Hey folks. I have lately been thinking about moving this blog over to a different service, most likely Blogger. I wanted to see if anyone had any comments or suggestions. I know this will mean a few changes. Among other things, those of you who follow me as a friend on livejournal will no longer get my updates.
Blogface.org, which now resolves to this blog would naturally be updated to resolve to my new blog. This could mean a change to those of you who subscribe to my livejournal RSS feed. I have thought about that. In order to future-proof yourself, you could change that subscription to instead point to
feed.blogface.org, which as of today will always point to the current RSS feed.
The main reason I am contemplating a switch is flexibility. Livejournal just isn't that flexible. Its methods for creating blog entries can also be somewhat painful. I can't post cool gadgets like a Last.fm most-recently played songs widget. There are only a limited number of templates. I cannot install Google Analytics. Other things.
So what do you think. Is this a bad idea? Would you be adversely affected?