Fic: The Course of Empire (2/5)

Jun 24, 2005 12:28

The Course of Empire

Summary: As the world goes down in flames, Narcissa Malfoy tries to hold on to everything she once thought was dear.

Pairings: Narcissa/Lucius, eventual Draco/Ginny

Rating: PG-15/R

Notes: Thanks to Rainpuddle13 for beta reading! This story was influenced by and has some scenes based on Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell. Story title/chapter titles come from a series of paintings by Thomas Cole, seen here.

Part One: The Savage State here

Part Two: The Pastoral or Arcadian State

The ball appeared to be nothing more than a gathering of the elite, such as had been occurring regularly for the past millennia.

Narcissa Malfoy stood with a group of witches, all dressed in colorful robes of the most expensive materials, and casually discussed the cause. They all thought it was a disgrace that filth was allowed to walk the streets with their children, and be educated in the same classrooms. They wanted to preserve the old ways.

Narcissa’s hand curled around her belly, understanding fully the fears of her companions. She smiled as she saw her husband Lucius talking animatedly with a group of Lestranges and Notts, his pale hair brighter than normal when surrounded by dark-haired wizards. She cannot hear their conversation, but knows Lucius is enjoying himself.

“Narcissa,” she heard one of the witches say, then lower her voice to a whisper to say, “Isn’t it beautiful how in love she is?”

“Hmm?” Narcissa said, turning her attention back to her friends.

“Your child is going to be lovely,” said Innogen Parkinson, who was heavily pregnant herself. “The babe is sure to get your coloring.”

“Isn’t it precious how Narcissa and Lucius already looked like family before they even shared a name?” Bellatrix’s voice cut through the group.

The other witches stiffened, thinking a gauntlet had just been thrown, but Narcissa laughed. “As though you and Rodolphus look so vastly different.” Lucius and Rodolphus’s respective resemblances to their wives had long since become a joke between the sisters.

“Attention Attention ” called a voice from the front of the room, and everyone angled to see old Ezekiel Nott. “Our master would like to extend his thanks to everyone who has shown their support tonight. As we all know, an unfortunate raid by Aurors has severely depleted the supplies of our noble cause. Therefore, tonight we are asking for donations. Any contribution to further aid our fight against the degradation of our society will be noted and appreciated by the Dark Lord.”

Bellatrix moved away, and pulled something glimmering from her handbag. Narcissa recognized it immediately as the invisibility cloak that belonged to the Black family, a cloak that dated back over a hundred years. “Bellatrix,” she hissed. “What are you doing?”

“The war is more important than schoolboy mischief,” Bellatrix said, and strode towards Ezekiel. Narcissa watched her go, feeling a sinking sensation in her core. The cloak had belonged to the heir of the Black line for four generations. If anyone had right to donate it to the noble cause, it would be Regulus, whom she had not seen this evening.

Later that night, she asked her husband if he knew what Bellatrix had done.

His silence was telling.

“Please, don’t let it be Regulus,” she said. “I couldn’t bear to lose him, too.”

“I’m sorry for your loss, dear,” Lucius said. “I argued for him, but the Dark Lord insisted that he pay the price.”

“What did he do?” Narcissa asked.

“He tried to turn away,” Lucius replied. “The Dark Lord does not look kindly on cowards, especially in those who bore his mark.”

“But Regulus was the heir to the house of Black ” Narcissa said, horrified. Her child would be a Malfoy, as any Bellatrix bore would be a Lestrange. Regulus was their only chance left, now that Sirius had shown himself to be a blood traitor. She couldn’t bear the thought of the Blacks dying with her generation. It made her feel like a failure.

“Bellatrix said the same thing,” Lucius said. “But it did not change things. She was the one to take care of him. He went well.”

Narcissa turned away, and pressed a hand to the gently moving child in her womb. Her sister had always hated that she had been born a girl, and therefore was expected to bear the heirs of another family, and become integrated into their family rather than remain in her own. Bellatrix had always wanted to be the heir of the Blacks, and now it seemed she had achieved her aim, thanks to two blood traitors and one untimely death.

Narcissa only wished that the family hadn’t had to perish completely in order for her sister to be happy as successor of it.


The night Narcissa went into labor, Lucius was not home.

He had felt the call at dinner, and she had watched him leave with a faint pang she had not fully understood at the time. She always felt something when Lucius left for business with the Dark Lord, a sort of vague fear that he might not return, but this time it had been something different.

It was fear for herself. Somehow, watching him pull on those ink black robes, she knew that he would miss something important if he left.

“Lucius, must you go?” she implored, resting one hand on her belly. “You know the child is coming soon.”

“I have to go,” Lucius said, pulling her close. “You know that. The Dark Lord does not accept excuses.”

But beneath his curt tone, Narcissa knew that Lucius was trying desperately to think of any way out of the night’s festivities. “Is something dangerous planned for tonight?”

“We’re to find the Prewitt brothers,” Lucius said. “Make them see the truth in the Cause.”

“They can very well see the truth without you there ” Narcissa snapped. “Lucius, this is important to me I want you here with me tonight, not cavorting about the countryside flinging dark curses at redheaded miscreants ”

“Narcissa,” Lucius said with a hint of pleading. “You know I can’t disobey the Dark Lord.”

“No, you’re his regular little slave boy,” Narcissa replied. “But I’m warning you, if I have this child tonight, I’m naming him.”

“But we’ve already decided the name,” Lucius said. “Decimus Lucius Malfoy. It’s already been monogrammed on the baby blankets.”

“Then I’ll be sure to use the same initials,” Narcissa replied coyly. “Are you sure you have to go?”

“Positive,” Lucius replied before kissing her gently. “I wish I could stay here - I’ll leave as soon as possible.”

“Fine,” Narcissa said, biting at her lip nervously. “Is Bellatrix supposed to be there?”

Lucius nodded, and Narcissa felt very alone.

“I might Floo Innogen. I don’t feel like being alone,” Narcissa said. She’d rather spend time with her sister, but Death Eater activities took up more and more of Bellatrix’s time. The Lestranges were involved much deeper than Lucius was, simply because they were both members and had no children to fret over.

“I don’t want you to be alone,” Lucius said regretfully. He kissed her again, and then kneeled and kissed her swollen belly, as had become his custom. “I’ll be back.”

“I love you,” Narcissa said. “So be careful.”

“I always am,” Lucius replied. “I love you both.”

With a pop, he was gone.

Narcissa sighed. Somehow, the thought of Lucius serving the Dark Lord had been more appealing before it inconvenienced her. The cause was noble and true, but the absences she had to endure from her husband and the nervousness she felt when she thought of all the things that could happen were overwhelming her sense of patriotism. She wouldn’t suggest that Lucius become less involved - that was impossible - but she couldn’t help but to wish somehow he would be able to wrench his life along a slightly different path.

She wasn’t entirely sure that the Dark Lord’s aims were the same as her and Lucius’ aims. She hadn’t felt so since Regulus had died in the service of his master, but it was useless to think about. Lucius was bound inextricably to the Dark Lord, and she was bound body and soul to Lucius.

Narcissa carefully made her way down the staircase to the ground floor, planning on Flooing Innogen from the library. There was something soothing about the walls of books and the masculine scent of leather and pipe smoke that lingered in that room that made it Narcissa’s favorite place to wait evenings for Lucius to return, immersing herself in books.

Innogen agreed to come over, and Narcissa felt unexplained relief upon finding herself with more company than the house-elves.

“You look dreadful,” Innogen said bluntly as she took in Narcissa’s appearance after tea, then understanding dawned on her. “You’re going to have the baby ”

Narcissa shook her head. “No, I haven’t had any proper pains yet.”

Innogen insisted on calling Narcissa’s Healer, and soon the matronly woman was bustling about, insisting that Narcissa would give birth that night. As Narcissa was denying the idea yet again, her water broke, and she was forced to agree that yes, it was likely that the baby was going to be born sooner rather than later.

“Come, let’s get you to bed,” her Healer announced, helping Narcissa to her convalescence bed, which had been prepared for weeks.

The birthing process blurred in Narcissa’s mind, thanks to the concoctions the Healer insisted she take and the enchantments that kept her from feeling the brunt of the pain. Most of her memories centered around fervent wishes that Lucius was present, and mental curses against the Dark Lord and the Prewitt brothers indiscriminately for denying her of her husband’s soothing presence.

When the squalling, red baby was placed in her arms, carefully swathed in white blankets, Narcissa immediately forgot about the Prewitts, Dark Lord and Lucius’ absence.

“He’s such a dear ” Innogen whispered, taking stroking one of Narcissa’s son’s hands.

Narcissa nodded mutely.

After a few minutes of cooing over the baby, the Healer came over with a roll of parchment in one hand. “I know the father isn’t present, but normally old families already have the babe’s name chosen well before this point,” she said cheerfully. “Would you like me to go ahead and record it?”

Narcissa, still feeling the effects of the potions she had taken coursing through her system, recalled her earlier conversation with her husband and nodded. “His name is Draco Lucius Malfoy.”

Innogen started. “Wasn’t it meant to be--”

Narcissa shushed her, and the Healer smiled as she wrote down the name. “Going back to your family traditions, aren’t we, deary?”

Narcissa nodded, and smiled. The Healer checked on her a few more times, then finally announced that she was much too tired to look after a perfectly healthy woman, and left after leaving some strict instructions Innogen promised to adhere to.

Narcissa had drifted off several times, and was just finishing feeding Draco when Innogen said, “I’ll be in the sitting room if you need me,” and left quickly.

Narcissa looked up to see Lucius staring at her with an indescribable expression on his face, one she had never seen before.

“I just got home,” he said, and took a few careful steps towards her, as though she might break.

“I’d hope so,” Narcissa said pertly. “I’ve missed you dreadfully.”

Lucius sat down on the edge of the bed, still looking at her as though he’d never seen her before. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here,” he said. “I left as soon--”

“Shhh,” Narcissa said. “None of that sort of talk right now, especially not in front of him.”

Lucius nodded, and carefully stroked Draco’s bald head. “He hasn’t any hair.”

“Most babies don’t,” Narcissa replied, as though she knew anything about most babies.

“And he’s so small - I didn’t think he’d be so small,” Lucius continued.

“He is,” Narcissa said, carefully cradling him. It was amazing how he fit in her arms, and she marveled at the feel of his tiny weight against her.

“Can I hold Decimus?” Lucius asked, trying to hide his pride at his new son and failing miserably.

“No,” Narcissa said. Lucius looked at her sharply, and she could practically feel his indignation as he opened his mouth. Narcissa cut him off. “You can hold Draco, though.”

Shock filtered across Lucius’ face. “Draco? You must be joking.”

“It’s already down on the birth certificate, which I believe the Healer took to register at the Ministry,” Narcissa said triumphantly.

“We’d already decided on a name,” Lucius said, obviously at a loss as to what to do in the case of a wrongly named child.

“And we’d decided you would be here when he was born. Things change,” Narcissa replied, carefully moving Draco so she could ease him into his father’s arms.

“But Draco is a Black name,” Lucius said petulantly. “And this child is a Malfoy through and through. Look at him ”

Narcissa laughed, looking between her husband and child. “Then having a Black name won’t mar him in the least.”

“You’ll pay for this, witch,” Lucius growled playfully. He began to lean towards her, but then remembered the child in his arms, and stiffened, as to not break him. Draco responded by scrunching up his face and screaming.

“He’s protective of his mother,” Narcissa said with a smile.

“Smart boy,” Lucius replied. “Not that his mother needs that much protection.”

They shared a light-hearted smile over the head of the new addition to their family.


Lucius’ arrest was not a surprise.

A friend within the Wizengamot had warned them of the inevitability of legal action, and she knew Lucius had already begun the delicate process of padding the right pockets and buttering up the right politicians and judges to help make his trial go smoothly.

She sat in the audience during the hearing, tired from a sleepless night of tossing and turning in a bed much too large for her alone. She had wanted to have Draco in her arms all night, reminding her that even if the worst happened she still had part of Lucius to care for, but she was shooed away from his crib by an elderly house-elf, telling her that Mistress should not let the young Master know anything was amiss.

She had not listened to the damned elf that morning, and had dressed young Draco in the finest robes he owned, dark blue ones charmed to not show unsightly spit-up accidents or drool. She had carried him herself, leaving the pram at the Manor, relishing his weight on her hip and the surprised looks on the gathered witches and wizard’s faces at the sight of Narcissa Malfoy doing something so overtly maternal and crass.

Once finding her seat, she had settled Draco on her lap, fiddling with an animated plush dragon he was enamored with while waiting for testimony to begin. Narcissa steeled herself not to flinch when her husband entered the room dressed in Azkaban robes rather than his normal, refined attire, and made herself ignore the faintly haunted look in his eyes from a night of being guarded by Dementors.

If things went according to plan, he would not have to sleep under soul-sucking supervision ever again. But if things went badly... If the public’s thirst for blood outweighed the strength of their carefully planned argument... She couldn’t bear to think of what would happen to her husband.

Lucius found her in the crowd, and she saw a ghost of a smile at the sight of his one year old son chewing on a stuffed dragon. She’d known that he would appreciate the sight if the worst happened, and would appreciate both of their presences even more in the case of acquittal.

She felt someone sit beside her, and she glanced over to see her sister lounging on the hard bench, dressed in evening robes and smirking at the procession below.

“Ridiculous, isn’t it?” Bellatrix asked.

“Not at all,” she replied evenly.

“This trial is a farce,” Bellatrix said, voice rising. Narcissa resisted the urge to shush her. “Like any true follower of our Master would turn their back on him now, of all times, we’re being tested ”

Narcissa made a noncommittal noise, and hoped Bellatrix would leave before Lucius began his testimony. “Please, Bellatrix, just... Stay quiet,” she asked, before an untimely outburst could ruin her family.

Bellatrix looked incredulous, and hissed, “What, have you no loyalty?”
“Loyalty is a Hufflepuff trait, dear,” Narcissa whispered as Lucius began to describe the Imperius curse he had been victim to. “Slytherins think for themselves.”


Narcissa did not attend her sister’s trial.

She was unsurprised when she heard of the outcome, and knew Bellatrix was happy with her decision to be true to the cause. Narcissa was weary of the cause, weary of Aurors and war and happy to live life free with her husband and son at her side.

One day, less than a week after Bellatrix was condemned to Azkaban, an unfamiliar owl landed by Narcissa at lunch. The creature held out its leg patiently as Narcissa tried to place it, then finally took the letter. The owl flew away immediately, not waiting for a response or a treat, which struck Narcissa as odd.

She unrolled the parchment, and was shocked to find it was a letter from Andromeda.

She hadn’t heard from her sister since before she had left the Black family to marry a Mudblood and become a disgrace. She considered burning the letter and pretending she had never gotten it, but she had already lost one sister this week. Perhaps Andromeda was repentant.

She read the letter, and immediately regretted it. Her sister not only had the indecency to be happy with her new lot in life, but had born a halfblood child. Her letter bragged about the whelp’s metamorphmagus ability, and had the audacity to suggest that they meet.

Please, the letter implored. I miss you.

Narcissa carefully ripped the letter to pieces, wondering when it was that she became the only Black left with sense and spine intact.


Part Three: The Consummation of Empire

hp: lucius malfoy, fic, hp: lucius/narcissa, hp: narcissa malfoy

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