Another, because I'm on a high at the moment.
Making this icon in GIMP:
Again, ought to translate to PS or PSP, and is very image-filled. If you have dial-up, it may take about six to seven minutes to load.
Shows basic use of layer mask, layer modes and blending images. Also uses gradients.
I'm using two bases for this one, both thanks to the wonderful
Create a new image and paste in the first base. Now make a new layer and paste the second base in.
To get rid of the bits I don't need so that only Theoden's face is seen, I'm going to use a layer mask. Create one (Layer>>Mask>>Add Layer Mask), and fill it with white. Then use a fuzzy brush in black to erase around Theoden carefully. This is what my mask looked like:
After doing this, my icon looked like this:
Flatten the image. Now go into Layer>>Colors>>Hue-Saturation and reduce the saturation until it looks almost black-and-white. Once you've done that, go to Filters>>Enhance>>Sharpen and sharpen the image.
Duplicate the layer (Layer>>Duplicate Layer), and set it to screen aat 30 % opacity. My icon looked like this:
Now, I used this brush that I made myself:
I applied it to the icon in white on a new layer. The icon looks like this now:
Now for text, I wrote 'T H E O D E N' in the font 'Palatino Linotype Bold Italic' at 14 px. Once I did that, I had this:
It's a pretty nice little icon by itself, but I thought it needed much more colour. So, I added a new layer and filled it with #c3b9a0. I set the layer to multiply at 100 %:
Then, I added this gradient by
crumblingwalls, setting it to screen at 23.5 percent.
The icon looks like this:
Then, I filled a layer with #033750 and set it to 'Lighten only' at 85 %. This was my icon after that:
Finally, I used this gradient which I made myself (feel free to steal it, but do mention me somewhere in your post):
I set it to 'Soft Light' at 40 %.
And the finished icon: