I've been having fun movie-filled days for the conclusion of my break. Yesterday was spent at
gods_lil_rocker's house, watching various dork-tastic programs, including Jem, Batman the Animated Series, X-Men the Animated Series, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, and the ultimate, greatest thing ever: Veggie Tales's Lord of the Beans. Unnatural sporks, Leg o Lamb's cookie-making tree-dwelling cousin *cough*Keebler*cough* and of course, Elvish impersonators. Absolutely hilarious. If you like LotR or Veggie Tales, check it out.
Then today, me and my sister ventured out to the movies. I drove my mom's Suburban, which is freakin' massive compared to my own itty bitty Mustang, and had Difficulties. (Not with the twenty mile drive, just parking.The Suburban is 3 times as big as my own car. I had trouble with backing it out of spaces in crowded theater parking lots.) The original plan was for a 2-fer Heath Ledger day at the movies, but we ended up only going to see Casanova (which was very funny and quite a good movie, imo) with plans to go see Brokeback Mountain in a week or so, when it's less crowded. As that theater is the only one showing Brokeback Mountain in, basically, East Tennessee, it was packed, even with two screens devoted to gay cowboys.