So last update, i mentioned that random cd idea. i also mentioned the songs i would deffinitely put on it. if you dont remember or are too lazy to scroll down, they were, "Siroi Yami No Naka", "Canta Per Me", "Fruer Frei!", "Peanuts" and "Mushroom Cult". I also had a list of ideas. well, i have since decided on more deffinites and i will now list them like last time.
"Starwarz Gansta Rap" by Some guy with too much time on his hands
Reason: the background music is like a rap beat version of music from the Star Wars movies and the lyrics rapped vaguely follow some events from the first two movies. just hearing someone rap in yoda's voice more then warrants its inclusion.
"Your Sweet Six Six Six" by H.I.M.
Reason: I had "something by H.I.M. because i need something with that sorta melancholy "i'll love you forever" type feel." listed in the ideas section of that last entry. Well, i decided to use this song simply because its one of my favorites.
"Go Boom" by Foamy The Squirrel (main character of the 'Neurotically Yours' web cartoon seen at
Reason: I also said in the ideas section that i wanted atleast one soundbyte of foamy so heres one. this was part of one of the very early cartoons that you'd need to buy the DVD and skip to one of the last menus to see. in the cartoon the goth girl in it (named germaine. this was from before the creator hired someone to voice stuff for her) had a gun to her head and foamy decided to taunt her by singing this song. its available as a free download on
"Happy Mask Salesman Theme" by Whoever did the music for the Legend of Zelda N64 games
Reason: roughly 30 seconds of instrumental music that sounds just plain weird. like the people playing were so bad at harmonizing that its good. like i said, weird. You'd need to hear it for yourself to get it.
"Half Fling" by Not entirely sure
Reason: Again, you'd need to hear it for yourself but atleast i can provide a link to a place you can hear it. trust me, its there. I'm told atleast two of the guys who played hobbits in the LOTR movies did voices in that song. i think it was the ones who played frodo and mary. anyways, listen to that song and you'll understand why im including it.
"Mr. Zebra" by Tori Amos
Reason: this CD is meant to be crazy and random and tori amos is indeed crazy and random. sometimes i wonder if she escaped from a mental institution. anyways, the song "Garlands" was suggested but i couldnt find it so i went with this one. dont ask why, i just did.
"The Bullet's Breath" by Iniquity
Reason: first heard in an anime music video done by dokidoki productions that made fun of the anime Card Captor Sakura. dokidoki productions has many AMVs making fun of many different things. one of their more well known ones is "Senshi on Springer" which makes fun of the original japanese version of sailor moon. it was clips of BSSM edited together with clips of jerry springer set to the song "Jerry Springer" by Weird Al. ....and i jsut realized how off topic im getting. the AMV im talking about was entirely subtitled and the video footage from CCS was altered and edited to be more comical. you'd have to have seen the anime to get alot of the jokes. anyways, the music is like to the core deathmetal with alot of growling and screaming and then its showing cutesy scenes from a mahou shojo anime while the subtitles are saying "Rainbows and Sunshine are pretty things, listen to this happy song as i sing" and stuff like that. the subtitles get more messed up as the song progresses. being featured in that AMV is reason enough.
"Hery Santa Claus You Fucking Cunt!" by Anal Cunt
Reason: i was looking for an MP3 of the previous song and i came across a playlist (the search description made it seem like they were available to download) and i while scrolling down, i saw a list of songs by a band called Anal Cunt. now, i found some of the song titles vaguely amusing so i did a search for this band and i found this song. the title alone makes it deserve to be included.
Foamy's Rant III by guess
Reason: foamy is ranting about reality television and how much it sucks. enough said.
okay, thats enough for now. i'll update again when i have a final draft of songs. JA!