In which Nalaieth flies! For a very short distance.

Oct 26, 2005 15:14

Nolee, K'tdan

Makeup unmanned flight class, 10-26-05

Intense grey eyes are settled on this face amidst a sea of bronze; brushed ever-so-delicately with a green resembling the shade of a mint leaf, these orbs might give the impression that they've the power to look right through someone and see into their heart and mind - eyes that rarely speak the truth, instead portraying whatever their owner deems wise at the time. The bronze hue of his face doubtlessly hints this hue continues along every inch of his well-defined form, thanks to the daily sun showers at Ista. His form might come off as a bit stocky, though the truth of the matter is that his muscles are chiseled into his body from his hard turns of riding. High cheekbones dotted with freckles press into the bronze and are softened by a slightly pinker hue. These tan dots crawl across the man's nose, giving his face a youthful look for his twenty or so turns. His lips are a bit thin, though not ill formed, resting a bit above his pleasantly angular chin. He stands about 5'10" at his full height, head crowned with a puff of wind-tossed deep brown hair. Shades edging on obsidian gives his shoulder length long hair, parted naturally (but neatly) down the middle a darker look when the light touches them. Though hard to place his age, one might guess he's in his mid-twenties.
Kat favors light blue clothing, with his shirt being a shade lighter than his trousers. His boots are black by necessity
Kat has a knot which shows him to be the Timor wingrider, with a bronze thread running through for his lifemate Faorath.

K'tdan emerges from the weyrling barracks with several coils of rope hooked over his arm. "Okay, Nolee, first things first. I want you to demonstrate a visual inspection of Nalaieth for the rest of the weyrlings." Sounds easy enough, right? He hands off the ropes to a helpful unnamed assistant who carries them about halfway across the bowl.

Nolee, carrying a knapsack and with a set of straps dangling in her hands, actually runs along after a damp but drying Nalaieth on their return voyage from the pool. "Wait up," the girl calls, panting. "We're not late. Yet. I think." As K'tdan is spotted and more of the weyrlings have gathered, she quickly tries to do as she's told, pausing to breathe--and to salute--first. "Yessir!" she calls, swallowing ner nervousness. "First the paw pads, up." The gold offers them one at a time for view, "Then the touchy parts," her hands explore shoulders, wingbases, and on around the dragonet.

K'tdan watches the weyrling closely. "Very good. How does Nalaieth feel today? Up for a little flying?" he asks.

Nolee nods her head, coming around the dragon's backside to run her hands over the wing joints. Nalaieth helpfully extends her drapey wings for viewing, giving them a rustle to show the bronzerider that she is certainly ready. "She is, all ready." Nala gives a little shivery shake, loosening droplets of pond water, and shows off her muscled haunches.

K'tdan gives a nod of acknowledgement. "Okay, I want you to have her do what 'Rath demonstrates. But only to her ability. And I want you to make sure you pay attention to any indication of pain or distress." He smiles. "Don't be worried if she's not perfect the first time. Few ever are." He takes a few steps away. "'Rath." The bronze flicks out his wings and uses his legs to push up into the air, wings flapping once to hold him suspended about K'tdan's height. He lands with the grace of a feline. "She doesn't need to go that high," he tells Nolee.

Nolee nods, her brown eyes wide with excitement and a trace of worry, and the weyrling pair watch Faorath's actions closely. "Think you can do that?" The gold rumbles a low, sultry alto agreement, and wriggles her hindquarters in eagerness. "Pay attention for hurting," she reminds the dragonet as she leans back onto her rear legs, then raises her height and flaps her wings once, her head raised high and enjoying the sensation before she flops forward again, outstretched wings softening her landing though it's nowhere near as graceful as the bronze's.

K'tdan looks pleased. "Very good," he tells the weyrling pair. Even Faorath warbles encouragingly, rare for the taciturn bronze. "Of course, just going up and down is exciting for just so long," K'tdan adds with a wry smile. "Now, I want you to watch 'Rath fly to that pile of ropes." Faorath lazily leaps into the air, one beat of his wings giving him elevation and a second giving him forward momentum. He glides to where the ropes were placed and lands gracefully yet again. K'tdan rolls his eyes. "Show off," he says before turning back to Nolee. "It is okay if she needs to use her wings more to adjust. With practice she'll be able to glide and use the plentiful thermals to keep aloft."

Nolee dons a surprised expression, for now they're again watching the bronze raptly as he maneuvers toward the ropes. "He's very smooth in the air," she observes, eyes wide and her expression doubtful. Nalaieth takes K'tdan's word and she leaps upward, her mass taking awkwardly to the air, an extra set or two of downbeats needed to steady herself once she's aloft. Movement forward takes concentration, the wings rustling about and the gold losing altitude and touching off again using her rear legs, then she's headed toward the ropes. Being so near the ground, landing is more smooth.

K'tdan takes a couple steps closer to Nolee. "Obviously, someone has been paying attention to I'sai's lectures on flying," he observes. "How is she feeling?" he asks, using the separation as a test.

Nolee stands up a little straighter, not used to the praise, and as such, a little doubtful that it's directed toward her. Her eyes are open wide, and a little smile touches the corners of her mouth. "Thank you, sir, really, very much." She squints then, toward Nalaieth, then laughs. "She's feeling like she could jump over the spindles. Or at least carry the ropes up to them. But," she schools her expression, sombering, "No hurts or pulls. She's been exercising heaps."

K'tdan makes a few mental notes as the weyrling speaks. "Good. However, I think that is enough for now. Don't want to push it her first time, right?" he asks rhetorically. "You are now allowed to go down to the beach or anywhere you can easily walk to. The more she flies the more she'll improve. Any questions?"

Rocorth emerges through the cavernous opening of the Weyrling Barracks.
Eslyn walks out of the Weyrling Barracks to the north.

The blonde girl studies her lifemate, who is preening down at the far end of the ropes. Nolee's shoulders slump slightly, but she's too elated to disagree despite the dragonet's eagerness. "Enough for now, right. Wow, we can go to the beach?" An expression of wistful delight and adoration for the bronzerider forms, then she's squinting, thoughtful. "Can we fly there? Or can she fly, and me walk? And can she fly little hops, like this, say, back to where we are, too?"

K'tdan shakes his head. "No manned flight yet. Short hops are best as she strengthens her wings."

Nolee nods, her straps-in-progress still looped about her arm. "No manned flights yet. I'm still trying to get these good enough. But we're close!" Satisfied, she and Nalaieth wander off to work on their newly approved skills.

weyrling, class, nolee, makeup, k'tdan, faorath, nalaieth

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