Oct 17, 2006 19:05
Well.. just recently got back from a week long trip to Disney World with the 'rents and my daughter (son and hubby stayed home since he's so little, the son not the hubby)... It was fun. I kept my skeptical attitude, seeing ways that the big D is trying to skeeve my money etc, for about a day and a half. I was nearly assimilated... (small world ride still freaked me out though). It was fun and didn't cost me too much (YAY birthday presents from parents). My daughter had a great time=)
When I did return home I crashed pretty heavily (you try sleeping in the same bed with a pretty strong 5 yr old that likes to have the bed to herself). The next day I logged on to the net and found that a friend of mine in NY died unexpectedly the day after I left on vacation. Now I hadn't seen him in about 4 yrs and only emailed a few times in that span. It hit me hard though. In thinking back about things, he introduced me to a lot of things like Jack kerouac, William Borroughs, the SCA, The Illuminatus Trilogy etc. I surely would not be the same person today had I not been friends/involved with him. He was older but not to the point where I was expecting news like that. Just died of a brain aneurysm. I love my husband who made me laugh almost immediately by drawing parallels between this situation and Clerks. The worst parts about the situation is that a) i'm 1k miles away b) all the services/ friend get togethers have already happened c) I feel as though I were close with him but as of late, I knew little of his everyday life / family situation. I feel compelled to ask questions of my friends that are in NY still that well, really shouldn't matter. Like, was he buried or cremated. Was he married (he had a serious gf last I knew and I heard he was thinking of asking but not sure if he did)? I don't know. I guess I'm just a nosey gossip at heart.
I just need to do things when I think of them. I was thinking right before I left for Florida that I should email him and I said naw.. if I email him right before I go , he's going to email back while I'm away and what good is that. I always mean to keep in touch with people and never seem to. I've been in this situation before... where it was a friend from HS and I said ehh wait for her to graduate, she's a jr... and probably up to her neck in work. I was starting to talk to her again a bit online but nothing serious. Then she disappeared without a trace... its been oh.. 7 yrs now I believe. When that happened I said I wouldn't do that again... and here I am. I guess it's human nature.
anywhoo.. work sucks... home life isn't too bad. I miss derby somewhat (not the hard and fast commitment though... who would have thunk I was afraid of commitment)
Just thought I would vent about all that fun stuff...
talk to you later