Jul 04, 2005 23:12
Happy 4th of July everybody! I hope you enjoyed celebrating the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I slept till noon, lazed around the house for the next 3 hours before deciding to clean out our garage in order find room to store all of my junk. I was unsuccessful in doing that b/c I found a large Mommy scorpion hatching her little scorpion eggs under an old bowling ball bag (Yes, my parents own their own bowling balls. Five of them in fact) and decided to call it quits early. I then had to take a shower (b/c after only 1 hour in the sun I was soaked in sweat from head to toe), help make dinner (hamburgers & hot dogs on the grill of course!), and finished off the evening playing cards with my family. Good news: the ladies whipped the men playing Canasta. :-D And that's about all the exciting news on my front. As you can see, summer is passing without much fanfare here.
And still no news on the job front. Although I must admit that I haven't been inspired to do too much searching lately (but I did do some at least!) My brain still thinks that I'm on summer vacation and the real world can just wait until it's over, but I guess that's not really the way it works. I'll blame it on Key West. There's something in the water down here that makes you just not care about anything but the current moment. No wonder why so many people love it here!
Lovin' bein' Lazy,