I've started my post-HBP writing. I have a longish fic underway, a Filch/Pince ficlet in the works, and tonight's ficlet. This is a ficlet I wrote for
rainpuddle13, who is a doll and didn't complain when I promised to write her Draco/Ginny and then presented her with blatant Draco/Pansy.
Disarm. Draco/Pansy. 799 words. PG. Takes place during HBP. )
That is just one of the most in-canon Draco/Pansy fics that I have ever seen. I'd love to be able to write Draco/Pansy but Pansy and I don't get along. This was a good job!
*blushes* Thank you very much- This was actually only my second attempt at writing canon!Pansy, so hearing that I've pegged her and D/P is very gratifying. Thank you!
D/G is my OTP but I love D/P but you can never really find enough good D/P.
(BTW, love your icon- Old School Mario rocks!)
Thanks for the icon love. If you want it, take it, just credit it to laurakathleen.
Thanks for letting me take your icon. :)
mind if I friend you?
I don't mind at all, do you mind if I friend you back?
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