So every time I read
Gerard talking about his upcoming baby my heart does this thing where it SPILLS OVER WITH JOY and I'm left clutching my clasped hands to my bosom like an overinvested freakazoid, and yet I cannot stop clicking to that tab and beaming away. You guys, he hasn't been keeping the baby secret, he just doesn't know how to begin to talk about something like that. GERARD WAY, he who wrote an epic essay on model Orks, is rendered speechless by his baby. I CANNOT HANDLE THIS.
And then he tops it off with in-love babblings about Lindsey and how she's the one person he could have a kid with and ugh, seriously, it turns me into a SAP.
How hilarious is it, though, that Gerard accidentally knocked up Lyn-Z at Dragoncon! THE GEEK-FORCE WAS TOO STRONG FOR THEM TO DENY. The geek-force was clearly trying to make sure the PERFECT GEEK was created. Wayby might take over the multiverse one day.
This is too sappy. I'm going to offset this by linking
Chantal going Christian Bale all over her friend's ass in the middle of a blog. I want to quote this FOREVER. "I don't fucking come to your... throat-punching-places and fucking... DO BLOGS THERE, DO I!" "Is this your first time watching the fucking internet!?" UGH, CHANTAL, BE MORE AWESOME, WHY DON'T YOU. ♥ (Sorry, Ray Toro, Chantal totally beat you on the 'blogging about Christian Bale' front.)
Jimmy, thank you for telling me
what you'd do in a zombie apocalypse, even if the question you were answering had nothing at all to do with zombie apocalypses. Your input is appreciated.
this vid of Steve, Kitty and Chantal doing the Smurf-tronic is glorious.