Oct 16, 2007 19:31
i got into UCI! it's my last resort but basically, on november 14th i bring my transcripts, sign a contract saying i'll finish english 1B and im guaranteed admission. apparently UCSD does the same exact thing except the minimum gpa is a 3.0 which i have now so that's great. my first choices were ucla/ucsb then second was ucsd and third uci. im really hoping ucla notices i've finished all of my pre reqs when they look at my app because most people transfer still needing 3 math classes and a year of chemistry.
on a completely different but equally happy note, lysettes parents think i punched her because she has a huge black eye from falling on the asphalt. i got chewed out by her dad for a half an hour. 6 months of knowing me and he still thinks i would do something like that. it's sad that i feel the need to show documentation that i was at work when this happened. her family is so fucked up. i think i wrote about my vacation with her from earlier. they're the type of people where when something goes wrong, they will die trying to find someone other than themselves to blame it on. i ended up yelling at her dad and telling him not to talk to me the way he was and that i demanded an apology because i got sick of him and his ex-wife calling me a bad influence on her. it felt pretty sweet when he lowered his voice after i said that. anyway, bye!