
Jan 23, 2010 03:03

I just finished a mass trimming of my Facebook life. Of people I know I'll never talk to again. Of people I never want to talk to again. And of people I want to talk to again but shouldn't.

And short of deleting contact info in my phone (which I never do, so I always know if someone I don't want to talk to is calling), I've severed the last bit of contact between me and an ex-bf that I still occasionally would troll for through a mutual friend's picture album and wash myself in self-pity at the sight of him and his dirty old man bf..

An electronic life can get just as cluttered as a real one, and it feels freeing to shake off some of the dust and clean out the useless junk.

Come spring it'll be time to do the same with this messy desk and pack-rat room. A library and a filing system for storing random mementos would help though.

I'm actually looking forward to spring right now. Usually it doesn't hit until after my birthday when we get that one 60 degree day in February, but I think the few 40 degree sunny days I've had between here and Mass. has primed me for the fading of winter.
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