What was that smiling thing you were doing again?

Apr 04, 2005 20:40

I have thought about what makes me happy and why. Here's the list in no particular order.
1. My son
2. a warm day
3. talking with my good friends
4. driving up Dave's road

Now I know there are probably a few more things that make me happy but I cant name them right now. Here is why each of them makes me happy
1. My son, well I think that is obvious, I mean just look at him! I think in some odd way knowing that I have responsibility of this young man makes me happy. Hopefully I can steer him in the right direction and turn him away from anything bad I did.

2. a warm day, I dont know but I have a hard time feeling bad when I am sitting outside relaxing on a warm day. I always like the summertime, so perhaps it reminds me of biking to the pool when I was little or something like that.

3. talking with friends, it is just good to be able to sit with your good friends and talk about anything. I think everyone can agree with me there. It can be anything from talking about girls, to Dvae trying to explain to me about light waves and how they do something or other(sorry dave you lost me there)

4. driving up dave's road. I hadnt been to Dave's in a long time and when I was going up that long road in reminded me of how many times I had been to his house and how it kind of became a way to get away from anything else going on in my life.

So there ya go people, everyone who thinks that I always have "poor me" stories, this one is not that. So there!
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