I got interviewed by Moon_Dragon

Apr 20, 2006 00:20

1. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

A snake. I just love them, I think they are kinda sexy.

2. What is your patronus?

A bat. I love Snape and Snape is described as a bat, so there you have it.

3. If you could be Alan's love interest in any of his movies, which movie would you choose, and why?

The Harry Potter movies...Snape really needs to get laid LOL

4. Choose: Nose!Porn or Button!Porn

Don't make me choose!!!! Nose Porn LOL

5. Floogen; id norw xigg pluten?

Daas, mech frood norwax.

Post a comment with the words "interview me" and I'll ask you 5 questions, then post them in your journal like this and continue the chain :D


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