Дамбы и насыпи в дельте р. Авачи

Apr 21, 2015 10:49

Версия Добеля о их искусственном происхождении в книге "Travels in Kamtchatka and Siberia; …" vol. 1, 1830:

-- Avatcha river has upwards of one hundred mouths; and these, together with several salt water inlets from the bay, intersect an immense tract of low grounds, which, in former times, have been banked to prevent them from being overflowed.
The dikes and mounds are very numerous, not only here, but also in many other parts of Kamtchatka; a circumstance proving strongly that the country has once been thickly peopled. Some persons endeavoured so persuade me those mounds were natural,* and caused by the river often changing its course; but it is impossible to see them and not feel convinced that they are the work of art, and cost a good deal of labour. Evident marks remain where the earth has been dug out and thrown up ; the holes which were very deep are now ponds, whilst the shallower ones have been filled up with soft mud, and have a thick surface of turf upon them, resembling what is called a shaking bog. There is no doubt of their being the work of man; but when and how it was performed is

*As I afterwards lived five years at Avatcha, the
reader will naturally conclude I had a good opportunity
of examining them, to confirm my opinion.

what I could not discover. The Kamtchatdales themselves could have had no inducement to undertake such a laborious task ; as when they were first known, they had neither horned cattle nor horses. They were probably made after the conquest of that country by the Russians, when domestic animals were introduced; as they are evidently intended to preserve the low lands for hay and pasture. This has been so well accomplished, that the greater part of them areactually in perfect good order. -- (стр. 6-7)

Упоминание в "The Zoology of Captain Beechey's Voyage" 1839, в разделе геологических наблюдений:

-- From this part round the head of the bay to Paratunka the shore is low, and the country plain for a considerable way to the foot of the snowy mountains, which form the interior of Kamschatka, and assuming the form of an amphitheatre, terminate the view.
Several small and shallow creeks are formed in this low ground near the sea, and are remarkable by the raised banks, so similar to an artificial embankment as to have suggested the idea to some of their having been constructed by art. To me these mounds or dykes appeared the produce of the natural operation of the waters which they contain. -- (стр. 168)

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река Авача, dobell, книжное

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