Drabble requests! :)

Apr 13, 2008 21:25

I think it's time to do another drabble request post! (This is, of course, code for "I'm staring at a blank doc and have no clue what to write ( Read more... )


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nokomis305 April 15 2008, 20:54:01 UTC

“It must be the best, really, being a vampyre,” Andrew continued. “I mean, I bet you got to see all sorts of amazing things. Like the original airing of Star Trek. I’ve tried watching it on VHS on a tv from the correct era, but it didn’t feel authentic, even when I wore my World’s Fair t-shirt. Also, was there really any controversy with spoilers about the ending of--”

Spike cut him off. “Not really what I was concerned with, pup.”

“But being a vampyre is like living history! Think of all the milestones. You must have, like, vaults sequestered away filled with valuables. Like mint-condition action figures and collectable statuettes,” Andrew continued. Spike rested his head in his hands.

Spike showed the whites of his eyes, then gave him a level look. “Well, then, how ‘bout it? Want to be a bloodsucker? Here’s your one-time limited offer.”

Andrew nearly fell off his chair. Spike - William the Bloody himself, Slayer of Slayers, Blight of Mankind - had offered to become his sire. To make him an immortal creature of the night. A vampyre.

They could go through eternity as companions! Spike’s badass ride - oh, how Andrew coveted it - would be their Tardis as they journeyed, unravaged by time. Andrew would be the Robin to Spike’s Batman, the Bucky to Spike’s Captain America, the Leia to Spike’s Luke...

It would be splendiferous. Together, they would find redemption! It would be just like Gandalf the White’s magnificent return from the dead, brighter and more glorious than ever... Their quest would garner more acclaim than that for the Holy Grail...

Only, Andrew had an evil soul. He was already working on redemption from the plights he had wrought onto mankind when he was human and had a soul. If he were to be transformed into a creature of the night, a vampyre, shorn of the only shred of humanity that had allowed him to find the path to redemption thus far...

If he were to lose his soul, the destruction he would reap would make William the Bloody’s grisly history seem like a child’s fairytale.

“I think I’d best not,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to fall into the trappings of my evil nature again so soon after finding salvation.”

Spike snorted. “Right.”


rainpuddle13 April 16 2008, 01:09:29 UTC

I ♥ Andrew! And SPIKE! You are my hero. I love you! *snuggles*

And all the amazing geekatude references - you HIT them all. Someone has been watching Doctor Who methinks. FYI Martha > Rose!


This was absolute perfection! *so happy*



nokomis305 April 16 2008, 14:32:41 UTC
Andrew and Spike are the GREATEST THING EVER together, this is true!

Haahaha, I literally stared at the screen thinking, "What is the dorkiest thing to reference here? *looks around*" Yay dorkitude! (Martha PWNS Rose.)

I'm so glad it met your expectations! ;) *hearts you*


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