An Asylum For Us All, Batman/Joker, NC-17

Jun 20, 2009 15:34

Title: An Asylum For Us All
Author: kowaiyoukai
Rating: NC-17 (NO SEX.)
Pairing: Batman/Joker
Warning(s): Slash, Nolanverse, dreamscape-y meta, disturbing imagery/themes, semi-violent, insanity, religious metaphors, possible triggers
Spoilers: Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Arkham Asylum: A Serious House on Serious Earth
Word Count: 7,388
Challenge: batmanjoker's 2008 Secret Santa Fic Challenge #3. Arkham Asylum, the following quote: "I dreamed that I floated at will in the great ether, and I saw this world floating also not far off, but diminished to the size of an apple. Then an angel took it in his hand and brought it to me and said, 'This thou must eat.' And I ate the world."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Disclaimer: The Dark Knight belongs to Warner Bros. and Christopher Nolan. Batman belongs to Bob Kane. I own nothing of this.
Beta Acknowledgment: siriuslyyellow
Summary: Batman was the only dream Bruce had ever wanted to have.
A/N: I know this is horribly late. There are no good excuses, but the one I've got is that I'm stupid and signed up for challenges during my last semester of grad school. So, my stupidity is my excuse! Two more late challenges coming soon, hopefully. *crosses fingers* This fic is some seriously fucked up, bizarre shit. This story makes me feel wrong and blasphemous. Also, Bible quotes FTW! \o/

An Asylum For Us All

X-posted to batmanjoker, darkknightfic, knivesandlint, and nolanverse.
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