Dec 01, 2004 21:39
um yeah here comes a telling of the times
saturday/sunday pulled off that combo, went to little cousin's party (most fun ever >.> right), hung out with debbie, ate crap at my house til we could be taken to maurice's, DDR on his new pad, watch (part of) Dodgeball, i got home, stayed up til 3:30 on AIM, few nice convos with people. Or was that friday. Dunno, the three days are blended together in my head.
monday i was in a shitty mood, still am, a little bit. um. Yeah didn't do much, just homework and other caca
tuesday was the IT academy retreat <3, did basically nothing all day but chill in the library and stuff ourselves :D we had to come up with murals for the IT hallway, chris and I had some great ones XD <3, i'll redo/upload them when i have the chance.
got a note from sarah, certainly made things easier for wednesday (today). Me and chrisgot our asses killed in krav, my legs are sore as hell, my right knee's all flimsy, and I swear if I hear someone say Mother Goose i'm gonna go crazy
Today, I'm now officially single again.
pfft right like it'd be that easy. if only. hanyway
stayin' single for quite a while. I've gotta catch up on my schoolwork, so that's one less distraction for me.
Besides that, not much happened today, besides failing greene's exam (along with the rest of the class) cuz he was an ass today.
Uhh. I'll edit later if i left anything out.