Used and Abused 4/??, AoiUruha NC-17

Mar 26, 2009 17:45

Title: Used and Abused
Author: Nokutetsu
Chapter: 4/??
Band: Gazette
Pairing: AoixUruha
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Humour, Angst, Romance, AU/AR
Warnings: Swearing, sexual sitations
Disclaimer: If I owned The GazettE I'd be rich. RICH I TELL YOU. But I'm poor.....

Summary: Aoi and Reita have an unofficial unsigned contract. If Aoi can sleep with Uruha, the school’s biggest loser, in two months, he get’s Reita’s car. And Aoi really likes Reita’s car.

.::U S E D . A N D . A B U S E D .::. C H A P T E R . 4::.

I should be proud of myself. I did it. For once, I fucking said no.

Then….why does it feel like the wrong decision? Fuck I need some meds….

The clock on the wall is the only sound in the room apart from his breathing, but it does nothing to soothe the brunette. It’s now 2AM, and he hasn’t been able to sleep all night, tossing and turning until he’d given up completely.

“Aoi-…I want-”


And it was sickening. Now the blonde wasn’t here, there was no inoccent eyes to stop his dirty thoughts. All he could see were those smooth thighs, the pouty lips and that designer hairstyle that begged for hands to pull at it.

I should have kissed him. But I can’t.

In his mind, he was glad he didn’t. But his body was only just realising it’s mistake, forcing the brunette to growl and toss once more. It had been plaguing him ever since, but it didn’t make sense. He went through girls and boys like contact lenses, what made Uruha different?

His hand had a mind of it’s own- slipping down his frame until it brushed carelessly against his navel piercing, down down….until it lazily lay across the dip of his lower stomach, playing with skin there momentarily before dipping even lower, to dip into his inner thigh- dangerously close.

He tries- he tries to close his eyes, to pretend anything but Uruha is there with him, that the blonde isn’t good enough for him to be fantasizing about. But the feeling pools in the pit of his stomach, until he can’t help himself and he harshly grips his length in his fist, letting out a low groan as he squeezes himself.

And it’s unforgivable, because he doesn’t feel as if he’s even committed such a sin. Underage sex, drinking, exploring every kind of sexual fetish- but nothing compares to jerking off to Uruha.

Just this once…let me….

The next moan is particularly loud, drawn out when the image of Uruha enters his mind. It’s not deliberate, but the thought of the blonde on his knee’s is just there, sinfully fitting and erotic.

His fist moves faster, his eyes fluttering shut when his finger dips into the slit. He lazily looks down, groaning at the sight of his hand as he pleasures himself. To have Uruha’s pouty lips wrapped around him- his tongue innocently running down the line of his cock- it soon becomes all too much, his orgasm rushing up his spine after pooling in his stomach and making the sweat run down his temple in anticipation.

I…I can’t believe- I’m going to cum this quick…

It was almost embarrassing, but he was far too gone to care anymore. His orgasm was close and he raced for it, muffling his noises behind his free hand as his eyes fluttered shut, eyelashes casting long shadows down his cheeks.

His fist is moving so fast he’s surprised his hand isn’t raw- the pillow pressing into cheek and soothing his fevered body. And it’s seemingly over all too soon- and he pants in the aftermath, a hand sprawled lazily over his sticky stomach.

I’ve just committed a sin. The worst one to date.

On another side of the city, the same feelings cross Uruha’s mind- the feeling that he’s committed a sin, something to be burned for. He’s heard about Shiroyama Yuu- the guy that’ll have anyone, almost anyone.

But Sex is the only thing I’ve heard about him. If…If I don’t….

What if he gets bored of me? I don’t want to be all alone again…

But Aoi had looked so upset when Ruki had beaten him, as if it was his fault. But the blonde didn’t understand- Aoi would never bring harm to him, so why was he acting like it was all his fault? It wasn’t as if he told Ruki to beat him up…

Somewhere, in his mind, he wanted to believe Aoi wanted to be his friend for the sole purpose of being his friend and nothing more. But the blonde didn’t know anything about him- apart from the fact he was an outrageous slut who enjoyed sex and taboo, and that he played guitar. So the only way they had connected was through their music.

It’s then that he remembers something sinful; something he’d promised his mother to never think about again. It’s a dangerous line of thought, one that ebbs away at his mind the second he thinks about it, until he find himself reaching under his bedside table, blindly searching until his hand rests on a small box. His heart beats wildly as his hand closes around the object, even more so when he pulls it out and up onto the bed with him.

I shouldn’t be doing this….I…I have no reason too…..

He knew Ruki would be laughing if he saw him now, mocking him and that thought alone makes the guilty go away, and he growls as he aggressively pulls the box open and snatches it’s contense out- throwing the black container to the floor.

It’s there, so close, only a millimetre away, and he’s well past the point of no return.

No one will find out anyway. She trusts me now.

And in the morning, he’s never felt more disgusted, and when his mother comes to wake him up for school he doesn’t go. No, instead, he feels ashamed when he cleans the wounds that used to bring him so much comfort, ashamed at the thought of Aoi’s even more disgusted face, ashamed he’s back to square one.

Why would Aoi find this desirable?! I’m really…


“He was beautiful, wasn’t he? I didn’t even need to see his face.”

“He was,” Aoi replies softly, mind not entirely there as his thoughts drift back to Uruha in the rosebush, covered in red and white petals, torn by thorns. “People really do suffer for their art..”

“Mmm,” Ruki hums his agreement, resting his hand in his chin. “He’s not here today.”

“Who?” The brunette feigns disinterest, despite his mind screaming the same thing Ruki was.

“Who do you think? The emo fag.” And sure enough, Uruha’s seat is empty at the back of the classroom, his usual dark hoodie gone. And it worries him. He turned him down yesterday, and now he was probably at home wounded both physically and mentally. Because although Aoi hadn’t ‘connected’ with Uruha’s type before, he’s known the blonde long enough to know he has no real interpersonal skills. He doesn’t fancy Aoi -Although, who could blame him. I’m hot shit- he’s just confused about his feelings - having not had any experience of teenage hormones before now.

But obviously the blonde wouldn’t see it that way. Why would he?

“Aoi.” Reita’s voice is it’s usual drawl, lazily and unconcerned. But there’s a look in his eyes, one that Aoi neither understood not liked. “Don’t get attached. Just shag him and that’s it: the deals over.”

“He’s right Aoi.” Kai looks up from his laptop, regarding the elder with a penetrating gaze. His eyes hold a different look to the bassist’s, although not totally unfamiliar.

“Why the fuck is everyone thinking I actually care?” Aoi defends, voice rising slightly. “If I did care, I wouldn’t ask Ruki to kick him in would I? He’s just a pretty face like the rest: only a self harming emo fag that doesn’t know anything about sex anyway. Once he get’s the general idea I’m out of there.”

But Reita doesn’t look convinced. Neither does Kai or Ruki.

They’re wrong. They’re all wrong about me. I don’t care.

“Ah! Hello Yuu-san!”

“Hello Ms. Takashima.” Aoi bows respectfully, putting on his best good-guy grin and wringing his hands behind his back. “Is Uruha Around?”

“Why yes, he hasn’t been feeling well. Those kids from school again…” She looks distraught, and it’s only now Aoi realised how much Uruha resembles his mother, from his blonde hair right down to his shapely legs.

Just as fuckable too.

“Oh, I’m sorry…I just wanted to make sure that he’s okay, you know?”

“I’m so happy Uruha has a friend like you. You’re such a nice boy Yuu. ” Her smile is so genuine, and he almost feels guilty if it wasn’t for his earlier conversation with Reita and Kai to fuel his sadistic side.

I’ll prove it to them. I’ll prove that I don’t care.

“May I see him please? I’m worried.”

“Ah! Of course, come in. I’ll get you two something to drink.” Her smile is warm as she welcomes him into her household, politely shutting the door behind him. It’s only been 2 days, but he thinks he was the place memorised after Uruha showing him around.

“You can go straight on up, I’ll bring the tea up when it’s ready.”

“Thank you Ms. Takashima.” A sickly sweet smile and a bow, and she blushes wildly, turning and entering the kitchen. Then the smile falls, replaced with a scowl as the brunette makes his way up the stairs, angry at Uruha for doing this too him.

Making my worry when I shouldn’t. Prick. Ruki was right…just an emo fag.

“Hey Uru-” Aoi opens the door, fully intending to take Uruha out to some dangerous night club -show him what fucking lust really is- but the sight of the blonde curled up in bed makes him stop for some reason, as if disturbing him is something unforgivable.

So he sits on the bed, watching the face that he’s only known for a couple of days, the face that’s been plaguing him ever since. He truly is a beautiful teenager, long blonde hair and pale skin. He gently runs a hand up his thigh, shivering at the feel, at how soft it really is under the loose shorts he’s wearing.

I can’t wait to have those legs wrapped around my waist. I’ll show Ruki, Reita….I’ll prove it to Kai, and I’ll end this, in less than two months. I’ll end it in less than one.

“Aoi….?” Uruha stirs, almond shaped eyes fluttering open, and then he freezes, pulling the covers high up to his chin in shock.

“Hey, hey…I just wanted to make sure you’re all right princess.” Aoi puts on a smile, ruffling the blonde’s hair. He can’t let things get awkward between them, despite what Uruha’s thinking.

It doesn’t take Uruha long to wake up now that Aoi’s here, especially once his mom drops the tea into the room. He eyes Aoi warily, tugging at the long sleeved shirt he deliberately chose to sleep in. “Um…what time is it?”

“After school,” Aoi informs him, sipping his tea quietly. He puts it away, stretching his stiff back and blinking when Uruha unexpectedly gasps. “What is it?”

“You…have your belly button pierced?”


“Oh, yeah…I guess.” Was it really that weird? He didn’t think so, fiddling with the banana bar out of habit. “Why, want one?”

“No, it’s nice but…it looks sore, holes and stuff…” Then why was he blushing? Uruha swept a hand past his cheeks, biting his lip in concern. It’s just a piercing….is that the kind of thing that interests him?

If that’s what he’s interested in, I’ll need to so something too, I need his attention. Otherwise…I…

I might lose him.

“Uruha? You okay?” Aoi frowns, watching the blonde’s thoughtful expression with concern. The blonde looks truly contemplating.

“Y-Yeah….I’m fine…” Uruha pulls the blanket further up his chin, adamant on hiding everything from Aoi.

I can’t let him find out I can’t let him find out I can’t-

How will I ever meet Aoi’s standards if he find out something like this?

“You want to come out tonight?” Aoi offers, noticing the blonde’s awkwardness. He rests a hand on the sheets covering Uruha’s shoulder, grinning. “I’ll prove to you that you’re not ugly. Everyone’ll be all over you. Not as much as me, but, still a lot.”

“Aoi, but I’m all cut and bruised….” Uruha tries, he really tries, but the thought of seeing Aoi in action is enough to pique his interest, if only slightly. “And I don’t want to get drunk or anything…”

“Then don’t,” Aoi grins, determined to get the blonde out, show him what he’s trying to get himself into. “You think you can handle me? Well, we’ll see after tonight in any case,”

“R-really?” Uruha’s attention is not fully caught. If he can prove himself to Aoi tonight- be everything he wants, then maybe…maybe they can keep this friendship going I little longer.

I don’t want to lose him.

“Yeah, just don’t wear anything too baggy…loose is fine, and I’ll come over and doll the rest of you up.”

“Doll…me up?” Uruha knits his brows, watching Aoi while biting his lip. “Where are you taking me? It’s no where illegal is it?”

“No,” Well….not really. “But just look nice, you’ll see what I mean when we get there.” Aoi digs out his phone, intending to send a text message to Ruki to let him know the plans for the evening.

“But I-”

“No buts.” Aoi’s voice is stern, only half there as he forwards his message onto his friends. “I’ve just told everyone I’m going with a friend. A super sexy friend that’s off limits. No one’s gonna hurt you while I’m around, okay?”

If ‘nice’ is possible long sleeves, Uruha doesn’t think he’ll have any qualms at showing up at the very least.

“But…If I don’t like it, can I go? Will you take me home?”

“Sure thing kido,” It was a little odd how private the blonde was being with himself, wrapping himself around the covers as if he was something ugly.

“Well it’s 5 now, it we start getting you ready we can head off at 7,” The brunette moved to grasp the covers, but note before a pale hand stops him.


Is he really okay? “Uruha?”

“Um….I’ll get ready, okay? Just….give me a minute?” The blonde looks absolutely terrified, and the rhythmic guitarist can’t figure out why. He thought they were past this.

So he sighs, pushing a hand through his hair determined. “Fine, but I’ll do you’re hair and shit. I’ll go put the cups back to your mom, and I’ll give you your privacy.”

It was probably just as well too, because Aoi didn’t know if he’d be able to help himself. He doubts Uruha had wanted to go all the way, but he should know better. Anti social or not, Aoi had a reputation, and Uruha knew that.

There’s no one in the kitchen when he arrives, so he simply leaves the cups next to the sink instead. Uruha hasn’t been right for the short 20 minutes he’s been here, as if he knows something Aoi doesn’t, and he wants to know what it is.

“Hey ‘Ruha, can I come in?” He knocks lightly with the back of his hand, listening out for the muffled call from inside before he opens the door to let himself back in. He closes it quietly, blinking in confusion at the sight up Uruha pulling his shoes on.

“I didn’t know you owned anything less than 2 sized to big for you,” He grins, flopping himself down on the blonde’s bed. He actually looked nice, dressed in all black fitting clothing.

“I have a few,” Shoulders relaxed, the blonde easily seemed more at ease now he was completely covered by clothing, something Aoi found odd. He couldn’t wait to get his clothes off at any given moment.

“Mmm, come, I’ll do your hair.” He pushes the blonde into the seat in front of the mirror, rudely rummaging through the blonde’s belongings like he would his own. After fishing out nail polish, eyeliner and hair straighteners he grins like a child, laying his hands flat across the blonde’s shoulders. “I’ll make you sexy Blondie, just you watch. Almost as nice as me.”

“Um…” The blond eyes his reflection warily, looking like a dear caught in headlights. But Aoi’s hands are surprisingly gentle running through his hair; almost soothing in fact, and he finds himself sitting more than patiently while the straighteners run through after his fingers.

After another 15 minutes, Uruha finds himself waiting for his nails to dry while Aoi finishes is makeup, his free hand reaching the turn the hair straighteners off. Surprisingly, it was a rather painless affair, something that surprised the lead guitarist after the look Aoi had on his face earlier. It was odd too, watching his face change under the light makeup the brunette had applied.

He snaps out of his daze as he hears a cat call, blushing furiously and looking at the other embarrassed. “Don’t do that Aoi! It’s making me nervous…And I’m nervous about going out as it is….”

“I know,” The brunette stares at the blonde’ reflection a little longer before tearing his eyes away to look at the blonde for real. “But seriously Uruha, what the fuck? You’re hot as hell when you put the effort in.”

Again, the blonde didn’t seem to be able to take a compliment, and Aoi sighs as he rests his forehead on the dresser. “Look, get used to it. If you dressed like this everyday you wouldn’t get treated the way you do. Just remember that, ‘kay?”

“Okay…” His heart was throbbing at the thought of going to this nightclub, or wherever it was they were going.

But sacrifices had to be made, and the fact that Ruki and Kai would be there was only one of them.

But a drunk Ruki, Kai, Reita and god knows who else?

“Aoi….please, don’t leave me tonight. Don’t leave me alone with them.”

aoi uruha used and abused

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