Aug 20, 2010 12:10
I came to the realization of a fairly common thread in a lot of things that I like. I hate to think that knowledge will ever be completely forgotten, whether it is how to do some mundane task or knowledge of someone's existence or their experiences in life. This can be followed from my fiber arts interests (not so much arts but more the utilitarian side), sewing, languages, settings (urban decay, old run down hospitals etc). It bothers me that such things could and will pass through existence and into obscurity only because people can't take a step back and see the immense beauty and value in remembering even the most common lives, jobs and abilities.
I am uncertain what I can do as a result of this sudden insight but I will be thinking of it often.
A huge thank you for the NPR story about the Ellis Island photographer who got to beautifully document parts of the island that are off the prescribed path. Seeing the story helped me to this conclusion.