In which Nolee complains about her new babysitter

Sep 20, 2005 23:22

Nolee Lirit Gerand Iaril some Cynara

Ista LC> "I'll be betting on all of those Eleketh Searched" Lirit says with a shrug. "Which means I'll have many a wager going th'day the eggs crack."

Ista LC> Gerand grins to Lirit, "Double that bet, dear. And I'll have a few others to add to the list as well." he glances over at Cynara and flashes the candidate a teasing wink before remarking, "Blue."

Ista LC> Iaril halfgrins, "Spread it around. Y'have to come out ahead that way, right? Or at least even." He shrugs. "Good thing I have no Marks. Nothing to lose that way.

Ista LC> Cynara stretches a little bit. "Blue? I guess I wouldn't complain about blue." And then she stands and makes her way out of the cavern, with, in explanation, "Early chores tomorrow."

Gerand waves a hand over as Cynara moves to depart, "Take care, Cynara."

Lirit sighs, rising. "Speaking of early mornings" she murmurs with a tired frown.

Gerand nods over to Lirit with a little smile, "I'll be up in a little while, love. Still a few things to do tonight."

Lirit leans over and kisses Gerand on the cheek. "Eleketh'll see you to th'ledge when you're ready t'come up, love" she says before turning to head for the bowl.

Iaril grins. "See? I'm good for soemthing - everyone ets sleepy around me."

A freckled face with large brown eyes peeks out from the kitchen, eyes flicking to each side, wary. Deciding to brave it, Nolee steps clear of the door, still suspiciously looking, smiles for familiar faces.

Gerand smirks a little over at Iaril before waving a hand to Nolee, "Hello there, Nolee." the Harper says tiredly.

Iaril hms? and looks where Gerand is waving, "Oh. 'lo 'S," he says. "Come on over - 'specially if ya got any bubblies."

Nolee raises her hand, fingers wrinkled from immersion in water, and ventures forward toward Gerand and Iaril. "You sound sleepy," she observes. "I don't know that I've ever been so tired either. 'S? Eslyn's somebody else. I'm Nolee!"

Gerand looks a bit confused by Iaril's nickname for the decidedly non-'S Nolee, before he grins, "I have to admit, Iaril, I have to worry for your eyes..?"

Iaril rolls his eyes, "Yes, yes. I know the difference. There's you. And then there's 'I can do anything for anyone anytime' Eslyn.

Iaril smirks at Gerand, "And /she/" pointng at Nolee, "Is definately, 'S'."

Nolee squints at Iaril, peering closely at him. "So you do know the difference!" Looking worried, she lowers her voice, shrinking into her shoulders. "How come I'm 'S? And has she done stuff for you? I can't ever pay her prices."

"I'd like to know that too." the Harper adds, listening for Iaril's explanation.

Iaril shakes his head, "She, Eslyn, that is, doesn't do stuff for anyone far's I can tell. S'why she wants such high prices: so no one ever finds out that she's full of wherry breath!" He grins. "Well, you know what I /used/t o call you. But someone else decided she liked 'Scrambles' better. So I guess 'S' is better, 'till ya sort it out."

Iaril look over at the Harper and considers...

Nolee takes a few hesitant paces closer, casting about like a frightened deer, starting at the slightest noise. "That must be the case! I haven't heard of anyone she's come through for. Not like Aiemera." Folding her arms, frowns at the texture of her pruney fingers. "Till I sort it out? What sorting is there?" She gives Gerand a look of appeal. "Scarfist's way better than Scrambles, isn't it?"

Iaril smiles, "Jes' tryin' t'think of what I'd call you. Course... " He shrugs, still smiling, "Bluehide." He looks at Nolee, "Wouldn't you say?"

"My given name's Noleenya," and the girl adds a rote and clumsy curtsy, managing not to trip over her own feet. "And I have scars, lines on my hands, from all the broken glass." She echoes the look Gerand's way. "Maybe he's thinking of a nickname--" but he's already there. "Bluehide?"

Iaril nods. "Yeah. Or -hides." He grins widely, "The hides, well, that's what he spends most of his time around and, well, you know -- He has a particular preference for, well, Blue. Don't ya, Harpersir?"

Gerand blinks a little bit, before he laughs at the two candidates, giving a small nod as he looks over toward Iaril, one hand moving to gesture in his direction, "I think you may be onto something there... If I ever needed a nickname, I think I've probably got one now, don't I?" he admits, before looking to Nolee, "Scrambles, though?" he pauses for a moment as he says it while actually looking the girl over and thinking, "It fits." he finds himself surprised to admit.

Nolee nods enthusiastically, "And that's their color, the blue? It's on all their hides, their clothes, their insignias." Gerand is next given a dismayed expression, almost one of betrayal. "Then I sound like mixed-up eggs. And that makes me think of dirty dishes. And," a wrinkley hand is held up, "I can't bear to think of dirty dishes any more today."

Iaril chuckles, then looks to Gerand, "See what I mean, Bluehide? Can't quite sort it out. And that's why it's been 'S'." He glances toward Nolee, "Dishes aren't fun, that's fer sure!"

Gerand laughs at Iaril, before he waves a hand toward Nolee, "I think he's got us, Nolee. I think he does." he flashes her a wink before he starts to stand, "I think I need to call it an evening, everyone. See you tomorrow." he grins.

Nolee blinks almost sadly, scratching her head, then frowning at the sensation against drying hands. "I can sort it out! I'm Nolee!" Dismayed, she flumps down into a seat, waving distractedly to Gerand. "Sleep peacefully, Bluehide."

Iaril looks over at Nolee once Gerand leaves, "Scarfit, Scrambles, S. Any seem good t'me. Nolee's yout real name, but..." He grins. "Look, I gotta be Fingers. You've much betert choices!"

Nolee is reminded of her own fingers, and she frowns distastefully at them. "That's true. My fingers ache so much, that I wouldn't want to be called that to remind me of them. Hey, you lifted anything lately?"

Iaril shrugs, "Nothin' worth talkin' about. With all the Candidates running around like grubs, s'hard y'know? Few glows, some food. Not much else."

Nolee rests her elbow on the table, and her chin against her hand until she realizes that she's doing it, then lifts her head. "We are like grubs! We walk around and eat things, and help out to earn our keep." A glum sound, "Even I have to help out. Have this silly kitchen worker assigned to teach me how to do chores right." As if she might be summoned, Nolee ducks her head again. "I got some blankets, a sevenday or so ago, but nobody's touched 'em."

Iaril nods. "Blankets're good, yeah. Get's cold enough at night." He sits back in his seat. "WTHey kept ya real busy inna kitchn, huh? All day?"

"Sure did." Nolee indulges a mope, sighing deeply. "Thought I'd never get any peace, but I think my tender went off to the bathing cavern after the mess we made today."

Iaril nods. slowly, "Uh.. what mess? Or don't I wanna know? I been, well, busy staying out of sight! " He grins. Much easier that way."

Nolee gives Iaril a wistful look. "How do you manage that? I tried to hide, but Ellery said there were complaints. What do you do to not get noticed?"

Nolee gives Iaril a wistful look. "How do you manage that? I tried to hide, but Ellery said there were complaints. What do you do to not get noticed?"

Iaril shrugs, but grins, "I dunno. As little as possible?" He holds the pose for a moment. "Can't be missed much if, well, I'm not worth much, can I?" He looks down at his clothes, "Can you believe none of them've yet told me t'find new clothes? Not that I /want/ any, but, well.." He chuckles, "It's amazing Elekth noticed me, isn't it?"

Nolee rubs her hands on her tan pants, as though that'd help them dry more quickly. "I tried that. I'm not worth much either but--say, I bet that's an advantage I don't have. My parents are both here, and they keep tabs on me." She studies his garments for a moment. "You could almost wear those on the sands, they're ragged enough. If they were white."

Iaril halfgrins, "Almost, I s'pose. Didya look at those robes? You'n I could both fit in the smallest one I found so far!" He nods, "Could be that's part of it. No one here b'sides the usual t'look in on me." He takes a deep breath, then lets it out, slowly, "Still, s'only part of it. I don' think most of them even want me doing chores for 'em."

Nolee self-consciously checks the width of her own hips, looking at Iaril doubtfully. "Both of us? You think they'd allow that? I'd mean less mending and cleaning, which I sure wouldn't mind." Another glance about for her babysitter, "I thought I was keeping out of trouble! I did what they said, just fast so I could go outside. You think it'd be easier if I just didn't show up for 'em at all?"

Iaril frowns, "Hm I don't know. Now'd that knwo you can work - and fast, well, it's harder. Y'have t'start, y'know, doing it wrong. Or slow. Make 'em think they'd rather someone ekse get it done a'ready. That way'd be easier! An' they'll be happy since they think they're so smart, y'know? Everyone wins and you get more time t'play!"

Nolee scratches her head again, puzzled. "I think you just got something around you, Fingers, like an aura or something. Cause I try those tricks and they just get me trouble. You try, and it's like wind on the sea." Standing, she stretches, then yawns, heaving out. "I'm so tired I can't even think of going outside tonight." Brightly, she notes, "See ya, Grubby Fingers. At least I'm clean enough not to need a bath!"

Iaril grins. "Well." he yawns, "Y'know, I should get some sleep myself." He stands, "G'night S. It'll be better'n in the morning. I think."

gerand, nolee, candidate, i'ril, cynara, lirit

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