So, as anyone here for the fic or fandom has undoubtedly noticed over the last few months, my involvement in fandom has diminished greatly over the last semester. And the thing is I sorta miss it, and feel horribly out of the loop.
So, I would adore it if everyone would pretend I'm a newbie, and please rec the fic/art/whatever that has rocked your world lately. I've barely read anything post-HBP...
Also, I've finally decided that maybe my fics are odd and diverse enough that I need to bring attention to myself to get any new readers. So, Oh Knowledgeable Flist, what communities/whatnot would you recommend to a *consults
List o'Fic* gen/rarepair/obscure characters/D/G shipper/Blackfic writer who focuses on darkfic/humor yet doesn't write smut but really has no set pattern to her writing other than "It seemed like a good idea at the time"?
You'd think, having been writing HP fic since January '03, I would have figured this sort of thing out... But I haven't. So any advice anyone has for me would be welcomed.