In which the volunteers aid and the eggs arrive, part 2

Apr 30, 2006 16:35

Clutching log continued from previous entry; picked up here midway through. :)

Once the volunteers' work is completed, Minmar shoos them back toward the galleries so that the queen's work can continue. Nalaieth's tail curls protectively around the mound, keeping the egg safe until all the mysterious figures with the buckets have retreated from the sands.

Waterlit Romance Egg
This shell is riddled with striations, bands of colorless pale interrupted by lines of gray, brown, green and yellow that stretch from base to crown, thick and thin as a crowded wood. While the lower half of the egg seems to be a mirror of the upper portion, it is in no way identical - liquid ripples mar the dark lower line, and between gleams the glossy reflected light of sky. It is a wood in water, dark trees that rise directly from the glassy surface of a still cove. On that surface, where strong line and blurred reflection meet, a blossoming of pale forms drifts peacefully. Yet they are not flowers - they are an ethereal flock of serene, white waterfowl.

In the galleries, "Well, if it were to please Aerianth I could try it again. It's been turns," V'lano muses conversationally, some of his mind on the topic he's discussing with Griere though his eyes watch intently the goings-on with the water below on the sands. "She's only clutched - six, seven, I think - so far. What with Nalaieth's bu... " That might have been an unflattering word; the weyrleader pauses a moment to choose another. "...physique, I have no idea how many she might have ready to come. They seem to have doused down a pretty good amount of sand, though." His gaze is focused on the queen below, one eye narrowing in suspicion. "I think she's just had another," he notes. "She's playing keep-away with it."

In the galleries, As bid, Ishalla gets back towards the galleries, leaning against them. She doesn't see any need to scramble back inside, not if she's going to end up called right back to wet down the sands; though she does dump out the rest of her water as she goes. But she'll stay well back.

In the galleries, As bid, Ishalla gets back towards the galleries, leaning against them. She doesn't see any need to scramble back inside, not if she's going to end up called right back to wet down the sands; though she does dump out the rest of her water as she goes. But she'll stay well back.

In the galleries, Jazra skirts around the edge of the grounds to stay far away from the eggs and takes the seat she'd been sitting in before. "I hope she noticed that I was polite." She mutters and straightens her quiver so that once more its leaning against her leg. "I don't want a queen to think I was rude." She comments as she checks to make sure her bow is still there.

In the galleries, Suraiya wipes the sweat off her face that was generated by the steam. After she had poured the water and finally moved back, carefully avoiding the freshly clutched eggs, she leaves her bucket and scampers back to the galleries with a hop to her step. She giggles as she takes her seat again. "That was different, an' definitely a lot more fun than sittin' 'round and betting on how many eggs a queen will lay."

In the galleries, Cynara moves to sit back down, still looking a little unhappy about something. Retrieving her hide, she marks down those eggs that have arrived while everyone was distracted, leaning back on the bench a little.

In the galleries, Sarisia finally finishes pouring out the water from her bucket. Giving a satisfied look at the wet sand below her. "Well, that should help some." Glancing back at the queen she smirks. "Least make it slightly more comfortable for those two." Leaving the bucket with Minmar she makes her way back to her seat, retaking it and grabbing up the bandana again to wipe her nose.

In the galleries, "That wasn't much work," Caitlyn murmurs to herself as she catches Minmar's signal to retreat, nodding affably at him. She strides cautiously off the Sands, and deposits her bucket back where she found it - then moving to retake her seat in the gallery. Looking politely at Jazra, the smith then peers out to watch the gold fussing over her latest egg, absently swiping the back of her hand over an oily, sweaty brow. "That one egg is really pretty..." Who knows which one Cait means.

In the galleries, Rilayen is swift to get back to the galleries once he's poured all his water, eyes on the gold all the time. Climbing the stairs again, he finds himself in the row above Jazra, having climbed too far. Some of his other friends are there, though, and he's able to lean forward to say to Jazra, voice at a more reasonable level, "I reckon she's too busy with her eggs. There's another one!" He points. "Wish she didn't hide them so fast." The sire gets a look as well.

While Minmar wipes droplets of a nervous sweat from his forehead, a sparse line of caverns workers return to pile and remove the buckets, and to check on the water in the stands. A few stay to direct the thirsty and dust-coated to the hospitality tables, featuring light scarves, kerchiefs, and shielded cups of rapidly warming water.

In the galleries, Griere sits back in her seat a bit, satisfied with V'lano's account of the sands, considering his height gives him a better view and all. "You can place a few marks if you want. Just don't..." But she smiles, knowing that her cautions are unnecessary. "Don't go gambling everything away. Perhaps... perhaps I'll make a bet of my own this time. It could be... fun." It's almost as if that last word seems a touch strange to her. "Anyway it's hard to tell how many eggs there are, even on... lighter queens. Considering that they're built to carry thirty eggs, a dozen or makes things a little less obvious, I think."

Nolee anxiously wrings her hands, wipes the dampness on her pants, then starts the cycle over again, trying things from singing softly to cooing at Nalaieth to keep her distracted until all those pesky people have moved away. It seems to work, as the clutchmother is merely agitated now, rather than flat out roaring. Nolee waves appreciatively toward the stands, mouthing "Thank you!"

In the galleries, "I'd wager - if there was ever a chance I could make good on it - that Nalaieth could carry forty." V'lano shakes his head, and restrains further remark upon the young queen's build, though the smirkiness in his eyes suggests he's had ample opportunity to think of more to say. "This is a rough time to have a first clutch," he adds, "anyway. It's admirable that she hasn't eaten anyone alive." And he wipes a few more grains of sand from eyes and mouth.

The water helps to dampen the surface of the dry sands, and the curtains of dust gusting through the cavern ease off, leaving moments of breathable air behind. No sooner have the volunteers exited the sands than Nalaieth settles a few steps from the last egg, pushing a pile of sand just so--and then her efforts hasten, a quiver rippling across her belly that results in two eggs coming in quick succession. The last of the extra lumps in her generous flanks released, Nalaieth's success draws an immediately attentive, albeit brief, reaction of pride and appreciation from Vildaeth.

Sad Sparkle Egg
There's red here, glorious and vain and brilliant, celebratory in its bloody brilliance. From a few angles the blending, blurring shades of carmine and scarlet are all there is to see, but from one telling angle it's clear that all those hues of rouge are there only to do one thing: frame the pale, sparkling diamond that crests the shell's east-facing curves. At no point do its colors truly approach white - this seeming jewel is cast in pale and shadowy, sorrowful blues. It shines despite itself, its glittering beauty unsuppressed by even such gloomy depression.

Watery Tart Egg
Most of this egg is a study in blues, starting with a large band across its middle in a dark shade that's the color of fresh berries in fall. The hues blend and flow across the spectrum, from medium azure to a splash of pale like Ruatha's Ice Lake. The blues are bound on each end by a soft golden beige that corrals them into place. Contoured lines of burnt sienna weave over and through the boundary so that it looks crimped, as if shaped just so by a caring baker.

In the galleries, Caitlyn smiles at Nolee's 'Thank You,' nodding at the goldrider and the now not-quite-as-irked queen. Another murmur to herself, "I wouldn't want to have to deal with *that*," and Cait chuckles, fishing the chain back out of her pouch, and returning to adding links - and egg-watching. Good thing that she's almost oblivious to the potential danger she was in when Nalaieth was *really* cheesed off.

In the galleries, Sarisia watches as a string of eggs plop onto the sand. "Well, seems she's gettin' down to busy now." With a chuckle she leans back, dropping the bandad on the ground where her jacket rests. "I've lost count now, think we're up to nine though." She mentions to her sister.

In the galleries, Suraiya beams back at Nolee, waving at her though she most likely won't catch it. "No problem," she says back softly, most likely unheard. She turns to her sister, nodding. "Yup. I'm glad to have helped her then." She points down to the red one that was recently laid. "That one was really nice an'..." She moves her head around, trying to count eggs. "Nine? I lost count too, but nine sounds good."

In the galleries, Jazra nods. "I totally lost count." She agrees. "I'll count them all later once she's finished." She says with another one of her shrugs. Her eyes continue to follow the queen and her eggs. Watching the eggs coming one after another she sighs. "Yup, definately lost count." She says to nobody and points at each in turn with her fingers as she tries to count them.

In the galleries, Cynara hrms. "There's ten of them, Jazra." A slight pause. "Would you mind helping me with something...once we're sure she's done, of course." The pregnant bluerider glances at her hide again, then tucks it into her belt pouch...she's had to let the belt out a few holes at this point.

In the galleries, "If that it?" Griere wonders, finally getting to her feet in a real effort to see what's going on down on the sands. She purses her lips thoughtfully, but the only clue of her final thought is a sigh. "Well, I should go make sure the bakers have the feast all ready. Do you want to come see if we can't eat before the crowds get there?" She adjusts her scarf around her face again and tips her head towards the exit to lure V'lano along.

The stirring winds have slowed some, though the moistureless heat still lingers. Nalaieth's eggs have all been clutched as the sun begins to sink below the horizon, but the temperature difference between evening and afternoon is almost unnoticeable. Rain and moisture will hopefully be had in the days to come, the only avenue to relief from the current stretch of relentless warmth. Exhaused from the dual ordeal of eggs and dust, Nalaieth settles down on her haunches to 'guard' the eggs, and shortly, has fallen into a deep slumber. Vildaeth hovers nearby, worn down some by the heat but not nearly so tired as the tawny queen.

In the galleries, Caitlyn has caught sight of the newest egg - scarlet and sombre carmine - with that one gleam of diamond on its surface. Her eyes are riveted onto it, caught between repulsion and fascination - not counting numbers, but recognizing patterns. "Oh jayyys...that's...Wow," she murmurs breathily - even her weaving fingertips halted for a few moments. The intake of breath causes her to cough on a few particles of sand that have made it past her scarf.

Nalaieth> I bespoke Vildaeth with << I did not like them all coming out here. >> Distaste, disgust, though a tinge of amber-honeyed relief mingles with the calming dust, and some definate pleasure that those people jumped to attend to -her- needs. << You shall have to keep them away. Also. >> Darkness takes over her words, the haze of slumber. << I am finished n--. >>

In the galleries, V'lano is lured easily enough. "We could probably at least sneak some food out before the crowd gets there. But somehow I expect there'll be something to delay us." Smirking, the weyrleader goes along, off through the seats to the aisle and off down the stairs.

In the galleries, Jazra stands and stretches. "Sure Cynara. Where too?" She asks as she straightens out and turns to Cynara. "What sort of favor? Anything I can do to help?" She asks as she waves to Rilayen. "Meet you later Ril, Cait!" She calls to her friends as she prepares to head out with Cynara.

Dragon> Nalaieth senses that Vildaeth's response is light and soothing, hovering over with care so as not to disturb your sleeping. He will guard them.

In the galleries, Cynara smiles. "Don't worry. I promise, I won't keep you too long...the food *won't* be cold, I promise." She starts to move towards the stairs, glancing back to see if the hunter's following.

In the galleries, Rilayen blinks once; twice. "Guess that's it. Ten eggs though - isn't too bad." He watches a few seconds longer before turning his head at Jazra's parting gesture. "See ya, Jazra." He's off himself, anyway, making his way along the row and out of the galleries.

In the galleries, Sarisia nods in agreement. "So far that red one is my favorite." Sitting back up she cracks her back, missing the correction of her egg count by the blue rider. "Almost to tweleve." She says with a smug look, pointing to the queen. "I think she's still got a few left in there." As soon as she states this though, she realizes that is is in fact over. "Never mind then." She states, getting to her feet. "Guess it's time for me to get on back home, after seein' ma though."

In the galleries, Caitlyn is too taken up in her fascination with that last egg, and her chain weaving to really take in Jazra's parting words - nodding and mumbling something unintelligable to the departing woman. For a few long moments, she simply works and stares - watching both dragons, and those eggs.

Nolee just stares, dumbfounded, at the eggs, until she realizes the sands are hot. Gesturing to C'len to come near, she then waves to those in the stands. "They did it! With help, granted, but still. Oooh, and now, we can eat." C'len appreciates the remark, briefly patting his hand on his stomach as he moves to stand near Nolee. The bronzerider's always ready to eat. "Good job," he calls over to Nalaieth, a wide grin splitting his face.

In the galleries, Suraiya gets up and dusts herself off, though it's only going to get worse with time. "She's finished, right?" She heads closer towards the sands, glancing towards the eggs to see if she could count them. "Nine, ten, eleven eggs? I guessed ten.." She chews on her bottom lip before turning back towards Sari. "Well, that's that. Not gonna eat some here?"

In the galleries, From his perch near the edge of the stands, Minmar calls invitingly to those stll in the galleries. "Feast's on in the caverns! Go enjoy some good food and drink to celebrate Nalaieth's clutch of ten!"

In the galleries, Sarisia shakes her head as she grabs up her jacket. "I shouldn't, Tiqueth has been whining since I got here that he needs a good oiling. I'll catch ya later in 'Reaches." With a quick wave she runs off to her annoyed brown.

Vildaeth flares his wings momentarily, an attempt at ridding them of some of the sand that settled on them over the course of the clutching. And then he settles down, eyes focused on the main entrance of the hatching caverns, to guard, as Nala rests. It may be that his chest is puffed a bit larger, his croon a tad smug at the day's results.

caitlyn, first clutch, maduk, griere, c'len, water buckets, nolee, moyra, sarisia, jazra, event, spectator participation, rilayen, vildaeth, o'lin, airalyn, ishalla, v'lano, dust, nalaieth, lirit, suraiya, npc minmar, clutching

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