In which things are lost, then found

Jun 01, 2006 19:21

Scavenger Hunt Clues

1. Clean and all wrapped up in it. (towel, laundry items)
2. Not so bright, this dim item need replacing off in the working spaces. (glow in storeroom)
3. Wild Runners couldn't pull away with this.
4. Missing two, I'm turned over, find one of the missing items? (wagon wheel)
5. Dark and shiny, not a diamond, but blue in colour this stone is.
6. -Deep in the weyr, places some fear to tread, is a maze, but with this,
you can find your way out. (sounds like a compass? in secret room)
7. -When your ship comes in, to what will they secure themselves to? (something at dock)
8. Cracked by a bronzer, and tucked behind the bar, ready to pour out
trouble to the next person who thirsts. (pitcher at sandbar)
9. In this a pair can sit, looking and smelling the flowers that grow here.
(swing in garden)

(items in ( ) are guesses, some are acutal items located in those places, but not all)


(Log begins mid-scene)

Caitlyn ans Alexiel are also eyeing something, whispering to each other, intent on finding what they need.

Kaylon flashes his impish grin at the Weyrwoman. "Well met, Ma'am. Care to join the girls in the quest to beat the boys? We're hunting for things - well, they're hunting. I'm watching. Someone has to."

Bendel wrinkles his nose a little as he looks around, "I think I know where one is too." He gives a quick nod of his head, pointing to one specific clue. "I'm always there."

G'tive says "Well, I know where at least one this is, and what it might be, let's try that first?""

Maduk nods. "Alright G'tive, lead the way." He steps aside, letting the Brownrider get to wherever he may need to go.

Moyra enters, all fussed from chores, and looks around, "Everyone ready to go?" She asks, grinning. "They are all tucked away, good luck to the searchers she says, looking around for a certian rider, and not seeing him, she shakes her head playfully.

G'tive waves to Moyra and the others as he ducks out the door.

Caitlyn bounces as Nolee arrives, and walks up to the poor weyrwoman quickly, to nearly drag her over to the little knot of other women. "We need more help to find stuff, Nolee. Ma'am," she quickly corrects - grinning hugely.

Nolee wanders in and is midway into reading about the activity when she gloms onto Caitlyn, who has hailed her. "Hunh? Things are lost? Oh! Right. Finding things. If you have any ideas, I'll follow you?"

Ista Beach> G'tive stops and points at the clue sheet Maduk has. "Personally I think one of those clues is in tunnels and it may be a glow. What do you think?"

Ista Beach> "Your guess is as good as mine, Sir. I say we go that way." He looks to Bendel for confirmation.

Ista Beach> Bendel frowns slightly as he leans forward, trying figure out stuff, "I think the one about the runners is in the corrals, I'm always there."

Caitlyn giggles at Nolee, and 'helpfully' drags the rider outside with her - Alexiel moving along with them.

Caitlyn is not only all grins and fun, but also hot on the trail as the girls arrive in the forest. "It's here, Alexiel?"

Alexiel nods. "I'm positive. I checked out this wagon a few days ago actually, missing two wheels, one of them has got to be around here somewhere."

Caitlyn is almost vibrating with the intensity she feels, fishing out a snippit of paper and the charcoal from her pouch, and looking around with the other women as she begins to note things down.

Nolee is digging around in the grass, looking around the wagon and kicking at some of the overgrown parts, a few fond smiles at her old hangout surfacing despite her effort to remain deceptively calm.

Caitlyn's smaller blue firelizard, Book, is chittering on the woman's shoulder, while Hider is perched on the ground near Nolee - digging around with his wee claws.

Caitlyn squawks as the clue is found, and notes it down quickly on the paper. Rolling the bit up, she inserts it into the tube on Book's leg, and peers hard into his eyes. "To Moyra, then back to me, love!" The little blue chirrups, and suddenly launches from her shoulder, popping *between*.

Nolee looks up as the wheel is found, grinning nostalgically, then follows the duo in search of the next item.

You sit down at the bench by the sundial.

Caitlyn hurries in after the others, looking over her shoulder with worry. "I saw G'tive behind me..." Within a minute of leaving, Book returns in a soft *pop* of displaced, cold air - chittering a little, and landing once again on Cait's shoulder. "They got the note!"

You stand and leave the bench by the sundial.

Undecided about where their next clue could be located, and tiring from the racing around, Nolee plops down for a moment, panting, on a bench, leaving the other two to the work of searching.

Alexiel busies herself with searching. "Something that two could sit on, that could be any number of the seats here."

Caitlyn looks over at Nolee, concerned for a moment. "Are you okay?" she calls softly to the goldrider, even as Hider appears from the sky, to settle and begin some digging.

"Of course I am! We haven't been drilling, with Nala on the sands, so I'm getting soft again. Well, softer again. What could it be?" Nolee looks to the sundial, glances at the other seats, and rises, dipping her hands in the water and using its coolness to splash her face. "The stones? The...hmm. Smelling the flowers. Those are good clues."

Caitlyn eyes the clue on the paper in her hands, nodding to Alexiel - still concerned about Nolee, though. And then her face shows delighted surprise. "Nolee's sitting... near the sundial... What's there..?"

As the pair find that the swing is near the sundial, that's yet another clue checked off. Onward!

Caitlyn sends Book off on his errand of delivering the clue once again - grinning as Alexiel heads off to find another.

Caitlyn strides off with ground eating strides towards the Hatching Grounds.

Nolee arrives a little after the others, a cup of fresh water in hand, which she drinks down before heading quickly across the sands to check on Nalaieth. "Back real quick!" she calls, treading rapidly.

Caitlyn giggles, nodding at Nolee - caught up in the thrill of all the hunting.

Caitlyn is looking out to the Hatching Grounds, staring at the eggs with fascination. "Oh, Nolee! Maybe the one clue is on that egg - the red one with the diamond on it?!"

Nolee nods, and without thinking about /how/ the clue might've gotten there, heads over to check out the egg. "It looks like it's sparkly. Maybe I'll check on it, see if there's anything there?" True to form, Nala scowls as someone walks a little too close, and raises her head as more pass by.

In the corrals, Caitlyn skitters out to the corrals, looking around in a frenzy for the correct clue.

Nolee finally succeeds in calming Nalaieth down and rejoins the searching party. "What's the clue here again?"

"The third one on the list?" Cait pipes up to Nolee, then looking around once again. "Wild Runners couldn't pull away with this."

Nolee attempts to catch a herdbeast. They shy away a bit, but eventually she manages to grab hold of one, after which it follows docilely.

You take a fingerroot from your pocket and wave it in front of a herdbeast. It looks at the fingerroot, then slowly reaches out and deigns to accept it from your hand.

You beckon to the little calf and it comes bounding toward you. You catch hold of it around the neck and give it a good scratch and pet on the head before it wiggles loose and dashes away again.

Caitlyn goggles at Nolee, an then laughs from the belly. "I was wondering..."

Nolee oofs as the calf head butts her, and she flops over onto her backside, though she seems undisturbed by the dirt or by being on the ground, instead crawling about inspecting the underside of various animals, in search of the answer.

Caitlyn is getting rather frustrated, telling by her vexed look.

Caitlyn suddenly tosses her hands into the air, and looks at the other two women. "We should go..."

Nolee puts her hands on her hips and pouts a moment, then follows Caitlyn.

"I thought it was here, Nolee," Cait mumbles in sorrowful exasperation. "Maybe down to the docks now?"

Nolee nods, dusting some of the dirt off. "I love the docks. They're beautiful! If Nala wasn't stuck with those eggs, she could make the trip short. C'mon, I guess it's on foot for us."

Caitlyn nods, and huirriedly lopes off towards the docks.

A large iron ring, once secure in a stanchion so that ship and skiff may tie up to. But now, all that is tied to it is a small carved piece of driftwood looking like a skiff, with the number 6 engraved in its hull.

Caitlyn squeals happily as Nolee nabs the brass ring!

Nolee's hanging out on the docks now, tired of the search and panting a bit from all the running about. Leaning her arm on one of the pier posts, she tugs on an old ring securing a hunk of driftwood. Once the pieces are put together and the realizations are made, she's all smiles, and headed back to the sandbar for a tasty iced confectionary treat.

The Sandbar
Caitlyn lumbers in with the other gals, looking hugely pleased - still squeezing poor Nolee with congratulatory hugs.

Kaylon has pitchers of ale all ready for folks and a little fabric covered array in front of him. "Aha. So the girls won. I expect my mark Maduk."

G'tive sighs and grins and drops his items on the bar.

Alexiel drops her items, some of them being rather heavy. "Shards, who ever thought up these items obviously wanted to torture us."

Kaylon calls out loudly, "Ale for all the players. Candidates remember to behave - at least until our betters leave." He winks at that.

Maduk laughs at Kaylon. "Well, apparently, I worked myself safe this round. G'tive, you got that Mark? I owe it to Kaylon over here."

G'tive slides a mark over to Maduk and grins. "Looks like my mark is really going to Kaylon."

Kaylon notes, "Never bet against girls you've lived with. I've been shortsheeted enough these past sevendays to know better. And on that note, is the entire girl's team here?" He looks about.

Bendel wanders in after the other guys, placing the stone carefully on the bar, and grinning rather proudly, "This is why I don't bet on things like this, I figured the girls would win. They're clever."

Nolee squeezes Caitlyn's shoulders, still giddy, then heads for the bar to order a nice Weyrling drink, her favorite by the grin of it, and she drops the mooring ring on the bar to join the other medium-to-smaller sized items. "Yeah, wait until our betters leave," she jests. "Wait, did the boys just call us clever?"

Caitlyn is practically bouncing, she's so full of merriment - and Book and Hider spiral gleeful circles above her head, echoing her feelings. She cannot help but chuckle loudly at all the betting - and at who won and lost. "So, we managed to eek out a win, eh?! And with Nolee's brass ring!"

Cynara has finally gotten Terlara asleep. She's sipping at a Weyrling delight...nursing, you know...and watching with amusement. "Nolee's brass ring?" she inquires.

Alexiel plops down in the nearest empty seat. "That was amusing."

Kaylon ahems loudly. "Attention! Attention. For cleverness above and beyond the call of their male counterparts... for sneakiness and the ability to ferret out a secret without outside information... for complete disregard for the sanctity of their footwear, I give you the girls!" He draws the fabric off the array in front of hima nd there are a series of like bottles. One for each girl.

Caitlyn cannot help but cackling softly at Kaylon - her eyes mere specks in her face as her gigantic grin swallows most of her face.

"My footwear's still complaining." Nolee laughingly puts up her feet, her sandals worn and made even more unhappy by wiled away hours near or on the sands, "The last thing was a ring! I wouldn't have even known it except it was right under my arm. But these two, they were so fast! Fast like when a little runs from it's mom--oh, but you're not there yet, Cy." A giggle. "One day. Ohh, pretty." The last being for the bottles.

G'tive claps loudly. "Hoorah to the ladies, obviously the better of the sexes. Good show!"

Trophy Desc
The finest glass wine bottle, stoppered securely and crystal clean, is filled with some rather odd contents: The bottom half is layered with sparkling motes of Istan black sand - the fine grains that compose it giving off stray glints in the sunlight. The top portion is home to myriad little seashells of every hue and shape, a veritable natural treasure trove washed upon the shoreline. Encircling the bottle's outside surface is a delicate 'cape' of intricate beadwork in pastel hues of green, blue, white - seafoam colors. The cape drapes from the bottle's lower neck, and ends two inches down in tiny, whole quartz crystals - each of their six faces casting bright reflections in the light.
Upon the finest piece of parchment, curled inside the bottom third of the black sand, is penned this inscription - easily read through the glass:
To the Winners of the Ista Weyr Scavernger Hunt, from the Candidate Class of Interval ?? - ??.??.?? - Nalaieth & Vildaeth.

Bendel laughs quietly, shaking his head as he runs his hand through his hair, "Congrats, ladies." And a quick look is given to the bottles as they're revealed, "Those are nice."

Moyra grins as she listens in, standing behind the bar serving up drinks, and she laughs as she looks between G'tive and Kaylon, "Too right we are the better of the two sexes." She says, crossing her arms in front of her.

Alexiel eyes the bottles with a smile. "Those are rather fetching trophies."

Caitlyn grins at Nolee's rendition of her finding of the 'ring, laughing at the situation of the goldrider's discovery of the thing. A more secretive smile is given to the bottle award, and she gently takes up the glass trophy, and walks it over to Moyra. "I think another gal should have this - especially since *she* was the one who made out time so much fun!" And the smith holds out the bottle to her with a wink.

Kaylon sits down, but not before gesturing to the pitchers of ale. "Drink up! Drink up! I got enough for everyone to have some."

G'tive looks over the pretty bottles and then smirks. "I think they were made counting on the ladies to win."

Kaylon snorts, "Aye, but what can you do? We like them. They put up with us. What's a few pretties if it keeps them happy?"

Caitlyn sniggers at Gus, then making a patently false move, as if to hurl the bottle at him. "Oh *fie* on that!" she belly laughs.

Moyra ohs and smiles as she accepts the bottle from Caitlyn, "Thank you.. I had fun setting this up." She says, and smiles to the leader of the girls team, and asks the party, "Who found the pitcher?"

Nolee swallows some of the icy and fruity beverage with utter delight, then is back to admiring the bottles. "Ohh, peaceful! Those'd be nice even on a hard day of work to remind everyone that the beach isn't too far away." To the ale, Nolee shakes her head, hefting her own juicy concoction. "That's all it takes, too, you know. Pretties, and the occasional compliment."

Alexiel raises her hand at Moyra's question. "I did, ma'am."

Caitlyn instead hands the bottle over to Moyra, her face flushed with pleasure. "I think everyone should get a prize for just *finding* all this stuff!"

Moyra ahs and grins to Kaylon as he makes perfect sense, for once, and nods to Alexiel, "Ah, well then, you need to take that to him and ask him whats special about it."

Alexiel nods as she picks up the pitcher again to examine it. "If you say so, ma'am."

Alexiel eyes the bottle that would be hers and smiles. "If no one minds, I'd like to donate my trophy to the Sandbar. Could put it up somewhere as a reminder to everyone of the fun had."

Kaylon grins at Alexiel's suggestion. "Don't know who you'd have to ask about that. Course the boys might not want a reminder of the butt-whooping they just got." He chuckles.

Caitlyn cackles once again, and points at Kip, the bartender. "I guess he'd be the one to talk to, Alexiel."

Alexiel nods. "True, but it was all in good fun." At Cailyn's suggestion, Alex strides over to the bar to have a chat with Kip.

Nolee has been absorbed by her beverage, the girl thirstier than usual. "Ugh, it must be from all the heat, making me need so much to drink. Or else I'm coming down with a silly cold." She makes a face, then ohhs. "But it's so pretty! Surely it could find a place to go. And remind the boys of the fun we had, more than the game." Then, coyly, she adds, with just enough trace of Nolee's usual lack of awareness that it isn't quite certain if she's truthful or teasing, "Oh, was there a winner? I'd forgotten."

Kaylon's laughter is bright and bold at Nolee's words. "You tell us, Ma'am. You tell us!"

Bendel slips out of his chair, holding up a hand when a glass of wine is offered to him, "No thanks." Is said softly as he sneaks out of the sandbar.

Bendel slips out of his chair, holding up a hand when a glass of wine is offered to him, "No thanks." Is said softly as he sneaks out of the sandbar.

Kaylon mmms and looks about those still remaining. "What I want to know is who found the map. I thought that one was going to be hard to find. Those were some tricky caverns."

"They are! I like how some of them are secret. Though," Nolee muses, grinning back to Kaylon, "they probably aren't anymore!" After a few more sips of drink, she nods, copying the way Caitlyn has settled back in the chair as she puts her feet up on an empty seat nearby. "We did. And, we got so much exercise! I'll sleep well tonight. Feel like a weyrling again, with all that running!"

"I didn't have enough time to get to all the hiding places," Caitlyn mumbles absently, sipping at her drink. "I sort-of got stuck hoping that one of Nala's eggs was near one of the clues...the one with the blue diamond shape on it. Had *me* fooled."

You say "Yeah, I thought it'd be the egg, too. Had us both tricked," grins the goldrider. "Wait, she did all the hiding?" Nolee's brown eyes widen, appreciatively, Moyra's way. "And managed to keep them from the firelizards, too?" A headshake with a smile this time.

Caitlyn simply rolls her eyes and grins at both Moyra and Kaylon. "Poor Nala was in a pique with us skittering around the Hatching Grounds... Nolee had to calm her down. Not that she'd ever allow us to drag an egg back here to prove our worth...." A soft snicker escapes the smith, and she toasts Moyra's guile.

Alexiel shakes her head. "Shards, I had trouble carryng around that swing and wagon wheel. I don't think the firelizards would have been able to move those two items."

Kaylon's chuckle is soomewhat dry. "Well, it wouldnt have been fair to the boys if it /were/ on the Sands, dont you think?" His eyes twinkle, though, that the deception went over so well.

Book and Hider are rather tired after their own efforts to aide the girl's team, though Book does peel back his outer eyelid to huff softly as Caitlyn giggles about Alexiel's firelizard comment.

Nolee laughs, remembering of a sudden the image of Alexiel so burdened, and she hides her mouth behind her hand. "That's true," she agrees, "And having some of the hunters mauled before the hatching even starts, ugh."

Kaylon stretches his long legs out underneath his table. "I think Book and Hider don't like that Alexiel." He grins to the girl. "They're fine blues nad want everyone to know it."

Caitlyn groans softly at the thought of mauling, ducking her head behind her drink for a moment, before grinning again. "Please remind Nala it was an excess of youthful enthusiasm that made us run through her territory, please Nolee?!"

Alexiel settles her gaze on the tiny blues and smiles. "Awww, I didn't mean to insult you beauties. You were very helpful and should be darn proud of yourselves." She turns to look at Kaylon and grins. "They worked very hard to help us find all the items and to report when we'd found an item. They're the most exceptional Scavenger Hunters I've ever seen."

Nolee sobers in demeanor, nodding. "Will do." Rather than dwell on the unpleasant possibilities, she instead hefts her slushy ice glass and toasts the makers of the scavenger hunt, "For making the clutchmom get up off her backside and run all over the place! And for times to treasure and treasures for our time."

Kaylon grins broadly and adds a "Hear! Hear!" even though he's part of the toast. "And to the searchers without which it would ahve just been a bunch of hidden items!"

Caitlyn is grinning madly at Alexiel, though Book and Hider barely cheep to show they've heard and agree - then promptly falling back asleep. "They're both happy to have helped. It was another wonderful game to them, I think." She turns suddenly pensive at Nolee's sober words, but drinks her own worry away with more of her slushy concoction.

Alexiel raises her own mug. "Indeed ma'am. I couldn't have said it better myself."

Nolee dons a broad, unfettered smile Alexiel's way, then polishes off the last of the Weyrling's delight and rises, afterward dusting off the evidence of the stable as she slowly becomes aware of the lingering aura that clings to her after her crawling efforts to find a clue under the beasts. Her nose wrinkles. "Thanks but ugh! I smell horrible! Please excuse me before Gree-r catches me like this. Thanks again, everyone!" Her prize claimed, she makes toward the beach.

Kaylon salutes jauntily, if haphazardly, "Thank-you again, Ma'am. Glad you came and enjoyed."

Caitlyn chuckles at the weyrwoman, waving her off - pleased that she treasures her new trophy. "Hm, I wonder why Nolee pronounces Griere's name with that...well, odd inflection." Again, she's wondering aloud.

Alexiel waves to the rider as she departs, settling into her normal silence.

alexiel, scavenger hunt, caitlyn, maduk, kaylon, g'tive, nolee, moyra, event, bendel

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