Jul 31, 2005 00:00
Oh my...
So much i may write of, so little that sets the flame of my interest a light...
Shall i bore some of you with more of my pinko ramblings?
Shall i ruthlessly analyse the world around me rendering it all to a degree of nothingness that owes its own existance to our own foolishness?
Shall i speak of the unending pleasures of the eye, of Beauty, of perceiving and of all aesthetics?
Shall i go on narrating the current events of my life?
Shall i go on narrating the events of others' lives?
Freud boiled the entirity of human thought to Sex and Violence... he reduced our psyche to the Id a lone, though he invented the terms for the other areas of the same entity...
Sex and Violence do play an important, if not dominant, part in the lives of many people... be they from personal preferences, being raised in this manner, or simply a lack of alternatives... it is what unites us with the other animals, what proves our own appartenence to Nature... our base instincts...
Yet, not ALL (as was suggested) do... many give in to the higher emotions, the refined feelings of faith, Love of Beauty, philosophy, understanding, Love, compassion and so much more... The "anomaly", as some would have it...
It would seem however that the Ancient Greeks agreed with him... they had the same understanding of the human psyche Freud did millenia earlier... the "Oedipus complex" was derived from a GREEK tragedy... Greek mythology always portrays the son as killing his Father and taking his place... the constant inbreeding between the one family of Gods... The Sex, Violence, and so on inherent not just in humans but also in the Gods... A world ruled not by Just and Fair "Supreme~Beings" but by bribeable, vengeful, dispicable "Gods"...
My friends, why bind your selves so? Bind your selves to what others tell you... To what is supposed correct... Why do you let your upbringing challenge Reason? Why do you let fools who whispered lies in your baby~ears direct your future and your perspective? Why do you care to do the same to others, and your children? Why do you pursue the endless spiral of lies and hate? Why pound your self in to submisson? in to a world of pseudo~perfection?...
But then again... where else does perfection lie but in the mind?... where else does ANY thing lie but in that Box of Pandora...
Lovers, as Dreamers do (but are they not one in the same?), often lie: be it a lone, or otherwise...
Where does my Future hide? certainly not here... not in this land of any thing i care to name... But over there... in a land unseen... is a future... unforeseen... i search for steel... soon will it be forged... soon... it will be... soon
Nationalities, Ethnicities, the like... do not exist... they are figments of our trumpeted imagination... the spiced and rotten lies that we are fed... Humanity is One, indivisable under any circumstances...
Aux Dieus... j'esperes qu'ils seront sympathique...
"Divine" and "Divune" (that is: Di-Voo-Neh) seem rather similar, no?... And: Divine-->Di Vine... what about the DOG in Dogma?... i find that amusing...
How many licks is it, any way?...
Is my "Leftist Taint" (which i so proudly wear, as if it were a tattoo, an item to be shown off) abnormally absent in this entry? oh no, it will soon be seen... int he next entry, of this you may be sure, as i might be...
Une Declamation De La Folie....
~~~ ? ~~~