Mar 15, 2006 11:28
As typical with the week before Spring Break, I am utterly swamped. My crowning achievement so far was when I completely forgot about a Chaucer paper that was due, well, today. (I got an extension til Friday.)
So, of course, with me being swamped, my immediate course of action is to do as many other things as possible. Last night I chose to watch Jarhead, which was a good movie. However, I recommend it to everyone solely for the scene in which Jake Gyllenhaal dances clad in naught but a strategically placed Santa hat. That boy just loves being naked, and there ain't nothing wrong with that. :)
Yesterday I took a field trip to a chip mill. It was like being a freshman again, traipsing to odd places and observing.
The side effect of having so much school crap is that my muse is working overtime. I have a bit of HP meta brewing (and that doesn't happen often, as usually the literary analysis part of my brain rebels at the thought of being abused even more) and am itching to write more of the drabbles, but I can't until after my papers and debate and revisions are in the past.