May 12, 2010 09:00
Why is it that I only feel the need to update my LJ or write fic when I am bogged down with work? Drowning in work rather. But no matter.
I have just been accepted into a creative writing course run by my alma mater in collaboration with the Virginia G Piper Center for Creative Writing, which means I am headed back to school next week! Or at least every Wed evening and Saturday. In my application essay, I said my sole imperative for signing up for the course was Middle-earth fanfiction, a decision I regretted right after I hit the "Send" button, but what do you know... I can't decide if I will need to cringe through the entire course, because I have never had my work dissected and critiqued in RL before. First assignment:
"Write: Write about the first time words profoundly affected you. Describe the situation, what led up to it, the moment of the encounter, your reaction, and anything else that was taking place in the same setting but had nothing to do with your experience. If you don’t have an experience like this, that’s okay: make one up."
Dum dee dum...