tutorial +001

Jan 18, 2007 10:24


1. find a base

2. duplicate the base 3 times and set it on screen

3. selective color 01

reds:-100, 0, 100, 100
yellows: -100, 51, 100, -13
neutrals: -30, -30, -46, 3

4. selective color 02

yellows: -100, 0, -100, -23
neutrals: 46, 18, 0, -10

5. color balance

cyan to red: -59

+ play with the color balance layer
+ use one of the selective color
+ add a yellow color layer in between step 02 and 03 (#FFF200, softlight, 32%)
+ use variations in the pictures (image>adjustments>variations)

other examples;

coloring, tutorial

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