(no subject)

Sep 12, 2005 20:00

So what now?
I suppose i'll be narrative this time...
Actually, it's not that bad... I really like all of our teachers, and love the move away from base fact and barbaric repetition/redundance towards true thought and knowledge...
Can i wait utill College?
Oh, and we have these awesome new kids:
FERNANDO *mariachi band*, *WHIP*... That guy is cool...
BERTRAND, he's cool too, nice, good guy... he's just sort of settling in at the moment...
CAMILLE (the new one of course), she's nice, i think... i mean, i don't really know her at all, she sticks with Clemence and Morgan and Nathalie mostly...
JADE is the daughter of a well known soccer player and is incredibly good looking, to say the least. She's really nice too, and seems like a fun person...
OH, but so many people have left and Gigi's going to leave! *SOBBING* How full of awe that is...

Well, i had a party Friday night, which i thought was fun...
There were these three girls from Marymount, was it? Well, they were good looking, but they kept trying to get the guys to do homosexual stuff... I'm open and all... but... no thanks...
Max got them though... All three of them? yup, just no further than the 1st...
But i believe others shall i say "got some" a bit more clandestinely? oh, yes they did! you know who you are...
Aurelia and the Smoochmeister are back? yessum, they are...
Patrick Smoochy brought some of his shit, but i didn't get any... oh well, did i really want to be high while having to deal with my parents? i think not...
Well, every one left by 12 except: Patrick (who was stoned, and looked like a white Cheech with no moustache), Julian (my out of school friend), Max, Tyler and Jon...
Well, we had a field day...
Jon pulled a mailbox out, and started running with it like an Olympic torch man, then became THOR GOD OF THUNDER!!! with a mailbox hammer... it was pretty awesome...
Then Patrick realised what time it was, and had to leave, so we gave him the mailbox which he drove with (EXXXTREEME POLO!!!!) then gave back to us...
Julian and Max managed to get this mailbox out of the ground, and put it in a trash can...
By then we needed to get rid of the other mailbox, so i suggested they throw it over this fence... Now, Jon was carrying it, and so was winding up to throw it... he throws it... lets go too late... AND HITS MY NEIGHBOR'S HOUSE...
So without thinking twice, we all dash up the stairs as quick as we can... Tyler SOMEHOW trips and rolls up hill, seriously wounding his knee... I couldn't find any bandaids so i gave him some alcohol swabs... which he didn't use...
Well, we ate, drink, told stories, and then around 1 30? 2 00? they all noticed the time and left...
it was fun...

The next day, I get picked up and go to this surprise party for Katie... it was nice... i mean, her family and all were there and ate most of the food, but whatever, it was still nice... jon drew me a parrot ( NARC! ) and a monkey that told people how big his dick is... ON THE SAME BALLOON which i kept and tied around my arm... They also named another one Bill... but he was lost... we lost so many good men out there... in the driveway...
We left around 7ish...
We (Max, Jon, Tyler, Tony and i) then drove around in Max's car listening to some KICK ASS music which i would love to imitate but cannot do online...
After that, we got to Tyler's apartment (ya, he has his own) and they all started doing all this different shit... which Jon and i abstained from, of course... exceot the airsoft, that is, and the lighters on their own...
BUT we did have fun with his cat... MOMO!... that bitch can FLY... and is rather scary on occasion...
By then Arya had joined us...
After that, we left to go to this club for Tyler's mom's birthday, who looks very good for her (or most any) age... She's really funny, and cool, but then again, she seemed a bit drunk... it was early, so no one was there besides us and the owners and tenders we met... we had some really good steak though...
We got bored pretty quickly and left back to Tyler's place, where they smoked more, and then set up a Hukkah... i mostly talked with Johannes and played Kitty-Catch and looked all that shit they have (most of which, ok all, i would not do)... there was this really cool magnetic pipe though... i found that very interesting...
i did try the Hukkah though, it was Strawberry, and even though i coughed i rather liked it... i only had one though, i try not to rely on outside stimulation... it relaxed me enough, and i did the rest my self... it tasted like dryed berries all through the troat and mouth...
But that was it, Jon and i made this eternal Butane fire thing though... well, it burned out pretty quickly (HUGE flame) so it wasn't really eternal... And there was a worm that we stuck to Tyler's window... jon and i were most impressed and proud of ou selves...
Well, besides that we talked more...
And then when Jon and Max were leaving, i got up on his car and struck a godly pose, with my arm outstretched, like Miccelangelo's Adam... he drove slowly at first... But couldn't resist tempation and FLOORED IT... i, quite naturally, flew... rather, i fell diagonally... my wounds were marginal, and not severe at all, praise Folly... it was hilarious, though... so i join the club of people who have been hit by Max's car (and it's a very large one)...
I like these guys, they're all cool...
Max is really funny, desperate though he is, poor bastard... surpsrises me though... i know if he went out and met girls he would have them galore... precisely because he's funny, which would garner him the affections of many a pretty girl as it does many other guys i know of (who are rather portly, and not too attractive, mind you)...
Jon is awesome... JOHANNES he is too cool for school, no shitting there...
Tyler's fun too
So is Arya
And Tony
And the rest, of course...
I look forward to hanging out with them more this year...

That night and the following day i was unbelievably mellow... i listened to Tom Petty and Pink Floyd throughout this... i absolutely loved it... That feeling is always sublime...

All in all, i really do look forward to the coming year...
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