Rediscovering fandoms

Apr 04, 2011 08:26

I just re-read Prince of Tennis, and good Lord, it's still as cheesy and incredibly, incredibly addictive- so much so that I had to reach for Shin Prince of Tennis, knowing full well that it will only double in the amount of ridiculous cheesiness. Except together with the cheesiness comes an incredible amount of slashiness (they are all in the same dorm!) that only made my 18 year-old fangirl heart go *SQUEAL* Can I just say, way to go, putting Kuranosuke Shiraishi, Seichii Yukimura and Fuji Syuusuke in the same room (?!), Ootori Choutaro, Shishido Ryou, Oishi Shuichiro AND Eiji Kikamura in another?? There are now so many many pairings I cannot decide what my OTP is! I think I have outgrown Tezuka, and hence the Tezuka/Fuji love is not as strong - though the actual 'break up' departure chapter in Shin is still very high in the 'Awwwww' factor.

This return to fandom is all kinds of awesome, AND highly regressive.

I have forgotten how all encompassing the Japanese fandoms tend to be - I have to rewatch the anime, especially since there are different plot lines.
(LOVE the Tenipuri episodes - watched them yesterday and they make me so HAPPY), I probably will watch the Live action just for the extra cheese and completion, and I have to go hunt down fan fiction. And Doujin.

Oh fandom, how happy you make me.

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prince of tennis

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