I love picspams, but realized I'd never done one, so there's really no better time than the present!
So this is a bunch of pictures of That Band I Really Like And Have A Ridiculous Five-Way Crush On, Because, Dude, Look At Their Stupid Faces! (It's probably for the best that they decided to be known as My Chemical Romance instead.)
It hasn't been a secret for a while now that I'm utterly smitten with these dudes:
I mean, okay, at first I tried to keep it a secret. All my squeeing was done in email form and I lurked, but eventually, I couldn't deny it any longer.
These dorks own my heart.
LOOK AT THIER FAACES. Frank looks possessed! Gerard is morphing into a mime! Ray doesn't know these people, really, he just got lost on his way to an off-Broadway shootout. Mikey thinks his neckerchief might be too tight. Bob is questioning his life choices.
I always say Mikeyway is my favorite.
And that's totally true!
It's just sometimes I forget when I'm looking at, you know, Gerard Way.
Or Frank Iero.
Or Ray Toro.
Or Frank Iero.
Or Bob Bryar!
Or sometimes even blond!Gerard! (I seriously love that picture. The light!)
*happy sigh*
For those of you who aren't really familiar, Mikey and Gerard are brothers.
Rockstar brothers! It's awesome.
Sometimes, they even look like they might be related!
Seriously, when I saw the preview of this image, I thought, "Who handed Mikey a mic? Was it a mean joke?" Then I realized, no, wait, that's GERARD. I bet he wrote "careful" on his arm to warn people, you know, before he got a groping meant for his brother.
Against all odds, every single member of My Chem is a hotass.
But what I love most is that they're all such dorkfaces.
I mean, WHAT IS HE DOING? He looks demented, all, "I'm coming to GET YOU! HAHAAHA." I look at that face and I want to lock up my nonexistent children
Gee and Bob look like they're trying and failing to be gangsta here.
Which is a theme for Gerard, it seems. Hon, the bandana goes on the TOP half of your head. This ain't the Old West. Look how terrified Thumbs-Up Dude looks! And poor Mikey, he isn't even fazed by this stuff anymore.
This one cracks me up. He looks like he's not only picked last in gym class, but it's one of those scenarios where there are an odd number of kids and both teams are fighting over who has to take him. Gee's all, "Come ON, you guys!" and they're all, "Maybe we could make him keep score?"
I love him, srsly. I could laugh at pictures of him FOREVER. I don't even KNOW what's up with his hair here. (Yeah, out of everything, that's what's makes me laugh most about this picture.)
I love that he's one campy mofo, though.
I watched this interview today and surprisingly, it was MIKEY who was practically falling asleep, not Frank, like you'd assume from this picture!
Aww, sleepy Gee.
They look like they're waiting for the principal to come expell them or something.
*pinches his cheeks*
That is the expression of someone who's just realized they're getting caught on film stealing a Way's coffee.
This makes me "Awwww!" every time I see it. ♥
I also love every one of Mikey's hair decisions.
Even the pompadour.
And this, which I dubbed Hair of Awesome.
Gerard doesn't have the hair-talent his brother does, sadly.
Mikey puts more effort into it.
Rock on.
I'll end with my Favorite Bandom Picture EVER.
There is seriously nothing I don't love about this picture. JEPHA HOWARD. HIS MCR'S PINEAPPLE. (He totally stole it from My Chem's tourbus. While naked, clearly.) I could spend forever just talking about their BODY LANGUAGE in this picture. Look at Frankie carefully keeping his hands to himself and smirking at whatever Jepha's talking about! Look at Bob back there, clearly comfortable with Jepha's naked shenanigans and just chilling. Mikey's knock-kneed nervous bemusement! Ray... looking kind of creepy! The confused looking tech in the background! And most importantly, Gerard being all, "PICTURETIME! *leans*"