This past weekend I went camping! Camping is definitely not something I do very often, so it's a big deal when I go. Overall result? Great time. Mild sunburn.
This particular camping trip was to
Assateague Island in Maryland. I still have no idea how the name is pronounced, but the island is off the eastern shore of Maryland and it has amazing beaches. This was a lot different from any camping I've done before. Those trips have always been in the woods, and even when my friends told me about the island I still basically assumed we were going to be in the woods. That's just what "camping" means to me. Camping on the beach is a whole new kind of dirty. Going to the beach? Gets you dirty. Camping? Gets you dirty. Camping on the beach? Super dirty. I had sand in every single crevace. But for the views and swimming it was worth it.
Rants & Raves:
- There was a little rain & gnarly waves courtesy of our friend Hurricane Bill, but we are tough.
- I think I may have figured out the perfect food for camping: Pre-smoked sausages from Hillshire farms. They are way more satisfying than hot dogs but just about as easy to cook. Just wrap them in some foil and throw them in the campfire.
- Peaches are delicious. I got a bunch from the market in Philly where we had spent the previous night.
- Foam camping pads are terrible. They provide absolutely no padding. Get some kind of blow-up pad ASAP. I borrowed this from a friend.
- You will never eat as many granola bars as you bring.
- Maryland really is a beautiful state. I was thouroughly impressed with the scenery as we drove back to Pittsburgh. Also, dig that bay bridge! It's no Causeway, but it's still pretty serious.