It's probably past time for me to do a real update, instead of just posting fic after ficlet. :) Thanksgiving went well- huge yummy meal, minimal family (just my immediate family and my one set of grandparents) which was refreshing. Black Friday was a blast, since I spent it with friends shopping and eating and having a party featuring games such as Candyland and Dizzy Dizzy Dinosaurs and Hungry Hungry Hippos. There was also Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, aka the most cracky Christmas movie ever. Basically, good times were had by all.
This week has been less grand, what with the out-of-town relatives stopping in for a funeral. (This involved me (me!) having to frantically throw together a big meal, because jeez these people could eat. I'd never seen anything like it outside of an episode of Viva la Bam.) Then I was beset by a vague sort of illness. However, I offset that with indulging in girly romantic movies- Pride and Prejudice and Tristan and Isolde.
And, of course, Dexter.
With every episode I become more of a glibbering fangirl. Oh, Ice Truck, you are so much more marvelous than I had hoped. And I love that Dexter is seeming more and more human as the series goes on- he's no longer in control, and he's making very human mistakes (blowing off that old lady trying to tell him Ice Truck's Secret Identity, in a manner) and in general I adore it.
Oh, and the sweet sweet tension that happens every time Rudy and Dex are in the same room. This can only get better. Rudy gave Dex a hug! And helped him avoid morgue-theft charges! And found and killed Dex's real dad just to have some time alone with him! It's all so sweet. <3
And I adore the fact that this episode had so much tension and suspense and everything wonderful when it didn't even involve Dex committing murder. And the flashbacks! Oh, Dex beginning to learn that Harry wasn't infallible. Overdue and wonderful and I wonder what this line of revelation is going to do to him once he discovers who Ice Truck really is.