Mar 12, 2005 15:57
recap from kegs and eggs
7 am: wakeup
8am: leave for the bar armed with rub my shamrocks for luck t shirt
830-10.. fighting the crowd to get some beer
getting drenched in beer
10:00.. pay an enourmous amount of money for a bucket of beer.. yes i said bucket
10-1030... hide in the corner drinking said bucket not letting anyone share but jess
10 30 -12.. chillin with the boys and the bucket..
..stole ryan's brother hat
.. chugged beer, impressed ryan's friend lou, he wants to marry me
...lou kisses me.. i turn away .. he continues to make out with my cheek and then bites it
...20 min later.. lou is back for more
... get over excited, fall on bar floor, aka swamp chubbies
12.... leave bar.. get lost.. guard ryan while he pisses on himself... somehow get into downtown... get yelled at by RA for using the mens bathroom... and laughing at the boys in the shower
2 pm... somehow make it home after taking the longest bus ride ever.. including a brief stop @ the mall
3 30...longest warmest shower ever trying to get the beer smell out
4 30.. breakfast at denny's.. of to find my car downtown
UA truly does party hardest