Well, I've reread the entire series, and cannot believe that tonight I will have the final installment of HP in my hands. So very exciting! I thought I'd write down a bunch of my thoughts before I read the final book, so I can come back and laugh at how very wrong I was. :)
Snape: not evil. I've held pretty firm that Dumbledore was dying as he stood on the tower, and I think that Snape's avada kedavra was the thing they were heard arguing about Snape's reluctance - if the situation arose - was meant to cement the one tie to the Death Eater's inner circle that they had.
I'm almost positive Harry will kill Voldemort. That's not really what I'm looking forward to. I'm more interested in the journey, after all. At the end of HBP Harry is extremely determined, and I'm looking forward to seeing how that pans out in his search for the Horcruxes and Voldemort.
Upon my reread of HBP, it seems as though a new trio emerges: Tom Riddle, Severus Snape, Harry Potter. All three halfbloods with poor home lives, all three faced with a decision early on. Tom and Severus initially chose evil, Harry choses good. Severus changes his mind later on, chooses the path of good - I'm guessing because of his love for Lily, and his inadvertant cause of her death being the factor that sent him to the side of good - because of love, the force that Voldemort cannot understand. This would have three paths: Hell, Purgatory and Heaven, to put it in christian terms. Love, the ultimate force, being the deciding factor in what leads people from good or evil.
For instance, Draco Malfoy, driven to an impossible deed by love for his family, is incapable of performing the deed that would assure thier safety becuase he is - at heart - innocent and *good*. He will achieve redemption in the final book, I think, even if that redemption is death.
Neville is going to be highly important, I think. His role as the other possibility of the prophecy, his parallels to Harry, his perpetual support and effectiveness - he's important. He has cause to hate the DEs, moreso than Harry, even, from seeing his parents in thier condition his whole life. His grandmother is a sketchy character - maybe even a DE, as Pud has theorized. His performance at the Ministry battle, his willingness to join in on the firght against DEs at HOgwarts show that he is made of tough stuff. I really hope he doesn't die.
I'm not as interested in ships as I am with other outcomes, but Ron/Hermione and Harry/Ginny seem set in stone at this point.
I am hoping fervently for more on the Blacks. It seems plausible, what with RAB, who I am still determined is Regulus. (This also fits my theory that Dumbledore was dying. If Regulus too drank the potion when he went on the run and stole the locket, then he had enough time to get back home and put the locket in with the stuff before succumbing. It was mentioned he only lasted a few days. Coincidence?)
I hope we meet Andromeda. Her and Bellatrix and Narcissa are endlessly fascinating to me, and I want more on them.
I think Pettigrew is going to help Harry in the final book. Back in POA, when Harry saved his life, Dumbledore talked briefly about wizarding debts and how useful it will be to have someone in Harry's debt on the other side. In HBP, Pettigrew - despite his devotion - has been shunted aside in the DE ranks. I think Pettigrew is going to serve some vital function in the downfall of Voldemort. It's a big dangling thread left there.
Statistically speaking, a Weasley will likely die. I'm thinking Percy at this point - possibly in a redeeming manner, probably more likely not.
Something important will happen at Bill and Fleur's wedding - It was made into too big a deal in HBP to not. HBP, in fact, on second read reads even more as half of a book, gearing up towards the big finale. Everything building there will culminate in DH. The introduction of Horcruxes, Dumbledore's final and futile task in destroying them, Snape's supposed betrayal, everything. Voldemort *himself* is conspicuously absent, especially in contrast to OotP, where he leaks into everything through his connection with Harry. HBP builds the parallels, provides history, sets the stage - but I think ultimately DH will complete it all and make things that probably weren't significant there make sense.
House-elves will also play a role, as Ashley has theorized to me. The contrast between Dobby and Kreacher - both tied to Harry by different means, love or obligation - will be significant, I think.
Dumbledore's lessons to Harry in HBP were, I think, his means of showing Harry what was to be done once he was gone. I worry for the future of the Order - it seemed heavily centered on Dumbledore's knowledge and expertise, yet with that splintered - divied, I'm guessing, between people, with the important Voldemort bits bequeathed to Harry - I worry, as Harry hasn't shown the best teamwork skills thus far.
I have been predicting Hagrid to die since OotP, so I may as well add in a guess in that direction here, too.
God, I hope this book is all that I'm hoping for. JKR hasn't let me down so far, and I have faith that she will finish the series with a bang.
Please don't post anything spoilery - even a hint whether I'm right or not! - to this post. I want to read the book with an utterly clean slate, with only my personal predictions in mind.
I'm probably going to be quite busy for the rest of the day and night and tomorrow, but will return once I've finished the book with my thoughts.
I have managed to stay away from LJ all week and am beautifully unspoiled so far. So please, no one ruin that now.
Also! If there's anything going on - any interesting posts I should be aware of, anything - with any of you all, please drop a line and let me know! I have a feeling that in the fallout of DH, no matter what that might be, I won't get a chance to go back and get caught up on everything.