I am deeply concerned about the safety of thousands of female evacuees needing housing, and the predatory and opportunistic offers being made to them. I posted this on Craigslist. Please forward it to any female you know who will be evacuating:
Women of Katrina,
PLEASE use extreme caution when accepting any offering of lodging from males who will only house a female, especially when they specify young and attractive only. This and every other free housing resource site are being swarmed by opportunistic sexual predators looking to take advantage of a young woman with no means to protect herself. By accepting such offers you are making yourself vulnerable to rape, sexual enslavement, and worse. The sexual slave trade is alive and well in America, and their victims have traditionally come from Eastern Europe and Asia. Now there's a fresh crop of newly impoverished women right here in the Gulf Coast. PLEASE DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!
There are many fine and honest people and families who can host you without fear of sexual predation. Before considering any offer, PLEASE use the following precautions:
* NEVER accept an offer for women-only that specifies appearance, body type, physical attributes, etc. There is ALWAYS sexual intent with these offers.
* Before going anywhere, find and write down the addresses of the local police station in the destination area, and a local women's shelter if there is one. You may need it.
* Accept lodging in pairs if you can. The buddy system can be an added measure of safety. If you have a boyfriend, sibling, or friend, try to find lodging together.
* If an offer seems creepy, consider it dangerous. Trust your instincts.
* Secluded rural areas may be very dangerous because you are far from help should you need it.
* NEVER accept an offer that implies sex/romance unless you are willing to be vicimized in ways you might not suspect!!
My name is Mare, I live in Boston, and I want each and every one of you women to find safe and predator-free housing. I have no space to offer in my tiny apartment, but if you are considering accepting an offer anywhere in New England, I will personally meet with your potential host(s) face-to-face and let you know what I find and if the situation sounds safe. My number is 6~1~7~6~6~6~4~2~4~5, please feel free to call any time day or night. I can also be reached at moonstonewater at yahoo.com.
May every one of you be blessed with a rapid and safe recovery.