Drabbles Part 4

Sep 18, 2005 16:14

I've finished up the drabble requests!

For gods_lil_rocker: (btw, this is the worst, most pointless drabble ever due to my utter inability to write either character.)

Have a Cookie

Harry picked at his shoelaces while Hermione sat, staring blankly into the distance.

“Do you want a cookie?” she asked, not looking at him.

“Do you have a cookie?” he replied.

“Well, no,” Hermione said. “But I figured we could conjure some, if you wanted one.”

Harry shook his head.

A long moment of silence passed as Hermione shifted uncomfortably. Finally, she broke down and broke the silence with an exasperated, “Look, Harry, you just kind of sprung it on me. I didn’t mean to-“

“I don’t think my fiancé should laugh at my suggestion for a honeymoon spot, then ask me if the evil wizard I killed two years ago had infected me with his horrendous taste.”

“You have to admit, though, that suggesting we spend our honeymoon visiting the world’s largest bowl of spaghetti was a terrible idea.”

“We wanted something dull! Where nothing would happen! What would be better than the world’s largest bowl of spaghetti? There are even going to be eating competitions...”



For sandrainthesun:


They were both monsters.

Different sorts of monsters, maybe, shaped by different experiences and actions. Different enough that neither saw themselves reflected in the other until they’d known each other for decades.

But when old enmities were ignored and the particularities of their alliances and lifestyles were set aside, Remus Lupin and Severus Snape found themselves staring into reflections of themselves, distorted but heartbreakingly similar.

Severus might hiss, “Werewolf,” in that cold, hate-drenched voice, but Remus could snarl right back, “Death Eater.”

Their bare flesh revealed scars proving their monstrosity - Remus traced the Dark Mark with endless fascination, a thrill of the forbidden and the taste of the unknown making it seem like Severus’s essence distilled. Severus sometimes clawed the same skin that was already marred by sharp, twisted scars, rising above pale, nondescript skin to form a map of suffering and transformation.

Their blood was the same - same shade, same purity. Pumping with the same ferocity through two sets of veins, laced with anger and fear and frustration.

Their disposition, their lives, their souls were different, but they were both monsters. They shared stigma and hatred, disdain and prejudice, though they bore it differently. Severus shoved others away while Remus clung to them, but in the end they both found themselves alone and looking at each other, horrified and delighted at the things they saw in each other.

Because, despite their monstrous nature, they both could find hope in the other.

If someone else could bear the same cross, then they could too. If someone else was there to cling to, to shove away, to always be there for abuse and adulation... then they could make it through.

Severus Snape and Remus Lupin became saviors, if only to each other.


*grins* I hope everyone enjoyed their drabble, and I'm always up for taking requests!

hp: harry/hermione, hp: hermione granger, slash, het, fic, hp: harry potter, hp: severus/remus, hp: remus lupin, hp: severus snape

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