Of chores and knee-bruising; in which Nolee visits with Istans in the LC

May 18, 2006 16:55

Bendel, Nolee, Kamia, Noemie, Balinne

Ista Weyr Living Cavern(#1100RJMs$)
The hot midday sun shines into the living cavern here through the bowl entrance, on the northwestern wall. This huge cavern is filled with tables, and an occasional rider here or there for the midday meal. Four large hearths line the northern wall, all actively preparing for the evening meal, leaving the cavern uncomfortably warm. To the west, a large tunnel leads out of the cavern, connecting it with the rest of the lower caverns.
Several huge tapestries, many of them ancient, are hanging on the stone walls. One particularly glorious one looks to be a study on the finger rock. You also see several 'places' to sit.

Your location's current time: 17:41 on day 21, month 9, Turn 57, of the Tenth Pass. It is a autumn afternoon.
A breeze blows through the cavern from the entrance to the bowl.

The midday meal brings riders and residents in droves, and Nolee enters, standing in the doorway to enjoy the breeze. Eventually, the lineup converges, and after some grumbly words reach her ears, Nolee figures out she's the cause, and steps fully into the cavern, wide eyes looking about and scanning the tables for something.

Bendel is currently relaxing at one of the tables, eating what little is left on his plate, which isn't exactly a whole lot. He lifts his head up a little, scanning the area with a bored gaze, "Hmmm..." Perhaps he's looking for something to do.

Eyes casting about the cavern finally seize on the subject of their search, and Nolee heads toward it with a businesslike stride. Midway there, her eyes light on Bendel, and they quickly flick away, at least, until she hits her knee on a chair she passes by. Then a different expression crosses her face, one of mischief, and she stops by the candidate's resting place. "You! What are you doing?"

Bendel winces slightly as his shoulders hunch up as he looks over his shoulder, offering a slight nervous look. "Erm, at the moment? Eating, and then I'm going to clean up the rest of this place." he gives a nodding motion to the surrounding area, "Just taking a quick break, really!"

Rubbing her knee, Nolee's half bent forward, the better to squint at the candidate. "Did you leave that chair out like that? Maybe to prop your feet on? Well, it got me, all right." She puts her hands on her hips, saucily, maybe teasing, but sounding serious. "Breaks? I think there are rest days built into your schedule, aren't there?"

tonight, you think a few day old smashed foot would be ok in the hot water?"
Bendel nods his head slowly, leaning forward to look squarly at the chair in question, "I didn't pull it out, ma'am, I'm not lazy like that." he assures quite quickly, shifting uneasily in his spot. "Yes, ma'am, we have rest days, but I don't really like taking them, they're too boring."

Nolee folds her arms in front of her and taps her foot. "Really? Well. Then someone else must've left it out." Amazed at this turn of events, Nolee turns squarely around and pushes it in. "That's your job, right? To keep it clean in here? Hm, well, see that you do. Okay?" Awfully hesitant for a girl in her place, and it doesn't help that her next action is to scratch her nose.

Kamia scampers out of the tunnel leading towards the infirmary, her skin all flaking and red, still smelling slightly if numb weed, which of course means she atleast doesn't seem to think she hurts. Her first step.. juice.

Balinne yawns, folding a hand over her mouth as she walks from the Lower Caverns. Snap is settled on her shoulder, his blue tail wrapped possessively around her neck. "Meh, don't choke me," she states, pulling at the offending tail. The pair head for food, but stop as Balinne hears Nolee. "What's dirty? Hm? Wasn't me, I assure you.

Bendel sniffs a little as he turns back to his plate, putting his things together and stacking them up neatly. "Well, that's what I'm doing today, cleaning things and washing things, whatever I can get done, I was just sitting down for a moment." he assures the weyrwoman quickly.

Nolee sassily bounces her shoulders side to side, flicking back her hair. She's just about to speak, getting out, "Well, that's good to hear. Wouldn't want any loafers--" when her nostrils are assaulted, and she makes a foul face and whirls toward the entry, disgusted. "Ugh, get that awfulness away from the food, before it spreads to our guests!" As Balinne is speaking, Nolee's gaze settles on her.

Kamia looks abit horrified as Nolee mentions things that smell, looking sheepish. "Sorry.. was just getting some juice, it's very hot.." She shifts nervously, frozen like a dear in the head lights.

Nolee stares at Balinne for a moment, then shrugs, scratching again at her nose to try to rid the scent from the air. "You, it's you? Ugh, how can you stand it? I'd have to carry some kind of lotion to counter that." A kerchief comes from her pocket, slightly sandy though she shakes it out before covering her nose.

Balinne grins towards Kamia. Her own nostrils seem to not notice the smell. "Don't listen to her. Maybe she's never been burnt raw by the sun." She finds a spot at the table, and settles herself and Snap down, looking tired. "I never thought delivering letters could be so tiring! Then again, there are an -awful- lot of stairs around here."

Bendel sniffs at the air when Kamia comes in, tilting his head to the side, "Have you been out in the sun a lot?" Ben questions curiously, arching a brow a little. "I'm not sure I like the smell myself, it's really strong." He moves his shirt over his nose. There's a quiet sigh as he resolves himself to moving again, bringing his plates to the kitchen before coming out once more.

Kamia looks at Nolee, still abit wide eyed. "It's just numbweed, I don't tend to notice it anymore, except when I have to brew it, then it's realy strong" Her nose wrinkles abit at the thought.

Nolee is more friendly to Balinne now that she's realized the other isn't the cause of the stench, and when she speaks it is nasal due to the kerchief covering her nose. "I don't get sunburned, usually. Her, though--if that's as much numbweed as she needs for a sunburn, she should wear a shawl or something." Turning about to head again for the object of her initial search when she came in, she hits her knee again on the same chair. "Ouch," she murmurs, quietly.

Kamia looks flustered "I'll never build up a tan if I adviod the sun completely... sides, it's to hot to not go swiming around her..." She is sweating just abit as she speaks and uses it as an excuse for some juice.

Balinne grins reassuringly at Kamia. "You'll develop a tan plenty fast, just make sure nothing's sleeping on your belly when you do, or you'll end up with a mark like mine!" She pokes at her odd tan-lines. Thanks to Snap, Balinne is sporting a very stylish untanned Firelizard print on her stomach. "And I'm used to the numbweed, too. Best be thankful we're not in a Pass, Nolee, or you'd be smelling it almost daily."

Bendel chuckles quietly as he comes back out, shooting an amused look at the print on Balinne's stomach, "That's certainly interesting, maybe it could be the new tatoo or somesuch." There's a quick shrug of his shoulders as he moves to the chair that Nolee seems to be having trouble in, pushing it in as far as he possibly can.

Kamia smiles gratefully at Balinne, then waves abit at Bendel, grinning abit seeing him. "All you do is work." Her tone with him is teasing.

Noemie comes in from the outside, still smelling faintly of the stables, ironically with the topic of conversation at hand as she enters. She goes first to fill a mug with klah, eager to rest after having spent the day so far mucking out stables. While pouring and taking her first sip she looks up and notices a cluster of familiar faces. Smiling, she walks across the cavern towards them, and takes an empty seat. "Hello," she says happily to them.

Rubbing her knee, this time Nolee squints back at Kamia. "Is it to cover sunburn? I can't tell from over here." The odd-tan-lines note makes her smile, and she nods. "I've seen that before, especially with firelizards." Just as Nolee's recovering from the scent of the numbweed, that stable smell emerges. "Must be the heat, bringing all those--things." Her nose wrinkles, and she lowers the kerchief, still frowning. "Thanks, about the chair," is to Bendel.

Balinne glances over towards Nolee with a slight look of concern, but it's goon quickly. "You can't see her peeling? Look at her shoulders. Bright as a tomato." She shakes her head towards Kamia. "You know, I think Weyrwoman Griere might have some ointment that would help stop sunburns? Or the Healers in the Infirmary. Have a poke around their stores," she says with a wink. "Just don't get caught, or you'll be rolling bandages for a Turn." As Noemie enters, and gets her klah, Balinne seems to decide that's a good idea, and stands. "Anyone want some fruit juice? My mouth's dry."

Bendel peeks over at the others as he attempts to push in the other chairs as well, in case someone should knock into them as well. "It's no problem, ma'am, really." He assures the weyrwoman, offering a small smile to Kamia as he waves. "Hey. Just a suggestiong, when you're outside a lot, wear something with long-sleeves, you won't burn as bad." He nods sagely at this.

Kamia looks at Nolee and nods abit. "Yeah.. it hurts still, though another day or two I should have the beginings of a nice tan, soon as the flaking stops." Balinne gets another grin out of her of course for her comment. "I work in the infirmary sometimes, ya know? I want to be a healer, work with the dragons maybe?" Her voice has turned wistful and happy. "And I always want juice." She wrinkles her nose at Bendell's suggestion. "It's to hot to wear long sleeves Bendell!"

Noemie smiles at Kamia. "Oh, I know your pain! I got the worst sunburns when I first got here. But my skin tans fairly easily and it's sort of gotten stronger against the sun, now, I suppose. And I'm careful to wear clothes to cover myself." She watches Balinne's figure going to get juice. "What, did I scare you away?" she jokes, frevrently hoping that her smell isn't offending-- too much.

Nolee's eyes are still in a squint, though she's far enough from Kamia that she struggles for signs of the obvious sunburn peeling. "Jays, I wasn't being very nice to you, and here you are all helping me out. That's very kind," is to Bendel, then a nod at Balinne's advice, "Gree-r's got some really good stuff, and some of it even helps prevent burning. Or covers some of that, er, smell. Ohh, I'd love some juice."

Balinne returns with juice. She hands Nolee her glass, and takes her seat once more. "Of course not, though while I'm used to numbweed, runner-smell is a different story." She pinches her nose together and pretends to be thoroughly disgusted, but her grin betrays her. Towards Kamia, her eyebrows are raised, and she asks, "Infirmary ah? Miss that place... Oh, you're the one that was poking and prodding at Aansoeth and Noteniath, aren't ya? The one H'rel said was from a mining camp? No -wonder- you burn easily."

Bendel shrugs simply as he turns towards the weyrwoman, offering a slight smile, "no problem ma'am, I'm not lazy, I like to keep busy, even if I'm not supposed to." To Kamia he gives a quick shrug, "It's just a suggestion, wear white if you have to, and light sleeves, but I rather be hot than sore."

Kamia chuckles abit and nods. "That would be me, the red hair, my mum, the freckles and skin, my da. I love getting to look at the dragons. They are so perfect. And less flightly then fire lizards. Though I guess the fire lizards are to small to eat me if I annoy them." She wrinkles her nose at Bendell again and smiles. "You're worse then a father or an older brother."

Noemie grins. "Oh come on, I know that /you've/ had stable duty, too! I rather enjoy it, really, at least being able to spend time with the runners." She offers Kamia a smile, as well. "Fire lizards and dragons are worlds apart, at least to me. The firelizards don't have any of the majesty or magnificense. And the dragons aren't nearly as comical, although that's not to say they don't have wonderful senses of humor."

Nolee leans her hip against the table, taking weight off of her bumped knee while she enjoys the juice. "Thank you," comes quickly, then a soft ohh. "That's right, one of the mining girls. That does explain it." The blonde tilts her head, puzzled, at Bendel, wordlessly, then that nasty face is back. "I have, though I don't have to anymore. At least, not unless Gree-r gets mad." Quieting her chatter, she listens to Noemie, nodding, some of her foul face vanishing.

Balinne wrinkles her nose. "I wouldn't call Snap... comical. Stubborn is what I'd use." Thankfully he's asleep. She sips at her juice, before rolling her eyes towards Noemie. "Stable duty. Yes, I've had it, but I don't share your.. passion for it. Talk to Bendel, he seems to be a fan of runners," she motions towards the other candidate. Peering towards Kamia again, the redheaded candidate gives her a thorough lookin' over. "What's your bloodline again? All miners?" The goldrider is given an eyebrow lift, and a bit of a grin, but no comment.

Bendel pauses a moment as runners and him are mentioned in the same sentance, cocking his attention towards Balinne, "Stable duty is one of the few things that I don't mind, I rather enjoy it." He smiles faintly, "I don't like firelizards myself, they're rather annoying if you ask me. They ask for too much and give little back. I'm fine by myself." To Kamia he frowns, "I'm just offering advice."

Kamia shakes her head abit at Balinne, and rasberries Bendell. "Worry wort. Nah, my mum, she's from Ista Hold. That's why I'm here now." She chuckles at that. "Something about I needed to know more then how to sing the songs the miners use when they think I'm not listening."

Kamia shakes her head abit at Balinne, and rasberries Bendell. "Worry wort. Nah, my mum, she's from Ista Hold. That's why I'm here now." She chuckles at that. "Something about I needed to know more then how to sing the songs the miners use when they think I'm not listening."

Noemie grins at Kamia. "Well, if you really do know some, you'll have to teach me sometime!" Suddenly catching a wiff of herself, she grimaces. "My-- you should have all sent me to the bathing pools right away when I came in. I should really bathe. I'm sure I'll see you all later!" With that, she gets up rather abruptly and takes her leave, an odd puckered look still on her face.

Nolee recalls of a sudden her purpose in entering the cavern, and after some hasty swallows of the juice, she makes her way around any other chair-obstacles and reaches her abandoned knitting, needles, yarn and all. "Knew I'd left it in here," she murmurs, then takes the long way around by the hearths, braving the heat rather than trailing directly after Noemie and that lingering runner smell. "Afternoon," is called cheerily as she departs, juice cup still in hand. "Don't work too hard!"

Kamia giggles faintly. "My mum would kill me if I taught those.. and Bendell doesn't know the meaning of not working to hard, he's addicted to work."

Balinne grins and downs the last of her juice as well, though not as hastily as Nolee. "Songs eh? She does know that Ista has a harbor, and is frequented by sailors hm? You'll no doubt learn some colorful songs from them as well." Her eyes dance, and she sets the glass down with a thunk. She lifts her hand to wave a farewell towards Noemie. To Kamia, she inclines her head in agreement. "He does seem to work a bit too much," and her laughing eyes turn on Bendel. "But that's not a bad thing."

Bendel wrinkles his nose up at Kamia and Balinne, "I do not obsess about work, there's just not anything better to do with my time, that's all." Ben says simply as he starts gathering up plates again. He rolls his eyes as he shifts them in his arms.

(scene continues, but Nolee departs)

balinne, kamia, nolee, noemie, bendel

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