Drabbles: HP (various pairings)

Apr 06, 2007 10:42

More finished drabbles from my drabble offer. Today: the HP edition!

Title: Insomnia
Characters: Draco/Ginny
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Originally posted: here, for azadi786

Ginny avoided the dungeons when she wandered through the halls, sleepless and discontent.

(Those black corridors were too similar to her dreams)

She still stumbled across Draco Malfoy, furtively creeping the same airy corridors she favored. The first time they exchanged half-hearted insults. (Vendettas seemed distant in the night.) The second they just nodded to each other.

The third Ginny noticed his red-rimmed eyes.

The fourth she brushed his arm, let him know he was real.

The fifth he squeezed her hand, briefly.

Neither met each other’s eyes in daylight.

The sixth, they kissed, staving off the darkness through contact.


Title: Dignity (and the lack thereof)
Characters: Draco/Ginny
Word count: 100
Rating: G
Originally posted: here, for rainpuddle13

“What are you doing to my heir?” Draco’s voice did not squeak as he took in the... occurrence in his bathroom.

“He was beginning to look like a girl,” Ginny explained calmly, shearing off another blonde lock with a wand wave.

The toddler giggled and purple bubbles streamed from his mouth.

Draco pointed to them wordlessly.

Ginny shrugged. “The twins were by earlier.”

She continued to turn his son’s formerly glorious locks into something that looked like... Potter.

He couldn’t remember anything this undignified ever occurring in the Manor before.

And he could only blame himself for marrying a Weasley


Title: A Voice of Reason
Characters: Luna/Bellatrix
Word count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Originally posted: here, for bellonablack

She picks the girl for her hopeful, terrified eyes.

Bellatrix coos over her, singing soft songs to her. Kissing her gently. Smiling.

The girl shudders at first, flinches away. Tries to scream, which makes Bellatrix grin wider.

But Bellatrix is devoted; she explains to the girl, slowly and rationally, her reasons. The girl is pureblood. She has the capacity to understand.

The girl no longer flinches.

Looks vacantly out pale eyes when Bellatrix smooths blonde hair with thin, wilted fingers.

Begins to understand when Bellatrix whispers that it is a conspiracy. Opens up. Accepts.

She tastes as sweet as madness.


Title: Gallantry
Characters: Katie Bell/Marcus Flint
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Originally posted: here, for 13oct

Katie glared up at the Slytherin troll who was hogging her practice time. “C’mon., Flint!” she yelled, frustrated. “Other people want to practice too!”

He swooped down low and snarled his lip up to reveal - ugh - his teeth. “Won’t make you better.”

“Oh, like you stand a chance against me,” she replied. Flint didn’t budge an inch. She sighed, and stalked away from the field. She’d just practice in the morning.


She considered not turning.

“Bell!” Flint jogged up to her. “The field’s yours.”


She only imagined he turned red before saying gruffly, “I don’t need the practice.”


Title: Docile
Characters: Merope/Morfin
Word count: 100
Rating: R
Originally posted: here, for easilyabused

Merope bides her time. Eventually-

Eventually she’ll get what she wants. (That handsome face.)

Until then, she just has to keep *them* happy. Her father is pleased enough when she manages to make dinner. Keep house. Stay docile.

Morfin - Morfin is easy to keep distracted, in other ways. (Sweat and heat and muffled groans in the night.)

Merope’s more alive than she’s ever been. Everything’s... clear.

(She imagines Tom when her brother pushes into her.)

She has a plan. She just has to find the right moment - the right potion - the right opportunity.

Waiting. Dreaming.

She keeps her family content.


Title: Sweet
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
Originally posted: here, for dragonsangel68

The event had been planned carefully for months. The room was filled with fresh flowers and champagne was on ice. A silver platter rested at the foot of the bed. Decadent chocolates were laid out on the platter with scrupulous care.

A surprised gape.

“You want... really?”

A nod.

“To me?”

“No, to the house-elf!”

A hand darted out to take one of the chocolates.

It was promptly smacked. “Well?”

A mischievous expression. “Well, what?”

“Read the damn chocolates!”

“Marry me?” Draco read. “Bit forward of you.”

Ginny tapped her foot.

“Only since you asked so sweet,” Draco replied, kissing her.


Title: Bitter
Characters: Severus Snape
Word count: 100
Rating: PG
For tangleofthorns

Snape hadn’t had to buy sweets for himself since before he started teaching, because Albus had always had a ready supply in his office. Would pull a lemon drop from his pocket at any pause in conversation, and Snape would grumble and accept.

He knows, intellectually, that it is ridiculous to buy cherry licorice while on the run for murder.

Especially when the sweets were to remind him of the man - the great wizard, his mentor, his friend - that he’d killed. (He had no other choice; he’d done only what was necessary)

The licorice isn’t as sweet as he remembers.

hp: merope gaunt, hp: katie/marcus, hp: luna/bellatrix, hp: luna lovegood, hp: draco/ginny, fic, drabbles, hp: katie bell, hp: merope/morfin, hp: ginny weasley, hp: morfin gaunt, hp: severus snape, hp: marcus flint, hp: draco malfoy, hp: bellatrix lestrange

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