending a human is sick? Do you two fly Search and
Rescue?" She walks back the way she came, and gives the tail a nudge.
"C'mon, you, lemme out! Someone'll have stolen our seats by now!"
Caitlyn nods, though Tzivya cannot see her do so, rolling her eyes
as she calls out to her, "Actually, we *do* fly Search and
Rescue...and i'm glad you're not irked at him. 'Cause *I* am! Let her
go, Kint! Play time is over - you and that little scamp!" She too
gives Kintryth's tail a solid nudge - though her's is more a 'thump'
on watery hide. "Open up, you brute!" Cait calls again... and then
quiets for a moment. "Oh jaaaaayys..." is her next vocalization, one
hand sliding against the blue's tail to hold her up while another
hand slaps lightly to her forehead. "Oh fardles... Uh, Tziv... he
doesn't *want* to release you... 'cause you're HIS. " Caitlyn gives
the other woman an abashed look, even though she cannot see it. "His
*choice* for Aerienth's and Volath's clutch."
Silence, for a moment. A rare time of wordlessness from the cheerful
aide, before Tzivya's voice once more comes from within. "Wasn't.
But, I don't think much of this game, I will admit. It was ok before,
but I never much enjoyed pretending to be Searched! Seems a bit,
well... Tactless?" And for once, there is almost a hint of annoyance
in her voice. "C'mon, Kintryth, let me out, I've have enough of this
and want to find a bubbly!"
Kintryth seems rather taken aback by Tzivya's disbelief. Lowering
his head in an almost menacing gesture, the blue trains one huge,
multifaceted blue eye on his intended victim - from around only ten
feet away. And chuffs darkly, expelling meaty-sweet breath upon Tziv.
Caitlyn snarks lightly, plainly agreeing with Tzivya's assessment of
Kintryth's mock-Search... until the blue gives his rather forward
'message' to them both. Another stare of glassy eyes to her beast,
and soon enough Cait mutters back to Tzivya, "Uh... I think he's
*not* joking, this time."
"He's not?" Tzivya's voice is incredulous. "But, but... I'm me. I've
been here all my life. I've long since given up those weyrbrat
dreams!" Still, there is a note of hope and rising excitement in her
voice. "I mean, if he's serious, I'm not going to say /no/! It'd be
quite an honor, and a lot of fun I am sure! But..." Her voice lowers
some. "Would I have to stop working in the infirmary? Don't
Candidates get put on more menial things, generally?"
Caitlyn appears just as surprised as Tzivya must, giving a general
shrug to the ensconcing confines of Kintryth's tail, where she thinks
the aide might lie. "I was set in my ways as a Smithcrafter when I
was 20, Tziv - but I had a blue dragon bellow me into Search, no
matter. Yes, he seems as serious as a heart seizure... I think..."
Another rumble from the blue head above, and Cait nods. "Uhm, he says
to say 'Yes' or 'No' more clearly, please. And Candidates *do* do
many things, yes. Infirmiry help is one of those, I believe, though."
"If I say yes, will he let me go?" Tzivya asks in amusement. "But,
regardless... Yes! Of course! Oh, shards, Niklo's going to freak out
when she hears about this! At least Jascela already popped..." She
looks up at the blue. "I said yes! Can I go now?"
Kintryth warbles softly, still eyeing the girl within his tail, then
slowly unwinds the appendage, allowing her to exit. Another, more
satisfied-sounding chuff from the blue, and he gives both Cait and
Tzivya one final glance, before regally strolling off across the Bowl
towards the lake, his left forelimb giving that small little wiggle
with each hop-step.
Caitlyn sighs gustily, shaking her head after her lifemate - a
rueful smile now playing across her lips. "Honestly, that dragon
surprises me all the time with the things he thinks and does. No
wonder I love him." A low chuckle, and she turns back to regard the
emerging Tzivya. "I think he answered your query, Tziv."
Tzivya nods, her expression on of stunned wonder now that she is
free, moving over towards the bluerider. "Seems so. So, umm. What
happens now? I mean... Are you two really serious, or was this really
some kind of cruel game?" Wariness in her voice; now that the dragon
is gone, it's harder to take seriously. "Not that I wouldn't forgive
him, cute as the two of you are, but...."
Caitlyn boggles at Tzivya for a moment, then closes the distance to
pat her on the shoulder - shaking her dark head. "Nooo- no, I would
*never* kid anyone about something this important - and I know
Kintryth well enough to feel he was earnest about Searching you!
You're his very first Candidate, you know," she murmurs proudly,
gazing after the small figure at the lakeside.
Tzivya relaxes some under the reassurance, letting the wariness fade
back into wonder. "His first? I hope he isn't dissapointed!" She,
too, looks after the dragon. "Thank you, both of you, then, ma'am.
I... Certainly wasn't expecting it. I outgrew these hopes turns
Caitlyn grins more broadly at Tzivya, giving her a hearty, "Well
then, Congratulations, Tziv - and you're welcome! And while he can be
a picky blue, if you do your best, Kint will be fine with you - as I
know you'll do!" the rider's own eyes glint with hints of moisture,
which are quickly blinked away. "Well, I guess i'd better show you to
your new home, for now. The Candidate's Barracks are pretty close to
here, and you'll be there till the Hatching. You can bring your
things from the living area to there after I show you around..."
Another grin, and Cait beckons Tzivya onward.

You make your way into the candidates' quarters to the southwest.
Candidates' Quarters(#1299RAJs$)

The barracks of Ista Weyr are crowded almost Turn round with the
Candidates for its queens' Hatching. Cots line both walls and even
the space in between. All the cots have a small press at the foot of
them for Candidates' few belongings.
You see several Candidates getting ready for the evening chores and

Tzivya follows Caitlyn through the caverns to the candidate
barracks, her grin picking up a lot as they walk and a noticible
bounce entering her steps. As they arrive, she looks around the
mostly empty cavern with a wide smile. "So few yet... Going to be a
long wait, but at least I will be in a good place to see the new
arrivals when you bring them in!" She grins brightly to Caitlyn, then
all-but pounces on her to give her a fierce hug, "Thank you, so, so
Caitlyn gives a little 'chuff' of air, a bit like her dragon, as
she's squeezed - grinning hugely at Tzivya - then nodding to her as
she hugs her back once. "yes, you have virtually all the barracks to
choose your cot from! I remember I chose as far away from the
entrance as I could to try and avoid the noise. I'm an 'old woman,'
after all," she snerks.
Tzivya grins brightly and releases the poor woman, stepping back to
look around again. "Well, the noise doesn't bother me. I live in the
dorms, after all, and if anything there will be /less/ noise in here.
No, I think something right near the enterance, where I can see
everything that's going on!" She moves towards those cots, "I wonder
who will be around me..." A glance back, "And you are .not. old!"
Caitlyn giggles rambunctiously, sounding even younger than her 23
Turns, grinning to Tzivya. "Okay, okay, you're right - but I don't
like to sound my age. Makes people not take you as seriously, I
think." *wink* "This is the time i tell you about some rules, too -
are you ready?" Another snicker, and Cait settles in to tic them off
on her fingers. "No sex, please - though I think you have that part
down already." *grin* "No fighting, either - though you're not as
temperamental as someone like *me*. Oh, and though it can be a little
grating at times, everyone you meet should be called 'ma'am' or
'sir,' unless they tell you otherwise - except for your fellow
Candidates, of course - though it's always good form to use those
when in 'lofty' company!" Cait tips her nose upwards, and snoots -
then adding a giggle. "The roster for chores and duties should be up
here almost immediately - look to it for what you need to do during
days - or evenings! Things can cycle around."
Tzivya grins brightly, "I call anyone I don't know that anyway,
that's just basic manners! But, not having sex won't be an issue, and
I don't think I've /ever/ been in a fight, so that's all easy
enough!" She wrinkles her nose. "Chores will be icky, but it's all
worth it!" She is bouncing in place as she speaks, watching the
bluerider carefully and with a wide grin.
Caitlyn gives an enthusiastic nod back to Tzivya, then forcing
herself to calm a bit. "I really want you to know Kint and I are
behind you one-hundred percent... But you likely know there's only
*some* eggs out there, and likely a bunch more Candidates. There's
always the chance you won't Impress... this time. Just know that you
possibly can be Searched again for subsequent clutches, and that you
might find your dragon in them, if it doesn't happen this time. "*I*
was the very last egg, last Candidate to Impress in Nala's clutch. I
thought I wouldn't..."
"So the best was saved for last?" Tzivya replies, grinning more.
"But I know how it goes. I've had /lots/ of friends be searched over
the turns! I know I might not, but I think I will just not think
about that and hope for the best. Maybe I could have a little blue,
like Kintryth!"
Caitlyn grins broadly again, puffing up like a ruffed grouse at the
stroke to her ego, then de-puffing and cackling loudly. "At least *I*
think so. Kint and I perfect opposites - balancing to each
other. We butt heads often enough, but we never tire of each
other...just like a good dragon bond is supposed to be." The woman
sighs once again in remembrance of something, and smiles back to
Tzivya. "Well, I need to be heading out, Tziv - I need to tell the
staff you're here, and then hunt down H'rel and tackle him!"
Tzivya grins brightly and bounds over to hug her again, "For
Kintryth!" She squeaks as she does so. "And thank you, really! I
promise, I'll do you two proud, even if I don't Impress. You two have
a great bond, and if I were to be lucky, I could ask for nothing
better than what you have!"
Caitlyn laughs softly, nodding to you, and hugging back. "I shall
give his highness the hug he deserves - and i'm already proud of how
you purport yourself, Tziv." Stepping back from the younger woman's
grasp, Cait offers up one more grin, and adds "Don't forget to inform
all relevant people about your change in position and residency, so
they don't get all irked on you. And grab a good cot and press... the
locks are in the Weyrlingmaster's office! And good luck to you, Tziv!
G'deve..." And then Cait pivots on a sandal heel, and strides almost
energetically out of the barracks.

tzivya, illatus, kintryth, caitlyn

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