Of the clutching of Soldreth and Niyath's eggs at Fort, part 2

Jul 24, 2006 21:15

(log continued from previous entry)

Caitlyn snickers up at G'tive, then relaxing back into her hard seat. She sort-of just glossed over what Nolee replied to her about a certain person, given that Nolee doesn't know much, either. And that she'd likely get wrapped up in the ensuing confusion. Cait avoids looking too long up at M'yr - who's looking at Nolee...and then Gus is the lever which pries that gaze loose. Oh my. Now the bluerider happends to catch a glimpse of Jenna...also noticing said gazing. the Smith ducks her head quickly.

Oh, sure, M'yr. Introduce her when she's got her mouth stuffed full of cheese and taking a breather. Shooting a faintly annoyed glance at him, Jenna swallows hastily and produces a polite smile. "Caitlyn, Nolee and I have met. I'm not sure about the others...?" She trails off, waiting for names.

Nolee is oblivious to happenings in the outside world for a moment as M'yr's given her full attention. When it wanders from her to their clutchmate so quickly, she pauses, her mouth open to speak, and then it closes, wordless. As the fresh Weyrleader greets the assistant weyrlingmaster, she turns back to Caitlyn, in a deadpan whisper. "He looks awful. Terrible rings under his eyes. And he's shaking like he has a hangover. But he doesn't smell like alcohol. Do you think he smells like alcohol?"

Andikola's eyebrows go up as she actually turns and gives Leyon her full attention. "Nothing. Not a single thing. Brothers and cousins are a pain. Uncles can be too." and she shrugs. Kiveily speaks first though and her assumption about Leyon being disagreeable makes her blink. "Um. That's kind of a stretch." she mutters half to herself. Looking back at Leyon, she asks "What makes you think I'm against men?"

On the sands, Soldreth's near, and he's concerned at Niyath's tired state. Using his side, he becomes a draconic prop, hers for the asking. Nonetheless, one back leg ceaselessly scrapes at the sand, a sloppy hole, but then that's about all he can do with divided attention. Done, he strokes her with his muzzle then steps aside once again.

Nananthia has finally managed to get a handle on the mountain of hidework that seems to pounce on the headwoman when she least expects it. She makes her way through the galleries to find a seat on one of the benches.

Caitlyn blinks once at her benchmate, peering at Nolee for a long moment. And then Cait recovers, using the excuse of grinning up at G'tive to dash a few quick oggles at M'yr. And then her gaze is back to Nolee - the bluerider once again leaning over as if in conversation with her. Her whisper is much more casual, and much softer.

On the sands, Niyath is tired enough not to be as picky. Granted, the number of eggs is much smaller than last she clutched, but they're coming out faster. She settles the ninth egg in the hole Soldreth dug, crooning up at Jenna in the galleries.

Labyrinth Egg
Shadows and light merge and fold onto itself in a mesmerizing display of corridors and stairs leading nowhere, that lifts one up then send the looker falling downwards or upside down in its rippling ridges of rough stone hues. Blacks, browns and grays intermingle with touches of cream or white adds to the dizzying affects of this oval egg as the eye follows in vain first one route only to be blocked by another. As a whole the shell though intense remains solid and protective of the life it holds inside.

Inspiration: Search = Labyrinth Holding Out For A Hero at http://www.youtube.com/watch? Description by Draila.

Noemie notices Nolee's reaction to M'yr's presence, and then her whispering to Caitlyn, and decides to take it upon herself to make introductions. Smiling, she says, "You must be Jenna? I'm Noemie, green Naijath's and Caitlyn's clutchsib. Congratulations on such a fine clutch!"

Danielle walks in wearing a sling lined with fur. Nestled safely against her is her son, now two weeks old. The greenrider negotiates the stands towards M'yr. "Sir, I've rounded up a few of my wing to ride search, but thought you might want us to check the weyr folk first?"

Caitlyn whispers "He looks stretched thin, yes. There's so much for him to do, especially since he's new to his position, and to Fort. And now he has this clutch to deal with...and a new Weyrwoman."

G'tive ducks in close to Caitlyn, a half stern look on his face. "Are you gossiping at a clutching?" It seems the assistant weyrling master has sharp ears. Waiting for just a beat, that expression passes and he give Caitlyn a grin and adds fuel to the 'knitting circle' exercise. "I saw Noemie and R'layn both fly to Layn's weyr last night." And that's all the information he gives before quickly standing and giving M'yr an affectionate grip on the shoulder. "I'm sorry I could come to see you earlier, the weyrlings are such a..." He fades off, gives Caitlyn a half look and then winks at the new Weyrleader. "Anyway, I've been busy." With the introduction of Jenna, Gus gives a breezy nod and a smile. "Ista's duties to your newest eggs Weyrwoman, I hope all goes smoothly."

You whisper "He does look thin! I bet there's something funny going on, where she can keep him under her thumb and run the weyr. Maybe she's drugging him. Oooh, she did?" to Caitlyn.

Noemie overhears G'tives addition to the gossip pool and blushes bright scarlet but says nothing, pretending to be innocent of the conversation right next to her.

Jenna smiles pleasantly at Noemie, "Well met - and thank you." And then to G'tive, "Gus, was it?" She looks a trifle uncertain, and then adds after spying his shoulderknot, "Ah, one of the weyrlingmaster assistants? Your pupils are very well mannered. You're also to be congratulated." Danielle's arrival does not go unnoticed, and she abruptly abandons the whole 'hostess' schick to coo at the baby. "Oh, is he sleeping? And if not, can I steal him from you, Danielle?"

M'yr points to the Istan contingent, "Jenna, this is Gus, otherwide known as The Biggest Troublemaker in Pern, and this young upstart is Caitlyn, I won't say what she's known as but I'm sure, given time, you could tell!" Pausing briefly, he goes on, "And Sol searched this young lass, Noemie. Good pick too, I might add!" When he's finished, his attention is on Danielle, a warm smile sent her way. "This is the babe?? What a great lad he is too! Congratulations! And dedication to our weyr, I might add, that you'd be concerned about Searching. Yes, that is exactly correct."

Noemie blushes further at M'yrs compliment and hides all her discomfort by cooing at the baby as well. "Oh, he's adorable! I can't believe you're thinking of Search when you've him to fuss over!"

Nolee nods to both Caitlyn and G'tive, and whispers something back. Flashes can be heard, something about 'she' and 'drugging him' before Nolee's eyes open wide. "She did? Ohh, they were kissing a moment ago, too." Another glance is sent toward Jenna and M'yr, and she joins Gus's wishes for things to go smoothly, echoing his words toward the new Weyrwoman.

Caitlyn tosses G'tive a mock glower, but is unable to hold it for long as she burbles into laughter. "I do NOT gossip, unlike too many other cackling hen females. I give information, sometimes. So put a sock in it. Assistant Weyrlingmaster." A rough grin to the brownrider becomes a sudden dip of the head and faintest hint of blush as tactless Gus informs her of Noemie's and Ril's little meeting. Thank goodness M'yr chirps up, and covers her small embarrassment! "I'm probably the Weyr's unofficial rockhound and dealer in all things shiny and bright," the woman comments with flippant humor to Jenna. And then she's listening intently to Nolee again.

On the sands, Niyath may be getting tired, but evidently in between cooing and greeting, Jenna's bolstered her enough to struggle on. She drops the tenth egg right next to the Labyrinth Egg, and then settles sand around them both.

Mind Over Madness Egg
A maddening jumble of colors makes this egg more than a little challenging to look upon for long. Its shape, too, is outside of norm; squat, with several sides seemingly flattened by its time heating on the sands, it suggests a starker geometry than the usual dragon-egg sphere. Where patches of blue or yellow or white meet blots of red or orange or green, the stark contrasts along their borders suggest sharp edges and blocky corners. The arrangement of the colors seems, at first glance, random - but long consideration of the shell reveals that each hue is present in nine distinct blotches, scrambled.

Inspiration: The Rubik's Cube. Description by V'lano.

Kiveily rolls her eyes with great relish, informing the young man scornfully, "She's talking about men that are in the -family-, Leyon. Though I'd not blame her if she weren't, for sure as I've got ten fingers," And she wiggles them, "You're being disagreeable. No need to get all angry about it." She gives Andi a pointed look. "See? Hostile. Disagreeable. Sulky. That's no kind of stretch. No objections here, if you're happy, Leyon. After all, we're pals. I only want the best for you."

Danielle grins at Jenna and loosens the sling, sliding little Lundan out who grunts a bit, but otherwise doesn't mind. "He is sleeping, but apparently he can sleep through anything," The greenrider says, gently passing him over. Then her attention turns to M'yr and she smiles, "Thank you, sir. I figure since the healer cleared him for between yesterday and approved the sling and wraps I have, it shouldn't be a problem dealing with both, considering how he sleeps." She grins at Neomie.

Andikola's head tilts to one side and she studies Leyon. Actually studies him. She hears Kiv's answer and nods to show she's paying attention. At least half her attention, and returns her focus to Leyon. "Well, how am I supposed to react to you?" she finally asks. "The other day you look at me like I'm insane and tell me so when I tell the truth. Today you made it obvious you didn't really want to come down here and talk. How am I supposed to take that?" she demands. Her head seems to scrunch down into her shoulders when she hears a familiar bellow "KOLA!" and she heaves a huge sigh. "I did say Uncles could be a pain too didn't I?" she turns back to look at the sands and the group of eggs. "Well, I guess we're going in for the night. I'll try to catch you guys before we leave in the morning. If not, take care." and she cautiously rises amidst all the people here in the galleries.

On the sands, Soldreth's not short on enthusiasm, especially when another sib is deposited on the sand, his body quivering with delight. New-found strength overcomes him, legs sliding and pressing the sand to create yet another hole near the rest. Sidestepping slowly, deliberately, he croons to his mate, urging her on.

Jenna looks happier than a watchwher at dusk, abandoning plate and glass to expertly cradle the newborn and snuggle his neck. Scarily, she looks rather natural at it, despite never having given birth to any of her own. "New baby smell. Gotta love it," she comments in general. And then to Cait, "All things shiny and bright, hm? I'll have to remember that."

On the sands, Niyath hisses at Soldreth. After all, he did this to her. Grumpily, she moves and settles the next egg in the hole he's dug, leaving him to pile sand about it. And it better be /right/.

Vegetable Patch Egg
Delicate green springs forth from the dark brown background of this egg in narrow rows that shrink into the distance. The nearest plantlike greenery seem to show layers of dark green leaves spread flat against the dirt, a rounded, lighter-green ball rising from the center. The crevices and shading in the head seem almost face-like, as though a baby peeks out from the darkness.

Inspiration: This egg is inspired by Cabbage-Patch Kids, those ubiquitous baby-dolls of the 1980s. I had at least three of these dolls, but much envied my friends who had so many more. Description by Zahava.

Caitlyn smiles broadly at Jenna, looking enthusistic and slightly embarrassed at once. Her eyes are politely on the Fortian Weyrwoman's face, not distracted by the babe in her arms. "Yeah, I guess so. I was a jewelry Smith before Lirit's Eleketh bellowed me into his Search." Her eyes suddenly go distant, and then Cait returns with low laughter at something unheard by ears.

M'yr mutters something about dedication, a very positive, paternal smile sent to Danielle. "Just don't tire yourself too much. I need you in the wing and with these eggs? Well.. You need to keep healthy and not overdo it." When Jenna picks the child up, he finds something wonderful in her expression, warmth overtaking his attention toward her. "You look great with a babe, Jen. Really nice." To Danielle, with a wink, "I'd be sure you get him back though." Oddly enough, a side glance is sent to Nolee, unusual expression changing onto his face.

Danielle chuckles and nods her head, "I think I would find it hard to forget him," She says with a wink glancing at Jenna. "I know. I used to be around babies all the time as a youngster, I'd forgotten that smell myself. If you want to hold him for awhile, he just ate and I can see if any of the guests and residents in here watching would like to take a brief step outside?"

On the sands, Soldreth is startled by that hiss, did he do something wrong, his bobbing head and whirling eyes seem to convey. Maybe that hole wasn't deep enough! With vigor, he digs with little regard as to where the sand is being tossed, and in his exuberance, it does go flying -- toward the gallery!

Nolee nods complacently at Caitlyn's description of her method of information-gathering, then smiles to Noemie, following her gaze to the new baby still all swaddled. Her nose wrinkles, revealing her opinion of 'new baby smell,' and she can't help but catch M'yr's tender expression toward the other goldrider. Gritting her teeth a little, she dons a smile Jenna's way, sincere comments then directed to her companions, a welcome distraction. "I didn't know Lirit and M'yr searched you two. And you haven't been troublemakers, either of you. I'm impressed!"

Noemie smiles back at Nolee. "Who'd've thought that not being a troublemaker would ever make me unique?" she jokes, trying to lighten the mood and get Nolee's mind off what's obviously bothering her.

Leyon closes his eyes as though regaining his composure, which Kiveily caused him to lose entirely too rapidly to speak well of his character, and sighs at her, "We ain't pals, and it's precisely because you've showed up here that I doubt you want the best for me." He simply shrugs to Andi's mini-speech, apparently unconcerned whether she takes his behavior as good, bad, or ugly. Her departure barely registers with him, but he does think to send a half wave after a few seconds have gone by. Then he continues to Kiv, "You still haven't told me why you're here, you know." He directs a pointed glance at her. "Which I'm finding very significant."

Caitlyn is rather surprised Nolee didn't know that, and turns back to the goldrider to grin thinly. "I assume that means Lirit and M'yr *were*, eh?" are her merry words. Her eyes seek to catch and hold Nolee's, and if they do, a look of deep empathy is given to her. Cait doesn't much care for babes, either. And as for the other reason...well, the bluerider is a woman of deep emotion. She understands.

Jenna chuckles, soft and low. "I sneak into the nursery at times. Never had any of my own. Too much time between during the pass, I think." She looks up, catching M'yr's glance, her expression faintly wistful, though her voice is as calm as usual. "Fosters, yes. And they're old enough now to have ones of their own." Eyes follow his eyes to Nolee, taking in the flickers in their faces a moment, and then turns her attention back to the babe in her arms, nuzzling his hair.

There are irritated cries lower down in the tier, as Soldreth's sand ends up spattering some residents and one irate bluerider.

Just as G'tive is about to open his mouth to talk, sand gets dashed over him. "Oh." A blink down to Soldreth. "I never expcted to get sandy at Fort." But good naturedly he brushes his hair out and grins down to Caitlyn and Noemie. "Cansoth would like to point out that the ones he Searched did not end up being trouble makers. He's rather smug about Searching two that Impressed and being a brown, you know."

"Were?" Nolee laughs, duly cheered by the green and bluerider, and her genuine smile returns. "They still are! Ask about Eleketh diving with M'yr, or him being drunk during candidacy, or heaps of things." These wicked stories are referenced with glee, however, good memories. Even more cheerily, she too shakes sand from her hair, though G'tive kindly took the brunt of it. "Better than splashing water all over, isn't it? That dust was horrid. Ohh, he did? Nala searched--no, she didn't search anyone." Alas.

On the sands, Niyath grumbles tiredly at Soldreth. Sand stays /in/ the grounds, not flung in the galleries! She moves to a spot, deliberately snubbing his efforts, and digs out the final hole herself. Fatigue making her clumsy, she piles, cushions, and then lays the final egg of the clutch.

Rainbow Brite Egg
A perfect circle hovers near the center of this egg, luminescent in the very absence of the bright colors that form its rim. All the garish shades of the rainbow radiate from this glowing, white orb. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet reach across the shell, invading the murky, gray darkness that swathes it. Beacons of bright cheer, they grapple with the gloom, steadily advancing and growing more intense as they fight onward. The battle has not yet been won, but what shadow could withstand the onslaught of such vivid hues?

Inspiration: Rainbow Brite, one of the most popular heroines of children's television in the 80s. With the Sphere of Light, she and the seven color kids defeated the Dark One and brought color and happiness to Rainbowland! Description by Kiveily.

Kiveily gives Andi half a wave as she makes her way out of the galleries, adding a friendly twist of her lips for good measure. "Ri-ight," she remarks vaguely, then promptly returning to needling Leyon. She clucks her tongue, tssking appropriately. "Gone and made yourself another un-friend, huh, Leyon? Better at that than me, you are, for all your protestations! Dunno what you're talking about," she finishes off casually. "What's my being here got to do with you, anyhow? If I told you, you wouldn't half believe me. Gosh, but if you think I came just to spend time in your company, you're addled. Clearly it's not worthwhile. Why don't you make another unfriend!" So saying, she makes another scope of the nearby populace.

Danielle seems content that Jenna will snuggle and spoil the babe while she conducts a weyr search before leaving. So she turns to call into the stands, her voice loud enough to carry, but not to startle, "Excuse me guests and residents! Some riders of my wing and I are readying to take flight in search. However I would like to request all those here of viable age step outside a moment to allow my riders' dragons to look you over."

Noemie seems surprised at Nolee's disappointed sounding voice. "But-- she had the eggs! Isn't that more than enough?" She grins.

Caitlyn glances up at Gus, and then sticks her tongue out at him playfully - rolling her eyes a little. "I've heard blues seems to make the best overall Searchers - but yeah, Cansoth did a great job, too! Now, I wonder if Kintryth is going to live up to that particular facet of his color. He has in a few ways, but sure hasn't in others." And then she too catches a few grains of sand, pointing and giggling at G'tive as he takes most of it. "Good job, Soldreth!" she calls out to the busy bronze, giggling. And then her attention is back on Nolee again, her smile broad and warm as her friend cheers up. "Okay, so they *still* are. But I haven't know them long enough or well enough to hear those tales. I think i'll sit down with a fe of you and have a nice drink over those stories, soon."

M'yr figures it's time enough to be able to get nearer to his friend, Gus, and that he does. "So, you've been fine?" is asked with less fervor than before, the new Weyrleader's talk is to G'tive but his eyes are definitely on Nolee. In a whisper, he asks, "How's she been?", a hand going up to his mouth to wipe at.. something invisible.

Leyon grunts disbelief at Kiveily. "I ain't here to make friends, and 'course you ain't here to spend time with me. But it just gets me to thinking when you turn up right about the same time I do." He gives her another suspicious glare, then starts in spite of the consideration in Danielle's non-bellow. He must just be a jumpy guy. "Shells, what's she gotta go and do that for? You think I could pass for someone too old?" That's hopeless. "Too young?"

On the sands, Niyath shifts a few eggs, so that she can adequately curl around the full clutch. She yawns, and then spreads a wing over the whole thing. With a final rumble to Soldreth, she closes her eyes to sleep, heedless of any noise from the galleries.

On the sands, Soldreth finds his place near the gold, laying close but not touching, tentative after the hisses and who knows what conversation passed between them. Not sleeping just yet, he watches, drifting across each new unhatched babe.

"He's slippery, your Kintryth," Nolee notes of Caitlyn's lifemate, then she makes a little round o of surprise toward Noemie. "That's very true! She did have the eggs. I guess that's an all right trade. But it'd sure be fun to bring someone in, with the chance for a different life." Wistful, she looks M'yr's way: speaking of a different life. "Weyrleaders are so busy," she sighs. "I've hardly even had the chance to congratulate him properly. But at least he'll be home when the eggs hatch, right?" Yeah, you tell yourself that. "What's happening? Oooo, searches? I guess we don't qualify."

Noemie watches Niyath as she curls over her eggs. "Aw, look at that," she says to nobody in particular. "It's so soothing to watch a new mother, isn't it?" She seems to answer to something asked in her head. "No dearest, I'd never wish you were a queen. But it would be nice if it were possible to have little Naijaths around." She sighs.

Jenna ahs softly, looking back out over the sands. "Twelve. Good number. No queen, but Faldaverth and Wynith are still young." She automatically does the 'baby rock', raising her voice slightly, with an impatient look to M'yr. "Could those over the age of fourteen and under twenty-five turns please move outside?"

G'tive cocks an eyebrow at M'yr as he edges closer. "I think you and I need to have a talk later. You look like something the watchwher warmed over." he gives a brief look out on the sands then back to the newest Fort Weyrleader, then to Nolee, eyes ping ponging around, but at least slow enough so as not to make him look like a raving luntic. "Clutching that stressful?" With a slight nudge to M'yr he comments a little more loudly than his his others, "Well, looks like it's over, going to have a few drinks in celebration?"

Kiveily shrugs up her shoulders, apparently worn with the argument. Appropriately timed, too, now that the last egg is on the sands. "Whatever. You better watch out, Leyon, or pretty soon you won't even be able to walk around at night without screaming at every shadow. Uh." She pauses at that loud announcement of Search, and slouches down a little further. "Is that us? Do we have to?" She scans the crowd in some alarm. "Shells. I wouldn't have come if I'd known this was going to happen. C'mon. We can prolly sneak out. There's so many people." So saying, she rises, and gesturing for Leyon to follow, she attempts to sneak.

Caitlyn winks at Nolee, nodding at her assessment of Kint, then shifting her gaze between the pair of dragons on the Sands, and Nolee again. "I once wished I could Impress a queen dragon, when I was younger. I didn't want to have babies, but my dragon would - and I like most animal babes. But I know Kintryth is the right color, the right dragon for me. Perfect." A small curve of lips is more than enough testament to her love of the blue...and then Jenna's request cuts through it. "Huh? Uh, me too?" she enquires, sounding rather thick.

At the entrance two riders appear looking at the crowd and directing those who are already filing out where to go. Danielle, in the meantime, eyes the stands. Spotting Leyon and Kiveily she smiles and approaches them and asks, "Would you two like to come outside? I would greatly appreciate it if you did." It is simply that, a friendly request.

Noemie giggles at Caitlyn. "You already have a dragon, silly. And, I think every girl on Pern dreams a bit about having a queen dragon. But you're right. I'd never want anything other than Naijath. We were made to be," she adds, sounding rather corny.

"Do we have to go outside?" Nolee, ignorant of the protocol at this weyr they're visiting, asks of her companions, heedless of Cait's uncertainty, too. "You did?" is to Cait, then Noemie, while she considers. "I didn't dream about it. Too much work if you ask me. And I don't think they'd allow us to trade. To complicated. But I'll do your work if you do mine? You could even borrow the knot, as long as you don't get us in trouble."

M'yr catches the looks coming from Jenna, a return of his own attempt at a warm smile. "Hey." is sent, then he laughs at the group. "I hardly think you are weyrfolk here at Fort? You don't have to go. How about some wine to celebrate?"

Noemie looks at Nolee, a little surprised. "Really? So the ones who daydream end up with blues and greens, and the ones who don't end up with the golds? Makes sense to me. And I already volunteered to do some of your hidework. The knot would be a plus!"

Leyon looks decidedly dubious at the idea that movement through an increasingly thinning crowd is going to keep them unrecognized. However, he takes it as a better option than any other, and begins winding his way through people after Kiveily. It's then that Danielle spots him, and he stops short and stands up from his half-hunch. "Oh, um. Right." His lip gets chewed once, and then he offers a hasty smile. "Sure, thanks, I'll go." A shrug is tossed toward Kiveily, and then his slinking to the exit is exchanged for something less furtive.

Jenna catches the conversation between Noemie and Cait. "Actually, I didn't. I was a runner before I impressed. Didn't ever think I would. Stood twice here at Fort before Niyath found me. Third time's the charm. - And no, please, stay as lonog as you like. She's not a broody queen."

Caitlyn blushes softly, then smiling to Noemie. "Oh, I didn't know Jenna meant all people she might want to have sniffed over for Search. Guess my mind was elsewhere." And then she's chortling at Nolee's words, reaching out to gently waggle the woman's rank cord for a moment. "You know, I don't think i'd trade our positions for all the gemstones on Pern. Or even our dragons. Yes, that would distinctly complicate things." The Smith takes a deep breath, and lets it out slowly. Seems she's relaxing, now that the populace of the Galleries is thinning out.

Noemie grins at Caitlyn. "Now /that/ statement, I think, deserves to be drunk to! I think I'd like to take up M'yr's offer, how about you ladies?"

Kiveily stops up short as Danielle addresses them. She pins a glare on Leyon, muttering under her breath, "Sharding idiot, this is your fault." She glances mutinously down at her feet, and when her head turns up, her expression is neutral. "Me? Us. Yeah, I guess. Sure." And though Leyon's shrug seems to have irked her, she echoes it with one of her own, following his path down the steps.

Danielle smiles and glances around the galleries again and goes to ask one or two more folks, some refusing and others getting up. Then she waves to Jenna to let her know she will be outside before following the rest out into the bowl.
Danielle goes down the stairs to the Bowl.

Nolee laughs brightly, rising and smiling to Jenna as she relates her experience. "Thank you both, wonderful blue and greenriders, for your help with all those hides. And I didn't want to have any of them at all, but my parents would've been really mad if I didn't take the advantage, you know? Politics, or something." To the Weyrwoman, she adds, "You were a runner, like of messages? This must be really easy for you, then, cause you're used to being busy all the time and hurrying. Ohh, do you have juice?"

G'tive looks as though he's starting to relax a bit more himself, though when the brownrider doesn't look like he relaxing or bordering like relaxing may be a bit of a mystery. "Hey..." he drawls out to Noemie, "What about me?" A lofty sigh is given then he looks agound at the thinning populace. "Too bad I dodn't bring any of the wine from my weyr with me, though hey!" A last minute thought creeps into that sunbaked brain of his as he waves towards M'yr, "I did bring you a present."

M'yr turns barkeep, or perhaps juicekeep, heading for the table with several bottles and pitchers. When he passes Jenna, he tips his shoulder, bumping her gently, then continues on. "Red, white, and an assortment of..." That's cut off at Gus' last words. "A present? You did not!" A grin, then, "Did you?"

Caitlyn positively beams up at Nolee, then nodding to Noemie. "I think i'd like a nice, cool sip of chilled white. Count me in!" Her grin is at G'tive's long sigh.

Noemie suddenly starts to giggle in a rather uncharacteristic way. "Oh, of course, G'tive... any gentlemen are of course especially invited. Right?" she asks of her female friends.

Jenna is left with the baby. Oh good. She tears her attention away from it for a moment, quirking a smile at M'yr. Then, as the woman next to Nolee gets up, she claims the seat, shifting the infant more comfortably and crooning to the boy, sounding remarkably like Niyath. "Hm? Oh, yes, I was. And, well, not really. It was incredibly hard at first, not being out all the time, and hard not to run - I didn't have the time other than in training. But that was all near twenty turns ago. I doubt I could even make the run from here to the Hall without keeling over these days."

The first thing usually noticed about Jenna is the cloud of platinum blonde hair that streams down past her shoulders. Stick straight, the front is usually pulled back out of her eyes, confined in braids and pinned at the crown of her head. Startlingly blue eyes peer out from a face that is all plains and angles - a sharp nose, pointed chin, and cheekbones jut in bas-relief across this rocky landscape - and are surrounded by the early stages of crow's feet. Her frame is tall and lanky, no hint of roundness at all to soften it. On the contrary, muscles from hours spent a'dragonback seem to call attention to her height and utter lack of feminine softness.
Jenna is dressed in a simple pair of black linen trousers. A brown tunic embalzoned with the Fort badge is thrown carelessly overtop. Her feet are surprisingly bare, and do her no more credit than the rest of her frame. Sturdy and calloused, she seems quite comfortable with them bare, even on cold stone.
Jenna wears the complicated knot of the Fort Weyr Weyrwoman in black and brown around one shoulder, with a strand of gold for her lifemate. There are also other small 'details' about her, a handmade pendant and a ring. She looks to be somewhere near forty turns.

Nolee is busy watching the Weyrwoman for a reply regarding the juice, so of course she notices the shoulder contact from M'yr to Jenna. Her enthusiasm fades somewhat, and she blinks several times to clear her vision. "I don't see any gentlemen here," she observes. Then her hand covers her mouth, startled. "Oh! Except for you, Gus." Jenna's sitting nearby redirects her focus closer by, though she scoots a little farther away to distance herself from the baby. "Twenty turns? You don't look that old. Just...pointy. I mean, toned. Toned is what I meant." Wince.

G'tive grins broadly at M'yr. "Of course I did, I couldn't let you escape Ista without /something/. Hold on." And without another word, the brownrider is out, down the stairs and heading to his lifemate.

Noemie notices the contact too, but boldly adds, "And M'yr! M'yr is also quite the gentleman."

Jenna says wryly to Nolee, "I'll take that as a compliment. - Niyath was out of Aisheth's first clutch as Weyrleader to Jinieth. Not quite twenty turns ago. She hatched the same day my oldest niece was born." A quick sniff, and she pats the baby's rear. Apparently satisfied there's nothing of great import in there, she rocks him gently side to side. "She clutched Ramya's Isanth and Piper's Faldaverth."

M'yr follows his pal's leaving with interest then fills a few glasses to place on a tray. "I'm just wondering what it is that he has to go to Soth to get it! I hope it doesn't explode or anything!" Drinks are passed out as he walks along, a 'thank you' here, a grin and nod there. "I am, Noemie! And what would you all like? Take a glass. Plenty for all!"

Noemie gives M'yr a grin that says more than just "thanks." "Wine would be wonderful, I think, for celebrating this occasion."

Caitlyn simply winces a little at Nolee's description of Jenna, then pressing her hand to her mouth to cover the giggle. Not good to aggravate a friend, nor a weyrwoman. She grabs that glass of wine from M'yr, then sipping quickly to cover her humor - brown eyes sparkling above the rim. "Nah, if you want explosions, come to *me*, Weyrleader." A sassy wink, and a crass grin.

Nolee stares at Noemie, her bovinishly wide brown eyes large and round. "He is, is he?" Suspicion tints her tone, though she tames it rapidly. "Of course he is! Look, he's rounding up the beverages. That's awfully good of him." The baby-sniffing causes Nolee to see greater solace in distance, though she smiles brightly regardless. "That's quite a pedigree! Nalaieth's from, um, Aerianth. Who came from...I forget." Smile: I'm cute?

Noemie looks at Nolee with surprise. "Of course he is! Any man that brings me wine is a gentleman."

G'tive comes rushing back up the stairs much the same way he came in originally, a roughly hide wrapped 'bulk' in his arms. "Oi, M'yr. I thought you might like this.. any maybe even need it eventually. His grin is broad as he loosens the leathers and hands his now unwrapped present to the bronzerider. It is a very large glass bottle, or yes, this thing is hefty, at least as long as a grown man's forearm and wide to boot. The mouth appears to be extra large, as it should be to have fit all the contents it carries. Inside the thing is mostly black sand, obviously from Ista's beaches, but nestled on the jeweled grains is a stuffed miniature dragon that's just a little worn on the edges, a piece of a net, and what, another glass bottled filled with something.

Jenna takes pity on Nolee. "Omfaleth and... Bromith, I think. And Omfaleth was out of Neith and Gelth, I think. Speaking of, I'd heard that A'zric'd stepped down as Weyrleader of Igen." Is it pity? Or is Jen simply a walking encyclopedia of birthing records?

Caitlyn peers intently at Noemie from over the rim of her glass, given that her clutchsib is behaving a tad oddly. Ah well, must be the surroundings. And then she's watching as Gus arrives again, and unwraps that gift of his to M'yr. "Jaaays! That's *neat* Gus!" she crows to the brownrider.

Nolee looks at the wine sourly, disinterested in it, as is her typical fashion. "Did R'layn bring you wine?" is mischievously asked, a flash of light in her eyes. "Oh, right! From that other one who retired before the one who was sick from too much work" a glance toward Cait and Noemie: see, it can happen!, "went to Southern." Blink. Blinkblink: that thing in the box is a familiar item. After a hearty, bubbling up laugh that escapes unbidden, she regains control of herself to query, "Igen?"

Noemie, who would normally blush and not say anything, looks at Nolee pointedly and says. "No, but he did buy me a drink at the sandbar."

Jenna's brow furrows as she looks at the present. Must be one of those Istan things. She attempts to follow Nolee's convolutions, and gives it up as a bad job, apparently. Still swaying side to side, she keeps cuddling the babe. "Igen, yes. Heard they've a brownrider as acting weyrleader. A'zric's oldest girl, Yina, stood here before she went on to Tillek in her craft."

M'yr accepts the gift from Gus, his usual teasing, playful expression suddenly sobering when he sees the bottle, sand, net, and.. a note? Tugging it out of the bottle, he reads, Drink me when you need to, warning STRONG! Don't forget Ista. -Gus -- "Oh shards.. Gus..." The Fortian Weyrleader rolls an arm around Gus' back, drawing him to his side. "You're the best, you know?"

Caitlyn smiles warmly at not only Noe and Nolee, but Gus and M'yr - more than happy in the balm of mutual friendship. She's quiet for now, and not at all worried about it. Just basking in the warmth.

Noemie watches the two men closely as she takes a sip of her wine, almost impervious to the rest of her surroundings.

G'tive nods, looking pleased to there being at least one happy reaction to the gift. "I had the thing specially made. "I was hoping to give it to him /before/ the clutching, but well, I suppose now's a good a time as any" For a beat Gus' eyes glaze, then he looks at Noemie, a scant glance and a then a nod to no one. Before he can comment to anyone he's drawn into a hug returning it with a laugh. "Watch out if you drink that, Gouflin made it." He says the name as though M'yr should know it, and he just might, being Ista's most notorious moonshine maker!

Nolee's mouth drops open, an addition to her surprised look. "Well, that was kind of him." She seems to have contained the laughter, though she suggests, "He needs a mug of warm milk to go with it!" in a voice a little too loud and racous for her own good. "A brownrider?" This is of great interest, however: shocking. "I didn't know they could. Or maybe I did. Who'll fly next there, do they think?" Not like Fort could predict, what with Piper expected to have been next and all.

Noemie notices G'tive's look at her and is careful to catch his eye before he glances away and turns his attention back to M'yr. Another sip of wine.

Lundan, cuddled in Jenna's arms, wakes and starts rooting. And when that doesn't supply him with milk, he escalates. Quickly. "Uh oh. Nothing I can do there to help you, buddy. - Excuse me, will you all?" She rises and passes by M'yr, leaning to murmur something quietly to him before heading down out of the galleries.

M'yr is startled at what Jenna whispers to him when she leaves, but he does manage to call, "Sure!" to her back before she disappears. "Huh." is muttered, then he reacts to Gus with a wide grin and a mock poke to the man's middle. "I think you all are fantastic. Thank you."

Nolee watches Jenna's exit almost critically, though her eyes immediately sweep over the younger riders, the pink tinges of some sort of jealousy setting hold of her face. Shaking them off with a resoluteness, she strides toward the steps, passing lower than M'yr and his posse are located. "I ought to head back. Nala needs oiled," she widely fibs. "And you," she hisses toward Noemie, "Nalaieth says you should be at home." No explanation from her, however, as she makes her departure.

Noemie looks at Nolee, completely confused. "I should? Why?" She sounds hurt, especially since she and her mentor had been seemingly so close just hours before, touring the weyrs. What had changed?

M'yr is startled at Nolee's departure, a hand waved limply in response. "See you, uhm, sometime, Nolee?" then a shrug goes to Gus. "So Gus, when is the Graduation? Soon?"

Nalaieth> Naijath senses that Nalaieth reaches outward in her hazy smoke cloud to touch the starry green, as though tasting the very air around her. << How are you feeling, my daughter? >>

Nolee doesn't answer the question from Noemie, as she's busily navigating the steps downward without falling on her face, a task that takes all of her attention. Once she's out of the cavern, she pauses to catch her breath, leaning against the wall until her breathing slows before calling her lifemate downward.

Caitlyn just stares at all the sudden events and reactions of those around her, looking up at the men as if they can supply an answer. Why would the normally easy-gling Nolee nearly order someone else home? Seems Cait is still a little thick. Another deep sip of wine is taken.

Nalaieth> I bespoke Naijath with << Yours behaves drunkenly. >>

Noemie takes it upon herself to answer the question. "We graduate in just a few days," she says, as if this might make her any more mature, or deisreable.

Dragon> Naijath bespoke Nalaieth with << But she barely partakes of any alcohol. >>

Nalaieth> I bespoke Naijath with << Perhaps, my daughter, your paths for the next sevenday should circle only your home. >> Warmth, tenderness, and an absolute absence of jealousy extend toward Naijath, << Besides, our beasts are better than theirs. >>

"They need to find out on their own." G'tive comments to no one, though seeing a dragonrider talk to the air shouldn't be too odd in Weyr. Noemie is looked at almost warily and then he nods with a grin to M'yr. "Just a few more days then we're all free. Going to try to make it down or will you be sandbound?"

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Naijath's voice expresses her confusion in a medly of higher pitched musical notes before lowering to blend with her mother's voice. << Our beasts? I do not understand. >>

Nalaieth> I bespoke Naijath with << You will. >> Smugness. << One day, you will. >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Naijath takes this answer as enough before adding, like an unhappy child, << But we are so content here. I do not want to leave just yet. >>

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Soldreth's voice is laced with confusion. << Why do you make them go home? Mine is enjoying their company. Do you not like me anymore? >>

Nalaieth> Soldreth senses that Nalaieth wraps Soldreth in a tight, tight smoky cloak, which encircles him, both caressingly possessive and hardly there at all. << I like you very much. We miss you here. Mine misses yours especially. And the rider can stay. But Naijath should come home, to our own beasts. They will wait for her. >>

niyath, leyon, nolee, andikola, m'wen, event, kiveily clutching, soldreth, nananthia, fort, nalaieth, reighley, g'tive, m'yr, noemie, jenna, r'layn, satiet

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